10x13 - Danzo's Right Arm

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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10x13 - Danzo's Right Arm

Post by bunniefuu »

I consider you my friend.

In the past, "friend" was merely a word to me.

Nothing more, nothing less.

But after meeting you, you made me realize thatâ ¦ the meaning of that word is what's important.

What does it mean?
What can you do for Sasuke?
Think hard about that.

Danzoâ ¦ Just what kind of jutsu does he use?
That right armâ ¦ It has many Sharingan!
It's disgusting!
How did you get those eyes in your right arm?
Through various means.

It would take too long to describe.

Any explanation would upset me more.

Forget it.

I've decided to k*ll you.

Before that, let me ask one thing.

Is it true that Itachi Uchiha eliminated my clan by order of the Elders?
This isâ ¦ So that's Sasuke'sâ ¦ So this is the Susano'o.

Danzo's Right Arm So?
What do we do now?
In any case, I think we should return to the Hidden Leaf and report what happened at the summit.

And also about Sakura.

The real me is accompanying Sakura.

She won't be allowed to get near Sasuke!
You can count on that.

But it would be better to go in person and talk her out of it.

All right.

Yamato, take Naruto and head back to the village.

I'll bring Sakura back.

Sakura is no match for Sasuke.

It would be like she's going there to die.

I'll dispatch the Ninja Hounds with a report about the summit since it's urgent.


Saiâ ¦ Take me to Sakura.


What the hell do you guys want?
You were just talking about Sasuke!
Tell us what you were saying!
It's got nothing to do with you Cloud Ninja!
It's got everything to do with us!
Sasuke Uchiha of the Hidden Leaf att*cked our village!
Your Rogue Ninja abducted our master!
We don't even know if our master is dead or alive, you idiots!
Th-That's a lie!
Why would Sasuke do such a thing?
Like we'd know what the Akatsuki's motives are!
The Akatsuki?
What do you mean?
Don't kid around.

Sasuke is a member of the Akatsuki!
You guys let your Rogue Ninja roam free, so Lord Raikage ordered us to come here!
And we've gotten your Hokage's permission to get rid of the Uchiha!
Sasuke abducted their master?
We'll get our revenge!
The Uchiha is ours!
Itachi Uchihaâ ¦ His life was one of personal sacrifice.

For the village and more importantly, for his younger brother.

Sasuke lost everything, and he was left all alone, in exchange for peace in Hidden Leaf Village.

Can you still blame Sasuke?
Sasuke said that he couldn't forgive the Hidden Leaf for sacrificing Itachi's life to secure peace.

He is doing everything out of a desire for revenge.

He is the real thing.

A true avenger.

Hatredâ ¦ It is Sasuke's Ninja Way!
The Hidden Leaf will deal with Sasuke.

Every one of your comrades is committed to that and will act accordingly.

Sakura is not a fool.

She's not a child who wouldn't understand the difficulty of the situation.

Sakura intends to k*ll Sasuke herself.

If you are prepared to bear the burden of being a Kage, then do what is right as Sasuke's friend.

Naruto, is something wrong?
Calm down, Naruto!
He's hyperventilating.

Breathe slowly.

Narutoâ ¦Can you hear me?
I'm going to ask you one more time.

Is it true that Itachi Uchiha eliminated my clan by order of the Elders?
I'm asking if it's true!
Answer me!
Iâ ¦ I didn't think he was that kind of man.

Damn Itachi.

I see he revealed everything to you before he died.

As I thoughtâ ¦ It seems that you are truly special.

By making revenge your goal, he hoped to make you strong.

I acted like the older brother you desired in order to measure your vessel.

You will become a rival to measure my vessel against.

You have that hidden potential.

You've been jealous of me and resented me.

You've harbored hopes of surpassing me.

That is why I am allowing you to live.

For my sake.

My foolish little brotherâ ¦ If you wish to k*ll me, resent me, hate me.

And surviveâ ¦in obscurity.

Runâ ¦keep runningâ ¦ and cling to life.

Then one day, come before me with the same eyes that I possess.

The Uchiha is a proud clan of the Hidden Leaf.

He wanted you to keep believing that.

He beseeched the Hokage that you never learn the truth.

And from the time he left the village, he was resolved to fighting you and dying.

You really have gotten strongerâ ¦ Sasuke.

So that he could instill in you a new power.

He accepted disgrace in the place of honor, and hate in the place of love.

And despite that, Itachi died with a smile on his face.

He entrusted the Uchiha name to you, his younger brother, deceiving you to the very end.

They're all liesâ ¦ Answer me!
Iâ ¦ I didn't think Itachi was the kind of man who would reveal secrets.

Does that mean it's true?
Self-sacrificeâ ¦ That's what epitomizes a shinobi.

Never seeing the light of day.

Toiling in the shadows.

It is as it was in the past.

That is what a true shinobi is.

It describes not only Itachi.

Countless other ninja have died the same way.

Niceties alone will not make the world go round.

Peace was attained all because of people like him.

People like you who misunderstood Itachi's intentions couldn't possibly understand.

Stillâ ¦for Itachi to reveal such a secret to you makes him a traitor to the Leafâ ¦ Don't say anymore about Itachi!
You're right.

Then let us proceed to a battle of the eyes.

What's going on?
He should've died earlier!
I can only sense chakra from one Danzo.

I'm certain it's not a clone!
As expectedâ ¦Susano'o.

Just the thing to protect yourself.

The power in its attack is as expected.

So if that wasn't a clone eitherâ ¦ Is it genjutsu?
Sasuke's inner chakra isn't disturbed.

And my chakra is calm.

If neither Sasuke nor I am under a genjutsuâ ¦ Thenâ ¦ what kind of jutsu is this?
Susano'o and even Amaterasuâ ¦ That's too much just to test Danzo's power.

He'll tire himself out.

Behind you!
Wind Style: Vacuum b*ll*ts!
Summoning Jutsu!
A new summoning jutsu?
When did he get that?

It's been a while since I last saw that.

You are Itachi's younger brother after all.

You've taken over Itachi's jutsu.

I told you never to speak of Itachi again!
Brothers with the same ability.

Yet, what your eyes perceive is so different.

The truth about Itachi isn't important to you.

You direct your hatred at whomever you can lay your hands on.

You make the sacrifice of the Uchiha Clan meaningless.

You have no right to talk about the Uchiha!
Wind Style: Vacuum Blast!
This isâ ¦ No way!
It's useless.

Th-This isâ ¦ Itachi?
Why did you hand over your life for this child, Itachi?
He misinterpreted your intentions, he charges ahead with only hatred as his rationale.

He is a fool.

Look closely, Itachi, this is your one and only mistake.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: â The Forbidden Visual Jutsuâ I will correct your mistake.

It is finally time for me to be in charge of a mini-corner!
Now that I'm here, I'm going to make sure you feel the passion, the friendship, the sweat, the struggle, the gutsinessâ Palm Heel Strike!
At least you got to appear in the main story.

My situation's getting worse and worse.

I'll be taking this mini-corner.

I won't let you do this by yourself.

ADORABLE TENTEN If we're doing a mini-corner, why not feature me, a cute, strong, and popularâ ¦ Idiots!
All of us have had little screen time recently.

We're all in the same situation.

Am I right or not?
Guy Senseiâ ¦ Thereforeâ ¦ I will give you a hot, young, and awesome mini-corner.

I call itâ ¦ You just want to show off!
Who are you kidding?
â ¦me Might Guy, with overflowing youth going at a great ultra-super full swing, will bring everyoneâ ¦ Tune in again!
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