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03x07 - Through the Fire

Posted: 07/21/22 07:41
by bunniefuu
[Narrator] Previously, on
"All Rise"...

Gloria Hernandez,
residential burglary,

grand theft, g*n possession.

She's a real peach.

My sister is all that matters.

When our parents died,

the only thing I had left
was my sister and skating.

- Could I ask a favor?
- [Emily] Yeah.

Could you keep an eye
on maddy for me?


- Lola?
- Dre?

Andre is your dre.

Love of your life
from college, dre?

Andre Armstrong's in town.

Do you even remember him?

I remember he was a damn fool.

[Siren wailing]

[Elevator dings]


I can't remember
the last time deliberations

for a m*rder trial
came back this fast.

Uh, it's usually
not a great sign.

For my clients anyway.


[Elevator dings]


That's not great either.



I'm glad I got glowing reviews
from your co-workers

but I needed
to see the place first

and I would appreciate
being kept in loop.

I don't think that's
an unreasonable request.

Yeah, Robin,
we will talk about this later.

I've got to go. Bye.

My husband
has an annoying habit

of making important
life decisions without me.

You're still struggling
to find child care?

Not anymore apparently.

Sounds like Robin
found Bailey a daycare

and dropped her off
this morning

with complete strangers.

Oh, well, at least
she's not going out

on stakeouts with him anymore.

He was joking about getting
her a b*llet proof vest

and making her
his full-time partner.

At this point, I wouldn't put
anything past that man.

Well, here is your updated
calendar for the rest of the day.

And I've just been notified

the jury for the placencia
m*rder trial has reached a verdict.

That was quick.


[Man clears throat]

Your honor, how long are we
planning to wait for counsel?

[Whispers] Um, Sara and miss
Lopez are stuck the elevator.

Fire department
is already working on it.

Yo, can we just
get this shit over with?

Mr. Banks, language.

Am I guilty or not?
Just read the verdict.

- [Door opens]
- We're here.

- Sorry, sorry.
- [whispers] Sorry.

About time, miss Lopez.

Miss Lopez, hello.

Glad it all worked out.

Our apologies, your honor.

Back on the record,
people v. William banks.

Now, that all parties
are present and accounted for,

let's resume.


Has the jury
reached a verdict?

We have, your honor.

Will the defendant
please stand?

[Woman coughs]

The superior court
of the people of California,

in the matter of the people
versus William banks

as to count one
of violation...

- I can't do this.
- [sherri]..Of penal code...

- Yes, you can, just take a deep breath.
- [sherri]..Section 187...

We, the jury,
in the above entitled action

find the defendant guilty.


[Court murmuring]

Mr. Banks, you're looking
at life in prison,

is something about that
amusing to you?


I was just remembering
the look on Stephanie's face

when the life left her eyes.

- That was pretty amusing.
- Mr. Banks, that is enough.

- Bailiff.
- [gavel banging]

Hey, stop. Don't do this.

- Get off me!
- [grunts]

- Order! Bailiff!
- [Indistinct shouting]

- Hey!
- I'm going to k*ll you!

- I promise you that!
- [all murmuring]

- I promise you!
- [woman] Stop.

- [Lola] Bailiff, order!
- [gavel banging]

[Sara gasping]

- You okay, babe?
- I'm going to get somebody, okay?

[Breath trembling]

It's okay. It's okay.


Season 03 Episode 07

Episode Title: "Through the Fire"
Aired on: July 19, 2022.

[Upbeat music playing]

We've got to find
some place new,

this feels sleezy.

This exciting,
it's a like a spy movie.

You would make a terrible spy,
you talk too much.

That's why I'm
a good prosecutor.


God, today,
I felt like a referee.

That was terrible.
What the hell was that?

Can't say I wouldn't
have done the same thing.

Well, let's hope
you never have to.

Listen, um, you want
to come to the game

with me and Amy tonight?

- I got an extra ticket.
- Clippers or Lakers?

- Neither, billionaires.
- The who now?

La billionaires,
the new minor league team.

Oh, yeah.

The owner's a client
at Amy's firm.

- So we get a sky box.
- [Lola] Oh. Nice.

