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03x10 - A Wedding, No Funeral and a Baby

Posted: 07/20/22 12:08
by bunniefuu
[gentle instrumental music playing]


Hey. You guys go home. It's late.

-We're not leaving you here alone.
-I'm fine.

-Not until we hear from the doctor.
-I don't know what is taking so long.

The CT results
should've been back hours ago.

-Hey, she's gonna pull through. Okay?
-[Doc sighs]

-Mel's right. We have to stay positive.
-Dr. Mullins?

Yeah. Dr. Singh.
Did you get the test results?

Yes, and I'm afraid it's not good news.

In addition to her initial
contrecoup subdural hematoma,

she's now developed
cerebral edema from her TBI.

This is cause for concern
over potential herniation.

Sorry, can someone translate, please?

The impact from the crash
caused Hope's brain to bleed and swell,

and now there's new swelling,

and they're worried
that it could shift some brain tissue,

which can be fatal.

And I'm assuming
Hope will be going into surgery?

She's about to be prepped for the OR.

Okay. So, what are the treatment options
to control the swelling after surgery?

We have two choices.

We can put her
into a pentobarbital-induced coma,

or we can increase her steroid intake.

No, she has a heart condition.

If you increase the steroids,
it could trigger a cardiac arrest.

Which is why I'm recommending
the medically-induced coma.

What's the thinking behind that?

She's been in and out of consciousness.

And if you decrease brain activity,

that reduces the swelling
and allows the brain to heal faster.

Got it.

Of course, there are risks involved,
including impaired consciousness.

[Mel] So you're saying
that she could remain unresponsive

even after being weaned off sedation?

[Dr. Singh] Correct.

[Doc sighs]

I'm sorry the news isn't better,
but you need to make a decision.

[sighs heavily]

If you think
inducing is the right way to go,

I trust your judgment.


A member of our admin team
will be by with the paperwork.

[Doc sighs]

Doc, I'm so sorry.

Look, Hope is strong, okay?
She's gonna get through this.


You want anything?
I'll go to the cafeteria.

No, no.

Are you okay?

[Doc sighs deeply]

I'm just worried.

I have made so many mistakes
when it comes to Hope.

[sighs] I just pray to God
this isn't another one.

[Doc sighs]

[theme music playing]

[Mel sighs]

[door opens]

Hey, babe?

[Mel] Yeah.

I got you a latte.


I'll be right there.

[Jack] So, Doc called.

[exhales gently]

Oh yeah?

How's Hope?

Surgery was a success.
Right now, she's stable.

Oh, good. That's good.

Um, I'm gonna get dressed,
and then we can go to the hospital.

Mm. Doc said not to.

-[Mel] He shouldn't be alone right now.
-That's what I told him, but he insisted.

[Mel] Oh God, he's so stubborn.


Here, let me help.

But we have been there for, what,
ten days in a row now?

Maybe he just wants
to have some time to himself.

Yeah, I guess you're probably right.

[Mel sighs heavily]

So, uh,

the last few weeks have been pretty tough.

[Mel] Yeah.

How about

we get dinner tonight at the pier?

Oh. Um, yeah.

Well, I was kinda thinking
maybe we could just be alone tonight.

Well, we will be.

[sighs] No, I know,
but without other people around.

Oh, okay.


Well, how about a compromise?

We could walk around the pier,

then get takeout,

come back here, have dinner,
just the two of us?


That sounds nice.

Let's do that.

You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You know how much I love you, right?

I do, because I love you too.

[mutters, exhales]

[sniffles, sighs]

[Doc sighs]


-The guy at the front desk was so lame.

I forgot my driver's license,
so he wasn't gonna let me in.

[chuckles] How did you get through?

I started crying.

-I can cry on command, it's pretty useful.

[Lizzie chuckles]

[chuckles] I'll bet.

[Doc sighs gently]

How's Hope?

She's hanging in there, you know.

[Lizzie] Good.

I'm so sorry
this is happening to you guys.

[sighs] Yeah. Thank you. Me too.

I brought you

wireless earbuds.

Oh, that is so nice of you.

Can I see your phone?

Um, yeah.

The password is, uh, two, two, two, two.

