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03x08 - Life and Death

Posted: 07/20/22 12:07
by bunniefuu
[Jack] What do you want from me?

-[distorted speech]

[Jack muffled] What are you doing here?



[breathes heavily]

[theme music playing]


I was just out on a hike.

Which trail?

Uh, Blue Creek.

[Jack] Nice.

All right. I know that you're not gonna
wanna talk to me about Brady, but--

Do you really think he shot you?

Yeah, I do.

You remember him pulling the trigger?

No, but he was there.

Listen, Brie, he's not a good guy, okay?

In what way?

For one, he worked for an illegal grower,

and it turns out his boss
was also in the fentanyl business.

The only reason he's not in jail right now

is because somebody
tipped his boss off about a raid.



I sure know how to pick 'em.

To be fair, Brady's good at showing people
what he wants them to see.

Still, I'm an attorney.
It's my job to read people.

Hey, look, I'm… I'm sorry
that I haven't been there for you.

To pick out the men I date?

I'm serious.

Thanks, Jack.

-I love you.
-I love you too.

Hey, I was thinking,

when Mel gets back from LA,
how about I make us all dinner?

Come on. My cooking's not that bad.

I, uh, ended things with Mel.

Why? What happened?

She wants a baby,

and I don't feel I can
support two families right now.

-You're in love with her.
-Yeah, that's why I did it.

I don't wanna hurt her.

But what if you could make it work?
Think about what you'd be missing out on!

That's the thing.
I can't think about that.

If I wanna do right by her,
I gotta be practical.

Jack, relationships are built on emotions.

If you go through life closed off, then,
you know, you're not really living at all.

If you need an example, think about Dad.

I'm not being closed off.

I told Mel exactly how I felt.

This is tearing me up,
but I'm doing the right thing.

I don't want you to spend your life
regretting your decision.

[Brie groans]

[Muriel] Mmm.

Oh yeah, these eggs are delicious.

It's the only thing I know how to make
that doesn't involve a microwave.

[Muriel chuckles]

You know, really, cooking is not so hard
if you follow a recipe.

My mother always used to say,
"If you can read, you can cook."

Well, that's never been true for me.

Oh, darn, I forgot the cream cheese.

-I will be right back.
-[Muriel chuckles]

[cell phone ringing]

-Oh! Doc--
-[cell phone ringing]

Oh my.

[ringing continues]

Hi, Hope!


I'm sorry, I was trying to reach Vernon.

I must've dialed wrong.

No, you have the right number.
He's in the kitchen.

-I didn't want him to miss your call.
-How noble of you.

-[door closes]
-Thank you.

And by the way,
everyone is doing fine, including Lilly.

-[Doc mouths]
-What do you mean, "including Lilly"?

Uh… Hey there, Hope!

Don't "hey there" me. What's going on?

Well, I just invited Muriel over
for breakfast as a thank you.

She's just been so helpful
these past few weeks.

[sarcastically] I bet she has.

So what did Muriel mean by "even Lilly"?

Well-- Let me call you back
after breakfast.

I won't be able to talk.

I'm taking my aunt
to her cardiologist appointment.

Okay, well, you call me
when you get back. Okay?

-Love you.

-Love you!

-[Doc sighs]
-I am so sorry. I thought she knew.

I never in a million years
would've said a thing if I had known.

Oh, well,
Lilly wanted to tell her in person.

-Oh-- Oh!
-[Doc sighs]

I just feel awful about this.
How am I gonna fix it?

Well, it was an honest mistake.

Don't worry about it.
I'll… I'll deal with Hope.

Thank you for being so understanding.

You have such a lovely way about you,

and I am glad
that we have remained friends.

-Me too.
-[cups clink]

[Joey] That judge screwed me. [sighs]

What am I gonna do?

We're gonna figure it out.

I'm not gonna be able to keep the house.
Home owner's insurance, utility bills.

[Joey groans]

Well, it's five o'clock somewhere.
Let's drink.

