26x08 - The Cybergate Opens

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x08 - The Cybergate Opens

Post by bunniefuu »


Target in feet.

- There is? You're not Betty!
- Not as far as I know.

I'm testing your new tracking device.

Betty has a tracking tag,
and she says that... she's right here.

Come on, where's my ice cream?

Good job, bro. You found me.

Brain frozen!

And ready!


Nate, where are you going?

I'm developing new w*apon prototypes.

I will update them with animal DNA,
so I... thought of...

go to the forest and get a DNA
of insect to work.

Wait a second.

Dude, you know the rule.

You must not leave the base without an escort.

You are very important.

I need that DNA.
If something happens, I know how to take care of myself.

Why not let us go together
and keep company?


We will.

Move! There is no time to lose.

So this is your cyberportal?

This pile of scrap will take away
the Evox of the cyber dimension?


Oh, yes you will.

But there's one thing I need.

After the Evox is transported
through the cyberportal,

he must put himself in a robot body,
and i don't know exactly how

make a robot strong enough to
contain all Evox data.

What? If you don't, then who will?

The same person who made the Evox
get stuck in the supercomputer...

...this boy.

The boy genius designs revolutionary robots.

Oh, that's Nate!

He's small. Let's capture it easily.

Excellent! And we're gonna need Morph-X
extra for the portal.

Right. Anything to get Evox out of the cyber dimension.

That's the spirit! let's put a
smile on Master Evox's face!

Stay still.

Thank you friend.

Mantis DNA is what I need.

Now, what other insects are out there?

How about this spider? It's an arachnid, but --

I love almost all creatures,
but not spiders.

- Thank you anyway.
- Oh! OK.

That! I leveled up.

Do you want to try?

A scarab.

Rangers, a Robotron was seen stealing
Morph-X in the Lima sector - .


Nate, go back to the base where you'll be safe.

I'm not finished yet.
I just found this scarab.

- Nate...
- I know. It's the rule.

Fine. I will go.

Thank you, Nate.

I just wanted a person not to
treated like a child.

That's why I always wanted a brother.

Scarab DNA...

and Praying Mantis DNA.


What do you want?

We need to choose your brain,
tech boy.

We will!

Morph-X. How to take candy from a baby!

Tronics! My cartridge is full.
give me another.

Watch out for it.
Every drop counts.

We have a big order to deliver.

Come on, team.

Look, the Rangers!

I will wipe them off the face of the Earth!

♪ Power Rangers ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ Go! ♪

♪ It's time to morph! ♪

♪ For justice we fight ♪

♪ With a mighty fierce morph ♪

♪ Together we will win ♪

♪ Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!) ♪

♪ Power Rangers Beast Morphers ♪

Don't be shy!

It's time to morph!

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!


Let's get this load out of here!

Bye, Rangers!

- Hey! Stop the truck!
- Oh no!

Hey bro, which movie do you wanna see?

I don't know.

Let's flip a coin.

I only have this tracking tag.

- Green or purple side?
- Green.

Betty, watch out!

Our tracker tag!
We have to get it back!

There is? Who are the idiots?

Take these!

Watch out!

Fierce Shot!

Now, where did that Robotron go?

I don't know, but we have to get the Morph-X.

Let's split up and find him.

Everything is fine.

Whatever they want from me, they won't get.

Oh, you are so brave!

Scrozzle, you are a genius!
A genius, I tell you!

Where am I?

Welcome to your new lab.

What is this thing?

Well boy genius, I'm Scrozzle,
and i used your neural aligner

to make my masterpiece,
the cyberportal!

What do you want with me?

You... will build for us...
a very special robot.

You will be pleased to know that
we have everything you need.

Hey, that's my technology from
Grid Battleforce too.

Stolen by me...
memory drives, weapons, sensors...

but you need to assemble it into a robot,

just like he did with his Beast Bots.

Any question?

That portal...

...and a robot...

Are you trying to bring Evox
back to our dimension!

- Bingo!
- I'll never help you.

Oh yes, you will.


Think, Nate. You can get out of this.

OK. I know what I have to do.

Please do not hurt me.


I said that and
he was pathetic.

To work.

No sign of that robot
in the center of the Delta sector - .

And nothing visible in the Tango sector - .

The Echo sector - also has nothing.

Try his cell phone again.

Did you manage to find Robotron?

- None of us found anything.
- Understood.

But now, we have another problem.

Nate did not return to base,
and his communicator is offline.

We left him alone in the forest.

He could be in trouble.

We have to save him.

Wait. Nate is a capable young man.

Not sure about that yet.

But he's not a fighter, Commander.

He cannot defend himself.

Commander... we have bad news.

You know that truck that
got away with the Morph-X?

Well, we saw it, and our tracking tag...

... Is it over there...

She fell into the back of the truck. Sorry.

Wait. If your tracker is on the truck,

means that if we find the truck,

we'll probably find Nate too.

Oh yes! Well thought.

I have the location.

It's in an unused warehouse
in the Kilo sector - .