- [Mark] Have you seen the new arena?
- No.

It is unbelievable.

They got this buffet...

I would live to come
and have a drink

or three with you and Amy

but, uh, I got to relieve
Robin of daddy daycare duty.

Whatever, more wings
for me, sucker.

- Bye.
- Bye.

I was there
trying to out out the fire.

Arson of a structure,

they even threw in
an enhancement

for damaging
multiple structures.

I guess they were
feeling generous.

Man, listen...

Our encampment got raided
by the police again,

so I grabbed
everything I could

and I made my way to the 405.

Before I got there I could see
the bonfires from blocks away,

but it turns out
they weren't bonfires.

The entire damn
encampment was on fire,

so I ran over
and tried to help.

The swab test confirmed
that you were covered

in the same accelerant
that caused the Blaze.

That's not a good look.

Do you have
an explanation for that?

No, I don't know. I, I...

Everything happened
so fast, I...

Cyrus, you got
a good list of priors.

But it's all low level,

But the one that sticks out
is the strike for burglary.

No, no,
I didn't steal anything.

I caught a case
for taking back my property

from a landlord
who stole it from me.

They slapped me
with two years,

but I volunteered
to help fight the wildfires.

And it...
Well, I got out in one.

So, this isn't your first time
around a fire?

[Music playing]

[Emily sighs]

[Sara sighs]


How you feeling?

Hmm, like a million bucks.

Are you hungry?

Let me take
you out for a bite.

Thanks for the offer

but between the taste
of blood in my mouth

and the crime scene photos
on my desk,

I don't really
have much of an appetite.

Just go on home.


I hate that
this happened to you.

Yeah, well, if everyone were
always nice to each other,

we wouldn't have jobs,
would we?


I'll call you tomorrow.

- Okay.
- Hmm.

[Cell phone vibrating]

- Hello?
- Miss Lopez?

[Emily] Gloria?

Hi, what's going on?

Hey, um, by any chance have
you spoken with my sister maddy?

No, is something wrong?

[Gloria] I haven't heard
from her in a week.

She hasn't called
or visited even.

That's not really like her.

Okay, um, yeah,
tell me what you need.

I want you to help me
find my sister.

You said if I ever needed
anything to reach out to you,

so now I'm reaching out.

Or is that just something
you guys say

to make yourselves feel good?

[Emily] Gloria,
just... [sighs]

Just take a breath. Okay?

Do you have any idea
where she might be?

She's probably
at the mini-mansion.

- The mini-mansion?
- Yeah, Brandon page's pad.

The Internet guy?
Why is she hanging out there?

[Gloria] okay, that is not
important right now.

I just need to make sure
she's safe, okay?


- [Beeping]
- Gloria?


Young gods...
You know what day it is.

Today's the final day

of the scavenger
hunt challenge.

So, have your loot at
the drop off point by 5 P.M.

And not a second later.

Winners will be announced
at noon tomorrow.

Let's go!

[Rock music playing]

[Man] Let's go!

Can't believe
that woman said no

in front of 15,000 people
on the fan cam.

Proposals at sporting
events are awful.

I mean,
who was the first idiot

to think that was a good idea?

I mean, women don't
want to be subjected

to that kind of humiliation.

Uh, to be fair, I don't think

she was the one
who got humiliated.


Let that be a lesson.

Maybe you guys
will stop doing it.

Whoa, you guys?

My proposal was freaking epic.


Speaking of men
who've proposed to you,

how's your husband doing?

Sounds like his new meds
have him feeling a lot better.

- Oh, great news.
- Yes.

You know, it's too bad you didn't
take him to a basketball game

and serve him with his divorce
papers on the fan cam.

Mark, don't do this.
Not tonight.

Hey, trust me,
no one is more tired

of this conversation than I am

and I have tired
to be empathetic,

but, like, he's taking
advantage of this situation.

Will you just call an uber?

[Tires screeching]

- [Man 1] Oh, my god.
- [woman] Stop!

[People screaming]

[Man 2] Call 911!

Hey, are you okay?

- He came out of nowhere.
- Just, just lay still.

- Hey, uh...
- Mark?

I just witnessed an accident
and someone's been hit.

