14x09 - The Underworld Transfer Jutsu

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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14x09 - The Underworld Transfer Jutsu

Post by bunniefuu »

What just happened?
You too?
I thought we brought down the enemy, but I think some kind of jutsu activated.

Yeahâ ¦ He was barely breathing, so I brought him this far.

But because of those white guys in disguise, the Medical Corps have stopped taking in any more wounded.

We can't do anything else for himâ ¦ Neji!
Don't come any closer!
We can't tell if that's a White Zetsu's Transformation Jutsu.

What could have happened, Shino?
We probably fell into the enemy's trap.

We'll have to find the enemy immediately andâ ¦ You're not your usual self!
Weren't we all using our sensory powers, including Neji and Kiba?
We must maintain calm if we are to save those who can still be saved.

First, Hinata, your eyes are crucial.

Could you look at them?
What's going on?
It's weak, but I still sense chakra.

Butâ ¦the chakra is stopped.

I seeâ ¦ It's weak, but there's a heartbeat.

In other words, he's in a state of suspended animation.

Then we can save them?
If the flow of chakra is stopped, they won't last very long.

Butâ ¦ So you two went off on your own againâ ¦ Kiba, Nejiâ ¦ This time, I'm not letting you guys go on without me!
There's no chakra flow?
I'll get the Medical Corps right now!
Whoever shows up could be the enemy transformed to look like a Medical Corps member.

Shikamaru would say the same thing if he were conscious.

Butâ ¦!
I'll do something about these guys.

What are you doing?
I'm going to inundate them with my own chakra and use the pressure to circulate their internal chakra!
That's ridiculous!
You can't rotate the chakra of two shinobi by yourself!
But I have to do something!
I'm the only one here who knows Medical Ninjutsu.

Why should I hesitate?
One wrong step and you could die tooâ ¦ No one else can do it!
Shino, what are you going to do?
My Parasitic Insects devour chakra.

Chakra is like water.

It flows towards wherever there's empty space.

Doing something like that will deplete what little chakra they have left!
Yesâ ¦ But I'm going to let the insects eat my chakra and transfer it to Kiba and the others.

You can do something like that?
Leave it to me.

Essentially, Parasitic Insects don't have the trait that enables them to transfer chakra.

But if I can successfully manipulate each insect one by oneâ ¦ I have tens of thousands of insects.

I'm not going to let the chakra flow stop in Kiba and the others!
But won't you use up your own chakra?
Don't worry about me!
Don't worry about me!
In the meantime, get word to HQâ ¦ Have them figure out a counterstrategy for us!
We have to do whatever we can!
A jutsu that transports only the soul into a barrierâ ¦ The Underworld Transfer Jutsu.

It seems to have worked nicely.

Extracted souls are placed inside a special barrier where they shall be reanimated.

They won't be able to escape from there.

And they can fight without interference from the living.

However, the moment their physical bodies die, their souls die as well.

But those four who were resurrected with Reanimation Jutsu had no physical bodies to begin with.

Inside this barrier, they are invincibleâ ¦ They are immortal.

This is going to be so interesting.

The Underworld Transfer Jutsu What is this?
What's going on?
What happened?
What are you and Choji doing here, Shikamaru?
Never mindâ ¦ Where are we?
Looks like you've been snared by a nasty jutsu too.

I guess so.

The game's already gone into the next stage.

Damn it!
And we had to lose just to keep those bastards from getting away?
Damn, that pisses me off!
Tayuyaâ ¦ Watch your language.

Shut up, fatso!
This is a special barrierâ ¦ made especially to lock you guys up and reanimate your souls.

No one's going to come to save you, and you can't escape.

We're going to get our revenge for that last time!
A special barrier to reanimate souls?
Don't tell me we're dead?
But I don't feel like I'm deadâ ¦ How did we end up here from the b*ttlefield?
Neji, can you take a look at our chakra flow, and this barrier?
Use your Byakugan.

Got it!
How is it, Neji?
Everyone's chakra flow seems to be intact.

Which means we can probably still use ninjutsu and taijutsu.

Howeverâ ¦ I can't see anything beyond the barrier.

It's like there's a thick wall in front of it.

That's fine, Neji!
As long as we're not dead, we can pulverize the jutsu user of this stupid barrier and get out of here!
We have to get back to the b*ttlefield as fast as we can!
Looks like they're finally ready to fightâ ¦ And we're just about ready on this side too.

Let's get going!
Damn itâ ¦ I'm getting a bad feeling about this.

Andâ ¦ Shikamaruâ ¦ Shikamaruâ ¦ Shikamaru!
Are you all right?
Y-Yeahâ ¦ It's going to be all right, Shikamaru.

Something's not sitting right, huh?
We'll handle the enemy, so you go on and analyze it!
Chojiâ ¦ If that's the caseâ ¦ Let's do this, Akamaru!
Spiky Human Boulder!
All right!
We're counting on you!

Fang Over Fang!
I can't keep relying on them.

You almost had him, Shikamaru!
It's hard without Ino, after allâ ¦ Imagine, you on the offense.

I thought you'd leave fatso behind again, but it looks like you found your sense of duty.

He's right about the last time.

But it's different this time!
We don't intend to lose a man for every enemy we k*ll.

Watch it, Choji!
I made it in the knick of time!
Thanks, Shikamaru!
I owe you one.

Shucks, I missedâ ¦ You okay, Choji?
Yeah, I was just caught off guard.

