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01x02 - Lost

Posted: 07/20/22 10:30
by bunniefuu
Come on.

- You can put him on the table.

- Okay.


Here we go.

- Yeah.

- Can you take his wrap off? Hey.


- Unbutton the sweater? - [MEL.]



Who the hell would leave a baby on a porch? Someone who's desperate.

- Is he gonna be okay? - Yeah.


He's warm.

He's hydrated, and he looks good.

But, uh "he" is actually a "she.

" Ooh! [MURMURS.]

I know [JACK.]


What's that? "I'm sorry, but she'll be better off with someone else.

Please take care of her and make sure she knows that I'm doing this because I love her.

" [SIGHS.]

Do you have Doc's cell number? He's on a house call in Myers Flat.

There's no reception.

Well, I need to get a hold of his contact at Child Protective Services.

- Maybe in his office? - [SIGHS.]



- Here, you want me to have a swing? - Yeah.

Ooh, there you go.

- Oh, there you go! - Thanks.

Uh, we're gonna need diapers and formula.


On it.

We'll text Connie and get you some diapers and formula, huh? What you want? [BABY CRIES.]

What you want, huh? Okay.

Ooh, gotta do something to take your mind off your tummy, huh? - What shall we do? - [BABY CRYING.]

You want a little song? Huh? Yeah? If you come down to the river Bet you gonna find Some people who live You don't have to worry If you got no money People on the river are happy to give [BABY COOS.]

Big wheel keep on turnin' Proud Mary keep on burnin' Rollin', rollin' Rollin' on the river Creedence? Well, I figured it was better than AC/DC.

- Oh, really? - [DOOR OPENS.]

'Cause "Ride On" always put me right to sleep.

Who are you? [DOOR CLOSES.]

I'm a nurse that knows her metal.

- Clearly.

- Where did that baby come from? Uh [SIGHS.]

She was abandoned on your front porch.

She's about three weeks.

Her vitals are good, but she's a little underweight.


We need to call Social Services.

Well, they're in Eureka, they don't open for another hour.

Well, there's always an after-hours number.

Since this is my office, and this baby is my patient, I will decide which course of action we're gonna follow.

No agency calls.

And if you don't agree, you know where the door is.

- Now, please watch the baby.

- Yes, of course.

Come here, honey.

I know.


At least he didn't thr*aten to sh**t you.

Oh, oh, the day is young.

Oh, cute baby.

No, no, I I don't want to alert the authorities.

That's why I called you.

Um Y Look, I I do have some ideas.

- Yes.



Here's all the formula and diapers I had.

Oh, wow, thank you.

Oh, bless her heart.

She's hungry.

We're gonna need some hot water.

- Okay, yep.

I got it.

- Thanks.

Mm-hm! Oh, boy, they said you were a looker, and they weren't lying.


I only said you were mildly attractive.


Mel, this is Connie.


Hi, Connie.

- I'm, uh, the new nurse practitioner - Oh, honey, everyone knows who you are.

Connie owns the general store.

And I make it my business to know everything about everybody.

- Yeah, whether they like it or not.

- Oh! You know, she looks a little like Mimi Simpson around the eyes.

Mimi's 72.

Mimi has a granddaughter.


How long ago was prom? Never mind.

I'll give Mimi a shout, and then I'll activate the Virgin River phone tree.

- Oh.

- Don't you worry.

We'll find your mother.

Thanks, Connie.


Uh What's the phone tree? Whenever there's a town emergency, it's Connie's job to let everyone know.



There you go.

There you go.


- Okay.

Here you go.


No? Okay.

This is not good.


Uh Brad, look, I I gotta go.

Somebody's here in my office.

Uh, yeah.


Listen, uh, just keep an eye open and call me if anyone fits that bill.

It's rude to keep a lady waiting.

It's rude coming in someone's office without knocking.

Your door was open.


We've got big trouble.

- Yeah.

An abandoned baby.

- No, I was talking about Mel.


Someone abandoned that baby? - Yeah.

- Well, what are you doing about it? Well, I was talking to Brad over at Grace Valley Hospital.

- Did you check the camps? - Next on my list.

You know, by the way, Miss Florence Nightingale out there, she was about to call Social Services.

Well, uh, eventually, someone might have to.

It it's an abandoned baby.

Now you're gonna tell me what to do? I always tell you what to do.

Okay, baby aside, you promised to give Mel a 30-day trial.

