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07x01 - Asylum of the Daleks

Posted: 09/02/12 20:51
by bunniefuu

As we pan across a post-apocalyptic landscape of destroyed and corroded buildings, we hear a WOMAN’S voice-over. One of the buildings is shaped like a Dalek.

WOMAN: (V.O.) First there were the Daleks... And then there was a man who fought them. And then, in time, he d*ed.

We zoom in through the eyestalk.


We see someone walking through the halls, a fire burning behind them.

WOMAN: (V.O.) There are a few, of course, who believe this man somehow survived...and that one day he will return. For both our sakes, dearest Hannah, we must hope these stories are true.

There is a silhouette on the wall and we see it is the DOCTOR. The WOMAN is wearing a hooded cloak and turns from the window as she hears his approach.

DOCTOR: I got your message. Not many people can do that, send me messages.

WOMAN: I have a daughter. Hannah. She's in a Dalek prison camp. They say you can help.

DOCTOR: Do they? I wish they'd stop. (walks to window) Helluva choice of meeting place.

WOMAN: They said I'd have to intrigue you.

DOCTOR: Skaro. The original planet of the Daleks. Look at the state of it. (turns to WOMAN) Who told you about me?

WOMAN: Does it matter?

DOCTOR: (walks towards WOMAN) Maybe not. (pulls off her hood) But you're very well informed. (walks away from her) If Hannah's in a Dalek prison camp, tell me, why aren't you?

WOMAN: I escaped.

DOCTOR: (mirthless chuckle) No, nobody escapes the Dalek camps. (grips her hand) You're very cold. (puts a hand to her cheek then nervously looks around)

WOMAN: What's wrong?

DOCTOR: It's a trap.

WOMAN: What is?

DOCTOR: You are and you don't even know it.

The DOCTOR backs away from the WOMAN. The WOMAN’S head jerks and a Dalek eyestalk sprouts from her forehead. She raises her right hand and a Dalek g*n extends from her palm. She fires at the DOCTOR and he falls backward with a cry. The WOMAN walks away and through the window we see a Dalek ship.

DALEK: The Doctor is acquired.


AMY is all glammed up with hair frizzed and wild. On one hand she has written "HATE" and "LOVE" on the other. She then changes to a tight tunic/dress over tights with boots and a leather jacket. A PA comes into the room and waves for her attention. She stops the sh**t.

AMY: I'll just be a minute.

She slides down the bannister and walks over to the PA.

PA: Er... your husband is here.

AMY: I don't have a husband.

PA: Well, apparently you still do.

AMY strides down the hall and enters the room at the end.


RORY is sitting in one of the chairs.

RORY: (holds up papers) You have to sign these.

AMY: (walks over and takes papers) And then we're not married?

RORY: Just like magic.

AMY: (signs papers) Can't chat. Working.

RORY: (takes papers) Really? Thought you were just pouting at a camera. (stands and makes for the door)

AMY: Rory...

RORY dodges the MAKEUP GIRL as she comes in. AMY watches him leave. Unseen, the lights on one of the makeup mirrors flickers.

MAKEUP GIRL: Sorry, love, was I interrupting? Gosh look at you, you've gone so pale. Come on take a seat, we'll soon sort that out.

The MAKEUP GIRL’S head drops to her chest suddenly. AMY turns around in time to see an eyestalk come from her head.

DALEK: Amelia Pond is acquired.


The doors slide open with a hiss and RORY climbs on.

RORY: Cheers.

RORY takes a seat on the empty bus and looks down at the signed papers with a shake of his head. He hears a squelching sound and looks up to see an eyestalk reflected in the rearview mirror.

DALEK: Rory Williams is acquired.

A bright light flashes through the bus.


RORY comes to lying on the floor in a white room. He sits with a start and AMY is already there, standing, arms crossed.

RORY: Where are we?

AMY jerks her head and RORY gets up and runs to the only window. Outside are a number of Dalek spaceships.

RORY: So how much trouble are we in?

A door opens and a Dalek enters the room.

DOCTOR: How much trouble, Mr Pond? (follows Dalek) Out of ten? Eleven.

The ceiling opens in a circular pattern and the floor rises.


They find themselves in an auditorium surrounded by thousands of Daleks of different Marks and versions. On a pedestal to one side, a Dalek is out of his case. He is the PRIME MINISTER.

AMY: Where are we? Spaceship, right?

DOCTOR: Not just any spaceship. The Parliament of the Daleks. Be brave.

AMY: What do we do?

DOCTOR: Make them remember you. Well come on then. You've got me! What are you waiting for? At long last, it's Christmas!

(holds out arms)
Here I am! (closes his eyes)


The DOCTOR cracks open one eye.

PRIME MINISTER: You will save us.

DOCTOR: (opens eyes, drops arms and turns) I'll what?

PRIME MINISTER: You will save the Daleks.

DALEKS: Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks! Save the Daleks!

DOCTOR: Well, this is new.

Matt Smith
Karen Gillan
Arthur Darvill

"Asylum of the Daleks"
Steven Moffat

Marcus Wilson

Nick Hurran


:[/b] Habernera" from Carmen plays as a YOUNG WOMAN describes her day.