- Mark?
- Yeah, yeah...

Oh, shit.

Good morning, your honor.

- This is for you.
- [whispers] Thank you.

Dropping Bailey off
at daycare,

grabbing breakfast
and getting to the office

only took 45 minutes,
can you believe that?

Wow, so you're having
a change of heart

about Bailey's
daycare situation.

I have to admit,
Robin was on to something.

The daycare is gorgeous.

I even had to sign an nda

because of all the celebrities
who drop their kids off there.

[Whispers] Like who?

What about a non-disclosure
agreement don't you understand?

- That's boring.
- [chuckles]

They have vegan
catering options,

he kids are drinking
artisanal fruit water.

I grew up on juice boxes
and Bologna sandwiches.

I don't need Bailey getting
used to this lap of luxury.

We can't afford it long term.

It's $300 a day.

Well, then you
will be glad to know

that I have put together
a short but diverse list

of child care candidates

for you and Robin
to interview.

Hmm, after the stenographers
you picked out,

I'm not holding my breath.

Um, ouch.

- I can cancel.
- I'm kidding.

I appreciate you. I need you.

I don't know what I would do
without you.

- That's more like it.
- Thank you.


- [Knock at door]
- My apologies.

- Rory fires.
- Luke Watkins.

And what do you have for me,
Mr. Watkins?

Straight to the point,
I can appreciate that.

Outside of loitering,

trespassing in abandoned
buildings to keep warm at night,

the only thing that my client

is guilty of
is being homeless.

He needs a warm meal
and a roof over his head.

Not prison time.

There is video footage
Mr. Calleja at the scene.

His fingerprints were
the only discernable ones

found on the torch that was
used to start the fire.

Does seem a bit dodgy.

You can't prove malice.

We're talking about a few months
in county and some fines at worst.

He used a torch,
I could very easily

make a reasonable argument
for aggravated arson.

And with his prior strike,

he'd be looking
at 20 years to life.

Instead the three year minimum
that I would've offered

has doubled with the prior
strike enhancements

and we find ourselves at six.

I'll drop the rest
of the charges,

and if he's a good boy,
he'll be out in,

mmm, three or four?

Come on, Rory.

He's a career criminal.

Judge marshal could very well
impose a much stiffer sentence

if this goes to trial
and you lose.

And you will lose,
Mr. Watkins.

Another strike
would ruin his life.

Split the difference,
non-strike, PC 452.

Maybe he'll learn
to behave himself. Six years.

All right, so,
I've got to ask.

Did he attorneys
at Wayne county

really call you
the grim reaper

because you never lost a case?

The grim reaper moniker
maybe the by-product

of an overly vivid
imagination, I'm afraid.

But it is true
that I've never lost.

Well, there's plenty of time
to change that.

When my client
beats these charges,

I'll take you out for a beer.

Pleasure meeting you,
Mr. Watkins.

I'll look forward
to that pint, cheerio.


How was the game last night?

Ugh, it was... [chuckles]

Wait, how do you already
know about last night?

Because I got a call
from the co-owner himself.

For what?

[Andre] The guy
behind the wheel

was the mascot for his team.

It's only a matter of time before
a civil suit comes their way.

But before we worry
about that lawsuit,

he wants us to act as counsel
for the same employee

for the criminal case.

Oh, if he wants us
to double bill him,

I'm fine with that.

Why doesn't he just fire
the kid to save face?

Because that kid is his son.

Of course it is. [Scoffs]

Well, give it
to one of the juniors.

Are you too good to work
a lowly dui case now?

You know I can't be
anywhere near that case.

I was a witness.

But, I will gladly
represent myself

on the as*ault charges coming

if you don't get out
of my office.

- All right.
- Buh-bye

[both chuckle]

- Oh, Mr. Callan.
- What's up, Teddy?

I received this file
from the ceu,

there must be a mistake here.

The felony dui case
has you listed as a witness.

Yeah, that's not a mistake.

Believe it or not, being a da
does not preclude me

from witnessing some
of the wonderful things

that happen outside
of this office.

Right, but it should exclude the
da's office from trying this case.

We should recuse ourselves

and have the Attorney General
handle it.

