26x20 - Evox: Upgraded

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x20 - Evox: Upgraded

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on beasts Morris Dees Avenger


my mind was connected to the Eagle Roxy

and I know what they're planning to do

with the morph X they've stolen mr. Oz

we'll learn how to build a body for ebox

transpiling jr. and his new body is

complete he folks will be able to

teleport back from the cyber dimension

to destroy us all but if he does he'll

take over the morning great remember

everyone all connections need to be

checked we only have one shot at this


Nate progress report I've repaired the

damage as best as I can

we're ready for a test activation let's

hope the cyber gate coordinates is still

accurate we won't know until we try

commander mr. mayor I wasn't expect my

son is a ranger why didn't you tell me

yep any idea what it's like to know your

child's life's in danger

respectfully sir I do we're ready to go

meet my son Robbie mayor of Daniels

your son is a Blue Ranger

I had no idea all of you are Rangers

yes sir based on our Intel a Vox is

gonna use the morph X from that tower to

transfer into a new body so that he can

return to the real world our world

Devon was trying to stop him

what can I do to help nothing

Devon is trapped in a place called the

cyber dimension where a box has a

stronghold that cyber gate is the only

way we know of to get there

once we know it's safe we can go through

it and rescue Devon okay

we're all ready to test your name

everybody clear

I'm bringing the cyber gate online now

let's the cyber dimension

something's wrong wait ready don't stand


they do something it's not responding


this that was close

hurry Nate is that portal safe or not

negative there are flashes of stability

when we might be able to get through but

it's too unpredictable I'll carry the

beacon through the portal

it'll broadcast a coordinate selfie

box's base and you guys can follow

absolutely not

we can't afford to lose any other Ranger

Mon someone has to try yo mayor did you

get Nate what is it bro I think it's

freaking it's giving me the exact

transdimensional coordinates of the

cyber dimension great let's fire up the

transporters get on those swords and go

surprise that snake hold on

surprise isn't enough we need something

bigger it's stronger that Lux has never

seen like all your Zords combine

I've been developing a new Megazord

formation the ultra sort and that isn't

powerful enough nothing is

look at the MOSFETs bill it's so

beautiful I could watch this for hours

how much longer to leave oxes new body

is done it's taking forever

listen kid it's a complex process but

when it's complete

eva's will rise in his real form we'd

better get the teleportation system





I'm getting you out of yourself okay


everyone ready for ultra sword

combination copy dad

disassembly engaged



pretty sex ultras or Unleashed cyber

dimension coordinates locked in ready to

deploy on your command Robby

complete your mission and bring the team

back on one piece

that's an order son yes ma'am

deployed basic soldiers work


we can do this team Devin's counting on

us transport Alba Rangers




so this is the cyber dimension what's

going on that's impossible

the Rangers are here with a crazy new

sod combo really good send in an army of

Giga drones and tear those fools apart

great idea

oh man that's a lot of gigatons oh I've

never seen that many time to get this

new ultras or to work out


when you go


we love him

good talk now what are you doing here

dad I came here to find you

the Red Ranger I can't believe you

didn't tell me you have no idea how much

I wanted to say something but I couldn't

it's against the rules and honestly

it's been a long time since we've seen

eye to eye another I'm sorry I forgive

you such a hard time son

I thought you were selling responsible I


couldn't have been more wrong


you're a hero

just following in your footsteps dad

the portal I came through was that way

if we go there your friends might -

portal they must rebuild the cyber game

hi Raj take this


these tax ultra strike


this ultra sword is legit

I'm free and my enemies will

that can't be good


what is that

Rangers have you come here to stop me

could that be a box no and I'm free from

my digital prison your time in this

dimension when we bridge and painful

critical my sergeant breaking up



Jax over here everyone alright

yeah yeah barely guys Devin

you're so glad you're okay we're all

lucky to be alive

couldn't have done it without you mr.

mayor but now we're in a tight spot

what's wrong

our swords they're history really and

it's not over yet

look what do you think of the cyber

dimension Rangers is it a fitting place

for you all to meet your ends

dad get some more safe okay Devon I

thought you need another risk-on thanks

curse there's no escape you're finished

we won't go down without a fight small

fries on

unless the reason how charming


enough distractions I can feel the warm

x-buster through my body I am


that's bad time to finally leave this



we're Z bugs going Roxy said he was

planning to teleport to Coral Harbor to

access the morphing grid I don't think

we can take him down without our ultra

Zord morph X is highly expl*sive if we

blow up in a tower it'll take a Vox with

it the hell all our swords are gone

actually good news I just double checked

the racer sword is still operational

that's it Finn I'll take out the tower

scrawls we'll be controlling things from

his base dad he lead of his back there

I'll be dry

great shut down their teleportation

systems and trap a Vox here so you can

destroy him we all know what to do we've

come this far nothing can stop us

this way

we're right behind you I'll fire up the

racers were great



let's end this small so I'm ready to go

and take what's mine will you hurry he

boxes in position I know

Janet's diverse amorphous from the tower

into the teleportation system now

digitization initiated

all right Cruz you ready for this let's


in position crews how are we going to

take out the tower there's access

tunnels ahead we can use them to destroy

it from underneath great let's get down

we're going in Bhutan buddy

what's that contract looks like we might

have one more fight Cruz


well looks like Skrulls been busy

scroll so bill me a little gift you're

not the only one with the sword now you

ain't got nothing on us blaze


lab is just through there we've got

company go stop me boss we'll handle

these guys follow me you cheap circuits

what a taste of Steel hey hands off the

computer scuffle I said stop

hasta la bye-bye Ranger how do I stop

this thing

it's working


someone's gonna get hurt


that someone is you


this is it crews we have to finish him

nice knowing you


wait for it

transport cheetah beast blaster


racers or see that


looks like a box is out of avatars now


digitization 85% completely this should

reverse the digitization no way he can

teleport then


digitisation terminated

I've managed to stop a box but you need

to get out of there the towers becoming

unstable you're right mate he's

beginning to blow you guys have to get

to safety - copy that

Odin return over fear we should go back

to where this tab again is open come on


we're cutting it close


we don't know fast

quick everyone just so here Saturday

it's opening


safes Christmas weren't


first damage

come on son

Daniel's are you okay I'm okay whatever

I don't see anything





you guys okay yeah fine now it's good to

be back good work guys you fix the cyber

gate and saved us we did you're done

right we did the vortex plasma is still

affecting you we got to fix that son I'm

so proud of you

I always have mind the Red Ranger so in

a way I was proud of you all along

thanks dad it's really evil



commander it's blaze he's awake trust

loyalty courage sure that's at the core

of a good team but the key to your

teamwork is friendship

one week ago that teamwork saved our

city so for my first act as reelected

mayor I couldn't be more proud toward

each of you the coral Harbor metal about


thank you it was nothing really

Ben and Betty Burke please come forward


what's up with the bubble suit it helps

with their vortex exposure Ben I'm Betty

and recognition of your bravery are

these for us here you go Betty wait Ben


got you


we should everybody listen up we've

gotta take a group selfie it's what

humans do on special occasions and this

is a pretty special occasion you got

that right everyone ready

three two



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