Great job, Ben and Betty.

Bring him back safe and sound.

We will.

Very good. That should be more than enough.

Hey you.

Is the robot ready?

Yup. It is.


Come here.

Put the robot in place.

Caution. It's advanced technology.

I looked through a broken window.

Nate is inside with Blaze and Roxy.
He looks fine, but...

... are building some kind of machine.

We will! We have to go in there.

Evox is returning to this world
to rule it!

The Rangers can't stop him!

Evox? This is not good.

And now you will eat dust!

Not if we destroy you first.

Activate Fierce Power!

Transport, Saber Beast-X!

It cost!

Are you okay?

Yeah, but we need to get to Nate fast.

We have to go through this Robotron.

Time to get rid of this dirt!

The only dirt here is you!

Stand still!

I'm cleaning the floor with you!

Yea! Right there, under the neural aligner.

My plan is finally happening.

It's time to witness a historic event!

It's working.

Finally... I can get out of my cyber prison

e take control of this new
and powerful body.

Therefore, the powers of the Network of
Morphing will be mine!

Which?! No!

No! Stop it!

Ugh! He ruined our plan!

Somebody get him!

No! My cyberportal!


What is he doing?!

Nate! We have to go in there.

Zoey, watch out!



The Praying Mantis DNA worked!

I'm a Ranger!

He deceived us.

You'll pay for screwing up our plan,
tech boy.

Bring it on!

I don't believe.

You... just changed!

Is that what happened?

Fantastic! I'm amazing.

Two more Rangers? Oh, never mind.
We will destroy both.

No chance. They are no match for both of us.

All this business goes down the drain!

That should help.
Transport, Morpher Striker!

It's all yours.

Brilliant! I liked it.

You two will fall.

Wrong, let's go up.

How are they beating us?

With style!

- Good job!
- Absolutely!

See you later, suckers!

We have to get to Nate.

You are finished, Rangers!
Prepare to be destroyed!

Prepare to be destroyed!

This mess will be a great test
for our Ranger powers.

What is it?

What? Who are you?

- It's me, Nate!
- Nate?!

- And this is the -
- Not the best time for presentations.

Let's go!

I'll explain later.

No! You will be erased!

Those Rangers will pay.

Scrozzle, send a Gigadrone to crush them,

before the Evox Master destroys us all.

You two said the boy
scientist was a total coward,

and now I'm fixing
your mess, again!

Transforming gamma model into Vacuudrone.

Got it, commander.

Hey, there's a Gigadrone in town.

You will. We can take care of it.


Take that!

And that!

What's the situation, team?

In position.

In position.

All systems ready!

I have the Gigadrone in sight.

It's sucking Morph-X straight from the turret.

I will need reinforcements.

- Almost there, Devon!
- Right above you!

He has the same w*apon as Robotron.

We are losing energy!
It's sucking our Morph-X fuel!

- Devon is in trouble!
- Not for long! Fast sh**ting!

Thanks for saving me.
I hope Nate is okay too.


run! Tronics!

- There are many!
- Nothing I can't handle.

- Hey, Smash, let's go Gorilla.
- Great idea!

Lock all targets in that Gigadrone.

m*ssile Storm!

Vacuum cleaner is blocked! Nice!

Megazord Beast-X, match!

Megazord Beast-X, released!

- Very well!
- Powering up Beast-X Blade!

Loading main weapons.

Transport, Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Beast-X Super Attack!

Virus eliminated.

I was shocked!

Transport, Morpher Striker!

Let's finish him!

Striker Morpher, Charged!

Excuse me!?

You will pay for it!

Fierce Striker Shot!

- On the fly!
- Phenomenal!

Well, that's quite a story.

Looks like everyone handled it well.

I'll notify the General.

And it was a pleasure to meet you...

Oh! He needs a name.

Yes. How about...

'Mr. Fantastic Super Beautiful Strong As Steel.'?

Maybe just Steel for short.

I loved it. You are smart.

Steel, yes.

It suits you perfectly.

So we know you planned
become a Ranger, but...

...how did he morph?

Yeah, how can a robot do that?

Well it was easy for me,
since I had insect DNA.

I also thought about transformation
steel, so I did some tests.

I'll let you tell the best part.


You know, the truth is... I'm human.

How it is?

He's right... sort of.

It turns out that Morph-X turned on the systems
him to the beetle's DNA and to my DNA.

Yes, becoming the perfect Ranger.

You Rangers have always been
like my family.

But now I finally have
a real brother.

Well, your brother was amazing today.

I think we owe you an apology.

We thought they couldn't do it alone.

But we learned the same lesson as Blaze and Roxy,

don't mess with Nate.

Welcome to the Ranger team, both of you.

Thank you, Devon.

This can end in two ways,
a huge expl*si*n or...


Well... can it be fixed?

I believe so, Master Evox.

It better be, or else...

We also need to get your robot body back.

- It's not a problem.
- Take care of it immediately!

Soon, the Silver Ranger... will be yours.
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