There's an obvious
conflict of interest here, no?

That's small potatoes
to the ag, Teddy.

Uh, the size of potatoes and
ethics are not mutually exclusive.

Teddy, just sh**t
this guy a decent deal,

throw another one up the win
column and move on to the next.

Luckily, the pedestrian
was not seriously hurt.

Part of being
a successful prosecutor,

time management. Okay?

Mr. Callan, while I would never
second guess your judgment...

Uh, hold that thought.


How are you holding up?

Not sure what's worse,

being trapped in an elevator

hanging eight stories
off the ground

or climbing up
ten flights in heels.

That sounds like a lose-lose.

Um, Sara, listen, I,
I got to ask you something.

I think I know
the answer, but,

do you want to press charges
against Pascal placencia?

[Sighs] No.

That family's been
through enough.

You sure?
We could have the case

transferred to another

Look, Mark, I'm fine. Okay?

- Anything else?
- Actually, yes.

Um, miss placencia,
she's in a bit of a bind

after paying for Stephanie's
burial and funeral cost.

Is there anyway
we can expedite

filing that paperwork
to get her reimbursed?

Yeah, I'll reach out
to miss placencia today.


Also, they need assistance

with crime scene
clean up services

before they can move back
into their house.

So, servpro is asking
for files of the damage.

If you can just
send them those photos...

Yeah, okay, I got it.

...Can move forward.



[Indistinct chatter]

Before we begin
today's hearing,

I have to ask, Mr. Calleja,

would you happen be the son
of Juan Antonio calleja?

Yes, I am, your honor.

Um, why?

Small world,
I played basketball with ac.

We were thick as thieves
in high school.

- How's he doing?
- Antonio passed away last year.

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Now, while I haven't seen you
since you were a child,

it's unfortunate
that this reunion

isn't under
better circumstances.

[Clears throat] Your honor,
I'd like to inform you

that the people have withdrawn
the original offer

and are looking to add
supplementary charges.

Objection. On what grounds?


What, what does that mean?

That things just got a whole
lot more complicated.

We've received substantial
evidence connecting Mr. Calleja

to half-a-dozen more fires
over the last two years.

And since
I'm new to this office,

I wasn't made privy
to these cold cases.

Or hot cases,
if you pardon the pun.

You honor, we'd like a chance
to review the new discovery.

Outside of a few fingerprints
and people claiming they saw

a homeless man
at homeless encampments,

do you have any real evidence?

We have eye witness
testimony of Mr. Calleja

frequenting all
of the targeted encampments.

His fingerprints
and his fingerprints alone

were found on torch
which was used

to start the Blaze
under the 405.

The evidence is irrefutable.

There is no way that
he could've done all of this,

he was incarcerated.

Well, not a single one
of these fires occurred

while Mr. Calleja
was behind bars.

Prosecution's motion
is granted.

- But, your honor...
- Thank you, your honor.

The amended charges are
two counts of malicious arson,

'causing grave bodily injury

and two counts for the arson
of an inhabited structure.

The people will be seeking
the maximum for each.

Why are you railroading
my client?

I wasn't finished,
Mr. Watkins.

Prior strike enhancements
sees these penalties doubled.

For a total of 37 years
and eight months.

No, no, this is bullshit.

- I didn't do this.
- [Luke] Hey, hey, stop.

I swear on everything
that I didn't do this.

Watch your language,
Mr. Calleja,

or I will hold you
in contempt of court.

Is that understood?

Yes, you honor.

It's my understanding
that both parties

have reached a plea agreement.

Uh, yes, your honor.

Since this is
Mr. Dunham's first of fence

with relatively
minor injuries,

the people are charging this
as a non-strike felony dui

with minimum penalties.

It does look like
Mr. Dunham might've been

on the receiving end
of the worst of it.

I won't ask you to stand.

Mr. Dunham, do you understand
that by pleading no contest

you are giving up
your rights to a trial

and all rights
associated with a trial?

Yes, your honor.

The defendant has agreed
to accept three years

of summary probation,

penalties totaling $5,000,

a three month court approved
alcohol education program,

and restitution
to the injured party.

