27x19 - Source Code

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x19 - Source Code

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on beast morphers what if we

trap evox's gigadrone in a zordhanger

and use the mega transporters to capture


blaze's plan worked evox was imprisoned

but then we realized


he got played if all of this was his


then evox must have wanted to be

captured but why

is it ready we're out of time just

finishing the upload

ah disconnected evox is essentially a

computer virus

i've programmed the ultra blaster to

fire a data packet at evox

it will scramble his coating bite by

bite until he disintegrates

what's your confidence level he can't

fail i hope you're right

let's go find out

devin robbie back me up roger

ready okay lower the shields


ready fire

again re-energizing

nice up nate it's working focus rangers

again re-energizing

what the did you reactivate the wall no

it wasn't me and it won't go back on


it's evox somehow he's controlling the


step by step my plans have brought us to

this moment

you've reached the final chapter of your


look out

he's using the computer to access the

morphex towers destroy the computer

he's getting away he's still in the


he wants to get in the morphing grid but

there's only a few computers that have

direct access to the tower network

we've got to destroy them before he can

get in go we'll start with the command



no he's getting away

he's damaged is he leaving a trail

he's heading towards the research room

look out

now where would he go next to say

go ahead someone just accessed the bolt

it's in my lap

at last there's no need to hide


that's a celsius board

he's repairing himself that's


you're impossible against me now i'm

more than evocs

haven't you figured it out you you

should know who i truly

am what are you talking about years ago

you experimented with old ranger


hoping to find a new way to morph yes

but how do you know about that because i

was there

you were just a foolish little boy

trying to power old

rager morphers with morphex and snake

dna all of your efforts failed

until you tried the cell shift



dna became part of my data and i was

released into your system

a dead end for you a new beginning

for me you're starting to put it


a cell shift morpher that could mean

only one thing

i was

i have had many forms and now

my victory is certain


so he's the computer virus that almost

destroyed an entire world

that can't be true nate bro

i it is true i've waited years for you

to energize the morphex towers

so i could harness the morphin grit and


that becomes reality


tower rangers

for justice


oh stop

is it true nate what he said did you

create ebooks from a virus in that old


it was years ago i i was just a kid

so it is possible okay yes i guess

i might have released ventrix into our


we've got to go after him right now

come on

hey we need you



step aside or pay the price

if you think you can get past us think


gods we almost had him he went that way

we'll be back what is it jess we're

tracking e-box we can cut him off on sub

level one run away

activate beast power


all right team stay close

wait he's here child is fools

you're really going to try to stop me

you're the fool you think we won't

with the full power of the ventex virus

nothing can stand in my way well

i guess we'll see

let's get to safety guys

we can't fight him his programming

absorbed my saber

he's right now tell me boy genius

how does it feel to be responsible for

the destruction of

human civilization

are you okay i got you bro

you'll go down in history

i can't believe what i've done



hey nate what you working on

nothing the only safe thing for me to do


nothing that's not true but it is

everybody thought i was such a boy


developing more effects combining it

with animal dna

but the truth is i release vengeance

into our world

everything bad that's happened to us is

my fault

we faced problems before we can beat

this not true

we've never faced something like this


evox was just fragments of the vengeance

virus combined with snake dna

but now now he has absorbed all

of vengeance's programming against that


i don't even know where to start we have

to try

there has to be something you can do

easy for you to say

you have no idea how i feel right now


please just leave me alone

well is nate working on a solution no

he's paralyzed afraid he'll make another


maybe i should talk to him and that

won't help

he needs to talk to someone who truly

understands what he's going through

you sound like you have someone in mind

yes ma'am

i do can you help me make a

trans-dimensional call

i sure can

how could i have done this

you must be nate i'm dr k

i remember you from ranger history class

uh yes

volume five chapter 176 i hate the

photograph they put in there

so then you know that i was the one who