29 days to go.

It's like a kid countin' down to Christmas.

- You're an ass, is what you are.

- No time for sweet talk.

She gave me her notice.

Well, then, save your fury for Miss Monroe.

I mean, she's the one who's lookin' to cut and run.


- Shh.

Put a little honey on that.

She'll latch right on.

There's a risk of botulism.

- Oh, good heavens.

- It's a real risk.

So is starvation.

I take it I can leave her with you? I'm a certified nurse and midwife.

Is that a yes? Yes.



Well, she's eating.

She could stop again.

You know, we really need to find her mother or consider bringing in a specialist.

You're a midwife.

Feeding issues are a subspecialty.

Oh, Christ on a cr*cker.

Not in the real world, they aren't.

Is Connie activating the phone tree? - Ah, with her usual gusto.


- So, that covers all of Virgin River.

- Mm.

Hey, I gotta call you back.

No, no, I'm just in the middle of something.


Yeah, I'll call you later.


It's possible somebody dropped her off while they were passing through.

Doc's gonna look into that.

You know, it's a good thing you're still in town.

Doc's not good with small humans.

Hell, sometimes he's not so good with big humans either.

I heard that.

I'm not finished with you, old man.


Mel gave notice because you won't let her do what she came here to do.

What, take over my practice? You know, she wanted to give that baby away.

- That's not true.

And - Yep.

Look you've relegated her to coffee and filing, and that's not doing anyone any good.

Well, everyone's got to start somewhere.

She's a nurse, not a secretary.

If she came crying to you, what she is, is city-soft.

It's a good thing we found out early.

In her old job, she used to deal with dope fiends and criminals, but it's you she can't work with.

- Think about that.

- Yeah.

I'm thinking.

Did she tell you? - Yeah.

- [SIGHS.]

You think she's serious about leaving? She told me to start looking for her replacement.

And I really can't blame her.

You know what? If Doc could just get out of his own way, he would see she's exactly what this town needs.

You know, I'm headin' over to the cabin.

You know, I could speed things up with the remodel.

Maybe if she had a place to call home That'll be a a lot of extra work for you.

But we want her to stay, right? Yes, we do.

Maybe if you took your time looking for her replacement I haven't even started, and frankly, it wasn't easy to get Mel here, so Maybe between the two of us, we could turn her around? Yes.

Let's see if we can make Virgin River a little more attractive to her.





Hey, Joe.

- Is that a baby? - Yeah.

Somebody left her on Doc's doorstep this morning.

Oh, my God.

That's terrible.

She's hungry, and I can't get her to take a bottle.

I've tried everything.

I don't know what else to do.

- Is there anyone who can come help you? - No.

No, I've tried everything, and it's [SIGHS.]

it's the worst feeling.

She's hungry, and I can't comfort her.

Are you sure this is a good idea? There has to be someone that can at least come give you a break.

Wait, I'm not that fragile.

You need to stop worrying about me so much.

It's in my DNA.

You know I'm a midwife, right? Babies are my job.

I get that, but you can do your job here.

I put in my notice, okay? Oh, thank God.

I'll make up the guest room.

You can come in as late as you want.

No, I told Hope that I'd wait until they found a replacement.

Joe, you know, when I when I do leave, I'm not coming back to LA.

What are you talking about? Of course you're coming back.


Joey, there's too many memories there.

No, this is your home.

You have family and friends here who love you.

- You don't understand.

- You're right.

I don't.

I don't understand why you're pushing everyone away.

It's like you don't wanna feel better.

No, it's not about that, okay? It [SIGHS.]

You're always trying to fix my life, and my life cannot be fixed.

If you don't get that, I I can't help you.

I gotta go.



Me, you, you, you.

Joey, is that me or you in Mama's arms? I'm over with Dad by the train.

So, Mama's holding me? - I was a really fat baby.


How come you look so little? - Hey, go back.

- No.

Why? I wanna see what's on that page.

No, I'll get in trouble.

We're best friends.

You can tell me.



Mom's not holding you in that picture.

It's our sister, Chloe.

Chloe? She died before you were born.

We had a sister? Yeah, but don't tell Mom I told you.

She'll get really mad.

I'll never tell.

I promise.

Cross my heart, hope to die.

I love you, Joey.

I love you, too, squirt.




Do you like that? Yeah, I do too.


You're gonna be okay.



- [JACK.]

You okay? - Yeah.