-That's not very secure.
-I can remember it.

You know, whenever I'm feeling stressed
or sad, I like to listen to music,

so I made you a playlist.

Once I import it,
you can find it in your iTunes.

Do… Do I have an iTunes?

-Yeah, it's right here.

Yeah, I picked mostly stuff
from the ' s and ' s,

'cause you know, you're--


-[Doc chuckles]

Anyway, since I don't know
what type of music you like,

I went with the obvious choices.

-Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, the Stones.
-Oh yeah, yeah, I like all three.

What's your Apple ID?

I, uh-- [laughs]

-Oh, never mind. I'll just use mine.

This'll take a while to download,
so we will use my phone

to test out the earbuds.

-Here, put those in.

[Doc] Oh.

I love this song.

[music plays through earbuds]

Is it loud enough?

[Doc sighs softly]

Do you like it?

[softly] Yeah.

I like it very much.

[Doc breathes shakily, sighs]

[Doc sniffles]

This is so thoughtful of you, Lizzie.
Thank you.

You're welcome.

Being in a hospital sucks.

Yeah, it does. It sucks.

[Doc sniffles quietly]

[music continues through earbuds]

Would you like to listen with me?


♪ I wanna get lost in your rock and roll ♪

-♪ And drift away ♪
-[Doc sighs softly]

[music continues playing]

♪ Beginning to think
That I'm wasting time ♪

♪ I don't understand the things I do ♪

[music continues in background]

Hey, Hannah!

Hey, Preacher.

So how is your first shift going?

I broke a stack of dishes
and tried to serve meat loaf to a vegan.

Lucky for you, we don't have
a lot of vegans around here.

Good, because now you're short on dishes.

Don't worry about it.
You are doing a great job.

You don't have to be so nice.
I can take constructive criticism.

Well, how about,
please do not break any more dishes?

-Well, now you're just being hurtful.

[Preacher knocks on door] Hey.

Didn't mean to interrupt.
Wanted to know how Hope's doing today.

Oh. [sighs] Right now,
it's a wait-and-see situation.

Yeah, got it. So how's Doc taking it?

Pretty hard.

Well, you tell him
that I'm praying for them.

Doc will appreciate that.

Hey, before you go, um,

I know things have been
a bit upside-down since the funeral, but…

Well, I was wondering if you'd
given the partnership any more thought.

Yeah, I, uh…

You know,
I wanted to talk to you about that.

Well, what do you think?

I'm in!

-[Jack sighs happily]
-[Preacher chuckles]

Oh man, that's fantastic.


This is gonna be good.
I'll get the paperwork drawn up.

All right, sounds good.

And, uh, you know,
thanks for following through.

No, thank you.
Come on. We're practically family.

Yeah, that's for sure.
And, you know, if you ever need anything…

I might need a best man.

[laughs] Yeah!

Yeah, that is great!
You two, you know, you're good together.

[Jack] Thanks.

So, what got you thinking about marriage?

I don't know. Seeing Doc so torn up
over the idea of losing Hope,

that's how I feel about Mel.

I don't wanna live without her.

Yeah, well, so don't.

I don't know. I never thought
I'd get married again, man.

I mean, just the fact that
I'm thinking about it is freaking me out.

You were a kid the first time.
Kids make mistakes.

Now, you know who you are
and what makes you happy.

That's true.

Thanks, I appreciate it.

[chuckles softly]

[knocks on desk] Anytime.

Don't overthink it.

[chuckles softly]

[breathes deeply]


Thanks for meeting me here.

Of course. So how are you feeling?

I'm okay. Thanks.


Did you, um, get a chance to contact
that therapist that I recommended?


Look, I know
therapy's not really your thing,

but would you just give her a call,
see if you like her over the phone?

That's not it.

I've decided to leave town.


Sorry. Jack didn't mention anything to me.

[inhales sharply] He doesn't know.

I was actually hoping
maybe you could tell him for me.

You wanna leave town
without telling Jack? Why?

He's gonna ask a bunch of questions,
and after everything that's happened,

I really can't handle
being cross-examined.

I am so embarrassed.

Mixing wine with Xanax and passing out…

[scoffs] …is not something I am proud of.

