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02x07 - Breaking Point

Posted: 07/20/22 10:48
by bunniefuu
[woman yelling]

You're doing great, Anne.
You're doing great.

-[panting] I can't!
-Yes, you can.

No! It's too much!

-Okay, just focus on your breathing.
-[Anne] Okay.

Okay, you remember, right?
In and out. In and out.

I know how to breathe!

-[man] I love you so much!
-[Anne] Stop talking! Just stop talking.

What's the FHR?

[Doc] Uh, holding steady. One four zero.

Is the baby okay?

Oh, he's doing just great.

Okay, Anne, with this next contraction,

I want you to take a deep breath,
give me another big push, okay?


-Here we go. He's crowning.

You got this. Okay?

Okay. Okay.

With this next contraction,

give me another deep breath
and one last big push, okay?

-Yeah. Okay.
-He's almost out.


[Doc] Here we go. Here we go.

[Anne panting]


Okay. Okay.

Oh, you did great.
That's a lot of baby to deliver.

You're tellin' me.

Is he healthy?

He is perfect.


Here you go.

Hi, baby.

Oh... you're so sweet.

Hey, thank you for everything, huh?

Well, it was a team effort.

[theme music playing]

Sorry. Late start. [clears throat]

Hey, don't worry about it.

Listen, if you're having trouble sleepin',
I've got a herbal supplement that--

Preach, don't... don't go there.

Just lookin' out for you, man.

-I'm good. Thanks.
-All right.

Listen, this morning,
I gotta head over to the clinic.

Should be quick, about half hour tops.

Everything okay?

Yeah. Charmaine and I are
puttin' together a birth plan.

[coffee pouring]

Take your time. I can cover.


[man] Mornin', fellas.

[Preacher] Sheriff.

[Jack] Just starting your day
or you ending it?

Ending. Up all night.

Just got back from the morgue.

Found a body out near Aldergrove.


Any idea who it is?

Won't get the coroner's report
until later today.

Anything you want is on the house. Right.

-Much obliged.


Yeah. What can I get ya?

Coffee'd be a good start.

Yeah. Yeah, I'll get that started.

All right.

Boy, you had some good skills
in there, missy.

[laughs] Thank you.

So, you got up at 3:30 a.m.
You wanna take the rest of the day off?

What about you? Aren't you tired?

I haven't napped in 70 years.
I'm not gonna start now.

Did Hope tell you to go easy on me today?

She did mention that today might be tough.

Just so you know,
I am exactly where I wanna be.

She is just concerned.

You know, she was widowed once too.

Yeah, she told me.

I can't say I know
what you're going through, but...

I do know it can't be easy.


I've officially made it through
one year without Mark, so...

[exhales] ...that's something, right?

Sure is.

The thing is...

ugh, I've spent so much time feeling sad.

I'm finally starting
to feel like myself again,

and I just don't want any setbacks.

That is an admirable goal.

Just don't be too hard on yourself.

I won't.

So, what is on the schedule?

Jack and Charmaine are coming in
to talk about their birth plan.

You know, in my day,

the only plan was to pack a suitcase
and drive to the nearest hospital.

[both laugh]

[door opening]

Hey, Hope, how you doin'?

-More importantly, how are you?
-I'm fine. Thanks. Um...

So these are the things
that Connie dropped off for Chloe.

You don't have to put on a brave face
for me.

I am not being brave. I am working.

Distraction is key.

-Why don't you go home and watch a movie?
-Look. Honestly, I'm fine.

I know I'm early.
I just was so excited, I couldn't wait.



Lie down.

-Tucker and I have an understanding.
-I see that.


uh, you're welcome to use my office
for your meeting.

Oh, great. Thank you.

-We can wait for Jack in there.
-[Charmaine] Okay.


[softly] Thanks.

The first anniversary
of her husband's death,

and you couldn't give her the day off.

Mel told us both
that she wants this to be a normal day.

I don't care what she said.
Mel isn't like me, she's sensitive.

Talk about stating the obvious.

I think she should be in bed,
under the covers, with the lights off.

You're not in charge, Mel is.

She's an adult.
And we need to take her at her word.

I'm not going to meddle,
but for the record, I disagree with you.

Well, it wouldn't be the first time.

Now, I was thinkin' we should go
to an early dinner tonight.

You were up before the sun.
Why don't we eat in?

Hope. Come on.
We've been sneaking around long enough.