- [Door opens]
- Is that correct?

[Andre] Excuse
the interruption, your honor.

But I think
we can come up with

more favorable terms
for Mr. Dunham.

[Andre] It's good to see
you again, judge Carmichael.

Mr. Armstrong, I didn't see
your name on my calendar.

I was under the impression

you were on a plane
back to do.

If you'd returned my text,

you would've known that
audubon, Quinn & associates

decided to make
a last minute substitution.

As one of the new faces
of the firm,

we thought it best if I
personally oversee this case

for our new
high profile client,

the Los Angeles billionaires.

If Mr. Biswas agrees
to knock this down

to a misdemeanor,
with the required minimums,

we can just end
this thing right now.

And I'll still have time
to make my flight.

Absolutely not.

I offered Mr. Dunham
a reasonable deal.

One significantly less
than he would've received

for putting someone
in the hospital.

[Sighs] There you have it.

I'll cancel my travel plans

and I'll look forward
to working with both of you.

Uh, judge carmhael,

do you know Mr. Armstrong,
like, personally?

Is there something
you're trying to imply?

Uh, no, ma'am,
I just, I just, because...

Have a good day, Mr. Biswas.

[Door opens]

[Door closes]

[Rory] Captain Monroe, were you
able to determine the cause of the fire?

Yes, the Blaze was
intentionally set with a drip torch.

Photos of said device,
your honor,

found at the crime scene

and pre-marked
as 'prosecution exhibit a.'

captain, why is the use
of a drip torch significant?

Have you heard of the
expression, "fight fire with fire?"

I have.

Drip torches are used
for controlled burns.

Used improperly, they can be
incredibly destructive.

So, these fires
are the work of an arsonist?

- Objection, leading.
- Sustained.

How would you
categorize these fires?

As the work of an arsonist.

And who is it
that typically employs

the use of a drip torch?

They're commonly used by Cal
fire crews during the wildfire season.

Was Mr. Calleja employed as a
member of the Cal fire inmate program?

That is correct.

No further questions.

♪ Yeah ♪

♪ it's a simple question,
do you got it or not ♪

♪ I've been talking to god
'bout the garages ♪

♪ for the crib
that I still haven't bought ♪

♪ boat rocking, my thoughts
going too fast, I'm not rational ♪

♪ I need the '42 on the rocks,
wait, uh ♪

- hi.
- Sup?

♪ Make it rain and the
money looking like ransoms ♪

♪ and my brain always steady
demanding answers ♪

who are you?

Is this Brandon page's place?

If you want an autograph
or a selfie,

he posts all of his dates
for his events online.

But you can't be here,
you gotta kick rocks.

Is there a maddy Hernandez
staying here?

Look, lady, I said beat feet.

- Get out of here.
- Hey, Leo.

Come on, there's no need
to talk to our guest like that.

Look, I'm not gonna say
if she is or isn't.

What do you want with her?

You are aware
that maddy Hernandez

is a sophomore
in high school, right?

Well, that's definitely
news to me.

But I can assure you the only funny
business going on in the mini mansion

is legendary tik-bait videos.

Ms. Lopez?

What are you doing here?

Honey, your sister wanted me
to make sure that you're safe.

- Are you okay?
- My sister?

Tell her
I'm living my best life.

You can leave now. Bye.

Do your foster parents
know you're here?

Okay, I think you should
probably come with me.

- I think I'll stay.
- Nah.

You gotta bounce.

What? Why?

Look, Leo will mail you
some merch.

Good luck.

You heard, let's go.

Thanks a lot.

- Jesus, Teddy!
- Oh.

- God!
- What are you doing here so late?

- Are you quitting?
- [Sara sighs]

Look, I don't know.

I do this when I'm stressed.

Just, typing it out
makes it real, and...

When I can't bring myself
to send it,

it forces me to realize
I'm doing something impulsive.

That make sense?

No, not really.

Hopefully the conviction
brought them some closure.

Ever look across the courtroom
and think about the terrible things

some of these people
have done?

That's the da's job.

Back when I was
a court reporter,

I recorded
the v*olence, but...

I don't know, I was always
able to leave it on the page.

Now I'm side-by-side with
these victims and their families.