Well, no one is judging you. Really.

No. I'm judging myself.

You haven't known me for very long, right?
But this is not me.

I'm someone who is
used to being in control.

Nobody can be in control all the time.

I just wanna go someplace new
and start over.

[inhales deeply]

Someplace where no one knows me. [sighs]

Well, you know,

pain doesn't just disappear.

It follows you wherever you go
until you deal with it.

Something happened back in Sacramento.

Something that, uh…

[inhales deeply]

You know, Brie, you don't have to tell me
if you don't want to.

I want to.

But you swear not to tell Jack.

-Of course.
-I'm serious.

I do not want him to know about this.

I swear. I would never.


[sighs awkwardly]

God. [sniffles]

This is harder than I thought.

Just take your time.

[inhales shakily]

Six months ago, I started dating
that attorney I told you about.

We met at a fundraiser,

and he was smart

and handsome,

and our chemistry was insane.

[sniffles quietly]

And, uh… [inhales deeply]

…one night we were together,

and I was tired from working all day,

so I told him, no.

But he didn't stop.


[breathes shakily]

And when he was done,

I started crying.

And you know what he did?

He got dressed

and walked out without saying anything.

Oh. Sweetheart.

[cries] My miscarriage is from that night.


[Brie cries quietly]

Oh, I'm so sorry.




Thanks for seeing me.

-[sighs quietly]
-[Sally] Is Christopher with you?

No, um, he's at camp.


-I don't want him to know I'm here.
-So what's going on? Is Paige okay?

Is there somewhere we can go talk?

Somewhere more private?


So where's Paige?

She's in a cabin near the county line.

-Just past Yeoman's Ridge.
-Why are you here instead of her?

Paige wants to turn herself in,
but she wants to see Christopher first.

No, we talked about this before she left.

Now, if she goes to prison,
he'll end up in foster care,

or worse, with Wes's family.

Exactly, but she's so worn down from
being on the run, she won't listen to me.

Then I… I need to see her.

-Remind her what we talked about.
-That's what I was hoping you would say.

[Sally] Come with me.

-[Jack] Hey.

-I didn't know you were coming by.
-I wasn't planning on it.

-So, did you work things out with Todd?
-You could say that.

Um, we actually got married, so…



Uh, at City Hall in Eureka.

Well, uh, gotta admit, that's not
what I thought you were gonna say but, um,


Thanks. Yeah, I told him
I wasn't gonna move to Eureka

unless we had a wedding date set,

and he decided
that we didn't need to wait.

Oh, that's great.

You must be so happy.

I was, yeah,

until I found out
that you hired a family law attorney.

Who told you that?

Well, Todd was interviewing lawyers
to represent me,

and the woman that he wanted to hire
said she had a conflict of interest,

which he assumes is you.

Look, I don't wanna fight.
I just want equal custody of the twins.

Honestly, Jack,
I don't see that happening.

And why not?

Because Todd doesn't want you
involved with our family.

Oh, I'm sorry,
you mean involved with my kids?

Jack, I'm not gonna risk my marriage
in order to defend you.

Charmaine, we…

we are the twins'
biological parents, all right?

Anything concerning them
should be between you and me.

Nobody else.

Look, until I have my own attorney,
Todd's representing me.

So if you wanna talk about custody,

your lawyer is gonna
have to discuss it with him.

Charmaine. Hey, Charmaine!
Look at me. Look.

Are you seriously gonna let this guy
keep me from seeing my own kids?

He's my husband,
and he might not be perfect,

but he is a good man,
and he'll be a dependable father.

Those twins are my flesh and blood.

How do you think they'll feel when
they realize you pushed their father away?

Stop it. Stop trying to guilt me
into taking your side.

-[Jack] I'm not--
-[Charmaine sighs]

I'm not trying to guilt you.

We're talking about our children's future.

I have to go.

Oh. Thanks.


I should've bought a large.

No, that hit the spot.
You sure I can't pay for it?

-It's just a soda.

Besides, I'm grateful for your help.

I'll do anything for Paige.

Me too.

[motor starts]

[tires squeal]

-[Brady] What the hell was that?
-Going for a drive.