I understand why this is hard for you,
but, you know, I'm sorry about that.

But if we're gonna do this,
we need to do this right out in the open.

Do I get to pick the restaurant?

Anywhere you want.

Within a five-mile radius.

Did you ever hear the phrase
"happy wife, happy life"?

Well, sounds like
I'm a glutton for punishment.

[Jack] Preach, I'm out.
Here's the vendor checks.

-All right. Thanks.

Hey, Jack.

I just wanted to say that I'm sorry,

but it wasn't my fault
for missing the shift last night.

I had car trouble.

Yeah, no, I... I heard from Preacher.

-What kinda trouble?
-Got in a car accident.

You okay? Was anyone hurt?

-Yeah, just a fender bender.


Well, I'll come by later,
I'll take a look at the car,

and I'll check in with Lydie.
I'm sure she's all shook up.

She... wasn't there.

What, you were by yourself?

I was with Lizzie.

So, Lydie gave you permission
to take her car to Eureka with Lizzie?

Not exactly.

Oh, okay, so you stole a car,
you crash it,

and you miss your shift?
Am I missing something?

I didn't... I didn't steal a car.

Did you get permission?

Come on, Ricky.

That's stealing.

I... I'm gonna pay for all the damages.

What's goin' on with you?

Come on.
You're stealin' liquor from the bar.

You're taking your grandmother's car
without asking.

-You're missing work. This isn't like you.
-I just said I was sorry.

I have to say that I think
you're spending a lot of time with Lizzie,

and I'm not sure that
that's the best idea.

She's got nothing to do with anything.

You didn't get in any trouble
before she showed up.

Listen, all I'm saying is

I don't wanna see
where she leads you next, you know?

Have you ever even
had a conversation with her?

I've never known you
to make up your mind about someone

without even giving them a chance.

That's not what I'm doing, okay?
This is about you. I care about you.

Look, I'm just sayin', you know,

your experience with women
is a little limited.

-Yeah, 'cause you're the expert here.
-Excuse me?

You got your ex-girlfriend pregnant,
and you're in love with someone else.

I don't think you're in the position

to be handing out advice on women
to anyone!

Hey, that was way outta line.

What the hell was that?


[Tucker whimpers]

Not sure what's taking Jack so long.

Can I get you some more water?

Oh, no, thanks.

If I had any more,
I would literally float outta here.

I think we've got some bagels
in the kitchen. I can make you one.

Oh, no, thank you.

Jack and I are going for breakfast
after this.

[door opening]

Hey, sorry I'm late.

Got held up leavin' the bar.

Have a seat. [chuckling]

Hey, did they find anything out
about that body?

-[Jack] No, not yet.
-What body?

They found remains out near Aldergrove.


How-- How did you know about that?

Oh, um...

Well, we were by the river
near where they found them.

Yeah, we were taking a walk.


When was that?

Uh, last night.

Oh. You and Jack were together last night?


-You lied to me.

When you came over
to look at the nursery furniture,

you told me that you couldn't stay
because you had to go to the bar.

I honestly don't know
what you're talking about.

Yes, you do. Preacher was slammed.

"What is this,
National Question Jack Day?"

-No, you're right. I did say that.
-So you didn't go to the bar.

Well, I was going to, but I just...

But you were with Mel.

Well, yeah, but that was later.

Look, Char, I'm sorry. I mean...

Are you... are you sorry?
Or are you just sorry you got caught?

You know what?

We can actually just reschedule this
for another day.

I'm fine with that.

Of course you'd agree with her.

No, I just think it's better we do this
when you're not so upset.

Well, I'm upset because of you.

And you know... [sighs]

I came here for a birth plan,
and so I'm not leaving until I get one.

And if you want to make up a reason
to leave again, go ahead.

So sweet of you to deliver Connie's gifts.

Everyone's been just so generous.

Of course.
And besides, any excuse to see Chloe.

-She's a doll.

And she's getting so big.

-She'll be crawling before you know it.

So how's it been
having Tara staying with you?

Oh, I don't know what I did
to deserve a daughter as lovely as her.

Just been an incredible help
with the baby and everything, really.

Oh, I was so proud of you
for reaching out to her.

A good friend once reminded me

of the importance of having faith
in the people you love, so thank you.


Hey, Sugar! Come here.

Come on. Look what I got.

-Do you wanna give her a carrot?

