27x08 - Secret Struggle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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27x08 - Secret Struggle

Post by bunniefuu »

Wow, phenomenal.

The King Beast X-Ray Saber
is ready to test.

wow! Amazing! Can I do this?

I don't know if it's a good idea.

Well, okay, just grab the handle and spin.


You did it, sis!

Not bad!

Betty. Betty?!

- Betty! Betty!
- Here I go!!! - Drop!

Or not.

Mana, I'm slipping!

It works perfectly!

Was this supposed to happen?

Let's put it in the conveyor display case.

See you later, Nate.

Hey bro. Any chance you can help me
adjust my Zord's stabilizers?

The last time I entered Scarab mode,
almost bothered me!

He understood!? It bothered me,

- because it's a beetle and...
- I get it, Steel.

But it's late, and I worked on the
Saber Giro all day.

- How about tomorrow?
- Oh! OK then.

- Hi boys.
- Hi, Zoey.

Check out these diagnostics
Zord Heli controls.

Something is wrong.

You are right. I will check all
your system tonight.

Tonight? Seriously?

But you said you were exhausted.

Anything you need, Zoey.
No problems.


I don't understand.

I just asked Nate to move my Zord
and he said he was very tired.

But you ask the same thing
and suddenly he -

Wait a second.

Does my brother like you?
I mean, do you really like it?!

Nate? Really like me?

Not. Believe me, dating is the last
thing in my head.

I have to go.

Give me that!

- But what is this?
- Anything.

- 'The definitive guide to first dates'?!
- Okay, okay, okay!

You can't tell anyone, but...

The truth is, Nate and I...
we like each other.

- This is too much!
- Shh!

It's nothing much,

why rangers date rangers
it is against Battleforce rules.

What? That's a silly rule.

People say love
it's the best thing in the world.

What's the problem with dating?

Who knows.

But Nate and I are not going to break the rules.

I understand you, Zoey.
I won't tell others.

Pss! Hello?

Uff, where are you?

Right here!

- Did you bring the Morph-X?
- Of course, master.

Quickly! I have business to attend to.

This will be quick.


You need to make sure I don't run out.

Much better.

Mr. Mayor?

Fast! She's trying to kidnap me.

She don't interfere with my plans, little bunny.

Get away from the Mayor.

How about you try to make me?

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

You should have stayed in your den.

No way.

Your mistake.

Viewfinder, connected!

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!


This is the end, Yellow Ranger!

♪ Power Rangers

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers!

♪ Go!

♪ Go!

♪ It's time to morph

♪ For justice we fight

♪ With a mighty fierce morph

♪ Together we will win

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers (Go!)

Power Rangers Fierce Morph


- Rabbit Spin Attack!
- What?!

Just wait.

Next time you will pay.

So close.

Mr. Mayor, don't worry.
You are safe now.

Thank you, Zoey.
You really saved my skin.

I'm glad I arrived on time.
But why is she after you?

Frankly, Mayor Daniels, the Evox suit
being behind you is very worrying.

We need to take all precautions.


Sorry. I implanted a micro
tracker inside you.

- A tracker?!
- Yea.

Who gave you permission to - ?

Sorry sir.

Is this really necessary?

Now, if Evox catches you, we can find him,
no matter where you are.

And to prevent that from happening,

two Rangers will act as your
undercover bodyguards.

I need two volunteers.

Zoey and Nate will do it.

Of course we are up to the task.

Right. You can count on us, Mr. Mayor.

Everything is fine.

But I have lunch with the
Canadian ambassador this afternoon.

You need to keep your distance.

Don't worry sir

I'll get some supplies for
help them keep the cover up.

Excuse me. I need to make a call
important for... Hong Kong.

Hey Josh, have you seen Ben and Betty anywhere?

Bad news.

Thanks to today's fiasco,
Battleforce is watching me.

They even tagged me with a
location tracker.

Oh no! So you can't come back here
or they will find our base!

Find a way to get more Morph-X

or I will transform into Evox
right in front of the Rangers.

Yes Master. let's elaborate
a plan right away.

It's really good.

How long do we have until he transforms?

A few hours, more or less.

we need a plan
get more Morph-X fast.

Hey guys!

We're helping Steel prepare
for his... secret mission.

Believe me, you need to see what
Ben and Betty made it for you.

Here we are.

- These are clothing capsules.
- Perfect for a quick disguise.

- Oh, wait. How it is - ?
- Good! I -

My goodness.


But, um...

We should blend in, not stand out.

Nonsense! You two make a nice pair.

No problem. Let's try another one.

I loved it! So shining.

Thanks guys, but I think the
our normal clothes will do.

No problem. Always happy to help.

Bye to you.

Wait, I have another idea. How about this?

Imagine yourself sitting in the garden, watching
the Mayor, sharing chocolates

- with a dozen roses.
- Wait a second.

This is heart shaped.