YOUNG WOMAN: (V.O.) Day 363. The terror continues. (nails boards over door) Also, made another soufflé. Very nearly. (throws out b*rned and sunken soufflé) Checked defences. (some boards are down) They came again last night. It's still always at night. Maybe they're vampires.

The YOUNG WOMAN swings in a hammock and speaks into a Dictaphone.

YOUNG WOMAN: Oh, and it's my Mum's birthday. Happy birthday, Mum. I did make you a soufflé, but it was too beautiful to live.

There is a loud banging from outside.

DALEK: You will let us enter! We will enter! We are the Daleks, you will let us enter! Enter! ENTER! ENTER!

The YOUNG WOMAN turns up the music as it becomes the :[/b] Toreador Song". She then puts her hands over her ears.


The DOCTOR paces and the Daleks swivel their eyestalks to watch him.

RORY: What's he doing?

AMY: He's chosen the most defendable area in the room, counted all the Daleks, counted all the exits and now he's calculating the exact distance we're standing apart and starting to worry. Oh, and look at him frowning now. Something's wrong with Amy and Rory, and who's going to fix it? And he straightens his bow tie!

DALEK SUPREME: We have arrived.

DOCTOR: Arrived where?


WOMAN: The Prime Minister will speak with you now.

The DOCTOR walks towards the PRIME MINISTER but stops when he is even with the WOMAN.

DOCTOR: (hushed) Do you remember who you were, before they emptied you out and turned you into their puppet?

WOMAN: My memories are only re-activated if they are required to facilitate deep cover or disguise.

DOCTOR: You had a daughter.

WOMAN: I know. I've read my file.

The WOMAN motions with her hand for him to continue on to the PRIME MINISTER. After a slight hesitation, the DOCTOR walks up the ramp to stand in front of the PRIME MINISTER.


PRIME MINISTER: What do you know of the Dalek Asylum?

DOCTOR: According to legend, you have a dumping ground. A planet where you lock up all the Daleks that go wrong. The battle-scarred, the insane. The ones even you can't control. Which never made any sense to me... (turns away)


DOCTOR: Because you'd just k*ll them.

PRIME MINISTER: It is offensive to us to extinguish such divine hatred.

DOCTOR: (turns back) Offensive?

PRIME MINISTER: Does it surprise you to know the Daleks have a concept of beauty?

DOCTOR: (bends over to be face-to-face) I thought you'd run out of ways to make me sick, but hello again. You think hatred is beautiful? (walks away)

PRIME MINISTER: Perhaps that is why we have never been able to k*ll you.

The DOCTOR stops at this comment. The floor underneath AMY and RORY opens to show a view of the planet below them. RORY and AMY peer at the planet from a distance. The DOCTOR joins them, followed by the woman.

WOMAN: The Asylum. It occupies the entire planet. Right to the core.

DOCTOR: How many Daleks are in there?

WOMAN: A count has not been made. Millions, certainly.

DOCTOR: All still alive?

WOMAN: It has to be assumed. The Asylum is fully automated - supervision is not required.

AMY: Armed?

WOMAN: The Daleks are always armed.

RORY: What colour? (they look at him) Sorry. There weren't any good questions left.

WOMAN: This signal is being received from the very heart of the Asylum.

The :[/b] Habernera" from Carmen comes over the speakers. The DOCTOR acts like he is in there with the music.

DALEK SUPREME: What is the noise? Explain! Explain!

DOCTOR: It's me.

RORY: Sorry what?!

DOCTOR: It's me. Playing the triangle. OK, I got buried in the mix. Carmen! Lovely show. Someone's transmitting this. (uses sonic on transmitter) Have you considered tracking back the signal and talking to them? He asked the Daleks...


DOCTOR: Hello? Hello, Carmen? Hello?


DOCTOR: Come in, come in, come in, Carmen.

YOUNG WOMAN: (rushes over to chair and keyboard) Hello, yes, yes, sorry, do you read me?!

DOCTOR: Yes, reading you loud and clear. Identify yourself and report your status.

YOUNG WOMAN: Hello! Are you real? Are you actually, properly real?

DOCTOR: Yep, confirmed, actually properly real.

YOUNG WOMAN: Oswin Oswald, Junior Entertainment Manager, Starship Alaska. Current status - crashed and shipwrecked somewhere... not nice. Been here a year, rest of the crew missing. Provisions good, but keen to move on.

DOCTOR: A year? Are you OK? Are you...under att*ck?

OSWIN: Some local life-forms, I've been keeping them out.

DOCTOR: Do you know what those life-forms are?

OSWIN: I know a Dalek when I hear one, yeah.

DOCTOR: What have been doing, on your own, against the Daleks for a year?!

OSWIN: Making soufflés.

DOCTOR: Soufflés?! Against the Daleks? Where do you get the milk?

DALEK SUPREME: This conversation is irrelevant.

DOCTOR: No, it isn't!

OSWIN: (fiddles with controls) No, hello... hello!

DOCTOR: Because a Starliner's crashed into your Asylum, and someone's got in. And if someone can get in, then everything can get out... a tsunami of insane Daleks. Even you don't want that.

DALEK SUPREME: The Asylum must be cleansed.

DOCTOR: Then why is it still here? You've got enough firepower on this ship, to blast it out of the sky.

