14x08 - Ghosts from the Past

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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14x08 - Ghosts from the Past

Post by bunniefuu »

Captain Darui!
I'll take over the watch.

Please get some rest!
Maybe I will.

Black Panther!
Captainâ ¦Darui?
Manâ ¦ It's enough to make a guy doubt peopleâ ¦ when fakes keep attacking like this.


We've pretty much taken care of all the enemy on the beach, so let's withdraw to the hills.

Y-Yes, sirâ ¦ This is more dull than fighting with my predecessors.

This is riskyâ ¦ What's wrong, Shikamaru?
Zetsu's powers have destabilized the entire Allied Force.

You're referring to being unable to trust each other, right?
That's terrible.

Sometimes mental exhaustion is worse than physical.

How can we go about easing everyone's suspicions?
Maybe by confirming identities by using secrets only the other person would know?
Get realâ ¦ We can't do that with so many people.

Butâ ¦ Fortunately, Headquarters has a strategy for identifying transformed fakes.

Headquarters has a strategy?
Okay, you had me worried there.

The problem is, it'll take time to implement HQ's strategy.

We need a plan to hold out until then.

Gentle Fist!
This isâ ¦ Yeah, I know!
We get to play with you again!
And we won't hold back this time!
Haven't seen you in a while, you gloomy piece of crap.

Tayuyaâ ¦ Girls should speak properly.

Shut up, fatso!
It's themâ ¦ I'm going to give you your first assignment.

We pursued the group that abducted Sasuke with a hastily assembled squad.

We were prepared to lose a man for every enemy we killedâ ¦ Kidomaru of the East Gate.

Sakon of the West Gate.

Jirobo of the South Gate.

Tayuya of the North Gate.

The Sound Ninja Four.


Trouble's come back to haunt us.

Choji, can you come?
We'll fight togetherâ No!
If the fakes infiltrate us during the chaos of battle, it could break up the entire unit.

That's why Choji and I will stop those four!
We know those guys better than anyone.

Rightâ ¦ But let me make this clear!
Even if it looks like us, if it moves, it's an enemy!
att*ck without mercy.

Butâ ¦!
Isn't that right, Captain Darui?
Just as I would expect of Shikaku's son.

I think you're making the right call.

Sorry to have to keep relying on you, but take care of the matter as you outlined.

Ghosts from the Past W-What are these threads?
I can't break them!
You saved my lifeâ ¦ Withdraw from the area!
Indiscriminate killingsâ ¦ Neji!
This method of att*ck, it'sâ ¦ I see it.

It's a special thread created by mixing chakra with a unique bodily secretion.

No doubt about it.

This thread can't be cut by anything except the Gentle Fist!
Lady Hinata, take some Gentle Fist users with you and rescue our men!
What about you, Neji?
I'm going to take down the one controlling these threads from the shadows.

Multiple Legs Barrage!
What took you so long?
Look who's talking?
How many years has it been already?
Not that I was waiting or anything, though.

Human Boulder!
I'll finish you this time!
You never give up, do you?
Did you know?
One person in every five is always a little behind.

That one gets treated like a fool.

When push comes to shove, he's the first to be sacrificed.

I'm talking about you.

Dieâ ¦you pathetic fat outcast.

If I hadn't taken the secret Food Pill, I'd have been k*lled for sure back there.

Did you go on a diet or something?
This is so unlike you!
Take this!
He doesn't att*ck needlessly.

And he gathers information from the results of his att*cks.

On top of that, he knows about the only weakness in my eyes.

As I expected, he's the strongest enemy I've ever fought!
Fang Over Fang!
Multi-Leg Hurricane!
I'm getting used to my dead bodyâ ¦ You're taking too long!
Let's k*ll them and get this over with.

Even though you're dead, you haven't changed, Bro!
You bit meâ ¦ I must be a pretty lousy master.

The bastardâ ¦ He's not even breaking a sweat.

Don't underestimate us just because your dog grew up.

Wolf Fang Over Fang!
Inuzuka Style!
Man Beast Team Transformation!
Two-Headed Wolf!
Let's go!
Wolf Fang Over Fang!
Still doing the same old thing.

Do the Summoning Jutsu, Brother!
Summoning Jutsu!
â Rashomon!
â Rashomon!
This one is dangerous.

Take this!
Demon Flute: Chains of Fantasia!
That was close!
Is this genjutsu?
I can't move!
Tayuya draws her victims into her genjutsu with those strains.

There are jonin capable of countering genjutsu, but now that direct contact between one another is forbidden, I can't rescue my comrades who are under its control.

Not goodâ ¦ Any closer, and I'll become a victim, as well.

You're in no position to be worrying about others, you lowlife.

She has a greater range of efficacy than she had beforeâ You've gotten nimble, fatso!
It's game over for you, man!
That's a special version designed to protect Lord Orochimaru.

If you hurt yourself with your own power, it's no skin off my back.

Let's finish him now, Sakon!
We aren't just simple Reanimations, you know, you strategy-loving idiot!
Our Curse Mark's power has been intensified to a level greater than when we were alive!
Not that you can hear me.

Looking for me?
Damn it!
How come?
You were saying?
Your flute's annoying.

But as long as I can't hear it, it's okay, right?
A simple trick.

But no matterâ !
I can pretty much guess what you want to say.

You want to say you and your friends are stronger now because of a Curse Mark or some such, right?
The problem isâ ¦ I might have barely beaten him using the secret Food Pill, butâ ¦ Not knowing when to give up hasn't changed, I see.

"Hasn't changed"?
No, that's not so.

Thanks for your help.

Thanks to you, I got a lot of practice with the Byakugan's blind spots and range.

Akamaru, sorry about that time.

You had to be hospitalized, all because I was too weak.

Yeah, you bet!
Let's show them how strong we've become!
You guys look down on the living too much.

Granted, you now have immortal bodies and you're stronger than when you were alive.

Butâ ¦ we've been constantly fighting against something way tougher.

A rival called "the future.

" Ghosts from the past don't even stand a chance.

It's over for youâ ¦ Shadow Stitching Jutsu!
Partial Expansion Jutsu!
Gentle Fist Chakra bundled and then hurled.

I never suspected you had gained such a jutsu.

Super Wolf Fang Over Fang!
â No!
â No way!
He did it!
The Hidden Leaf defeated the enemy!
What is this?
What are these fuzzy things I'm sensing?
It's unlike any "evil" I've sensed beforeâ ¦ This isâ ¦pure "hatred.

" The gloom of someone consumed by feelings of revenge!
Guys, stop!
They're after something!
â Transportation Jutsu Formula!
â Transportation Jutsu Formula!
â Underworld Transfer!
â Underworld Transfer!
This is what you were after from the start!
Screw the future, lowlifes!
Why don't you come join us in Hell?
What theâ ¦?
What are we going to do, Shikamaru?
I need instructions!
I'm going to have you all move on my command!
We're getting our old team back together!
The main goal of our plan of att*ck is to return to the b*ttlefield alive!
â All right!
â All right!
Naruto, you're included too.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "The Underworld Transfer Jutsu" Shikamaru, just hold on a little bit longer!
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