Are you making a date?!

It's okay, bro. Zoey told me they like it
each other, so I'm here to help.

He discovered this himself.

But we're not going on a date,
then you can stop.

But... it's fine.

The Mayor is in a hurry,
and now we have to change.

See you later, Steel.

In fact, you'll see me later.

- Something happened?
- Anything.

Ah, this ramen smells good. I'm starving.

I was thinking, I know this
It's not a date, but...

...it's good to go out, just you and me.

Yes it is.

Noodles, huh?

Well hello - just what I need.

I'm so clumsy.

Don't worry.
Here, we can share mine.


Yea! My work here is done.

One moment please.

I'm very sorry. It was my fault.

No, no, it was my fault.
I wasn't looking and...

The mayor.

Where did he go?

Commander, we've lost sight of the Mayor!

How is this possible?! Find him!

Bring me the Morph-X now!

There he is!

Not so fast!

Affs! There went the perfect moment.

Let's go.

Those fools...

I thought you were supposed to be protecting me.

We're sorry, Mr. Mayor.

Commander, the Mayor is safe.

Let's take him back to base.

But when I needed you,
were not there!

It's our fault, Commander.

That kind of mistake doesn't suit you two.

I had the feeling that
there was more to the story.

So I checked the cameras
garden surveillance, and I found this...

I'm sorry. It was my fault.

Tell me it's not what it looks like.

Wait. Do you have a case?!

- I had no idea.
- Looks like nobody knew.

What's up!? It is true?


The truth is, Nate and I...

...we have feelings for each other.

We've had it for months, but -

No 'but'! you know that dating
it is a violation of the rules.

I expected more from you.

Wait, it's not their fault, Commander.

Nate and Zoey didn't want to break the rules,

But I wanted to see them happy, so I...

So you what?

So I kind of, like,

I dropped your noodle bowl so you
had to share Zoey's bowl.

- Did you follow us?
- Well, yes.

What's the use of a rule if you only do it
the good people unhappy?

It is a good question.

This rule certainly left
Me and Roxy unhappy.

Rules are made to be followed.
Can we close this?

I have an important meeting to go to.

Son you will replace Nate
in the mayor's escort.

- Don't leave his side.
- Yes ma'am.

We will finish this discussion later. Go!

Stay here, sir.
Zoey and I are going to check out the area.

Blaze, Roxy, you have to ambush my guards.

I need the Morph-X!

All clean. We can go.

Okay, we need a distraction.

Any idea?

That will do.

Tiaratron, ready for battle.
My jewels will dazzle my enemies!

Go attack the Rangers.

Once the mayor is unprotected,
we'll give him his Morph-X.

That will be our glory.

Watch out!

I'm made of diamonds, and this is going to be hard.

Mr. Mayor, stay there.

Activate Fierce Power!

You protect the Mayor.
I take care of the brilliant.


Commander, a Robotron has just att*cked.


And a Gigadrone detector went off
in the Romeo Sector - .

I sent Devon to handle this.

- Go help Ravi and Zoey.
- Yes ma'am.

- All right, Cruise, you know what to do.
- Of course yes!

- Ravi!
- You're burning! It can overheat.

I know. I need a minute.

- They go!
- We will!

I thought Gold and Silver should shine.

There are drones.

Are you okay, Ravi?

Too good to go back to work.

- Keep the Mayor safe.
- Right.

Don't worry. I've got your back.

we have to learn

The Mayor can become Evox at any time.

Hand over the Mayor and we won't
hurt her... a lot.

You won't get him anywhere.

I can try Nate's new w*apon.

Transport Saber Spin Beast-X!

Here we go!

Come back here!

Time to turn things up.
Viewfinder, connected!

Activate Beast-X Mode!

Beast-X mode, done!

Hey Robotron!

Gorilla Play!

You broke my jewelry!

You're done.


Tornado Fall!

- What?
- Impossible!

- No!
- No!!!


Thank you for your help.

We make a nice team.

Very good.


Looks like I owe you two.

You saved me again.

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

King Combo Attack!

Virus eliminated.

Well done, team.

I'm relieved that everyone is safe.

Commander, we're not dating.

We may disagree with the rule,

but we won't break it if
it compromises the team.

I believe in you, Nate.

I saw how the two of you fought together today,

and it's clear to me now

you are a great team
because of their relationships,

not in spite of them.

I don't change the rules often,

but when I mute, it's only for a good reason.

- Does that mean that...?!
- Yes, Steel, yes.

The rule... 'gone', as you say.

That! I achieved!

You two can be together!

So, want to see a movie tonight?

Affirmative. It's a date.

- Dad, are you okay?
- I'm not well.

- No!
- Dad!

- Dad!
- Get away from me!


No, I'm not your father.

The Mayor is gone.

You better forget about it.

You discovered my secret,

but soon the Morphing Net will be mine!

Evox and my father are...
in the same body?
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