WOMAN: The Asylum force-field is impenetrable.

DOCTOR: Turn it off.

WOMAN: It can only be turned off from within the Asylum.

DOCTOR: A small task force could sneak through a force-field (heads down ramp) send in a couple of Daleks. (stops) Oh! (applauds) Oh, that's good. That's brilliant. You're all too scared to go down there! Not one of you will go! So tell me - what do the Daleks do when they're too scared?

DALEK SUPREME: The Predator of the Daleks will be deployed.

DOCTOR: You don't have a predator. And even if you did, why would they turn off a force-field for you?

PRIME MINISTER: Because you will have no other means of escape.

WOMAN: May I clarify... The Predator is the Daleks' word for you.

DOCTOR: Me?! Me?!

WOMAN: You will need this. It will protect you from the Nano-cloud.

Two male Dalek "puppets" arrive and snap a band on the DOCTOR’S right wrist. A blue light turns on when it is in place.

DOCTOR: The what? The nano-what?

The two men take the DOCTOR by the arms and pull him back down to where RORY and AMY are standing.

WOMAN: The gravity beam will convey you close to the source of the transmission. You must find a way to deactivate the force-field from there.

A bright beam of light rushes up through the floor.

DOCTOR: You're going to fire me at a planet? That's your plan? I get fired at a planet and expected to fix it?

RORY: In fairness, that is slightly your MO.

DOCTOR: Don't be fair to the Daleks when they're f*ring me at a planet! What do you want with them?!

Bands are placed on AMY and RORY’S wrists as well

DALEK SUPREME: It is known that the Doctor requires companions.

RORY: Oh, Brilliant. Good-oh!

DOCTOR: (whispers) Don't worry, we'll get through this I promise. Don't be scared.

AMY: Scared? Who's scared? Geronimo.

The DOCTOR chuckles as one of the men pushes him into the beam.


AMY and RORY are pushed in after him.


The three of them fall, RORY is upside-down.

RORY: Wrong way up! Wrong way up!



The three of them fall to the surface in different areas of the snow-covered planet. A MAN working on a surface hatch looks up and sees them fall. He drops his tool and runs until he finds AMY lying on her back on the ground. AMY slowly opens her eyes.

MAN: Hello? Hello, who are you? Are you OK?

AMY scoots away from the MAN before standing and looking around.

AMY: Rory? Doctor?!

MAN: I'm Harvey. No... (AMY walks off) Who's Rory? Where are you going?! (follows)

In another area, a periscope pops out from the snow. It swivels before retracting. It then pops up a few feet away from its original location. It repeats the process again until we see what it has found: the DOCTOR lying on his back on the ground. He lifts his head and laughs. He then spots the periscope.

DOCTOR: Hey! Huh?

"Habernera" from Carmen plays over the speakers.

OSWIN: (over speaker) Sorry, sorry! Pressed the wrong switch.

DOCTOR: Soufflé girl?


OSWIN is sitting in her chair, keyboard on her lap. She watches the DOCTOR through the periscope.

OSWIN: Could always call me Oswin, seeing as that's my name. You OK?

DOCTOR: How are you doing that? (taps glass) This is Dalek technology.

OSWIN: Well it's very easy to hack.

DOCTOR: (uses sonic) No, it isn't. Where are you?

OSWIN: Ship broke up when it hit. Somewhere underground, I think. You coming to get me?

AMY: Doctor!

DOCTOR: Hey! (starts to lose connection) Oi! soufflé girl! Come back.

OSWIN tries to regain the connection.

AMY: Doctor!

DOCTOR: (turns around) Amy!

The DOCTOR helps AMY regain her footing as she comes down the snowy slope. He sees HARVEY.

DOCTOR: Where's Rory?

HARVEY: There was another beam. (points) There, over there.

AMY and the DOCTOR run in the direction HARVEY is pointing.

HARVEY: Are you the rescue team?! (follows)


OSWIN tries to get the communications working again.

OSWIN: Hello!


The DOCTOR, AMY and HARVEY reach a perfectly round hole in the ground that looks like a well. AMY and the DOCTOR kneel.

AMY: (echoes) Rory? Rory?! RORY!

We zoom down the well.

INT. ASYLUM: RORY is lying face-down on the floor and wakes only when water drips on him and he wipes it off. He jumps to his feet when he sees he is in a room filled with Daleks. These Daleks are not moving and the casings are covered in dust. RORY slowly approaches one, and cautiously reaches out to touch it, jerking back quickly. The Dalek does not react. RORY then pushes it away. The Dalek rolls backwards. RORY shrugs before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a torch. He starts to explore.


HARVEY takes the DOCTOR and AMY back to the hatch.

HARVEY: We came down two days ago. There is 12 other escape pods. I don't know what happened to them.

As HARVEY opens the hatch, AMY wipes away some of the snow surrounding it and sees the name of the ship.

AMY: Alaska? That's the same ship as soufflé girl.

DOCTOR: Yes... Except she's been here a year.


HARVEY climbs down the ladder into the pod followed by AMY and the DOCTOR.

HARVEY: We should have some climbing rope long enough for that hole. (goes to locker)

There are suited crew-members sitting in the chairs but don’t react at their entrance.

