26x06 - Hangar Heist

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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26x06 - Hangar Heist

Post by bunniefuu »

Wait. Will it be?

There he is. Hey, Nate.

Did you find anything useful on Slicerdrone?

Wait! Just one more thing.

That! I knew it.

The Drone system maintains a log of Morph-X signatures in the Quantum Algorithms.

Oh fantastic. I think.

Sorry. What I mean is that with these data,

I can develop a system that warns us before the Gigadrones reach Earth.

- Oh, that's amazing. - Yes, thanks to you.

The way you captured this Gigadrone was a stroke of genius.

Oh, no big deal. I just followed my instincts.

Can I get some Morph-X?

Are you up to something?

No, just that we built some miniature rockets.

Let's fuel them with Morph-X and watch them take off.

It must be super fun.

- Do you want to come? - No thank you.

I have a date with some data.

Have a good time.

OK! It cost.

It's amazing how angry your rocket looks, Ravi.

Let's see how it flies.

Our rocket is good. I think we can do this.

Okay, let's go. We got this.

Three two one...

Take off!

Look at this.

NASADA, here I come.

Beauty, Ravi!

I take it. Come on, sis.

Look at this beauty.

Wow! Cool.

I wonder where they got it.

What's wrong, Ben?

I do not...

- Why doesn't that...? - Let me try.

Oh wait.



Watch out!

- That... - Oh no.

... it was on purpose.

Looks like it's turning around!

Oh no! It's coming our way!

Betty! Betty!

- That was close. - Is coming back.

Is coming!

Get down!

Are you ok?

I said we shouldn't have taken Daddy's model rocket.

- Is that the General's rocket? - Yea.

- And we need to get it back. - Or the father will be furious!

OK! It was over there.

Right. My turn.

I've never seen a rocket like this before.

- I did that. - Hmm... have you tried it?

I don't know if the fins are in the right place.

Oh come on, Ravi.

I have a high score on 'Rocket Sim'. Just watch.

Three two one...

We have takeoff!

Was this supposed to happen?

No no no no no no!

My rocket!

Ahh bro.

What happened?

Well, it's like I tried to tell you...

...you put the fins in the wrong place.

I think I know how to build a toy rocket.

Something must have gone wrong with one of the parts I ordered.

- I really think you should-- - Dude.

Forget it.

Let the Rangers capture my Gigadrone?!

Yes, but it's useless to them, Master Evox.

The Rangers are smart, and clearly, you're not.


They can hack into Gigadrone and steal my data!

Don't worry. Let's find Slicerdrone and steal it back

before they do.

Get to work. And Scrozzle, help them.

Yea! Scrozzle, do it. Scrozzle...

- Behind you, Devon! - Oops, that was close.

Watch out!

I'm coming.

How's the simulation going?

Very good, commander.

They are about to combine their Zords into a Megazord for the first time.

That's what they're seeing.

What did you think of my punches?

It's Megazord time.

Beauty! Getting into position.

m*ssile Storm!

Good, Devon!

Starting combo sequence.

Disassembly started.

Your Zords are now merging, if they manage to line up correctly.

And fight a Gigadrone at the same time.

It's not easy, even in a simulation.

- Okay, Devon. It's time to- - Wait.

The Gigadrone will attack again. I say when to detonate it.

- But Devon, we have to activate the shields before-- - Ravi, please stop questioning me.

Trust my instincts.

Understood. No shields.

And I was right. Here he comes.

Do not worry. I can.

m*ssile Storm!

Megazord Beast-X, match!

- Wait. Devon, it's coming straight for us. - Which?

Simulation failed.

Man, that was irritating.

Sorry, Devon. I was just trying to help.

I've done this simulation before with Blaze and Roxy, and-

And you think I wouldn't be able to.

Thank you very much, Ravi!

What's with him?

Devon, what happened back there?

Ravi was out of line, trying to take over the simulation.

I am the leader of this team.

I thought you were better than that.

You should know that good leaders listen to their teammates.

Especially if they have experience that you don't.

But Commander, I always trust my instincts.

It's my instinct that gave me ideas on how to capture the Gigadrone.

I agree.

You have great instincts, and you must trust them.

as well as your team,

because sometimes even good leaders can be wrong.

There's still no sign of Dad's rocket.

Wow! What is this place?

Are you kidding? We were here yesterday.

It's the special operations hangar.

I can't believe Dad's rocket flew all the way here.

Ah, we'll never find him. Never! Never!

Oh! There it is.

Get out of me.

Looks like the parachute came off.

It's all destroyed. Daddy will be mad.

Not if we can fix it.

One of the engines did not fire.

Well, well, well, what do we have here?

Who could it be?

Ah, you were right, Scrozzle. We found their hidden hangar.

Slicerdrone must be inside.


I just need a way to get through that steel door.

A steel door, right?

I'll see what I can do.

What do we have here?

Aha! I knew I had saved this acid for a reason.

Don't worry, Roxy. Old Scrozzie is going to make a Robotron

to melt all his problems.

Well, hurry up and send it.

Commander, send the Rangers.


power Rangers

Go, go, Power Rangers!



It's Morphin time!

For justice we fight

With Beast Morphin Might

together we rise

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (Go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers!

They go!

They go!

It's time to morph!

For justice we fight

With a mighty fierce morph

together we will win

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Go, go, Power Rangers! (They go!)

Power Rangers Beast Morphers

I'm still waiting, Scrozzle.

Let's get out of here.

Don't drop.

You two!

- Oh, who? Us or...? - Oh no. No we do not. We do not.

Always getting in the way.

Oh no.


I don't have time for this.

- Oh, finally. - Ha ha! At your service!

Good job, Scrozzie.