[Joey sighs]

-I mean, can you believe that judge?
-I know.

It's gonna be okay.

Well, that's easy for you to say.
You still have a career.

I'm sorry. That sounded bitchy.

No, you're fine, you're fine.

It's just, you know,

when I first got pregnant,
Bill gave me a choice.

He said we'd hire a nanny,
and I could keep working,

or I could be a full-time mom.

And now he wants a divorce,

and I feel like I am being punished
for choosing my children over my career.

-How is that fair?
-That is not fair. It's not fair.

What am I supposed to tell the kids?
This is the only home they've ever known.

-You're gonna have to be strong for them.

I love this house as much as they do.

I know,
but it's not the house that matters.

It's about what's inside.

The important thing
is that you have each other.

-Yeah. You're right.

I just--

I feel like a failure.

You're not a failure.

You are an incredible mother
with a big heart.

Who has no idea what she's doing.

Most people have no idea
what they're doing.

-Jack and I broke up last night.
-Oh, honey, what? What happened?

[Mel breathes shakily]

Telling him that I want a baby
was too much for him.

Oh, he'll come around.

No, I don't think he will.
He's… He was really overwhelmed.

-What about you? How do you feel?

I'm… I'm heartbroken.

[sighs, gasps] I…

I knew bringing it up might scare him off.


And it did.

You know,

you don't need Jack to have a baby.

[sighs] I'm just… I'm too exhausted
to start over with someone else.

I just wanna be with Jack.

I don't mean that.

I mean, you and Mark,
you have two embryos left, right?

-So use them.

Those… those were for Mark and I
to start a family.

You still can.

I can't raise a baby on my own.

You wouldn't have to be by yourself.

You could move back here.
We could help each other.

I mean, the kids would love
to have a baby cousin.

What if I have Mark's baby,
and it makes me miss him all over again?

Or what if it ends up being
a beautiful way for him to live on?

♪ Your blue sky's fading into gray ♪

♪ Storms roll back ♪

♪ You know they never stay ♪

♪ It's always dark before the sun glows ♪

♪ It's gotta rain to catch a rainbow ♪

♪ You know it won't be long ♪

♪ All the clouds will clear ♪

♪ You know it won't be long ♪

♪ 'Cause troubles disappear ♪

[song fades]

-[Preacher] Hey, Lizzie.

-Connie said you needed help today?
-Yeah, thanks for coming in.

One of my servers called in sick,

and Ricky's out of town,
but I guess you already knew that.


So, how about a hundred bucks?

-Connie said it'd be a favor.
-No, I got you covered.


So, what is all this?

This is a Texas-style
all-you-can-eat barbecue buffet.


Inside, you'll be taking drink orders.
Outside, follow me.

With the smoker, just make sure
the temperature stays at .

If it starts to drop,

just take a handful of these woodchips,

and you sprinkle them in the firebox.

You know I've never used
a smoker before, right?

Oh, there is nothing to it.

Although you might wanna put your hair up.

-How do you think I lost mine?

[chuckles] Just messing with you.

-[deadpan] Hilarious.
-[Preacher laughs]

[sighs quietly]

So Brady admitted to being in the bar
the night of the sh**ting?

Well, yeah,
but only after I'd remembered it.

Anything else?

He was wearing a black hoodie.

We were fighting about something.

Do you remember a g*n?


That's all I got.

Okay. It's a good start.

So what happens now?

Well, been trying to get a warrant
to search Brady's property.

This might be enough to do it.

All right. If I remember anything else,
I'll let you know.


Can I ask you something
that's not to do with the case?

Yeah, sure.

I don't know if it's cool or not.

It's about Brie.

What about her?

-How would you feel if I asked her out?
-Don't you have a fiancée?

Yeah, the long-distance thing
wasn't working for her, so…

Oh, dude, I keep telling you, you don't
have to stick around here on my account.

It was for the best.
Yeah. She wasn't the one.

What makes you say that?