[Calvin] Celebrating.

Haven't you heard? It's official.
All charges against me were thrown out.

They didn't have any evidence.

No one was willing to testify,
not even Spencer.

Yeah, well, good for you.

I hear Emerald Lumber's
got you drowning in debt.

I'd cover expenses for six months.

Payroll, equipment, transport, all of it.
That'd get you back in the black.

Yeah, and what's in it for you?

I got my own debts to deal with,
so if you're open to diversification……

No. No. I'm not running dr*gs for you.

I'm not asking you to do anything
except look the other way.

Sorry, not interested.

Brady, my suppliers are gonna get
their money back one way or another.


And if I can't give it to 'em,

well, they're coming after you.

That is, if you're not in prison.

What are you talking about?

Word is your alibi fell apart.

You talking about Jack?
I got nothing to do with it.

Then I guess you got
nothing to worry about.

[motor starts]

[Lizzie] Here you go.

-What's up?

-You've been ghosting me.
-I've been busy.

I know I messed up.

I should've told you
that I wanted to enlist.

I'm really sorry.

I don't want an apology.

You seemed really upset at Lilly's house.

I was.

The reason I didn't tell you is because

I was afraid
you'd talk me out of enlisting.

And why would I do that?

Because you wanna get married
and have babies and--

Did I ever say that?

We took a quiz on
how many kids we're going to have,

and you wanna move in together and--

That quiz was a joke.

And moving in together doesn't mean
we're gonna get married. This isn't .

So what if I had told you,
what would you have said?

Maybe I would've been upset,
but then I would've told you to go.

And do you know why?

Because I loved you,

and I would've supported
whatever you wanted to do.


Like past tense?

Lizzie, I know I screwed up, but--

Hey, babe.

[Lizzie] Look, I don't need an apology.

You live your life, and I'll live mine.

[vehicle approaches]


What are you, uh… What are you doing here?

Uh, I thought you might wanna hang out.

Yeah, I do.

-The cabin's just down this hill.

[exhales slowly]

[quietly] Oh, what's going on?

[Preacher] Just, uh…

feel a little dizzy, uh…

[tense music playing]

[Brie chuckles]

[movie playing]

-You sure you don't have Legally Blonde?
-Ah, come on. You're gonna love it.

Seven Oscars.

Hey, come here.

Oh man. You are all knotted up.

Oh, that feels good.

Yeah, well, as long as you're here,
I'll do whatever you want.

Yeah, uh,

about that.


That's kind of why I came over.

Um… I'm thinking
about leaving Virgin River.

What, you gotta go back to work?

No, it's not that.

Then what is it?

I've just been dealing with some stuff,
and it's too hard with Jack here, so…


I see.

[movie stops]

What about us?



Brie, I meant what I said.

I'm falling in love with you.

[Brady] You're all I think about.

I'm sure that's not true.

I wouldn't say it if it wasn't.

This doesn't make sense.
You know that, right?

My brother thinks you shot him.

But I didn't.


The truth is, I…
I can't get enough of you.

All I know is when we're together,

there's this heat

that I've never felt before.

Do you know what I mean?

Yeah, I do.

Then stay.

Just a little while longer.

Give this a chance.

[groans softly]

If I say yes,
I feel like I'm going to regret it.

You won't.


-[Tara] Hey, guys.

Thanks for coming. Come on in.

Here you go.

Oh! Is this scalloped potatoes
and sausage?

-[Jack] Preacher knows it's your favorite.
-[Tara chuckles]

Oh, and an apple pie!

So sweet of all of you. Thanks.

[Mel] Yeah.

Oh my gosh. I have such crazy news.

[Mel] What?

An anonymous donor
set up a trust for me and Chloe.

Wow. That's incredible.

[Tara] Yeah, I know.

The trust will cover help and maintenance
for the farm, so we don't have to move.

Oh, Tara, that is just--
That's amazing. I'm so happy for you.

Thanks. I just wish I knew who it was
so I could thank them properly, you know?

Well, your mom touched a lot of people.

Yeah, she did.

I have something for you. Wait right here.

[Mel] Okay.

Hm, gee,
I wonder who the benefactor could be.