You weren't kidding when you said this was gonna be a lotta work.

On the upside, at $20 an hour, you could end up saving enough to pay for your first semester of college.

No need.

Soon as I graduate, I'm enlisting.


Ricky, things, uh It's not the same as when I signed up.

These days, you're gonna need a college degree for any kind of job you're gonna want.

The job I want is to be a marine.

What does your grandmother say about all this, huh? Well I was kind of hoping you could help me tell her.


I will.

- Okay.

- Okay.

But, hey only if you apply to a couple of schools as backup.







- You okay? - Yeah, yeah.

I just, um Just had too much coffee.


Why don't you clean that up? Got work to do.


All right.

- Oh.

- Hi.

- Hi.

- Connie and Hope both called me.

- I'm Lilly.

- Hi.


Is this from the whole town? Uh, no, just me.


Oh, I have four grown children.

None of them are planning on making me a grandmother any time soon, so I thought you could put this all to good use.



How is she? Oh, well, she's not eating enough, and I'm getting a little concerned.


You gonna wake her up? Oh, no, not if I do this right.

I've never seen that before.

It's called dream feeding.

You do it when they're mostly asleep, and if you're lucky, their sucking reflex kicks in.

But it doesn't always work.


I have a bone to pick with you.

I'm all the way through the phone tree when Stacey shows up to tell me that Joy heard Hope talking to Doc.

She thought she heard Doc say that you wanted to give that beautiful baby away.

Oh, no.

There's been a misunderstanding.

- I should hope so.

- No one is giving anyone away.

But at some point, Doc or myself will have to call Child Protective Services.

- Says who? - The State of California.

Oh, please.


Look, Social Services is set up to handle this kind of situation better than we are.

It's not a situation.

It's a baby.


Okay, well, Doc told me not to call.

- Thank goodness for small favors.

- [LILLY.]

It's okay.

You know, Social Services isn't the enemy here.

- Mm-hm.

- Ultimately, they want the baby to be with her mother.

You know what I think? I think this is her home, and you should mind your own business.


Well, this is my business, and the town can't just keep her.

- Why not? - Because she's not a puppy.

I'm sure Lilly, along with everybody else I've spoken to, agrees with me.

I I think she's just trying to help the baby and do what's right, so may Look, we don't need outsiders tellin' us how to live.

In Virgin River, we take care of our own.

You big city types, you're all the same.

Always thinking you know what's best.

Well, I'm here to tell you, you don't.

Let's go, Lilly.


It's okay.



- Oh, busy.

- Yeah, since breakfast.

Why did you promise him a job? He gets in less trouble when he's in Virgin River.

Well, so far, he's broken five plates, three glasses, and is currently on my last nerve.

- Look, he's new to this.

- Yeah? What's that? Work? Or a job? Hey, look.

I want to give him a reason to stick around this time.

All right, listen.

We both know denial's a dangerous thing.


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to empty the dishwasher so that Brady has some more things to break.

Hey, there.





You're not Doc.

- Uh No, I'm I'm Mel.

- The new nurse.

Yeah, that's me.

Can I help you with something? Nothing personal, but, uh I'm not really okay with you being a lady and all.


- Oh.

So, that's the little one that's got everyone so worked up.


I'm I'm calling her Chloe.

Had a collie named Chloe when I was younger.

Oh, that girl could herd.

Uh look, um - Charlie.

- Charlie, uh, yeah, I don't know when Doc will be back, but I can help you with whatever brought you in today.

Well, I think I'll come back later.

- You tell Doc I came by.

- I will.


You know, everyone's talkin' about you wanting to call those people to come take the baby.

I get it.

I was adopted.

Had good foster parents that turned into real parents.

Thanks, Charlie.






I dropped the pies off to Preacher.

Oh, no, I'm here for a latte.

Why, Jack Sheridan, I never thought I'd see the day I'd steam milk for you.

No, not for me.

For Mel.


Suddenly, everything seems right in the world again.

But you know what? Let's make it two.

Wow, she's having a bad day, huh? Well, she's going through some stuff.



Connie came by earlier.

Oh, I bet she did.

Thanks to her, Mel's the talk of the town.

You know Look, I know it happens, but I can't wrap my head around why a mother would abandon her baby.

Well, we don't know the mother's story.

Maybe she didn't have a choice but to do what she did.

I mean, no mother in her right mind wants to give up her child.