-That's her favorite.

-There you go.
-Sugar, whatcha think?

-Ooh. Delicious. Yeah.
-Look at her. She's gobblin' it down.

Gotta save some room for supper.

[Hope] She's so pretty.

So, how are things with you?

Living every day like it's my last.

I heard something strange.

Oh, really? Do tell.

I heard that Doc and Muriel are dating.

You know, I heard the same thing.

-Yeah, well, I don't buy it.
-Why not?

Because Doc's been in love with you
since the day you moved to Virgin River.

[chuckling] I don't know about the day...

So, you wanna tell me the real story?

Oh, it's complicated.

-I don't wanna bore you with the details.

You know that Buck and I
were high school sweethearts, right?

Well, until he died,

I had no idea how it felt
to have my heart broken.

And I know you've had
more than your fair share of heartbreak,

but I gotta say somethin' here.

Um, I would give anything
for just one more afternoon

with the love of my life,
and yours is just a few blocks away.

I don't want you to miss your chance
just 'cause you're playin' it safe.

Now the trick is
you need to be in sync with the kitchen.

Once that food is plated,

it should be on the table
within 60 seconds.


Here you go.

You're not gonna say hello?

Hey. I am sorry, it's, uh,
it's been crazy today,

and we're a bit shorthanded.


[Jamie] I was hoping I'd see you.

-[Preacher] Why's that?

If you'll excuse me,

-I've got some business to take care of.
-[clicks tongue] Go.

-Did you hear?
-About the body?


There's no reason to believe it's Wes.


Well, there's no reason
to believe it's not.

It's all right.

Even if they do find him,
there's no way to connect you.

[gear shifts]


[trees crunching]

I wiped down the car.

Good, no fingerprints.

There might be fibers from your clothing,
but there's nothing we can do about that.

-Didn't have a lot of time to react.
-I know.

So, if, um, if someone asks you about Wes,
what's your plan?

If the body in the morgue is his,
and they trace it back to me...

I'll tell the sheriff I k*lled him.

That's crazy.

I won't give them Paige.

That's fine,
but don't you take the fall for this.

Only ten percent of felonies
end in conviction.

Ninety percent of those
are because the suspect confessed.

If they haul you in,
there's only one thing to do.


Absolutely not. Okay. Out of the question.

-No, I don't care what I did,

I'm not having a doula deliver our twins
at your house in some kiddie pool.

Well, at least I'm being honest
about what I want.

Can you back me up here, please?
Aren't twin births generally riskier?

For the most part, yes, they are.

And those risks are...?

Twins are more likely
to be born premature,

and there's a greater chance
that at least one of the babies

will be in a breech position,

or on their side,

and in that case,
you would have to undergo a cesarean.

Come on, Charmaine.
What happens if you need surgery?

The hospital's almost two hours away.

Well, did you know the infection rate
of home births

is less than half of those
in the hospital?

-Where'd you hear that?
-The Internet.

There are undeniable advantages
to delivering in a hospital.

Access to emergency care
being first and foremost.

But if Charmaine is anxious
being in a hospital,

that's something you need to consider.

So, you know what?
I'm gonna take Tucker for a walk

and give you guys some time
to figure out what you wanna do. Okay?

[Tucker whimpering]

[Mel] Thanks.

Come on, bud.

Hey, Lizzie?

Hey. Uh...

I just came here
to pick up the pies Preacher ordered.

So, you didn't get fired
for missing a shift?

No, but Jack is super pissed at me.

Whatever. He'll get over it.

-I guess.
-I'm serious.

My aunt is mad at me 24/7,
and I'm still here.

Yeah, but Jack's not like Connie.
He's mostly cool.

I get it.

-How about I make it up to you?
-What? Like free brownies?

I had something more fun in mind.

Oh. Uh...

You... you don't have to do that.

Maybe I want to.

[cell phone chiming]


Preacher needs me back at the bar, so...

So... come back later.

Yeah, okay. Uh...

Hey, aren't you forgetting something?


The pies.



[both chuckle]



[cell phone ringing]

Joey! Hey.

You sound out of breath.

Oh, I just finished a class.

Oh, what'd you take?

Flow with Marina.

Oh, I miss Marina.

How is she? Is she still single?

I heard she's hooking up
with the studio owner's husband,

so she may not be teaching here
much longer.

[chuckling] Oh...

Well, that's some juicy gossip.