invented vengex to begin with

yes we have that in common we both set

him loose on unsuspecting worlds

true except that he nearly wiped out my


vengex's onslaught was relentless

the ranger operators put everything on

the line

even then they only barely managed to

defeat him

but now it seems vengeance found a way

to escape my dimension

if we work together we might be able to

save yours

together after what i've done

no i can't risk making another mistake

like that


i see you want to feel sorry for


okay you want to feel guilty and unsure

of your ability

i completely get it i was in the same

shoes years ago when i learned i'd

created vengex

go right ahead

i'll wait right here until you realize

that no matter how you

feel the world needs you

i just hope it lasts that long he's not


vengeance anymore i accidentally

combined the virus

you made with more effects and snake dna

he's hyper intelligent with incredible


how do you even start to tackle a

problem like that the same way you


any problem you start


by taking the first step

the first step


we have the source code right here we

could look for vengeance's vulnerable


weaknesses sounds like step one to me

tell me about this morphex

good job zoe

so master evox what's the plan i've

retrieved these access codes from the

grid battle force computers

amazing upload them into a tower and

activate the global network

using the towers around the world i can


harness the morphin grid brilliant i'll

get the job done

it's all happening but is there anything

i can do

it's funny you say that you see i

copied the access codes take them you're

the key to

all of this i am yes

this arrow has a morphex key on the tip

it will interface perfectly with the

upgraded bow

good the analysis of the vendex data and

your snake dna samples has been very


we have everything we need to create an

evox antivirus

when it's complete we'll load it into

the arrow for testing

the arrow might not fly straight the

virus might not download

a lot of things could go wrong relax

it'll work

it's blaze he's been spotted heading for

tower seven

blaze not e-box go ahead i'll finish the


i should stay and help you it's blaze we

need your help nate

okay great

i hate to boast but we're pretty handy

in the lab yeah nate is always having us

help out

maybe we can help program the arrow ah

thanks but i've got it

or we could load the ball with more

facts uh nope it's

already full uh maybe wax the arrow so

we can fly fast

there is a special fuel you could mix up

for me

special fuel whoa okay take

four grams of sucrose crystals and add

it to water that's been heated up

to precisely 100 degrees celsius 100


then add this it's an organic substance


only on my planet wow must be rare

we won't let you down

you were right master the tower is


don't take another step sorry but i have

business to attend to

not today smorfita



linked activate v6 mode





chloe someone needs to pay attention

you do all right we're fine let's change


you like that he's giving us everything

he's got

well we can do the same let's go

come on the arrow is loaded and ready to

go thanks dr k

let's do a field test transport beast x


i really hope this works

beast x


come on

it worked

i've never faced such a big problem

before i wanted to crawl in a hole

but you wouldn't let me it's nice to

know that when things get dark and


i can count on you

that's good to be counted up

are you sure we can't convince you to

stay we could use someone like you on

our team

i'm sorry but i've got to get back to

corinth and start checking our systems

for any traces of the vengex virus

if he made it here who knows where else

he might be

thank you for coming dr k

i really thought that that nobody could

know how terrible i felt

but you understood you are guaranteed to

face challenges in life

but you don't need to face them alone

not when you've got such good support

around you

ah hello hey dr k we got your special


well let's see hot water

sucrose and organic plant extract

yup smells great


i love a good cup of tea tea

you said it was special fuel oh well a

good cup of tea really keeps me going

do you know how hard we worked on this

yes and you performed admirably

you two are welcome in my lab anytime




you have a beautiful world keep it safe

we will thanks

commander there's an alert the tower

network has been activated

what all over the planet shut down the


i can't control it the network has been

disconnected from our system

oh your fools were so busy with blaze

you missed skrazal slipping right into a


now the global morphix network is under


control all those mighty towers you've


will be your doom thanks to you

the entire world is at my mercy

and there's nothing you can do to stop



up next on pop it's pokemon sun and moon





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