Because she never looked at me
the way Mel looks at you.

God, it feels so good to be riding again.

You know, I've been thinking lately.

-I never should've left.
-Left where?

-Why would you say that?

Because if I had gone to Humboldt State
instead of San Francisco,

I could've spent more time
with you and Dad.

Sweetie, your dad and I
were so proud of you

when you decided to go to San Francisco.

In fact, your father bragged
to anyone who would listen

that his little Tara
had become a big city girl.

I should've come home after Dad died
instead of leaving you to handle the farm.

I never wanted you
to give up your life for me.

-And I still don't.
-I could've done more.

Listen, I'm so grateful
that you're going to adopt Chloe.

Well, that's without a question.
She's my sister.

But you're taking on a huge responsibility
that's not of your own making,

so I hope that when I'm no longer here--

-Mom, don't talk like that.
-Just-- Let me finish, please.

When I'm gone, I don't want you to think
that you have to stay in Virgin River

because you feel obligated
to raise Chloe here, okay?

I want you to live… [sighs]

…wherever makes you happy.


[Lilly] Let's go, buddy.


You have five minutes.

I didn't sh**t Jack.

He told me you're a drug dealer.

So is it true?

I, uh…

I knew the grow-op wasn't legit,

but I didn't know about the…

[hushed] …fentanyl until later.

All I was trying to do was make
a bunch of cash to get out of here.

Well, if it was just about the money,
I guess that makes it okay.

I know.

I made a bad choice,

but I didn't sh**t Jack.

I'm telling the truth.

[Brady] I did go to see him.

That night, at the bar.

We got into an argument, and I left.

That's the last time I saw him, I swear.

-Why didn't you tell Mike that?
-He wouldn't have believed me.

Why not?

I have a history with Jack and Mike
that goes back to Iraq.

So tell the sheriff.

I have a record. [sighs]

After I got back from my last tour,
I was drinking a lot,

and I got into a bar fight
and was arrested,

and because I had a loaded g*n on me,
I did a year at county.

You make it sound like it's no big deal.

Listen, I deserved every day
of that sentence.

I could've k*lled those guys.

But I didn't sh**t anyone.

And as far as the dr*gs go,
that's… that's over.

The lumber company is totally legit.


I know I made a lot of bad choices,

but I'm not the villain here.


Do you believe me?


I believe that's what you think,

but in my career, I've learned that people
are capable of justifying their actions

no matter how reprehensible.

[Tara sighs happily]

[Muriel] Yoo-hoo!


They double-booked themselves
for babysitting,

and I didn't have the heart to say no.


Now go, have fun with your friends.
I'll watch Chloe.

Love you.

Love you too.

Come on.

-[Lilly] Guys!
-Of course we brought the knitting!

-[Lilly] I love you! Thank you.
-That's why we came.

-Thank you so much for being here.
-Thank you.

-You want some tea?

[phone rings out]

Hi, this is Ricky. Please leave a message.

[phone beeps]


Now, today you'll be tested on math,
verbal skills,

and technical proficiency.

Your results will determine

if you are qualified to enlist in
the greatest military force in the world.

You have three hours and minutes
to complete the exam.

Once it begins,

you will not be permitted
to leave the room.

Good luck.

You may begin.

[phone ringing]

[woman] Santa Monica Care & Fertility,
how may I help?

[Mark] Need a little help with that?


I got it.

Why are you not doing this
at the nail place?

Because… [exhales deeply]

…my feet are too sensitive right now.

I don't want anyone touching them.

Let me do it for you.
With as little touching as possible.

Oh yeah, you can do pedicures?

-I know how to use a paintbrush. Yeah.
-Really-- Oh, it's very different paint.

Okay. [chuckles]

That's a lot of polish.
You need to wipe the brush on the bottle--


Please let me focus on my art.

Don't drip it on the carpet
'cause then we can't get it off.

-Could you--
-We just bought the ca-- [sighs]


You've got me nervous now.