I know I'd die to protect my son.

Do you think she'll call Social Services? Mm I don't know.

I'm not a big fan of child welfare agencies.

It's just you see it on the news all the time.

Sometimes the people that are supposed to make things better end up making things worse.

Thank you.

- Hey, buddy.

- Hey, Christopher.

I think Preacher could use a hand flipping pancakes tomorrow.

- If it's okay with your mom.

- It's fine.

- See you tomorrow, Jack.

- See ya, buddy.


Do you know how much I love you? [GROANS.]


Off you go.


- Hey.

- Oh, I'm so happy to see you.


- And you too.

- You're not gonna join me? - No, no, no, they're both for you.

- [SIGHS.]

- Mm.

- Ah.

You're a good man.

- And you're a good woman.


I don't think my sister would agree with you.

- Hm? - We didn't have the best phone call.

Don't beat yourself up.

You've been under a lot of stress.

Look, I've got four sisters.

I know how they can be.

Well, she practically raised me, so she's used to bossing me around.

- Mm-hm.

- She's a force of nature.

Obviously runs in the family.


- How's our girl? She's still not eating enough, and I'm running out of ideas.

Still no word from Doc? No.

And I can't, you know, sit around waiting, knowing that she's hungry.

I mean, he's on some wild-goose chase, trying to keep Social Services away.

And we don't know where the mother is.

She could be in a whole other state by now.

Look, I promise you, Doc believes he's doing the right thing.

Never in my career have I seen a doctor just throw procedure out the window and leave nothing in its place.

If he'd worked anywhere other than Virgin River, he might understand where I'm coming from.

Well, he worked in Seattle before he came here.

He was head of Internal Medicine, I think.

Northwest Hospital.

They have one of the best transplant centers in the country.

- Mm-hm.

- Let me guess.

He got fired for making up his own rules? [CHUCKLES.]

Oh, no, he quit.

Yeah, something about too much paperwork and politics.

Not enough doctoring.


- Hm.

Here, you want me to take her? No, I got it.

No, let me.

I've got a lot of nieces and nephews.

There you go.

- It's okay.

- [SIGHS.]

Look, I spent 20-plus years following protocol in the Corps, so I get why this is so hard for you.


Systems are in place for a reason.

Yeah, but the thing you gotta remember about this town, it's a bit off the beaten path.

So, people have learned to rely on each other more than the outside world.

So, the rules out there, sometimes they just don't apply here.


I'm just trying to do what's best for her.

I know.

And if I'm the only one that thinks she needs more than a phone tree, then so be it.

Well, just so you know, you're not alone.

Okay? I'm on your side.



Latte for Mel.


Yeah, thanks.


Large latte, Mark? - Yes, please.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Great minds.




- How's the head? - Better.

- And the job? - Uh, well, never never a dull moment.

- Which I like.

- You're an adrenaline junkie? Well, only in certain situations.

Um I went skydiving once.

I hated it.

Before I even boarded the plane, I felt like I was gonna die.

- Why did you get on the plane? - I was trying to impress a woman.

- Oh.

How did that work out? - I ended up with a migraine.

And from what I'm told, she ended up with the instructor.

Oh, ouch.

Hey, uh what do you do? I mean, what do you do when you're not working? Run.

Trail run, especially.

But there's really not anywhere to go around here.

Actually, I have a few secret spots that I could show you that are uh - Sorry.


- I mean - Your latte, Mark.

Thank you.

Uh You have such a nice smile.


- Uh Okay.

I gotta go.

- Yeah.

- Okay.


So I'll just see you around campus? Yeah.


I just put her down.

- Uh I'm sorry.

What? - I said I just put her down.


Thank you.


I better get back to the bar to make sure Preacher isn't k*lling Brady.

Oh, they don't get along? Please.

The only thing those two have in common is a deep hatred for one another.






Who we got here? [SIGHS.]


- Jimmy.

- Hey, Doc.

- Hey.

- Thought you forgot about us.


You know better.

How's the leg? Yeah, the medicine you gave me doing the trick.

- Yeah.

- Still a little sore.

That's what happens when you get stabbed with a pair of trimming shears.


Listen, before we get started, I was hopin' to talk to that young pregnant girl.

Which one? Oh, she was young.

She was, uh, dark-haired and very, very pregnant.

- Uh That's Maxine.

- Ah.


I haven't seen her in a while.