But I'm good, thanks to Shikamaru.

What's the enemy resistance like?
Physical att*cks are working.

Butâ ¦ Their bodies don't die, thanks to the Reanimation Jutsu!
Give up already!
There's no way you can b*at immortals like us, you piece of crap!
Ladies should watch what they sayâ ¦ Shut up, fatso!
Hey, guys!
Listen up.

Remember what I said earlierâ ¦ Don't even think about risking your lives to break through and finish the enemy.

What do you mean?
Are you saying we can't fight them directly?
No, it's not that.

Just first and foremost, concentrate on getting through this alive.

I want to make one thing clearâ ¦ I don't see any way of b*ating these guys this time.

That'sâ ¦ There are three reasons for this.

One: These guys originally possessed jonin strength, plus their bodies have been reanimated.

The risk is too great to take them head-on.

Two: There's no guarantee that b*ating these guys will dissolve the barrier.

But isn't that how it usually works?
Like I said earlier, these guys are dead.

It doesn't matter to them if a jutsu carries risks.

He's probably right.

So what do we do?
And there's the third reasonâ ¦ Men quietly whispering amongst themselves is disgusting!
That's enough!
Let's get started!
â Sound Ninja Four: Summoning Jutsu!
â Sound Ninja Four: Summoning Jutsu!
â Four Corner Beast Formation!
â Four Corner Beast Formation!
We're surrounded.

What'll we do, Shikamaru?
What are our orders?
First, let me ask youâ ¦ The last time, we were prepared to lose a man for every enemy we k*lled.

As a result, you guys were severely wounded.

And you still want me to lead you?
That was the best thing to do at the time in order to get Sasuke.

Kiba's right.

Each of us decided on one life for one enemy.

If we got hurt, that was because we weren't strong enough.

That's all.

Don't let something like that bother you!
And besides, we're not like the last time!
We have more intel on the enemy this time.

And your analyses and decisions have been spot on.

You should know who makes the best team captain in a situation like this!
Am I wrong?
Next time, I'll get it perfect!
And I swore back then that I'd never whine againâ ¦ I'm going to have you all move on my command!
We're using the same formation as we did back then.

The main goal of our plan is to go back to the original b*ttlefield alive!
â Right!
â Right!
Naruto, that includes you too!
Hey, guys!
Where are you all headed?
To join up with the Second Company to provide logistical support!
Oh, that so!
There're no more fakes in this company.

You've been a big help.

Say, is there anyone in this company who can transmit to HQ?
Not hereâ ¦ But there should be someone in southern encampment.

Got it!
Shikamaruâ ¦ Chojiâ ¦ Nejiâ ¦ Kibaâ ¦ Just hold on a little bit longer!
I'm sure HQ will come up with a strategy!
Not yetâ ¦ I can't give up yet.

It's becauseâ ¦ such a thing is unthinkable!
Shino, we got word from HQ.

That's all that's necessary?
Basically, it's the same as thing as releasing a genjutsu.

If someone is able to touch the stolen soul with chakraâ ¦ the soul can come back from the barrier.

How is such a thing possible?
You're doing it right now.

This transmission is chakra itself that flows through our subconscious and allows us to communicate.

Then let's hurry and rescue them!
There's nothing I'd like better.

Howeverâ ¦ Even HQ's system cannot pinpoint the exact location of Shikamaru and the others.

No doubt they're in a special kind of barrier.

Their souls are trapped inside.

Unless I know where the barrier is, I can't communicate with them.

No way!
There's no way to find a soul that's separated from its physical body!
Shinoâ ¦ You're just a fatso who relies on pills, and there's nowhere for you to run!
Leave that one to me!
Super Expansion Jutsu!
So you can now grow without pills.

I don't have enough chakraâ ¦ I can't get any bigger.

Think back to when that guy caught you!
So that puppet of mud has the power to absorb chakra?
I'll bash that guy, so help me out!
Only I can get that spider bastard!
How do I stop these guys in their tracks?
The stuff coming out of those giants' mouths are Material Ghosts!
They'll devour your chakra with just a touch!
And it's the jutsu user's flute that manipulates them!
I get itâ ¦ With sound!
Human Boulder!
â The bastard!
â The bastard!
Damn it!
So you used your friends as camouflage to expand!
The Shadow Possession Jutsu complete!
Now thenâ ¦ How shall we cook you guys?
This is my chance!
Now, Neji!
Damn it!
We did it.

Yeah, although barely.

You're putting a lot of wasted effort into this, aren't you?
It's to get back to the b*ttlefield!
Our efforts won't be wasted!
I wonder about that.

We're thrashing you with our invincible mode.

Nothing's more pathetic than watching desperate weaklings like you!
Suck it up a bit, will you?
Make our reanimation worthwhile.

Still, it's a wasted effort.

Let's reward them for trying so hard, Sakon.

You deserve to know a little secret about this barrier.

Even ifâ ¦ That's even if you had beaten us, this barrier still would never have opened up.

No wayâ ¦ There's no way you can win this game.

To end this game, either you die here or your physical bodies give out.

In any case, it's not if you die, but when you die!
I'm starting to get a bad feelingâ ¦ We are tools of w*r.

We've been seeking vengeance since the day we were born!
Don't lump us into the same category as those other damn Reanimations, you pieces of crap!
Hatred and resentment liberate our strength!
No one can stop us!
Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Vengeful" We're going to tear you apart!
THE VENGEFUL Tune in again!
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