Day and night.

Shouldering their pain, and...

I'm wearing it.

You show up just chipper and
ready to go, every single day.

How do you do it?

I just started. So I haven't
been punched in a courtroom.

Hard for me to say.

- Mrs. Castillo...
- Teddy...

I have told you before,
you can call me Sara.

Sara, I'm not
the most social guy,

and I'm not
really great with...

Personal connections
or making friends.

Outside of
my overbearing parents,

this job, the people
I work with and for,

it's all I really have.

That's why
I show up every day.

- Here you go chief mill.
- Thank you.

- Mmm-hmm.
- Hey.

But if a building's not on
fire, you can call me Sam.

Okay. [Clears throat]

You know,
for a lot of these young men,

volunteer programming is just
another way to shorten a sentence,

but for Cyrus
it was different.

He loved being a firefighter.

He was damn good at it, too.

So I'm having a hard time
believing he was behind all this.

What makes you say that?

The young man was on my crew

during one of the worst
fire seasons in decades.

I saw the look in his eyes.

I saw tears in his eyes every
time we couldn't save a house.

Told me something
I'll never forget.

He said "I don't have a place
to call home.

And I don't want anybody else
to know what that feels like."

Damn. Talk about perspective.

I'm trying to figure out

how Cyrus would have had
access to these drip torches.

Inmates weren't allowed
to handle torches.

For obvious reasons.

They were under
heavy supervision,

so there was no way
he could have stolen one.

Okay, the investigator
who testified today

placed Cyrus
near all these fires.

That's what
I'm struggling with.

Now, you mentioned that you
were on the arson team, right?

That's right, worked
my ass off to be

one of the 22 investigators
in la county.

Only 22? That doesn't
seem like many.

It's not.

There are 3,500
firefighters in la,

so to be one of the 22
meant you were the best.

Okay, but what are the
chances of the same investigator

being at each and every one
of these calls?

Well that's, um...


See? Sometimes, calling
in sick to go grab brunch

is the best form of self-care.

Yeah, about that.

I didn't actually
call in sick.

I no-called no-showed.

- Sara?
- What?

Look, I, I blew through
my sick days a long time ago.

I just need a break from the
ultra-v*olence I ingest every day.

It's not healthy.

I don't want to quit,
but sometimes

I don't know
how to leave work at work.


So, have you thought about
talking to a therapist?

- Ugh.
- Listen.

This is something you tell
people to do every day.

You told me to do it.
I listened to you.

And it probably saved my life.

I can't afford it.

Look, I filed
for workman's comp,

but who knows
how long that'll take,

and calvcb
only reimburses victims.

So I don't qualify unless I
press charges against Pascal.

You can see my predicament.

Why aren't you at the office?

I am still on office orphan.

I spent my entire day
yesterday chasing a teenager

around la county
like Carmen sandiego.

Her sister was really worried
about her, so...

I tracked her down
at Brandon page's house.

Wait, that guy who was always
on tmz for pulling pranks on people?

That's the one.

Should I even ask why he's got
a teenage girl at his house?

Sounds sketchy.


Cyrus, why were your prints
all over that torch?

I need you
to be honest with me.

On god, I've never used one
of those things in my entire life.

Look, when I got there,

the smoke was so thick I couldn't
see two feet in front of my face.

I had my shirt covering
my mouth,

I was crawling around
on my hands and knees,

making sure everybody
was out safe.

I grabbed a fire extinguisher,

but the thing
was out of juice.

I did everything I could,
there wasn't much I could do,

so I took off.

Cyrus, there was no extinguisher,
they only found a torch.

But wait, is it possible
that you grabbed the torch

thinking that
it was the extinguisher?

Um, look at this.

They're nearly identical
in those conditions,

there's no way
you would have known.

You were trying
to do the right thing.

And that explains the prints.

Teddy, have you seen Sara?

Um, not today.

She's not responding
to me e-mails,

she's not answering my calls,
it's just... Weird.

- It's not like her.
- Uh, Mr. Callan.

- Can I ask you a question?
- sh**t.

Uh, judge Carmichael
and Mr. Armstrong.

Is there something going on
there that I should know about?