DOCTOR: Won't you introduce us to your crew?

HARVEY: Ah yeah, sorry. Guys, this is the Doctor and Amy.

The DOCTOR salutes but there is no reaction from the crew.


The DOCTOR pats the shoulder of the crew member closest to him and reveals a dried-out, mummified corpse.

HARVEY: Oh, my God!

The DOCTOR takes out the sonic and scans the bodies.

DOCTOR: They're dead. All of them.

HARVEY: That's not possible. I just spoke to them. Two hours ago, we were doing engine repairs!

DOCTOR: (pulls back the hood from another body) You're sure about that, are you? Cos I'd say they've all been dead for a very long time.

HARVEY: But...but they can't have been...

AMY: Well, they didn't get in that state in two hours.

HARVEY: Oh, of course! Stupid me.

AMY: Of course, what?

HARVEY: I d*ed outside and the cold preserved my body. I forgot about dying.

An eyestalk grows out of his forehead and he advances on the DOCTOR. The DOCTOR grabs a fire extinguisher and fires it on HARVEY.

DOCTOR: Amy! The door!

AMY pushes the button to open a door and the DOCTOR forces HARVEY through it. They lock him away.

AMY: Explain! That's what you're good at. How did he get all Daleked?

DOCTOR: Because he wasn't wearing one of these. (holds up wrist) Oh-hoho! That's clever! The nano-cloud. Micro-organisms that automatically process any organic matter, living or dead, into a Dalek puppet. (pats one of the bodies on the skull) Anything att*cks this place, it automatically becomes part of the on-site security.

AMY: Living or dead?

DOCTOR: These wrist-bands protect us. The only thing stopping us going exactly...

AMY: Doctor, SHUT up! Living or dead?!

DOCTOR: Yes, exactly, living, or, or...

The bodies of the crew members now have eyestalks coming from their foreheads. They slowly begin to stand.

DOCTOR: ...dead. Oh, dear.

The DOCTOR climbs over the seats and kicks at the bodies to clear the way for AMY to get to the door. They run but one of the bodies grabs AMY by the arm as they pass through the door.


The DOCTOR pulls her free and closes and locks the door. They lean back against it, panting heavily.

AMY: (smiles) Is it bad that I've REALLY missed this?


AMY: Good.

DOCTOR: I know.


OSWIN: 'Unauthorised personnel may not enter the cockpit.'

DOCTOR: Shut up! (pushes off from the door)

OSWIN: Ooh, Mr Grumpy! Bad combo! No sense of humour and that chin.

The DOCTOR peers through a camera.

AMY: Is that her again - soufflé girl?

DOCTOR: (to AMY) Yeah. Shh. (to OSWIN) What is wrong with my chin?!

OSWIN: Careful, dear, you'll put someone's eye out. I'm scanning you. You're on another of the escape pods from the Alaska, right? Same ship I was on.

DOCTOR: How can you hack into everything? Should be impossible, you're in a crashed ship!

OSWIN: Long story. Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy?

DOCTOR: Doctor. You call me the Doctor.

OSWIN: I see what you did there. Check the floor. I'm picking up a breach at floor level, there could be a way out. See you later!

The DOCTOR and AMY clear a spot in the center of the floor.

DOCTOR: Aha, hatch! Looks like it's been used already, and they tried to block it off behind them.

AMY: (looks back at the door) Can’t imagine why.

DOCTOR: The lower part of the pod is buried, so this must go straight down into the Asylum.

AMY: Where Rory is?

DOCTOR: (works on opening hatch) Speaking of Rory...Anything you want to tell me?

AMY: Are we going to do this now?!

DOCTOR: What happened?

AMY: Oh, stuff, you know. We split up. What can you do?

DOCTOR: (earnest) What can I do?

AMY: Nothing. It's not one of those things you can fix like you fix your bow tie. Don't give me those big wet eyes, raggedy man. It's life. Just life. That thing that goes on when you're not there.

The DOCTOR gets the hatch opened and they look down the deep hole where they can’t see the bottom. There is a ladder hanging down from the hatch itself.

AMY: OK, so someone else got out this way then?

DOCTOR: Let's go and find them.

There is a banging on the door and the DOCTOR gets up too look at the screen showing the main body of the escape pod.

DOCTOR: Oh, hello, hello, hello? What are they up to?

One of the bodies is holding something in his hand, banging it against the door.

AMY: What's that?

DOCTOR: (holds up wrist) One of these. Where did they get it?

AMY: (shows bare wrist) Doctor! They got it from me!

DOCTOR: Oh, Amy! (takes her arm)

AMY: Doctor? What's going to happen to me? Seriously, tell me, what?

The body bangs the device on the screen and waves it tauntingly.

RORY continues to explore and finds another room filled with derelict Daleks. He approaches one covered in webs and with a cracked dome. He moves the eyestalk out of the way and peers at it. He steps back when the eyestalk swivels back. RORY slowly backs away and hits a metal bar that rolls on the floor. The sound echoes. The eyestalk lights up.

RORY: Sssh, sssh..

The eyestalk spins around and locates RORY.

RORY: Sssh, sssh...

The other Daleks slowly come back to life, the light in their eyestalks turn on.

DALEK: Ee-ee-ee-eex...

