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02x14 - The Goblin of Boulder Wood

Posted: 07/16/22 09:49
by bunniefuu

ravage the land as never before

total destruction from mountains




i hope we're in time for the smurfs

picnic i'm starving don't worry pee wee

there's plenty of food

at least there was baby i've got a whole

smurf load


here are people i'm a smurf very tart oh

thanks greedy


johan peewee we're so glad you could

join us thank you papa smurf we've never

been to a smurf picnic before right


delicious i'm hungrier than the goblin

of older woods

oh yes a goblin once lived in the forest

near the king's castle oh that's spooky

this goblin once had the whole kingdom

shaking in its boots tell them the story

johann oh good a story now everybody

gather around smurf in closer my little

smurfs uh red

not that close clumsy is it an adventure

story johan oh there's plenty of

adventure hefty

what about jokes i just love jokes

yes jokey there are some jokes and is

there a princess that you are yes murphy

a princess too oh tell us johan

well it all started before i knew peewee

a mysterious goblin was frightening

everyone in bolder woods

oh papa smurf i'm getting scared already

be careful smurfette i think the goblin

is closer than you think

the adventure began as i rode out from

the king's castle never dreaming that i

would meet up with a dangerous goblin

that very day

that sounds like france while the

woodcutter i must hurry and finish

before the fearsome goblin returns


well time for my apple


died someone ate my


a apple

that's funny i could have sworn i heard



is that you francois did you see him see

who a terrible goblin that's hauling

boulder woods

goblin i thought everybody knew he's

only this big and he makes horrible


and he just eat my apple he's in there

no one here are you


over sure

goblin or not i'm getting to the bottom

of this aha

francois i've got him you see

this scotland is more clever than i

thought he must be long gone by now


now i've got you hey let me go you're

hurting me you're hurting me



stop you urchin

come back here you volit now where could

you have gone


aha thought you had me stunted




what's your name goblin pee-wee and this

is piquette

who are you i am johan the king squire

you know for a goblin you don't look

very fierce and for a big guy you don't

look very mean say do you have any more


just this loaf of baldo bread tell me

you haven't always lived in this forest

what did you do before

i want some farm to farm looking for


oh people would make fun of me

takes me away

i've trapped a lot of trails with an

empty stomach you're not a goblin at all

of course not one day in the forest a

man saw me in fred screaming there's a

goblin in boulder woods

so now i pretend to be one and i get

away with it

like stealing swords

can't you do anything besides steel

well um let me think

ah i can do somersaults and cartwheels i

have a full repertoire of interesting



and best of all i can sing


a bold young knight went off to fight

for the hand of his lady fair oh

forsooth said she i'll marry thee and

you won't have a care oh

oh you won't have a carrot


oh that's um excellent peewee you know i

think i can get you a job in the castle

as the king's menstrual singer no as the

king's joker huh

hey that's even better i know lots of

jokes did you hear the one about sorry

pee-wee but i've got to get back to the

castle i'll speak to the king and if he

agrees you can tell it to him oh boy

a bold young knight went off to fight

for the hand of his lady fair oh

all is in readiness for princess

sabine's arrival sire excellent now what

about this goblin fellow what's his name

pee wee sire and he's completely

reformed i would even propose that you

employ him as your highness oh your

highness princess the beat has been

kidnapped kidnapped call the gods call

the gods

yes your majesty the goblin att*cked us

as we were crossing boulder woods oh my

poor poor sabina yeah she's just a child

kiwi i couldn't have first he tied up

the guards then he carried the princess

away angela and i were the only ones to

escape as we ran we heard his terrible


oh no he did peewee is it well he'll be

screaming something far worse if i ever

catch him one thousand crowns to

whomever saves the princess and brings

that villainous pee-wee to me

after him he we must not escape

but why would he be kidnapped the

princess i don't understand it i'm going

to find out

hi johann what's all right peewee why

have you kidnapped princess sabina me i

didn't kidnap her johan but i saw the

rascals who did they were dressed up as

the king's guard two of them and they

rolled back towards the castle the

scoundrels they were the ones who

accused you of the crime to throw us off

the scent but what can we do i'm sorry i

doubted you pewdie

come on i have a plan


oh who goes here

oh squire yellow it's you i'm sorry to

see you didn't find the princess no luck

with the goblin either

it's hot in here be quiet

your dinner my friends compliments of

the king oh thank you sire

i am so hungry i could eat a goblin

and not a pint-sized one like that

peewee either

eat hearty men ah good riddance we

fooled them all

our master walter kept will reward us

well for our part in the kidnapping of

the princess sabina hmm and the best

part of all was blaming everything on

that little full peewee


play you kicked me i did not oh you

kicked me why you kidding me will you

get that it shouldn't be all now

huh i may be little but i'm no fool

so walter cat is the villain who

kidnapped princess sabina right let's go

tell the king and clear my name then his

army will take care of walter kent pow

wham it's not that simple peewee we must

go to walter cat's castle and get proof




pee wee we're here

here we wake up this goblin is a deep




one of his majesty's knights he must be

in on the kidnapping as well

i must go after him phoebe you hide oh

anything you say john


good evening sir pi freud is it not a

strange place and an odd time for a ride

i'm looking for that uh a goblin peewee

in walter cat's castle what are you

really doing there it's none of your

business pilot now let me buy



all right piperoy where is princess

sabina in my cattle johan where else

but don't worry i'll see that you have

adjoining dungeons


and that trader surprise roy is in on it