Well, I mean obviously somebody
that wants to remain anonymous.

-Mm. Your secret's safe with me.
-How did you know it was me?

Come on. Who else would be so generous
and refuse to take any credit?

Oh. I just-- I don't want Tara
to feel indebted to me. That's all.



-I'm just lookin' for your wings.
-[Mel chuckles]

You sure you're not a guardian angel
disguised as a human being?

[Tara] Mel.

[Tara] Mom wanted you to have this.

My father painted it.

Oh my gosh, Tara. This is…

It's beautiful, but I can't accept that.
That's a family heirloom.

No, she wanted you to have it.

She said if you ever leave, she wanted
you to have a piece of Virgin River.

And if you don't take it,
she'll haunt both of us.

Okay. Thank you.

-[Brie] Extra salt?
-And butter.

[Brie] Mmm.

[Brady sighs]

You are so freaking gorgeous.
You know that?

Hm, that sounds familiar.

[banging at door]

-What the hell?
-Sheriff Duncan! Open up!

-What's going on?
-I don't know.

[banging at door]

[Brady] Hold on!

-[door opens]
-[Brady] What the hell is this?

We're here to execute a search warrant
on the premises.

-[Brady] You gotta be kidding me.
-May I see it?

[Brady sniffs]

You don't have a choice.

Fine, but you're not gonna find anything.

[Sheriff] All right, let's get to work!

[Brady sighs]

Brie, if you wanna stick around,
it's your call,

but if you want my opinion,
you're wasting your time.

You deserve a whole lot better.

Why don't you, uh,
do what you gotta do and get out?

[radio chatter]

[door opens]


Where do you think?



Yeah, that looks good.

[Jack] You want me
to throw some steaks on the grill?


Uh, no, thanks. I'm okay.

Come on.
You hardly ate anything for breakfast.

[Mel] I know. I just--

-I think I'm gonna lay down.

[sighs, grunts]

-[Mel groans softly]
-Can I get you something?

No, no, I'm fine.
I think I just need to get some sleep.


Hm. Oh, honey, I'm sorry about tonight.

I know you tried
to plan something special.

Oh, it's okay.

Maybe we could get up early.
We could watch the sunrise.

-If you're feeling better.
-That sounds nice.

[inhales slowly]

Why don't you just
wake me when you get up?

[sighs softly]

[quietly] Okay.


I love you.

I love you too.

Sorry, there's no alcohol in the house.


there is now!

Parker, if Connie finds out, she'll freak.

Chill. You are so uptight.
You need to get out of here.

I told you, I don't wanna go back to LA.

Why not?

It's too expensive to get my own place,
and I don't wanna live with my parents.

-I don't wanna go back either.
-What about the club?

I'm not about that anymore.


I'm being serious.

-I'm gonna road trip cross-country.
-With who?

If it's Dave, don't let him drive
'cause he's baked, like, % of the time.

The only person I wanna go with is you.

-What are you talking about?
-It'd be an adventure!

Just the two of us
going wherever we want, whenever we want.

You wanna see the Grand Canyon? Done.
You wanna go to Miami? We're there.

Parker, we're not getting back together.

Why not?

Because I don't trust you.

Okay, I know I screwed up.
I never should've hooked up with Olivia.

So now you regret sleeping with her?

Of course I do!
It was stupid and immature.

-I was just frustrated that you--
-Don't blame me. That's weak.

I know. I'm sorry.

For real.


I love you.

Please, give me another chance.

-I can't just pick up and leave.
-Why? What's keeping you here?

[door opens]

Oh! Good evening. How can I help you?

Uh, I'd like a room.

I'll need to see some identification.

I'm .

Still need proper ID.

Oh, you're from Seattle.

[both chuckle]

I have a friend who used to live there.
I hear it's a beautiful city.

It's okay.

So, um, what brings you to town,
if you don't mind me asking?

Uh, yeah, I'm looking for my grandfather.

Oh, well, I know almost everyone in town.

What's his name?

Dr. Vernon Mullins.

-[Doc] Hey!

How long have you been here?

Just a few minutes. I figured
you'd have to come back at some point.