RORY: What? Sorry - what?

DALEK: Eggzz, eggzz, eggzz, eggzz, eggzz.

RORY: Eggs? D'you mean those things? (looks at the bumps on the casing)

DALEK: Egggzzzzzzzz.

RORY: I don't... I don't know what you want. Those things? (picks one off the floor and holds it out) This? Are those things eggs? You want this?

DALEK: Eggggzzz... term... in... ate.

RORY drops the "egg" on the floor and backs away as all the Daleks take up the cry.

DALEKS: Eggzz... term... in... ate. Ex... term... in... ate!

The Daleks begin f*ring and RORY runs.

DALEKS: Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate! Exterminate!


OSWIN: Run! The door at the end, run for it! They're waking up but they're slow. The door at the end, just run. Now, now, now!

RORY runs for the door as the Daleks continue to fire and shout. The door opens and RORY slides underneath as it closes. He sits on the floor and breathes heavily.


OSWIN: So anyway. I'm Oswin. What do I call you?

RORY: Er... I can't even remember. Er... Rory.

OSWIN: Lovely name, Rory. First boy I ever fancied was called Rory.


OSWIN: Actually, she was called Nina, I was going through a phase. Just flirting to keep you cheerful.

RORY stands and shrugs. The Daleks still call from the other side of the closed door.

RORY: OK... Any time you want to start flirting again it's fine by me...


The DOCTOR and AMY are climbing down the ladder.

AMY: So, tell me. What's going to happen to me? And don't lie, cos I know when you're lying to me and I will definitely fall on you.

DOCTOR: The air all around is full of micro-machines, robots the size of molecules, nanogenes. Now that you're unprotected, you're being... re-written.


AMY: So, what happens? I get one of those things sticking out my head?

DOCTOR: (looks around) Physical changes come later. (takes AMY’S hand and walks down corridor)

AMY: What comes first, how does it start?

DOCTOR: With your mind. Your feelings, your memories and I'm sorry, but it's started already.

AMY: How do you know?

DOCTOR: Because we've had this conversation four times.

AMY: OK. Scared now.

DOCTOR: Hang on to scared. Scared isn't Dalek. (hugs her)

RORY is slowly moving down a corridor.

OSWIN: Hey there, beaky boy.

RORY: If it's a straight choice, I prefer Nina.


OSWIN: Loving this - the nose and the chin. You two could fence. There's a door behind you.

The door opens and RORY runs through.


The door slides closed behind him.

OSWIN: In there, quickly. OK, you're safe for now. Pop your shirt off, quick as you like.

RORY: Why?!

OSWIN: Does there have to be a reason?


A door opens in front of the DOCTOR and AMY and they pause. The DOCTOR sniffs the air.

AMY: What's that?

They can’t see any Daleks in the room ahead of them but they hear them and back away. The door slides shut.

DOCTOR: Keep a look-out. Don't open this door! Oswin?! Oswin, can you hear me?!

Behind the DOCTOR, AMY rubs her forehead.


OSWIN: Hello, the Chin! I have visual on you!

DOCTOR: Why don't I have visual on you? Why can't I ever see you?

OSWIN: Limited power, bad hair, take your pick. There's a door to your left, open it. (DOCTOR opens door) Going to send you a map to that screen. I've put your little friend somewhere safe, I can get you to him.

DOCTOR: Rory? You've found Rory?

OSWIN: I call him Nina. It's a personal thing - hush now.

Meanwhile, AMY is looking through the door and sees a man in a suit and he waves her in.

AMY: Who are you?

AMY, hallucinating, opens the door and enters the room. The man in the suit is joined by two other couples and a little red-haired girl in a white tu-tu spinning. The DOCTOR turns around and then turns back to the screen.

DOCTOR: How many Daleks directly ahead of me, right now?

OSWIN: 10, 20, hard to say. Some of them are catatonic, but they do have firepower.

DOCTOR: How do I get past them? (sees AMY in the room and rushes to her) Amy!

AMY: Shhh. It's OK. It's just people in here. It's just people.

DOCTOR: Amy. It's the nano-cloud, it's altering your perception. Look again, look again - those aren't people.

AMY looks again and sees Daleks where she had seen people.

DOCTOR: Come with me, take my hand. Run, run!

They run down the hall back to the ladder but it’s moving.

AMY: Look, they're coming down!

DOCTOR: Ah, yes, they are!

They turn back towards the room, but a Dalek is coming out.

DALEK: Intruder!

DOCTOR: (pushes AMY to the side niche door) Run!

The DOCTOR and AMY hide in the small room as the Dalek approaches.

DALEK: Intruder! Intruder!

The Dalek fires its w*apon but nothing happens. The DOCTOR steps out first.

DOCTOR: It's damaged...

AMY: (joins him) OK, but what do we do?


DOCTOR: Identify me! Access your files, who am I? Come on, who's your Daddy?

DALEK: You... are... the Predator.


DOCTOR: Access your standing orders concerning the Predator.

DALEK: The Predator must be destroyed.

DOCTOR: And how are you going to do that?! Dalek without a g*n - you're a tricycle with a roof! How are you going to destroy me?!

DALEK: Self-destruct initiated.

The DOCTOR uses his sonic on the Dalek.

