09x19 - The Worst Three-Legged Race

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto: Shippuden". Aired: October 2009 to March 2017.*
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09x19 - The Worst Three-Legged Race

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm coming in, Granny.

This is from your daughter and her husband.

Oh my, thank you.

Here's a letter for you.

Hey, it's Kiba.

I hear he volunteered to act as a messenger for the people of the village.

Those two are always together.

You were tooback then.

When you were completely stuck to Sasuke.

That's 'cuz we were both on Team 7.

So were you I don't mean that.

This was different.

You two were inseparable, literally.

Now I remember!
That's right.

That's the time we were on a mission to retrieve the treasure belonging to the Feudal Lord's sister or whoever, which had been stolen by thieves.

- Leaf's History - The Worst Three-Legged Race According to our Intel, the thieves who took the golden statue are either traveling on land through this forest path or sailing by boat and will land here.

We're going to split up into two teams and lie in wait for them.

In terms of balance, I guess I should go alone and the three of you will be together.

What do you mean by that?
Are you saying Sasuke needs all the help he can get?
No, you're the hindrance.

I'm not up to your level yet, but surely 3 to 1 is too much.

Why don't you take Naruto off my hands?
Subtract his skill from yours, and we'll be even.

Sasuke, is that just a clever approach so that you and I can be alone together?
You've got to be kidding!
Why would you subtract my skill?
Because you have nothing to add.

Sasuke wants to be with me so much, he's getting impatient!
You're just as irritating!
Okay, pay attention.

I'll watch the pier.

And you three will keep an eye on this path in the forest.

If the thieves appear, notify me immediately.

Do not take them lightly.

Our mission is to retrieve the golden statue.

We must proceed with utmost caution.

If the thieves appear on my side, I will send a signal with this.

When this lightning barrel is tossed into the air, it will release one thunderbolt.

Once you verify it, rush straight to that location.

You better handle that with care.

Now remember.

You are not to act alone.

It's the g*ng of thieves!
Why you Idiot!
Careful with the treasure!
I'm sorry, Boss Jako!
Shape up!
Yes sir!
In that wicker box?
This ismy chance!
Amazing, Naruto!
You showed up Sasuke real good!
Don't tell me he's up to the same I won't lose to him!
W-What's this?
The treasure!
What are those two doing?
We have to notify Kakashi Sensei first!
There's another?
Let go of the treasure!
No way!
Take this!
I won't lose it.

Pursuers from the Hidden Leaf, eh?
Were those two the only ones with you?
There must be others.

That's why you tried to get word out about this location.

Cool, huh?
I'm a natural-born thief who's rotten to the core.

So as you can see, even my chakra is foul.

Those two escaped downriver.

We'll split up and concentrate our search along the river and we'll find them.

And we'll take back the treasure.

What about her?
We might be able to use her as a hostage.

Bring her with us.

I can't believe they stole something stupid like this.

The thunder Huh?
The thunderbolt to signal Kakashi didn't go off, did it?

Maybe Sakura couldn't release it.

Sakura's been captured?
- Huh?
- Huh?
- What is this?
- What is this?
W-What's going on?
We're stuck together.

- Readypull!
- Readypull!
Why is it always with you?
That's my line!
Don't worry.

You'll see your friends soon.

After they return the treasure I'll send you to the afterlife together.

Even ninja are helpless if their hands are bound.

Sasuke Naruto Sakura While we're stuck like this, Sakura could be You idiot, Naruto!
Sakura I'm coming to save you!
You fool!
What the hell are you doing, Sasuke?
Don't you care what happens to Sakura?
We will save Sakura!
But we can't do anything if our hands are like this.

We're going to save her despite that.

It's what friends do!
II don't want to be some scum who doesn't give a damn about his friends!
Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.

Then joining up with Kakashi is the right move to make!
It will increase Sakura's chance of survival!
Don't talk about her chance of survival!
It just depends on how hard we want to save her!
We can't let Sakura die over something this stupid!
You idiot!
Stop it, Naruto!
Damn it Damn it Damn it You know, a guy who doesn't take his mission seriously is also scum.

Gotta pee.

I said, I need to take a leak!
Hey, what the hell?
Uhwell Okay, one hand then.

Cut it out!
Not so close!
What if you spray me too?
I don't care what you say.

If I gotta go, I gotta go.

Hold it in!

- Just let me finish, okay?
Come on.

- Zip up, you idiot!
You're in my way, Naruto!
You're the one who's in my way!
Give back the treasure!
Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Like you can weave a sign with one hand!
Didn't I tell you?
At this rate, we don't have a chance, even against guys much weaker than us!
I'm going.

If you refuse I'll cut off my arm, then go.

I'm going to beat this guy and save Sakura!
You're so reckless!
I'm going to save Sakura.

Since the enemy came this far, we'll probably be found before we catch up to Kakashi.

If that's the case, it'll be faster if we make this guy tell us where Sakura is and save her.

Though it'll depend totally on us working together.

Oh, I just remembered.

I gotta pee.

Me too.

Suguro hasn't come back?
I wonder if he You're wondering right.

Free at last.

Only a Feudal Lord's sister could own a gold statute like that.

It managed to pull us apart.

Their hands are free now?
You can have it in exchange for our partner.

If you don't agree I'll pulverize every one of you, now that my hands are free.

Surely you don't think that mere robbers can beat two ninja?
How come you're gritting your teeth so hard?
Your veins are popping out and you're sweating.

If you're free, come over here.

Come on!
Their hands are still fused!
There's nothing to fear!
Get them!
He called our bluff!
Can't help it!
Why you Wha-?
- Naruto!
- Right!
Look out, you two!
The treasure is mine!
We can stop at least one of his hands.

- Let's go!
- Right!
Oh no, you don't!
Fire Style!
Shadow Clone Jutsu!
A seal?
Even if we can weave signs together, we can't mold chakra.

Why you Taking me for a fool!
But we do have a combination attack!
Pachinko Jutsu!
Well, I guess it can be melted down and re-cast.

Just maybe.

Thank you, Sasuke!
Hey, I did my best too.

This is ridiculous!
How come you, of all people, can't undo this, Kakashi Sensei?
Remember, that boss said so too.

It'll crumble apart in two or three days.

Like I can put up with him for that long!
That's my line.

Uh-oh I think I need to go.

Not again.

This time it's number two.

You've got to be kidding.

Don't you dare, Naruto!
Aw c'mon, we already peed together.

This is worse!
"Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.

" These three overcome it so easily.

Our mission is to defeat the bandits who are after the village crops, and rescue the c*ptive hostage.

Their hideout is located in a natural fortification, plus they have 3 forts.

But the trickiest of all is their leader Baji's intellect.

Well, we have no choice but to do it.

Next time on Naruto Shippuden: "Team 10's Teamwork" I'm counting on you guys.

Tune in again!
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