I know, right?

How are you doing?

I made it through 365 days.

Oh, honey, you should not be alone today.

No, I'm not. I'm at work.

And I'm okay. I'm...

I mean, I miss Mark,
and I'm thinking about him, but...

I'm not... sad.


Well, maybe that means
you're on the other side of it.

The other side?

Grief. Maybe... the worst is behind you.

Well, how do you know
when you're done grieving?

I think it's when the memory of someone
brings peace instead of pain.


I was thinking about him yesterday,

Remember that trip
where he made us call him Captain Monroe?

[laughing] Yes.

Aw, he could be such a dork.

I think you guys
were drinking margaritas at breakfast.

Yeah, I remember,
and I was asleep by lunch.

[door opening]

-Um, let me call you back, okay? Bye.
-Okay, love you.

Hey, uh, I didn't mean to interrupt.

It's okay.

So did you lie to Charmaine?

Well, not on purpose.

-It was an excuse.
-For what?

I went by her house,
and there was baby furniture everywhere,

and I guess I just...

I wasn't prepared.

You know?
I didn't wanna hurt her feelings.

You know, I'm sure if you
just told her that, she would understand.

I don't want her to think
that me freaking out

means I'm not committed
to being a dad, 'cause I am.

I know.

Look, whether I'm ready or not,
it doesn't matter.

I just want my kids to grow up with a dad.

They will.

Look, she is not listening to me.
Can you talk to her?

I just wanna make sure
she's fully informed

before making a decision.

Sure. Of course.

-Thank you.
-Can you take Tucker?


-Thank you.
-You're welcome.

Good luck. [grunts]

Tucker, come here. Come on.
We'll let the ladies talk it out, huh?

Yeah, you don't have to worry
about any of that.

[Preacher] Here you go.

Hey, Hope. What can I getcha?

I'd like to reserve a booth.

Okay, for...

Dinner. Two people. Five o'clock.

Well, I think it's safe to say
you don't need to make a reservation.

I wanna make sure we have a booth,
preferably toward the back.

-Oh, is this official mayoral business?
-What's with the third degree?

Well, it's just that this dinner
seems important.

I'm having dinner with Doc.

[Preacher] Oh.

So why the intrigue?
You guys eat here all the time.

It's more...

intimate than usual.


-But it's not a big deal,

so I'd appreciate it
if you kept your "reallys" to yourself.

I think it's about time
you and Doc got back together.

Well... [sighs]

Yes. We are giving our relationship
another try.

-Well, I think that's great.

Well, it's obvious
that you care about each other.

We fight like cats and dogs.

Or like an old married couple.

We tried that once. It didn't work out.

Well, you know,
some things need time to marinate

before they're ready to grill.

You got any other
food-related metaphors up your sleeve?

Just the one.

Well, thanks for the pep talk.

[Preacher] See ya tonight.

[Charmaine exhales]

I'm so sorry.
I had no idea you had a stillbirth.

Look, I'm only telling you this

because I just wanna give you
a different perspective

so that you can make the best decision
for you and your twins.


I still haven't gotten over
losing my daughter.

I don't think that I ever will.

I don't wish that on anyone,

which is why I want to make sure
that you take every precaution.

You know, I'm a nurse.

I'm a midwife. My husband was a doctor.

We knew the risks.

We did everything right,
and I still blamed myself.

I think if I had done
anything unconventional,

I never would've been able
to forgive myself.

So, what do you think I should do?

I think that we should find...

the safest option...

that still allows you to feel secure.



I also want you to know

that I went to the river last night
looking for Jack.

I just... I wanted to make sure
he was okay after the guys left.





he didn't tell the truth
until I called him on it.

How am I supposed to trust him?

He's their father.

When the twins are born,
you're gonna want his support.

What are you doing on the porch?

Oh, they're still inside
working on the birth plan.

And Jack pawned the dog off on me.

They've been in there long enough
for Charmaine to actually give birth.


Anyway, I came to let you know
that I made dinner reservations.

Oh, where?


You want to go to Jack's?


But might as well rip off the Band-Aid.
People are gonna talk, let 'em talk.

Well, actually,

I made a reservation myself.

The only other restaurant
within a five-mile radius is Curly's,

and you hate that place.

I may have bent the rules.


Hey, Hope.

Uh, Doc, can you join us?

-Oh, uh, be right there.