That's actually pretty good.


Thank you.

-Quite welcome.
-[Mel chuckles]

See? Good things happen
when you have a little faith.

[woman] Miss Monroe?

Dr. Benson's ready to see you.

I'm retired now.
There's no way I should be this worn out.

Well, your blood work
shows a deficiency in vitamin D,

which is likely responsible
for your fatigue and your muscle soreness.

[groans] Well, that's a relief.

I am going to write you a prescription
for vitamin D supplement.

We'll do a -day follow-up appointment
to track how you're doing.

That all sounds fine.

Now, tell me…

how is retirement?


Well, it's an adjustment.

[cell phone ringing]



Oh. Give her my best.

I'll call you later
to schedule that follow-up.

-Thank you.
-[phone ringing]

[phone beeps]

-So, what aren't you telling me?

Whoa, now! Slow down.
Don't I even get a hello?

Hello, Vernon. What aren't you telling me?

Well, first, Kathleen says hello.

And second,
how was Aunt Nancy's appointment?

Tell Kathleen hello back,
and the cardiologist said

Aunt Nancy's got the heart
of a -year-old.

So, of course, she needled me about
my heart attack the entire ride home.

Now, what's wrong with Lilly?

Well, everything is fine right now,

but Lilly has some news
she wants to share with you in person,

but nothing that can't wait till next week
when you're back.

Vernon! You're infuriating.
Why won't you tell me?

Lilly specifically asked me not to.

Hope, patience is a virtue for a reason.

Finish your stay with Aunt Nancy,

and you can visit Lilly
as soon as you're home.

-[glass smashes]
-What was that?

Aunt Nancy refused to wait for me
to help her with the dishwasher.

I better go before I have
to drink out of paper cups.

-We're not done talking about this.

-I think--
-[phone beeps]


She won't tell you because
she doesn't want us to know her age!

Oh! Connie, where have you been?

Oh, I was helping Preacher out.

Are you sure you're up
for this many visitors?

-Oh yes! Of course! Have a seat!
-Oh. Okay.

[Connie] So, what have I missed?

Well, Muriel was just telling us
about the time she tried to seduce Buck.

Come again?

Okay. [sighs]

Okay, this was a very long time ago,

and I was new in town,

and I ran into Buck at Jack's.

How was I supposed to know he was married?

-Well, Buck always wore a wedding ring.
-I'm not a detective.


I can't believe he never told me.

I'm sure he thought
Muriel was just being friendly.

Well, I always thought he was very sexy.

-[Lydie] What? I did.

I'm a sucker for a ten-gallon hat
and a pair of cowboy boots.

Well, who knew?


Wow. I am so, so grateful
y'all cleared your schedules

to come here today.

I've had such a beautiful life.

You have a beautiful life.

I've been truly blessed.

I… I had a loving husband,

and beautiful, healthy children. [sighs]

Loyal friends, and the fortune to live in
one of the most beautiful places on earth.

My only regret
is leaving Tara and Chloe behind.

Oh, Lilly.

When I'm gone,
no matter where they're living,

I need each of you
to watch over Tara and Chloe for me

because she's not gonna ask for help.

And Chloe,
would you please tell her our stories

and remind her over and over again
how much her mama loved her?

-[Lilly] Please?
-[Jo Ellen] Oh, sweetheart.

[Lilly cries] Oh!

I just love all of you so much.

[Lydie] We love you too.

Thank you for being my friends.

Dude, that barbecue was a great idea, man.

-Thanks to you, we'll triple our receipts.
-Yeah, I'm glad it all worked out.

Well, speaking of that, um,

we still need to discuss the partnership.

You sure? I don't want you
to feel pressured into it.

No, no. Look, uh, I admit
when you first brought it up,

I didn't really see it
from your point of view.

Ah, well, no offense, but, you know,
you do that a lot. Not just with me.

Right. Um… I'm sorry about that.

[chuckles softly] Nah.