AMY: What's it doing?!

DOCTOR: It's going to blow itself up and us with it. Only w*apon it's got left. (opens lid and uses sonic)

DALEK: Self-destruct cannot be countermanded.

DOCTOR: I'm not looking for a countermand, dear, (drops the lid shut) I'm looking for reverse.

DALEK: (goes backwards) For..wards, For..wards, For..wards, For..wards!

The Dalek arrives in the room with the other Daleks, collides with one and explodes.


RORY feels the shockwave.


OSWIN turns around in her chair.

RORY: Oswin, what was that? That was close.


The remnants of the Daleks are smoking and exposed wires crackle as RORY rushes into the room.

RORY: Oswin?! What happened?! Who k*lled all the Daleks?

The DOCTOR enters from the other side through the hallway they had been in. He is carrying AMY’S prone body.

DOCTOR: Who do you think?


The DOCTOR sets AMY down on the teleport.

RORY: Will sleeping help her? Slow down the process?


OSWIN: You'd better hope so. Because pretty soon, she's going to try and k*ll you.

AMY starts to come around.

RORY: Amy.

AMY: Ow.

DOCTOR: Amy, you're still with us. (strokes her head)

RORY: Amy, it's me, do you remember me? (she slaps him) She remembers me.

DOCTOR: (smiles) Same old Amy. (stands)

OSWIN: Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek? Subtract love, add anger. Doesn't she seem a bit too angry to you?

AMY: Well! Somebody's never been to Scotland.

DOCTOR: What about you though, Oswin? How come you're OK? Why hasn't the nano-cloud converted you?

OSWIN: I mentioned the genius thing, yeah? I'm shielded in here.

DOCTOR: Clever of you. Now this place - the Daleks said it was fully automated. But look at it, it's a wreck.

OSWIN: Well, I've had nearly a year to mess with them and not a lot else to do. (looks around her room)

DOCTOR: A junior entertainment manager, hiding out in a wrecked ship... hacking the security systems of the most advanced warrior race the universe has ever seen. But you know what really gets me about you, Oswin? The soufflés!

AMY mouths "soufflés".

DOCTOR: Where do you get the milk for the soufflés? Seriously, is no one else wondering about that?

RORY: No. Frankly, no. Twice.

OSWIN: So, Doctor, I've been looking you up. You're all over the Database. Why do the Daleks call you the Predator?

DOCTOR: I'm not a predator, just a man with a plan.

OSWIN: You've got a plan?

RORY: We're all ears.

AMY: There's a nose joke going, if anyone wants to pick that one off!

DOCTOR: In no particular order, we need to neutralise all the Daleks in this asylum, rescue Oswin from the wreckage, escape from this planet, and fix Rory and Amy's marriage...

AMY: OK, I'm counting three lost causes, anyone else?

RORY slaps his knee in frustration and walks away from AMY.

DOCTOR: Oswin, there's a Dalek ship in orbit.

OSWIN: Yeah, got it on the sensors.

DOCTOR: The Asylum has a force-field. The Daleks upstairs are waiting for me to turn it off. Soon as I do, they'll burn this world and us with it. (claps) So, Oswin, my question is this. How fast can you drop the force-field?

AMY and RORY stare at him.

OSWIN: Pretty fast. But why would I?

DOCTOR: Because this is a teleport, am I right, Oswin?

OSWIN: Yeah. Internal use only.

DOCTOR: (snaps fingers) I can boost the power, though, (kneels on teleport) once the force-field is down, and we can use this to beam us right off this planet.

RORY: But you said, when the force-field is down, the Daleks will blow us up.

DOCTOR: We have to be quick.

AMY: Fine, we'll be quick, but where do we beam to?

DOCTOR: The only place within range. The Dalek ship.

AMY: Where they exterminate us on the spot.

RORY: This is the kind of escape plan where you survive four seconds longer?

DOCTOR: What's wrong with four seconds? You can do lots in four seconds. Oswin! How fast can you drop the force-field?

OSWIN: I can do it from here. As soon as you come and get me.

DOCTOR: (stands) No, just drop the force-field and come to us.

OSWIN: There's enough power in that teleport for one go. Why would you wait for me?

DOCTOR: Why wouldn't I?

OSWIN: No idea, never met you. Sending you a map so you can come get me.

The DOCTOR goes to the screen.

RORY: This place is crawling with Daleks.

OSWIN: Yeah. Kind of why I'm anxious to leave. Come up and see me some time.

RORY: (leans over the panel as the DOCTOR checks the map) So? Are we going to go get her?

DOCTOR: I don't think that we have a choice.

In her quarters, OSWIN sits back in her chair and smiles.

DOCTOR: OK, soon as the force-field is down, the Daleks will att*ck. If it gets too explodey-wodey in here, you go without me, OK? (hands RORY the teleport control)

RORY: And leave you to die?

DOCTOR: Oh, don't worry about me. You're the one beaming up to a Dalek ship to get exterminated. (goes underneath the platform to work on wires)

RORY: Fair point, love this plan. What about Amy?

DOCTOR: Keep her remembering, keep her focussed, that'll hold back the conversion.

AMY: What do I do?