So, should I tell Preacher
we'll take a rain check?


Thank you.

I think...
you can leave your umbrella at home.

[Hope] Okay.

Oh, Tucker, it's you and me again.

All right. [clears throat]

So Charmaine and Jack
have agreed on a birth plan,

and we'd like your input.

[Doc] Okay.

Okay? So Charmaine will deliver
here at the clinic

with you and a doula present.

That's a good idea.
A doula will counteract your anxiety.

And there will be an ambulance on standby

to take Charmaine and the babies
to Grace Valley if necessary.


So what do you think?


Well, I... I'd rather deliver at home,
but I can live with this.


Looks like you have a plan.


Uh, if you'll excuse me,
I've been up since 3:30,

so I'm gonna take a break.


[Mel] You're welcome.




Hey, Mel.

Thank you for talking to Charmaine.


But we really could've picked
another day to do this.

Oh, no, I'm glad we got it figured out.

Well, I just think you should've been
focusing on yourself today.

You know what? I got to deliver
a beautiful baby boy this morning.

So that was pretty great.


It can't have been easy
dealing with me and Charmaine.

You know you're one of the reasons
I'm still standing?

What do you mean?

I wouldn't have lasted
more than two days in Virgin River

if it wasn't for you.

So thanks.


-Well, this is lovely.

Why the change of heart?

Well, I thought it might
make you feel better

if we took baby steps.

If I'd known earlier,

you could've saved me
a whole lotta stress.

[Doc chuckles]


You're welcome.

Thank you.

-Thank you.

Well, we're here.
We might as well do it right.

To us.

To us.

Now this place has great shellfish,

so if you are in the mood for lobster,
go for it.

-I didn't know you spend time in Arcada.
-Oh, I don't.

So, how'd you find this place?

Oh, someone recommended it.




You've got to be kidding me.

["Heartshaker" by Tom Speight playing]

[Lizzie] Have you tasted this stuff?
It's really good.

[Ricky] Hey! Stop eating that!
We gotta make more of these!

-Stop what? Hmm?

-You're getting dough everywhere!
-So? [giggles]

So I'm not gonna be the one
who cleans that up.


Hey, if you throw another piece,
you're gonna be...

What? [giggles]

-You'll be-- You'll be in...

-You're gonna be...

-You're gonna be in big trouble.

Ooh. I love big trouble. [laughs]

No, no, no! Ah!

[gasps] Oh, my God!
No, you didn't. I just washed my hair!

-I tried to warn you, I--
-You are so dead!

♪ Ooh, ooh, ohh, heartshaker ♪

♪ Whoa, heartshaker ♪

[both laughing]

♪ Ooh, ooh, ohh, heartshaker ♪

[song fades]

Hey, Jack.


Hey, Sheriff.

Any word?

Our John Doe is a fellow
by the name of Leo Kavanaugh.

Ring any bells?

Can't say I recognize the name,

but that's definitely the guy
who att*cked Mel.

We pulled prints off the knife he used,
and it's a match.

I'm glad you ID'ed him. Now we just gotta
figure out who k*lled him.


You mind if I keep this?

No, go ahead. I got plenty of copies.

-[cell phone ringing]


-Sorry. Give me one sec.

So, any suspects?

Well, nothin' yet,
but it's only a matter of time.

Dogs are tearing up the woods.

If there's anything up there,
we'll find it.


-That'd be great.

Thank you so much
for asking me to join you.

You've got me believing in karma.

Mmm. And I'm so glad you took me up
on my recommendation.

I mean, isn't The Shell fabulous?

This is one of my favorite restaurants
of all time.

My dermatologist is just down the street,

and I'm usually here
at least two, three times a month.

Today, however, I decided to treat myself

to a little post-appointment shopping
and thought, why not dinner out?

I think dermatology is a waste of money.

There's nothing soap and water can't do.

Oh, Hope, no!
You have been terribly misinformed.

I mean, consistent dermatological care

is why no one would ever guess
that you and I are close in age.

-Uh, check, please!
-Excuse me. I'm suddenly feeling queasy.

I have a fabulous idea.

I am taking a wine tasting cruise,
and why don't you both come?

Oh, uh...

What's your itinerary?

Well, we start in Seattle.

And then we'll travel down the coast
to San Francisco and then back.

-Sounds very nice.

Now, I remember you said
you used to live in Seattle.

I did.