But, uh Spencer Spencer and her used to be somethin'.

He's over there.

Spencer? - Yeah, who wants to know? - I'm lookin' for Maxine.

Does she owe you money? No, just wanna talk.

Well, how much is it worth to you? See, Maxine, she she lit out of here a few weeks ago.

That's all I really remember.

Okay, hey.

Look, someone said that she was workin' at a a gas station in Clear River.

I guess she's too good for me now.

She can raise that damn kid on her own for all I care.


So, anything major I should know about? Uh, just all the usual stuff.

There's a cough goin' around.

A few cuts and bruises.

Oh, there might might be a guy with a broken nose from a fight the other night.

- Yeah.

- Mm.

- Well, I'll get it all sorted out.

- You always do.


All right.



I'll take the worst first, huh? [CICADAS CHIRPING.]


Here you go.


- Hey.

- Wow.


Look at you, hm? Well, you are gonna be a little heartbreaker, hm? - Yes, you are.

- Mm.

- I got a new salad on the menu.

- Oh, great.

I'll take that.

You know, I can make it to go.

No, that's okay.

I'll have it here.

Well, you look like hell.


Hi, Hope.

Obviously worn out.

And like any woman who spends a whole day with an infant, you need a break.

- Wouldn't you agree, Jack? - Hm? No, I've only been able to get her to take a couple ounces.

- I need to keep working with her.

- You're stressed.

- Babies pick up on stress.

- What are you implying? I'm not implying anything.

I'm saying you need a break.

Take her somewhere where she can relax a little.


Half an hour couldn't hurt.


Um I have my cell phone on me.

I'm sure you do.

Now, stop worrying and get.



I don't know what I'm more surprised at, that you built a batting cage for yourself in the middle of the woods, or that I'm holding a bat - and wearing a helmet.


Are we really doing this? How do you usually burn off stress? - I run.

- Whew.

- One of those people, huh? - What is that supposed to mean? You know, "those people.

" People who constantly crave productivity.

My theory is that runners are the same people who stress clean.

You do a little of that? You're ridiculous.

And for your information, I ran track in high school.

All right.


- Hit the button, runner.


Oh! - Oh! - Bet I know what you did in high school.

Don't be afraid to let go once in a while.

I can let go.

- I can.

- Really? - Yes.

- All right.

Wanna give it a whirl? Yeah.

- Come on, then.

- I'll give it a whirl.

- Okay.

- Ahem.

You ready? - [SPITS.]


Here we go.

Ohh! That's all right.

You're just getting a feel for the bat.


- See choke up a little.

- What? What does that mean? - Here.

- Just take your bottom hand.

- Yeah.

Closer to the base.

Take this hand up - Yeah.

- to meet your right hand.

All the way up.


- Okay.

- Hold it here? Bring this off your shoulder.

- Widen your stance.

- Yeah.

So come with me You might wanna keep your eye on the ball there.


- Okay.

- You ready? - Yeah.

- Okay.

You got this.

- Okay.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go - Oh! - Whoo-hoo! - I hit it! - Yeah! - I hit the ball! - All right! [BOTH LAUGHING.]


Well, I wonder if Doc had any luck locating the baby's mother.


Oh, yeah, me too.

If not? Well, hopefully, Social Services can locate her or a relative.

If not, then good adoptive parents.

She needs her mom.


Are you close with yours? [CHUCKLES.]

Yeah, very.

Yeah? What about your father? - Uh, not so much.

- No? Oh, we don't really see eye-to-eye on things.

He never wanted me to be a marine.

How about you? Oh, technically I'm an orphan.

- Technically? - Well, I lost my mother when I was 11, and my dad about ten years ago.

- Yeah.

- That's rough.

Yeah, my mom had cancer.

- I'm sorry.

- Yeah.

But, you know, she's she's the reason I decided to become a nurse.

When the time came for me to go say goodbye to her, I I didn't wanna go.

My dad and my sister, Joey, they went into my mother's room, and I just ran down the hall.

I guess I I thought if I didn't say goodbye then, you know, she couldn't actually leave.

Um I don't really remember how long I was alone, but, um after a while, one of my mother's nurses, she came down, and she sat down next to me, and she didn't say anything.

You know, she just she just held me and let me cry.

And later, we went to my mother's room, and I said goodbye.

But that nurse got me through one of the hardest days of my life.

And it was in that moment that I realized that this this is what I wanna do for other people.