DOCTOR: You heard what she said. They're subtracting love. Don't let them. (leaves)


The DOCTOR walks cautiously through the corridors. In the distance, he can hear the Daleks.

DALEKS: Emergency, emergency! We are the Daleks! We are the Daleks! We are the Daleks...


AMY sits on the platform as RORY paces.

RORY: (stops pacing) OK. Look at me. (AMY turns around) I'm going to be logical. Cold and logical, OK? (walks towards her) For both of our sakes, for both of us, I'm going to take this off my wrist and put it on yours. (starts to unfasten wristband)

AMY: Why? It'll just start converting you, that's not better.

RORY: Yeah. But it buys time. Because it'll take longer with me.

AMY: Sorry, what?!

RORY: It subtracts love. That's what she said.

AMY: What's that got to do with it? What does that even mean?!

RORY: It's just arithmetic. It'll take longer with me, because we both know, we've both always known... (bends over to be face-to-face) Amy, basic fact of our relationship is that I love you more than you love me. Which, today, is good news, because it might just save both of our lives.

AMY: How can you say that?

RORY: (straightens) 2,000 years, waiting for you, outside a box. Saying it because it's true, and since you know it's true, give me your arm... Amy!

AMY slaps RORY in the face.

AMY: Don't you dare say that to me. Don't you ever dare!

RORY: Amy, you kicked me out!

AMY: (tearful) You want kids! You have always wanted kids, ever since you WERE a kid! And I can't have them. (sniffles and turns away)

RORY: I know.

AMY: (tearful) Whatever they did to me at Demons Run, I can't ever give you children. I didn't kick you out. I gave you up.

RORY: Amy... I don't...

AMY: Don't you dare talk to me about waiting outside a box, because that is nothing, Rory, (stands) nothing... compared to giving you up!

RORY: Just give me your arm, let me put this on you.

AMY: (puts her arm behind her back) No get off me!

RORY: Just give me your arm!


They stop, realizing something his different. RORY removes his hand from AMY’S wrist to show a band on her arm.

RORY: It's the Doctor's. When you were asleep, he must've...

AMY: Time Lord. What's the betting he doesn't even need it?

RORY: Then why didn't he just tell us?


The DOCTOR pauses to straighten his tie.


AMY turns her head as she realizes the DOCTOR’S sacrifice in an attempt to save her marriage.


The DOCTOR continues down the corridor.

DOCTOR: Oswin? I think I'm close.


OSWIN pops her head around a wall and heads back to her chair.

OSWIN: You are. Less than 20 feet away. Which is the good news...

DOCTOR: OK. And the bad, which I suddenly feel is coming...

OSWIN: You're about to pass through intensive care.

The door in front of the DOCTOR slides open and he enters the room.


The Daleks are in individual cells – more like stalls – where some are chained in place.

DOCTOR: And what's so special about this lot then?

OSWIN: Dunno. Survivors of particular wars. Spiridon. Kembel. Aridius. Vulcan. Exxilon. Ringing any bells?

DOCTOR: All of them.

OSWIN: Yeah? How?

The DOCTOR walks forward until he is in front of a Dalek.

DOCTOR: These are the Daleks who survived me.

The Daleks slowly become aware of his presence.

DALEKS: Doc... tor... Doc... tor... Doc... tor... Doctor...

OSWIN: That's weird. Those ones don't usually wake up for anything.

DOCTOR: Yeah, well - special visitor. (runs to a door on the opposite side) OK, door, but it won't open. (uses sonic) You can't be far away though...

OSWIN: Hang on, not quite sure – (gets up and works the panel in front of her) there's a release code, let me, let me just... Anything happening out there?


OSWIN: Hang on, I'm trying a thing.

The DOCTOR tries the door but nothing happens. He slowly turns around and sees the Daleks advancing on him from all sides. One even breaks its chains.

DALEKS: Doc... tor... Doc... tor... Doc... tor... (continues)

DOCTOR: Oswin, get this door open! Oswin open this door!

OSWIN: I can't!


In her quarters, OSWIN looks at the screen in front of her and smiles. In Intensive Care, the Daleks are almost within reach of the DOCTOR as he presses himself against the door.


DALEKS: Doc... tor... Doc... tor...

Mere inches from the DOCTOR’S face, the Daleks stop and move away, basically ignoring the Time Lord.

OSWIN: Oh, that is cool. Tell me I'm cool, chin boy.

DOCTOR: What did you do?

OSWIN: Hang on, I think I've found the door thingie...

DOCTOR: No, tell me what you did!

OSWIN: The Daleks, they have a hive mind. Well they don't, but they have a telepathic web.

DOCTOR: The Path Web, yes.

OSWIN: I hacked into it. Did a master delete on all the information connected with the Doctor.

DOCTOR: You made them forget me?

OSWIN: Good, eh? And here comes the door!

The door behind the DOCTOR opens and he stands.

DOCTOR: I've tried hacking the Path Web. Even I couldn't do it.

OSWIN: Come and meet the girl who can.

The DOCTOR stands in the doorway, eyes wide in shock. In her quarters, OSWIN begins to straighten things for his visit. She looks up at her screen and sees him standing there.

OSWIN: Hey! You're right outside, come on in.

DOCTOR: Oswin... we have a problem...