But, hey, if you're still interested,

the bottom line is the profits
aren't always consistent,

so there's gonna be months
where you'll earn less than you do now,

but if you're okay with that,
I mean, consider this an official offer.


Wow. Um…

[chuckles] It's not what I thought
you were gonna say,

and I'd like some time to think about it,
if that's okay with you?

Please, no, take whatever time you need.


-Hey there.

Are you sure you can't stay?

Oh. I wish I could, but I told Doc
I would be back by tomorrow.

Okay. Well, maybe the kids and I
can come visit you.

I would love that.

Okay. Yeah.

So, hey, um, are you really
considering moving back?

-I'm thinking about it.
-[Joey chuckles]

Well, I don't mean to sound selfish,
but having you here would make me happy.

I know.
I have to finish out my contract first.

Oh, of course. Of course.

I just wanted to say
thank you so much for coming.


I couldn't have gotten through this
without you.

Oh, sweetheart.

I just-- [sniffles]

-I'm sorry. I can't help it.
-It's okay.

Just don't start crying

because if you start to cry,
then I'll cry,

and I don't have waterproof mascara on,
and it's gonna be a mess.

I just-- I don't know how to do this.

[cries] I don't know how to be alone.

-Honey, you're not alone. You have me.
-You're really far away.

I know, but anytime you need me,
you just call me,

and I will hop on a plane,
and I'll be here. Okay?

Okay. Okay.

-I love you.
-Oh, I miss you already.

Kinda slow around here, huh?

Everyone came early for the barbecue,
I think.

Preach left to pick up Christopher,
so I'm gonna close up soon.

-All right, I'm finishing up.
-All right, no worries.

[Brady] Well, well, well.

Look who it is.

Detective Mike Valenzuela.

Brady, you're drunk. Go home.

-You gotta be proud of yourself, huh?
-I don't know what you're talking about.

Once again, I'm the bad guy,
and you… you're the hero.

If the shoe fits.

Well, that's the thing. [sighs]

It doesn't.

You see, I've paid for the crimes
I've committed.

Can you say the same?

[quietly] Don't go there.

Why not, Mike?

You afraid everyone's gonna find out
you're not such a hero after all?

You know what?
I'm not the criminal around here. You are.

[Brady] Hm.

Well, I know what you did in Iraq, Mike.

You got blood on your hands
just like everyone else.



Hey, hey, hey!

Hey, hey!

Come on! Get out!

[Brady] Get off me!

[Jack] Get out of here!


What was that about?

Classic Brady. Nothing's ever his fault.


I hope they lock him up
and throw away the key.


[glass slams]

[woman ] It's gorgeous.

[woman ] And huge.

Thanks. [chuckles]

Hey, honey. Sorry to interrupt.
Mind if I steal her for a moment?

Charmaine, I'd love for you
to meet Thomas Blair,

one of the largest real estate developers.

Oh wow!

And, Thomas,
this is my fiancée, Charmaine.

Lovely to finally meet you.

It's nice to meet you too.

Would you keep her company for a minute?
I gotta catch up with someone.


So, I hear we're going to be neighbors.


Todd says you two are moving to Eureka.

He did? Um, sorry--

Hey, so, we're moving to Eureka?

Oh. Excuse us.

Would you keep your voice down?

What about your house in Clear River?
I thought we'd agreed to live there.

-The house in Eureka is twice the size.
-But my life is in Clear River.

I mean, my friends, the salon…

So? You'll make new friends,

and we'll find you another salon to run
if that's still what you wanna do.

[scoffs] I just don't understand
why you changed your mind.

Well, I have a feeling Jack's gonna try
to make our lives complicated.

I figured once we moved to Eureka,
it'll be out of sight, out of mind.

[scoffs] Jack's not gonna
give up the twins

just because we moved to Eureka.

Maybe, not at first.

But if we make things difficult for him,
I believe, eventually, he'll back down,

and then we'll have the freedom

to raise our family
in whatever way we see fit.

[Todd] Okay?