Now, can you hurry and get me through that door?

Of course, or my name isn't Meltatron!

Here we go!

Amazing. Let's find the Gigadrone.

Intruder alert.

Okay, Cruise, wait here.

Looks like we're late. Roxy is already inside.

We will.

Well, hello, big guy!

I see the Rangers chained you up pretty well here.

How about stocking you up with Morph-X to say thank you?

Then you can restart and destroy them.

It will be a nice surprise.

Replenishment sequence started.

Hey, there they are.

Stop there! I'm serious.

Welcome to the party, Ravi.

But you didn't have to bring your losing friends.

This party is over.

I disagree. It's just getting started.

Good try!

That's right, Rangers. It's time to melt.


It's time to morph.

Activate Fierce Power!

Unleash the Beast!

Complete refueling sequence.

What did you do?

You will not like it!

Let's see how you handle a Gigadrone without your Zords.

Slicedrone! It's a trap!

Course is.

Stupid Robotron.

Time to finish things.

You are not going anywhere.

Closing all exits.

It was fun, but once Slicerdrone restarts completely,

he will blow this place to rubble. Until later.

I didn't want to be in your place.

The main hatch is closed.

And that door is closing too. It's our only way out!

This is not good. I... need a plan.

I have an idea.

It's risky.

There is no time to explain.

Are you crazy?

Trust me.

Trust in you? But you just kicked me out.

I can't help you from here.

Devon, you can't help here.

Outside you can use your Zord

to open the main hatch and defeat the Slicerdrone.

You have the speed and the skills. You have to hurry.

- I can't leave them. - You have to go.

Believe me, this is the only way. Go!


Get ready, Cruise. It's on us.

Commander, send the Zord Racer!

Come on.

It's restarting.

The Gigadrone can't hit us if we keep moving.

But I can, and when I can, you'll be puddles on the floor!

Can not touch This.

Get out, Melty.

Have to be careful.

Since they're busy, it's time for Scrozzle to go shopping.

Look here. That's exactly what I want.

This selection is fantastic.

Is this shielded by lightning? My luck.

A robot head. Look at this work.

You come with me.

There's our Zord. We will!

Zord Racer, Battle Mode.

Let's get this over with.

Let go of my arm!

Now, Zoey.

Beast-X Fire!

No! My favorite w*apon!


Time to get out.

No! Stop!

- What did he just take? - It doesn't matter now.

Let's hope Devon makes it through the hatch.

I haven't had a good shopping spree in years.

Hey, did you know there were only two Rangers in that hangar?

What? I thought I locked them all.

If it's out, we can't let the others go.

Make a Gigadrone, now!

To the rescue, once again.

Hurry up!

The Rangers won't stand a chance against two Gigadrones.

Transforming beta model into Meltadrone!

The hangar door is just ahead, Devon.

I am seeing. Hit hit!

- Behind you! - There is? A Gigadrone?

Commander, I think I'm going to need backup.

Smash, Jax, power up your Zords and help Devon.

Everything to help.

You can count on us, Commander.

To the rescue!

Our sword. It's over.

I have an idea.

Fast! Now is our chance!

Beast-X Cannon, ready!

Beast-X Cannon...Fire!

I'm having a meltdown!

- Well done. - That's the end of it.

Now we just have to hope Devon can get us out before --

Oh no!

If this acid can melt our sword...

...then you can melt the door.

It's open. jump!

- I caught. - I caught.

- They're free. - Ufa! Are you ok?

It was close, but we're fine, thanks to you, team leader.

Yup. Now let's show these Drones with whom

are stirring.

Fast sh**ting!

Rangers, beware.

Slicerdrone came out of the hangar and in full working order.

We've never faced two Gigadrones.

We're going to need more firepower.

You're right. It's time to form our Megazord.

We're with you, Devon.

It cost!

Let's start the combination sequence.

- Understood!

Starting combo sequence.

Disassembly triggered.

Devon, your turn. Do not shot. Just activate the shields.

Right! Activating shields.

It's working!

Thank you, Ravi. You were right.

Now, there you go.

Megazord Beast-X, match!

Megazord Beast-X, released!

Beauty! We formed the Megazord.

Energy Shield.

It's time to retaliate.

Let's activate the weapons and see what this Megazord can do.

Energizing Beast-X Blade.

Loading main weapons.

Green systems.

Start attack sequence.

Transport Cheetah Beast Detonator!

Beast-X Super Attack!

Virus eliminated.

Do you dare call this mission successful?

Slicerdrone is scrap metal now.

Grid Battleforce will not be able to find anything out of this.

But you wasted precious Morph-X to get so little.

And what did you get, Scrozzle?

I? My plan went without a hitch.

I'm all kitted out and ready to build that thing we talked about.

And what is this thing?

Scrozzle doesn't speak with glitches like the two of you.

How about you never speak again?

Thanks to you, the Rangers have a Megazord now.

Find a way to defeat them,

or I'll make Scrozzle turn them into Tronics!

- Yes Master. - Yes Master.

I don't know what you're doing, Zoey,

but Betty and I are very busy.

Just trust me.

Good job. Seems pretty good.

Here they come.

We trust you, but we're very busy, and...

Yes, we have to tell our father about his...


Your rocket!

It is...

Its beautiful.

Did you fix it?

Devon and I fixed it.

It's all ready to take off.

Thank you.

Do not worry.

Ravi had some great tips.

I learned a lot.

And speaking of learning a lot...

Sorry I didn't listen to your advice in the simulation room.

I was out of line.

From now on, when you have something to say,

I promise I will always listen.

All is forgiven.

Now, let's test this baby, shall we?

It's flying perfectly!

Yea! It works!

Great teamwork, folks.
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