OSWIN: No, we don't! Don't even say that. Joined the Alaska to see the universe, ended up stuck in a shipwreck, first time out. (runs over and leans on the back of her chair) Rescue me, chin boy, and show me the stars.

DOCTOR: Does it look real to you?

OSWIN: Does what look real?

DOCTOR: Where you are right now.


The DOCTOR is standing in a white-honeycombed chamber.

DOCTOR: Does it seem real?

OSWIN: It IS real.

DOCTOR: It's a dream, Oswin. You dreamed it for yourself, because the truth was too terrible.

OSWIN: Where am I?

We see the DOCTOR is not alone in the chamber, but is standing in front of a lone Dalek draped in heavy chains. [NOTE: For ease of transcribing, I will not differentiate between Human Oswin and Dalek Oswin. It will just be Oswin]

OSWIN: Where... am... I? Where... am... I?

DOCTOR: Because you are a Dalek.

OSWIN: I am not a Dalek! I am NOT a Dalek! I'm human.

DOCTOR: You were human when you crashed here. (rests hands on casing) It was you who climbed out of the pod - that was your ladder.

OSWIN remembers climbing down the ladder and being found by the Daleks.

OSWIN: Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?

OSWIN: I'm... human...

DOCTOR: Not anymore. Because you're right, you're a genius. And the Daleks need genius. They didn't just make you a puppet, they did a full conversion.

OSWIN remembers.

OSWIN: Where am I? Where am I? Where am I?

DOCTOR: Oswin, I am so sorry. But you are a Dalek. The milk, Oswin. The milk and the eggs for the soufflés, where, where did it all come from?

Inside her hideaway, OSWIN looks around the room.

OSWIN: Eggs.

OSWIN remembers being hooked up to wires during the conversion process.

OSWIN: I'm... human... I am not a Dalek... I am human, I am not Dalek. I am human!

OSWIN: Eggs.

DOCTOR: It wasn't real. It was never real.

OSWIN remembers being hooked up to wires during the conversion process.

OSWIN: I am a Dalek! I am a Dalek!

OSWIN: Eggs... term... in... ate. (raises g*n)

DOCTOR: Oswin?

OSWIN: Eggs... term... in... ate. Exterminate! Exterminate! (advances on the DOCTOR, breaking free of the chains)

DOCTOR: (backs away to the door) No, no, no, Oswin, Oswin listen...Oswin! You don't have to do this!


DOCTOR: Oswin! Oswin!

The DOCTOR once again finds himself backed up against a door with a Dalek in front of him. OSWIN stops, her cries of "Exterminate" trail off.


OSWIN is back against her door sobbing on the floor, hands over her head. She lifts her head.

OSWIN: Why do they hate you...


OSWIN: much? They hate you so much. Why?

DOCTOR: I fought them. Many, many times.

OSWIN: We have grown stronger in fear of you.

DOCTOR: I know. I tried to stop.

OSWIN: Then run.

DOCTOR: What did you say?

OSWIN: I've taken down the force-field. The Daleks above have begun their att*ck. Run!

The door behind the DOCTOR opens.

DOCTOR: Oswin? Are you...

OSWIN: I am Oswin Oswald. I fought the Daleks. And I AM... human. Remember me.

DOCTOR: Thank you!


The DOCTOR runs off.

OSWIN: (sits in chair and tucks up legs) Run, you clever boy and remember...(looks at camera)


The DOCTOR runs as the explosions start to hit the asylum.


RORY and AMY look skyward as they feel the explosions.

RORY: (looks down at controls) How long can we wait?

AMY: The rest of our lives.

RORY: Agreed!

AMY leans in and kisses RORY passionately.


The DOCTOR runs through the corridors and reaches the teleport room.


DOCTOR: Right, go, let's go! We're good, let's go! Oh, for God's sake!

The DOCTOR takes the controls from RORY as the couple continues to kiss.


The Daleks fire on the planet and it explodes.


DALEK SUPREME: The Asylum is destroyed.

DALEK: Incoming teleport from Asylum planet. We are under att*ck.

DALEK SUPREME: Prepare to defend! Defend! Defend!

PRIME MINISTER: Explain, Dalek Supreme.

DOCTOR: (V.O.) You know, you guys should really have seen this coming. Thing about me and teleports, I've got a really good aim. Pin-point accurate, in fact. Or to put it another way... (steps out of the TARDIS) Suckers!

DALEK: Identify yourself! Identify! Identify!

DOCTOR: Well, it's me! You know me! The Doctor! The Oncoming Storm? The Predator?

WOMAN: Titles are not meaningful in this context. Doctor who?


DALEK SUPREME: Doctor who?

DOCTOR: Oh, Oswin. (smiles) Oh, you did it to them all! Oh, you beauty!


DOCTOR: (stops at TARDIS door) Fellas - you're never going to stop asking.

The TARDIS dematerializes as the Daleks keep questioning.


The TARDIS dematerializes as AMY and RORY wave goodbye. AMY gives RORY an inviting look before heading inside.

RORY: Yes!

AMY: I can see you!

RORY: OK! (follows AMY inside)


The DOCTOR spins around the console deliriously happy and sets the TARDIS in motion.

DOCTOR: Doctor Who! Doctor Who! Doc! Tor! Who!