Love you.

-Gotta catch up with them. I'll be back.

Hi, Charmaine.


over .
Very good. You're doing great.

-How are things with you and Mel?
-That's not so great. [sighs]

-What happened?
-I broke it off.

She wants to have a baby of her own,
and I'm not % sure I can give her that.

But you love her.

Of course I do.

[Doc] You know what, um,

unsolicited advice
is usually Hope's arena, but, uh…

for you, I'm gonna make an exception.

Mel is a self-sufficient, strong-willed,

extremely capable woman

who happens to have a very big heart

right in the center of her…
her tough exterior.

She's not someone who's fragile.

She's not someone who has been shielded
from life's hardships.

And if you have been transparent
with her--

I have.

She knows exactly what she's getting into.

She would not go forward
if she didn't think she could handle it.

And you think
you might need to protect her?

That's not what she needs.

That's not what she wants.

I think it would be a tragedy for you
to go through your life alone

because of a misguided perception

of the woman you love.

You know, I don't ever recall you
stringing that many words together.

Ever. [chuckles]

I do say my piece…


…when it's absolutely necessary.

[Doc sighs]


[hairdryer whirs]

-[knocking at door]
-Come in!

Connie let me in,
and she didn't even give me a hard time,

which is weird.

So, what'd you do today?

I, uh, hung out with my grandma.

That's nice. Did you go anywhere?

We went to Clear River. Walked around.


I tried to call you.

Uh, my phone died.


So, what did you do today?


I washed my hair three times.

Do you know why
I had to wash my hair three times?


Because I covered your shift at the bar,
and my hair reeked of smoke and brisket.

You, uh, covered my shift?

Preacher said you were out of town
visiting a friend,

so he asked Connie if I could fill in.

[exhales] Um…

Can I ask you something?

Which one of us are you lying to?


That's what I thought.

Just go.


-[Tara] Here you go.
-Oh, thank you, darling.

You're welcome.

-How long's Chloe been asleep?
-[Tara] Over an hour.

-The ladies must've wiped her out.

-Oh yeah. [chuckles]
-[knocking at door]

I'll get it.

-Hello there!

Hey, I'm sorry to drop in unannounced.

-Not a problem. Always happy to see you.
-Do you want a cup of coffee or tea?

I would love a cup of coffee.
Black, please.

-Great, sure, I'll be right back!

What did Hope say?

How did you know that's why I was here?

Because I've had half a dozen messages
demanding that I call her back.

And? Did you?

Not yet.

Well, she has gotten wind
that something is amiss with you.

-Does she know about my cancer?
-No, but she knows something's wrong.

I did my best to hold her off,

but next week
when she steps off that plane,

I suspect she's gonna show up here
asking questions,

and I just wanna give you a heads-up,

and I want you to know
that I kept your confidence.

Yeah, thank you.

I've been driving myself crazy
trying to figure out how to tell her.

If I call her back,

you know, she's gonna drop everything
and come home,

and if I keep waiting,

I'm afraid she's gonna be angry at me
for keeping her in the dark.

Well, so what if she's upset?

How can you say that?



You are the one who is sick.

You don't owe Hope or anybody else
a medical report.

You cannot sap your energy
worrying about what other people think.

She's not "other people."
She's my best friend.

That's exactly why she'll understand.

She loves you. She wants the best for you.

She's been so good to me.


Listen, if you want me to,
I could talk to her first.

-I'm gonna think about it. Okay?

Thank you. Hey!

-[Doc] Oh!

Thank you. I'll just drink this
and get out of your hair.

Oh, no, nonsense!
I'd like you to stay for dinner.

-No, I don't wanna put you out.
-No, Doc, we want you to stay.

Okay, you don't have to twist my arm.


Well, then it's settled. Okay.

I think I'm gonna just have
a little catnap.

Why don't you take your coffee,
go sit out on the porch?

-Beautiful out there.
-I'll take you up on that.

-It smells delicious.
-[Tara] Mm.