Well, I'm gonna be staying
right near the Bell Street Pier

the night before the cruise takes off.

Do you have any suggestions?

I do have a friend who lives in that area.

I mean, I could perhaps ask him
for some recommendations if you'd like.

Oh, that would be amazing. Thank you.

Something wrong?

Oh, I think I need
to get these glasses checked.

-Can you make out these bottom two lines?

Let's see.

Oh, well, it is pretty fine.

[indistinct chatter, laughter]


["Good As Hell" by Lizzo playing]

♪ Go on, dust your shoulders off
Keep it moving ♪

♪Yes, Lord, tryna get some new ♪

♪ In there, swimwear, going to the pool ♪

♪ Come now, come dry your eyes ♪

♪You know you a star
You can touch the sky ♪

♪ I know that it's hard
But you have to try ♪

♪ If you need advice
Let me simplify ♪

♪ If he don't love you anymore ♪

♪ Just walk your fine ass out the door ♪

♪ I do my hair toss
Check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Hair toss
Check my nails ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Baby, how you feelin'? ♪

♪ Feeling good as hell ♪

♪ Woo, girl, need to kick off your shoes ♪

♪ Got to take a deep breath
Time to focus on you ♪

♪ All the big fights
Long nights that you been through ♪

♪ I got a bottle of tequila
I been saving for you ♪

♪ Boss up and change your life ♪

♪ You can have it all, no sacrifice ♪

♪ I know he did you wrong
We can make it right ♪

♪ So go and let it all hang out tonight ♪

♪ 'Cause he don't love you anymore ♪

♪ So walk your fine ass out the door ♪

-[song fades]

I come in peace.

I need your help.

Should've never gotten in the middle
of this Lilly thing.

-Calvin sent you?

I'm here for me.

You messed up the deal.
I want you to fix it.

Lilly deserves to know
who she's dealing with.

And it was your job to tell her?

-She's a friend.

And you're always such a good friend,
aren't you?

She's not selling the farm to Calvin.

You wanna know what I think?


I think me being successful on my own
is k*lling you.

[chuckles] What, so your definition
of success is working for a drug dealer?

Admit it. You hate the fact
that I'm making more money than you.

What you're doing isn't work.

It's a felony.

Calvin wants me to take over the business.

Did you hear about the body
they pulled out of the woods?




That is how Calvin
treats the people that work for him.

[clears throat] You don't know that.

I can't prove it, but I know it.

We'll find another farm.

Yeah, go ahead.

If you don't care about your life,
then why should I?


It wasn't him.

Told ya.

Yeah, well, there is still a team of dogs

combing the woods for evidence
as we speak.

Preacher, these woods have swallowed
more bodies and more evidence

than even we can imagine.

Yes, still!

It's not like they brought in the FBI.

It's a small-town sheriff
with limited resources.

Okay, but in the military,
we learned to always have back up.

To be prepared
for the worst-case scenario.

Then we move to Plan B.

What's Plan B?

Just in case, and as I said,
the chances are slim.

We build you and Paige an alibi.

[Jack] Doc!

Mel here?

Oh, uh, no, I told her she could come in
later this afternoon.

Oh, I bought her a latte.
I wanted to say thank you for yesterday.

No. You're welcome
to leave it in the kitchen.

Oh, no, I'll take it over to her
while it's still hot, but thanks.

-[telephone ringing]

Doctor Mullins.

Oh. Uh-huh.

Um, yeah, I will need an early check-in.

And, um, also transportation
to the Bell Street Pier.

["Catacombs" by Sød Ven playing]

♪ Lonely caverns built on fragile frames ♪

[loon calling]

♪ Full of broken crowns, forgotten names ♪


♪ Don't leave me here ♪

Hey, Mel, it's me.

♪ Desperate roots
Lay starving at my feet ♪

Hey, what's wrong?

♪ To fall asleep ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

[breathes shakily]

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

It was forwarded from our house in L.A.

[Jack] Hey.

Hey, it's okay.

It's not okay.


I was wrong. It's not gonna be okay.

It's not. It's just not.


♪ Among these catacombs ♪

[Mel sobs]

♪ Will I lie alone? ♪

♪ Just my flesh and bone ♪

♪ Among these catacombs ♪

♪ Born of remnant souls ♪

♪ Will I lie alone? ♪

♪ Just my flesh and bone ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪

♪ Don’t leave me here ♪