Chambers. Now.

Mr. Armstrong, what do
you think you're doing?

Providing the best possible
defense for my client.

No, you are trying to turn
my courtroom into a theatre.

Keep it up, and I will
hold you in contempt.

That's not necessary.

Your honor.

I've been made aware
of a previous relationship

between you and Mr. Armstrong

which is obviously
a conflict of interest...

I don't know where you're
getting your information from,

Mr. Biswas, but I can assure
you, there is no conflict.

Now is there anything else before I
kick you both out of my chambers?

No, your honor.

Courtesy copies of the records
your subpoenaed.

The first is work schedules
and mdts,

the second, cell phone records
and 911 transcripts.

Thanks, Carol.

I don't mean to pry,
but is there a reason

that you're investigating
the investigator?

Something just seems off.

I mean, the right investigator just
happened to be at the right place

at the right time every time?

It's a very
dangerous accusation.

Believe me, I'm not trying

to take on the entire
fire department,

but my client is facing
decades in prison for a crime

that I don't think
he committed.

Well, you've never
backed away before.

Why start now?

Thank you for taking time
out of your busy schedule

to answer a few
more questions for us.

It's no problem at all.

The subpoena didn't give me
much of a choice, though.


Captain Monroe, what is your
experience with a drip torch?

I have a decade of experience
as a firefighter,

and going into my sixth year
as an investigator.

And you were at each of
the crime scenes, correct?

Yes, that is correct.

And you, personally, reviewed
and collected all the evidence, right?

That is also correct.

Had you visited any of these
locations prior to your investigation?

- No, why would I have?
- Interesting.

I'd like to submit your phone
records, work schedule,

and 911 calls into evidence.

These phone records show
that you were present

at each of the fires that
Mr. Calleja is accused of.

Of course,
as a lead investigator.

The cell towers indicate
that your personal cell phone

was at each of these locations

hours before
any 911 calls were made.

Are you familiar
with the FBI profile

on firebugs, captain Monroe?

Arsonists that moonlight
as firefighters?



That's fine.
The defense rests.

Counsel, please approach
the bench.

I move to have
the charges dismissed

at the conclusion
of this hearing.

Not only is the prosecution's
lead witness lying under oath,

he's probably the perp.

Mr. Watkins is a fantastic
storyteller, I will give him that,

but there is more than enough
evidence to go to trial here, your honor.

The evidence
brought to light here

certainly raises
some questions.

And I will take all of this
into consideration.

Let's take a brief recess.

- Did you see the moment of impact?
- Yes.

Did you remove
the driver's mask?

I didn't want to risk
exacerbating any injuries.

So you didn't see
the driver's face?

No, I did not.

Had you been drinking
that night?

Objection. Relevance.


I had a few drinks.

So you were impaired as well.

Legally, yes.

But that's why
I ordered an uber.

I was being responsible.
Unlike the defendant.

Mr. Callan, that's enough.

Counsel, approach the bench.

This trial has been tip-toeing

the precipice
of unprofessionalism,

and quite frankly,
I am done here.

Now, Mr. Armstrong.

Your client was offered a fair
deal that he was ready to accept

before you crashed the party.

Now I suggest that
you reconsider that deal

or we can send this
to the Attorney General.

If the defendant accepts,

the people are willing
to honor that offer.

Mr. Dunham is an upstanding
member of the community

who has never been in trouble
with the law in any capacity.

He was caught up in the moment
and made a poor decision.

He was driving
under the influence.

My client was taking
prescribed meds.

He injured a pedestrian.

Mr. Dunham realizes
he made a mistake.

But that is no reason
to throw the book at him.

Sometimes true justice includes
the punishments that aren't given.

In the interest of time
and taxpayer dollars,

the people are willing
to charge this a misdemeanor

with the minimum
penalties assessed.

I appreciate
your understanding.

You may step back.

Mr. Dunham.

Consider yourself
extremely lucky.

Not only because
the punishment

could have been
much more severe,

but also because
you are alive,

and standing
in this courtroom today.

This new evidence
has cast significant doubt

on the prosecution's case.

As such, I have decided
to dismiss all charges

due to insufficient evidence.