Oh, I was in the cafeteria.
If I'd known, I'd have brought you a cup.

Oh, I'm fine.

It's you I'm worried about.

How are you?

[sighs] I'm good.

[Doc hesitates]

I'm not good. I'm…

surviving. [inhales sharply]


Well, I have a little something here
for Hope that just might cheer you up.


The girls and I made a photo blanket

so that when Hope wakes up,
she will see everyone who loves her.

I don't know what to say.
That's just marvelous. Thank you.

-[Muriel] Aw.
-Thank you.

[Doc] Dr. Singh.

-Do you want me to go--
-No, stay, please.

-Is everything all right?
-She's developed a fever.

Oh God, not an infection.

I've ordered a chest CT
and a full blood panel.

I'll let you know more
as soon as I have the results.

Uh, thank you.


[Doc groans]

[Doc sighs]

Hey, everything's gonna be okay.

[Doc sniffles]

I no longer believe that's true.

[exhales deeply]

I should've called her
when I found out about Lilly,

and she'd have come home.

She wouldn't have been on the road
when the damn truck crossed--

-[Doc sobs]

[Muriel] Come on now.
You can't think like that.

[Doc sobs]

I know, but it feels like
she's just slipping away,

and there's not a g*dd*mn thing I can do.

[Doc cries softly]

-So when's Preach coming home?
-I thought he'd be home by now.

Wait. So you mean
this whole pizza's just for us?

Well, how about we save him a slice?

["Lose My Faith" playing]

♪ Sunshine setting on my face ♪

♪ A chill in my bones
Something's comin'… ♪

-Screw this.
-Brady, don't--

-You done?
-When we are, I'll let you know.

-Yeah, well, you're wasting your time.
-[man] Sheriff!

♪ And it's calling my name ♪

♪ So I kneel down to pray… ♪


-Found it wedged underneath the seat.
-Come on. You planted that.

It's not mine. I swear to God, it's not.

Is that a Glock ?

Same caliber used on Jack.

That's not my g*n. That's not my g*n!

Brie, you gotta believe me.
I'm being set up.

-Read him his rights.

Mike! Mike, I'm being set up.
Mike, you son of a bitch! Come on!

-Daniel Brady.

You're under arrest
for the attempted m*rder of Jack Sheridan.

-Brie, I'm innocent.

-You have the right to remain silent.
-Brie! Get off me!

Anything you say can and will be
used against you in court.

Brie! Brie, I didn't sh**t Jack!

[song continues]

♪ Pull me down
Hold me till I lose my faith ♪

[song fades]

You warm enough?

Yeah. Thanks for bringing a blanket.


This view is so beautiful.

[Jack] I was here on leave

looking out at that,

and I just knew I was home.

[Mel sighs softly]

I love you, Jack.

You know, I remember the day that
I realized I was falling in love with you.

Actually, no, it wasn't the day.

It was… the exact moment.


[Jack] Yeah.
We were on a picnic with Chloe.

You were contemplating
whether to be her guardian,

even though
you didn't wanna stay in Virgin River.

Oh my gosh. You didn't even know me.

[Jack] Didn't matter.

It was a feeling.

Like I'd been missing something
my whole life, and suddenly I wasn't.

I had been so numb for so long,
I couldn't feel anything at that point.

I know.

But you were brave enough
to open up to me.

For that, I am forever grateful.

[gentle instrumental music playing]

There's something that…

[exhales] …I've been wanting to ask you.

-Oh my God.
-Hang on.

-I wanna get this exactly right.
-Wait, Jack.

-No, give me a second.
-I have to tell you something.

I'm… I'm pregnant.

You're pregnant?

I wanted to tell you yesterday,
but with Doc and everything,

it was just so much.

No, no, no. Hey, this is good.

[Mel groans softly]

This is good.
I told you I was all-in, and I meant it.

This isn't exactly
how I thought it would go, but… [chuckles]

Oh, honey.

Mel, we're having a baby!

I can't believe this. This, um…

-This is amazing news.
-No, it's not.

Hey, come on. What--

Hey, whatever it is, we'll get through it.

Jack, I don't know if you're the father.

[tense music playing]

[instrumental music playing]