too i must tell a king but but the king

still thinks i kidnapped the princess oh

johan what am i gonna do


who says they don't build dungeons like

they used to

there goes that fit in this pipe roy and

there's nothing i can do to prevent his


at last it looks like everything's going

according to japan


let me loose let me loose


hey wagon gives me an idea

i hope i can overpower the god

my master wishes to see you

come with me

charming i get a giant instead of a god


you're on i'm so happy you could join me

as for me i don't like the company of

traitors why have you kidnapped the

princess ah at this very moment surprise

roy goes to tell the king that peewee

the goblin demands a ransom for us and

he must deliver it himself

now i understand you'll ambush his

majesty as you did the princess and in

exchange for their freedom half his

kingdom will be mine you're a clever

fellow johan why don't you join my side

never in that case god take him away

pee wee


i'll get to the bottom of boom

sir it's a goblin fellow evie

george take your horn back to a cell put

him in chains and then find that peewee


here we go again

i'll be back with your change in a


i'll pray periods i just hope he doesn't

get caught if that goblin gets away he

can foil my plans he must not escape

these chains will do nicely now all i

need is my hammer



that should hold you for a while

there's no way that giant is putting me

in chains this time i'm ready

you look surprised

i was expecting someone a little bigger

come we must free the princess do you

think these will help quick check the


i can't find the right key hurry up i

hear them coming

princess sabina johann if i know you're

so pretty i would have kidnapped you

myself no time for jokes peewee quick

stop them before they escape keep going

you two i'll take care of these lumps


we have them now

this passageway is a dead end

that's what they think

are keeping up the chimney


it's only that fool peewee you to catch

them while i go after you're holding the


search yourself my friends

oh no how am i going to get down

here's diversion must have worked out

princess stand back i'm guard


i'm in him jujuan corner oh who goes

here you fool you can't get away

wow i was outnumbered we'll have to

fight our way to the drawbridge johan

and the princess will the guards stop

them no but now now there's a guard on

the left and another on the right oh

dear johann now it's two against one but

he's a big one oh

thanks for the help

anytime johan nice that's what i call

teamwork oh more men johan's outnumbered

johan look look out




my uncle the king is still in grave

danger sir pifer is going to lead him

into a trap

i don't think so because i left sir

piffy tied up like a christmas goose

back in the woods peewee for a bad

goblin you do good work but why did you

come back at all you owe us nothing

don't be foolish johan the goblin never

deserts his friends i see but in that

case let's get on with our escape

and i think these old clothes may just

do the trick

we've got them trapped like rats up

there and tomorrow the king will be my

prisoner as well i hope it's strong

enough talk about hanging by a thread

pee-wee you go first then help the

princess i'll distract the guards oh

simple i just jump out the window 500

feet above sharp pointed rocks and all

right peewee go


who's shaming the horn it's yellow you

can see him from here look someday i'll

have to give johan some music lessons

sire it's a ruse one of them is trying

to escape fools cut down his rope oh no

they spotted biwi

kiwi jump that could be dangerous never




that's one last common we have to worry


oh pee wee i didn't know him long but he

was a brave and good friend it's too bad

that yeah

look there

he did it he did it

being a hero is difficult work now to

warn the king but first i better check

on that traitor pythoid

oh no he's escaped but that means he's

at the king's castle and if the king

believes by for story then the king will

leave the castle and then oh dear all is

lost and without the cat i'll never get

there in time


your highness no don't go it's a trap

sire do not listen to this rogue this is

the captain peewee

i'm warning you sire this goblin is not

to be believed you're the goblin

some pie froy told me you want a ransom

for the princess your majesty i'm no

goblin i want no ransom and sir fyfroy

is a traitor but couldn't we discuss

this better over uh breakfast

where is pavlov he should have returned

long ago

the king is here ah finally victory is

ours bring the king to me he broke his

entire army as well what look princess

the king and kiwi we're saved uncle

uncle hello sabine

shire shall i order the attack hmm yes

an excellent idea but how do we get

across that mode leave it to me sire

johann the drawbridge the drawbridge of


i'm there stop him

oh no where was i oh the drawbridge of

course stop him

don't let him get away


johan you've gone too far not far enough


i have you surrounded no wall trickett

it is i who have you surrounded



after indication

now one for kidnapping the princess we'd

better save that villain while there's

still something to save i surrender i

surrender just skip that goblin and his

devil goat out of here pee-wee


defeat hurts

oh uncle i'm so happy pee wee wasn't

much of a goblin but i think he'll make

a great court jester i won't come out no

absolutely not i refuse whatever's going

on i had a problem just as outfit made

for this little great and now he dares

tell me i hate it i hate it i pay that

your majesty just because i'm supposed

to act like a fool doesn't mean i have

to look like one too

but he's so cute

you'll pay for the steam barber you

oh that's funny

that's funny

what did i tell you johann peewee's a


and that is how peewee and i first met

it was the beginning of a beautiful

friendship oh that's murphy smurfy that

means nice i think it means brave

friendly dependable right now you're

smurfing it we are

here bailey let's be friends

i have a surprise gee thanks jokey

i think our friendship just went up in


unless you wouldn't happen to have

another surprise would you

wait till i give this to dame barbara

well i can't wait to see your face when

she opens the lid like this

i think peewee's got a little head start

on me so now my friends until we meet



come on johan see you soon



