27x12 - Finders Keepers

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x12 - Finders Keepers

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on these morons greetings go

Ava who are you and what do you want I

call me Roy Jack I'll collect powerful

weapons from far you Aria why don't you

bring your collection of relics here my

collection stays on earth hidden in my

spaceship fry Jack ship is on earth huh

Raj AK eliminated keep a close eye on

any hostile activity Rangers give me a

search update Devin here

no sign of rides AK ship Robbie here

still nothing

what do we do if you don't find a ship

we have to find it period the relics and

ride Jack ship are too dangerous in the

wrong hands

I'm heading Northwest so far there's no

sign of I found a Zulu eight five Zoe

stay put everyone else head to her


let's go steal commander we have a bogey

what Rangers there's an intruder heading

for our Jack ship Zoe wait for backup

but if there's somebody heading this way

I don't have time to wait Zoe sit tight

till we get there Dori I got this

elder elder

I've got a fix on rye jack

it's ripe for the taking oh there's a

catch it just exploded what who blew it

up my money's on the Rangers go capture

righteous collection before they do yes


wait if you take ride Jack's Rhianna

miser you can use the weapons in his

collection to make no fighters

well this was his hey check it out

nice sword he bought the Dino charge

Rangers let's reanalyze him


where am I and who are you were your new

best friends

interesting Zoe yeah they're supposed to

be close

stay out of sight


that's the intruder complains caller

with its shiny new compliance caller

you're all that's what I get out of give

me 20 yes sir struggling works

Zoey the chef self-destructed I must

have triggered in an alarm you really

should have waited for a silly are you

okay I think so

who's that that's the intruder the

commander warned us about try something

with the compliance collar come here


wait I think I recognize him me too from

Ranger history class

are you chipper that is correct

I came to retrieve the relics that ride

extol keepers on our side and you

collared him I didn't see his face I

thought he was trying to steal rejects

weapons let's get him back to the lab so

I can remove the collar I'll put him in

the truck you guys pick up any valuable

weapons here okay

sorry keeper this way this belonged to

Lord Zedd the emperor of evil all this

stuff must have come from some pretty

nasty folk we'd better get it off oh

great blaster you'll be safe here keeper

thank you


Talgo rages





thank you


they got cambered no way they feel okay

right guys collection back to base

got it we'll go after ready let's morph


close up those engines which handles






you're the mimics fast need to get that



the dimensional portal

the Dino charge Rangers know right

where's keeper we lost contact after

he'd found right jack over there in

the truck okay let's get him to safety

all right

he got was surrounded

then it's about to get wild


yeah I'm coming with a few old wizard as

you wish

move it come on


keeper no stop

he's gone Oh

we come bearing gifts long enough so

it's the Y's q pepper that caller makes

a mess teen has a pussycat you must have

lots of knowledge about the Rangers

knowledge we can use to defeat them not

defeat just driver exactly now tell me

all your Ranger secrets very well it

began with the ancient power of the

energems I must say these weapons are


we collected everything we could find so

why was keeper after them he wanted to

make sure they weren't used for evil and

you put the compliance color on them why

did you do that and I told you to stay

back from the ship but you didn't

causing the expl*si*n she was just

trying to help

no they're right I should have waited

like you said

my fault


I'm really sorry about keeper but I'm

gonna bring him back I promise we will

bring them back because our teamwork is


spoken like true Rangers we work

together crush monsters and the Dino

charge Rangers were able to create a new


too after many battles their team was

victorious well now we know the Ranger

secrets we can build something to defeat

them but I must have those energems it

is your man for the job I could lure

those Dino freak Rangers into a trap

with keeper as bait

should be fun commander we have an

incoming message put it on the main


who is it we're about to find out

that's a vox in that snide is a fiend

indeed I hope you've missed me Rangers

because I have something you want keeper

is useless to me so you can have your

friend back if you give me right Jax

collection of weapons I don't think we

it's a deal

a wise decision I'll save you the

location to meet but commander the

weapons keeper nerves too much we need

to rescue him once we make that trade we

have to get those weapons back yeah but

keepers are top priority

I promise we'll save keeper


we got it this is everything this day on

your god guys come on steel I don't like

this place

I think that's close enough

put the relics down and back right off


shut the package wait until EVOC sees

this Thank You Rangers you've made my

day now give us keeper that was our deal

deals are made to be broken

move aside keeper you're not going

anywhere of course if you're gonna beg

for mercy now is the time


it'll be a cinch

yeah for us every time


unleash the beast here we go

you don't stand a chance snide probably

somebody charlie just say good guys go

ahead commander

there's a Giga drone incoming downtown

sector Bravo three-six

Roger that go we've defeat it's night

once and we'll do it again

great come on team let's go well looks

like my odds are already improving I

wouldn't count on it or maybe you've

forgotten Shelby Riley now

Rangers ah it's been a while snide not

long enough some things just stay nasty




summon t-rex supercharge


let's do this together

Dino victory charger ready



give us 9


this guy is pathetic

yeah he's in way over his head but we

can fix that with a little more muscle

maybe an old acquaintance will help

snide turn the tables get ready to meet

never mind

I want you to steal some energems

my favorite hobby but I'll need my club

I think we can arrange that let me see


launching air support No

let's do this

yeah wreck your sword battle boat


beast X Megazord come by



Devon Thank You Cutrone is using its

magnets to suck more facts straight from

the tower not much longer



okay Nate let's finish this Roger that

Recker sword bazooka

virus eliminated

sledge castles back but we destroy you

twice third time's the charm I scruffy

caveman friend

trouble keeping up





who says teamwork is just for Rangers

sonic French we need to get those

energems not so fast you mess with the

wrong team guys okay here thanks

admirable firing friends we're getting

you out of here keeper thank you quickly

this way hurry let's get to safety while

they're down

they all got away and they don't either

this is your fault snide please Deva

almost got it

there you free Thank You Zoe

our mission big success now mammoth

beast sounds fantastic

what's a mammoth nothing we're happy to

have you back keeper I'm glad to be free

I'd say this is cause for celebration

but it might be too early it's true your

foes are yet to be defeated keeper

are you sure you don't remember what

happened when you were Eve oxes prisoner

or what they did with your staff I'm

afraid I have no recollection whatever

they're up to we can handle it or 18 and

you very smart very strong yeah sorry we

can't stay longer but we have to get

back to partying we have our own

responsibilities at home it's been great

to fight alongside you until we meet

again old friend safe travels my ladies


see you around hopefully next time it's

under better circumstances - right

farewell friends thank you Rangers it's

been quite an adventure

I'm so sorry keeper I should have never

put the compliance collar on you

next time I'll look before I leap I

understand Zoe you are only trying to do

the right thing now I have other

business to attend to

so long Power Rangers


a Vox might have gained valuable Intel

from keeper we need to stay on guard yes


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