Mr. Calleja,
you are free to go.

You're just gonna
let him walk?

No, not quite.

I'd love to have a look
through the notes you compiled

on captain Monroe so we can
start putting a case together.

I'm going to see to it that man
spends a long time in prison.

Of course,
there is one other thing.

- What's that?
- About that pint.

Well played, sir.

Hey. Come on in.

Shut the door behind you.

Okay, um...

I'm sorry about going awol
the last couple days.

I think I was having
an existential meltdown,

but that's just still
no excuse for my behavior.

Have a seat.


Whatever you're going through,

I hope you know
you can always talk to me.

What happened to you
the other day was awful.

This job can be terrifying.

And it can heartbreaking.

It can be a lot of things.

But whatever it is,
you cannot disappear.

You got too many people
counting on you.

Too many people who need you.

You know, I've been...

Questioning if I have
the strength to be here.

- But, but I know I want to be here.
- Good.

Because you are
the strongest person I know.

- Thank you.
- Hey.

You've got this.

You can't be upset with me.
I'm alone in here.

You're alone in here?

I'm alone out there.

Brandon doesn't care
about you, either.

He only cares about the money
and attention that comes along with it.

It's not even like that.

These people are
not your friends, maddy.

- They're dangerous.
- You're being dramatic.

You promised me that you would
stay away from them.

- You're just jealous.
- Maddy. Come...


There he is.

- There he is.
- [Milton chuckles]

What are you doing here?

I'm here because of this guy.

I knew you couldn't
have been involved.

I can't thank you enough, man.

I'm thinking you should consider
getting yourself an attorney

to file a lawsuit against
the city for false arrest.

Wouldn't mind a couple bucks
to get a roof over my head.

Well, if you're looking for a
gig to help make ends meet

you might be in luck.

The county's looking
to start a pilot program.

- What's that?
- Moving forward,

inmates who serve
as volunteer firefighters

are eligible to attend
academy after their release.

- For real?
- Yeah.

Man, where do I sign up?

- Aw, ha-ha!
- Hey!

Down at the firehouse!

Come on, there's a nice
warm cot waiting for you, too.

I'll give you a ride.

- Thank you, man.
- Good luck.

Yes. Yes!

I'm proud of Luke.
He did fantastic today.

Kept an innocent man
out of jail.

Your partner,
on the other hand, oof.

What about him?

He turned Lola's courtroom
into a sideshow.


One of our juniors was
supposed to oversee that case.

- He didn't tell you?
- Uh, no!

He knows I would have
shut that down.

Well, your boy
was pulling out all the stops.


Well, he and I
will have a little chat.

Speaking of chat.

There was something I wanted
to talk to you about.

I was thinking about our
conversation from the other night.


I don't want you to think
our life together

is not my top priority,
because it is.

I really appreciate all of your
Patience and understanding.

I don't understand.

This Collier thing is crazy.

I promise you,
I will take care of that.

I might have you
sign a contract

to make that legally binding.


[Andre] Hold the door.


Well, this is me.

It was a treat being in
your courtroom today, Lola.

It was nice
seeing you as well.

Oh, you gotta be kidding me.

You know, seeing you
up on that bench was a trip.

This is what you said you
were gonna do, and you did it.

I'm proud of you.

Thank you, dre.

I'm proud of you too.

Some things don't change.


Some things
definitely don't change.

Well, a lot of things
did change.


You know, law school...

Was the time of my life.

Hmm. I thought you were
in such a rush to go out

and take over the world.

But I'd do anything right now
to get those years back.

I find myself sometimes

wondering about all the
fun things we used to have.

Uh, you...

You remember
that trip to Mexico?

Hmm. I do.

Dining on the boats of the riviera
Maya surrounded by the mangroves.

Hiking the ruins at sunset.

Getting food poisoning so bad
that we both almost died.

I mean, going through it.

Where we're both trapped
in a tiny hotel room

with one bathroom.


That'll test
the strongest of loves.

♪ I'm so low ♪

♪ I'm drowning in the river
and I don't know ♪

♪ When I'm going under ♪

But I'm so cold ♪

♪ Baby wash me in your fire ♪