Is it wishful thinking,
or does she seem better to you?

She looks good.

-That's what I think.

You know, I've been praying for a miracle,
and maybe it's working.

[softly] Yeah.

["I Need Your Love" playing]

♪ I see your face like a vision of God ♪

♪ I shiver and shake ♪

♪ And I'm lost in the flood ♪

♪ Nothing else matters ♪

♪ The world disappears ♪

♪ I can't breathe and I can't think
Until I taste your kiss ♪

♪ Give me some signal ♪

♪ Say that you understand ♪

♪ The meanest of scraps, baby
Drop from your hand ♪

♪ This hunger I feel
Is sure to be satisfied ♪

♪ I know nothing else
Is gonna ease this ache inside ♪


-What are you doing here?
-Look, I had to--

Mel, we need to talk.

There's nothing to talk about.


All right, please just--

Hear me out, and if you don't like
what I have to say, then I'll leave.

Okay, fine.

Look, I underestimated you.

The only reason that I broke things off
was because I was afraid you'd get hurt.

I've told you I don't need protecting.

I know. I understand that now.

I should've had more faith in you.
I get that.

I just got overwhelmed.

I let anxiety get the best of me.

That wasn't my decision to make,
and I'm sorry.

Look, I never should've ended things.

What do you want from me?

I want you back.

Jack. No!

No, don't.

You… you broke things off for a reason.
The twins, the custody battle--

Forget all that! Look, I realize
I acted out of fear. That is not who I am.

Yeah, but, Jack, things are only gonna
get harder, you know?

How are you gonna react then?

I truly believe anything worth having
is worth fighting for.

Okay? That's who I am.

And you, Mel Monroe,
are the love of my life.


I know you love me too.

I swear I will spend the rest of my life
fighting to make you happy.

Jack, you walked away from me.

No, Mel, please. Look.

I am begging you, okay?

I screwed up.

I made a huge mistake,
but I'm begging you.

Please give me another chance.

-[quietly] I--
-If you do, I promise,

I'm never gonna walk away from you again.

I promise you.

♪ Just give me something in return ♪

♪ For what you've done to me ♪

♪ I need your love ♪

♪ I need your love ♪

♪ I need your love, I need your love ♪

♪ Can't get enough ♪

♪ I need your love ♪

♪ I need your love ♪

[song fades]

[sniffs] Ooh, that smells good.

Sorry dinner's so late.

The enchiladas
took a bit longer than expected.

-No problem. Anything I can do to help?

Yeah. Would you mind finishing
setting the table while I wake up Mom?

The silverware's in the top drawer.

-Thank you.

[knocking at door]

Mom, dinner's ready.


Wake up.







She… she's not waking up!

[sorrowful string music playing]

[Tara gasps] Oh my God.

We have to call an ambulance.

[Tara cries]

[Doc] Honey.

-She is gone.

No, no, no! No!


[Tara] Hey!

Mom, I need you.

[Tara sobs]


[sobs] Please…


[whispers] …open your eyes.

[Tara] She's cold.

Her blood has stopped circulating.

[Tara sobs] No!

[Tara sobs]

[Tara] I don't understand.

She was having the best day.

I know.

[Doc] I'm so sorry.

[Tara sobs]

We were supposed to have more time.

[quietly] I know.

I thought we would…

have more time.

[Tara cries]



[Tara sobs]

♪ I walk underneath the trees ♪



♪ I was calling ♪

[Tara sobs]

♪ For the last time ♪

♪ We've been here before ♪

♪ They found the pictures in the snow ♪

♪ They found the pictures in the snow ♪

♪ I walk underneath the trees ♪

♪ For the first time ♪

♪ I was calling ♪

♪ For the last time ♪

♪ We've been here before ♪

♪ They found pictures in the snow ♪

♪ I can tell your eyes ♪

♪ Looked beneath the blue ♪

♪ I walk underneath the trees ♪

♪ For the first time ♪