16x06 - Their Own Paths

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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16x06 - Their Own Paths

Post by bunniefuu »

Their Own Paths Wood Style!
This girl is crucial in order to capture Orochimaru!
Gotta said so before he d*ed He d*ed?
But Please come with me!
We'll escape together!
Kinoe That's as far as you go!
Do you realize what you're doing?
Stop, Kinoe!
Will you break the rules like Orochimaru and betray the village?
Just for that girl?
Why does it have to be her?
It seems that transfusing the blood of someone with that ability enables you to use the jutsu to become smoke for a short while.

If that were true, it would make it very easy to slip across the border.

However Yukimi The only one who can help Lord Orochimaru is you What are you talking about, hey?
We're of no use We have to offer Lord Orochimaru young Yukimi's blood He said that and d*ed.

That's so !
Lord Orochimaru helped us survive.

But that doesn't mean we live for his sake.

You have to bear it, Yukimi.

We do not live for the present.

We live for the next generation who will be able to bathe in the sunlight and feel the wind and laugh without a care in the world.

We live for that day.

That's why Lord Orochimaru's research is so important Tenzo!
Yukimi Are you betraying Lord Orochimaru?
Without Lord Orochimaru, our clan has no future.

That's why Tenzo and Gotta gave up their lives for the sake of the clan Orochimaru will definitely go to that village looking for that girl.

She's gone?
Could she have heard us?
Do you think she returned to the village?
For Orochimaru?
If Yukimi's blood is taken with her body being unstable as it is She's prepared to die All I wanted to do was protect her.

This time If that's the case, you didn't break the rules.

Let's go protect that girl Tenzo!
Where is everyone?
Perfect timing!
Orochimaru is up ahead, heading this way.

Damn it!
Let's go!
Lord Orochimaru!
Disgusting Inferior things are useless, after all.

Yes, it has to be your blood.

This happened because you weren't here.

What you see are the results of my tests on the Iburi Clan's bodily transformation ability Only with the blood of the young, will this ability manifest itself I've gathered all the other samples Only your blood remains and that will be the end of it.

That's But you were going to help guide us to the next generation No No!
You can't say no.

I'm going to have your blood.

Don't waste my time!
You intend to wrap me in smoke?
The prey can never defy the hunter.

So you've come to take her back?
Too bad Damn it, Orochimaru!
He's losing blood.

He can't go far in his condition.

He's bound to stop somewhere in order to take Yukimi's blood.

We'll split up and search!
Leave it to me!
This is No way Are they guiding us?
You noticed it too?
Over there!
On the other side!
Lightning Blade!
You brats!
How dare you!
How dare you!
I won't waver this time I'll look into your eyes up to the very end and bring you down!
You are still so inferior.

Know your place!
Didn't I already tell you?
Grow up a little more.

Then I'll fight you!
This is Orochimaru's Curse Mark!
Kakashi, what do we do?
Only the jutsu caster can release a Curse Mark.

But that's !
Ten zo Ten zo Ten Wood Style!
I didn't encounter Orochimaru.

Nor did I encounter a strange clan Nor someone from the Foundation.

I'm not scared of the wind blowing anymore.

I'm going to walk straight ahead, for my future.

I can only live by the rules.

But that's okay.

I know now that I'm capable of protecting someone.

It's been a while, Kakashi.

They know how to fight against the Sharingan.

You planned on doing this from the very start!
Why do you want to k*ll me?
Because it's a mission.

Stop it, Kinoe!
Abandon this mission!
To a shinobi, a mission is absolute!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Targeted Sharingan" I'm going to complete the mission!
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