And now, every time I walk into an exam room or a hospital, I I think about my mother.

I'm gonna go check on Chloe.



You look very natural with a baby.


Children are too much work.

I decided to raise husbands instead.

- Oh, yeah.

How'd that work out for you? - [CHUCKLES.]

One was my soul mate.

One was the bane of my existence.

And one was the best three months of my life.

No regrets? I don't have regrets.

I make choices, and then I live with the consequences.

I think we're alike that way.

Yeah Sh, sh.

- I know my own mind.

- I like that about you.

You're going to call Social Services, aren't you? Yeah, I should've called them this morning.

You gotta do what you think's best.


Do you wanna try some milk? - Let's go try some milk, okay? - [DOOR CLOSES.]

Hello? Oh, Lilly.


Found some extra onesies.

You can never have too many.

- Oh, those are beautiful.

- Yeah.

- I'm sure Chloe will love them.

- Chloe? It's just temporary.

It's better than calling her baby.

I like it.

Actually, the [CHUCKLES.]

the onesies are just an excuse to come and see you.

Wait, is something wrong? [SIGHS.]

Connie shouldn't have said those things to you today.

I feel terrible I didn't step in and say something.

Oh, thank you.

But I'm used to dealing with people when they're stressed and angry.

Yeah, I I would be happy to look after Chloe for a little while so you could at least go take a shower and change.

You know, I just took a break, and I really should try to feed her again.


Come on.



- Yeah? - Yeah.

Come on.

There you go.

Look at you.


Wow, you really do have the touch.

- Four babies, remember? - Yeah.


You go on.

Get cleaned up.

I'm gonna try and feed her.

- I don't know.

- Oh.

Listen, none of my babies liked taking a bottle.

This one's no different.

But I have tricks.



I would love a hot shower.

All right.

I'm just over at the Fitches', so it won't take long.

Oh, take your time.




You have reached the after-hours number of the Eureka Social Hey, how'd it go? Look, uh I appreciate the job, I just I don't think it's for me.

Hey, look, first days are the roughest.

I don't want to bus tables.

And I Wanna break dishes? Hey, you know what? Just, hey, sleep on it.

Brady, we'll talk about it tomorrow, okay? Look, he's trying to make a fresh start.

Just ease up a bit.


How many times can one person start over? As many as it takes.

Jesus, you're one of the most forgiving people I know.

But not when it comes to Brady.

Well, he may have you fooled, but not me.

Hell, he thinks any straight job is beneath him.

Well, he's here.

- He's trying.


You really think he's changed? Hey.

Yeah, yeah.

Yeah, I'll see you soon.



You're back.

Yeah, Lilly told me you'd be over here.

Did you find the mother? Well, there was a young woman in one of the pot camps outside of town.

And she was seven months pregnant last time I saw her.

- So, it's her? - Well, it could be, but she left the camp.

I tracked her into Clear River, and, you know, I came up empty.

Well, Jack gave me the impression that those camps aren't very clean.

Oh, no runnin' water, limited electricity Not the best sanitation.


All right, well, the baby was left in a clean onesie, with a clean blanket, and a note written on a clean piece of paper.

- Doesn't really sound like the camps.

- I have other leads, and I'm gonna start in the morning.

And I can see if Connie or Lilly can keep the baby tonight.

Well, you should know that the baby is still rejecting the bottle.

Well, in my experience, a baby will eat when they're ready.

She'll be okay for one more night.


I called that after-hours number in Eureka.

Social Services is coming to get her tomorrow.

You had you had no right! No, I have a responsibility and a duty to act in the best interests of that baby.

And I shouldn't have waited all day to do it, but I did so out of respect for you.

Respect? Respect! Yeah, look.

I'm sorry we disagree on this, but the baby's welfare is more important than your ego.


Well, you know, I know this is just a formality since you've already given notice to Hope, but you are fired.

- [SIGHS.]

- Fired.




- Hey.

- Hey.

What kept you? Work.

You okay? Yeah, just Preacher and Brady are at each other's throats again.

Makes me feel like I gotta be some kind of parental I don't wanna talk about work.

Come here.


Uh, listen.


- Brittle bones - [SIGHS.]

Fragile heart Both are meant to fall apart Weathered hands Tiny chin Hold your secrets safe with me Take me in Can't go on Breaking up Call your time Lilly, I'm back.

It's okay.

There you go.

There you go.


There you go.
