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Éternel conflit (1948)

Posted: 07/15/22 12:25
by bunniefuu
Do you know what time it is, Louis?
It's 7:15 a.m.

It's the same every time.

If you get up to the alarm, you wouldn't have to rush.

There goes the first call at the brewery.

Today, you'll be late for sure.

It'll be the third time this month.
Not counting the days you didn't tell me.

Oh, hurry up, please.

What on earth are you doing?

Are you listening to me?

Give me the towel.

Not that one. The other one.

Why do you have to
close the door to shave?

You're wasting energy.

It seems you don't want to be interrupted. Am I disturbing you?


You left toothpaste on the mirror again.

I get that you need to shut yourself away to mark papers.

I don't feel good until I've done the housework.

I have few pleasures in life.

There you go.

No need to rush anymore.

If you don't eat by the second alarm, it's too late.

Yes, yes, yes.

I understood what talking meant when we were at the principal's.

Surely he must have had a reason for inviting us.

Had you thought about that?
Do you realize?

Hurry up.

Can you serve him his coffee, mom?

- Should I heat it up?
- Too late.

It's sad he never eats a warm meal.

- Did you separate the colors and whites?
- No, not yet.

- Doesn't all this laundry tire you?
- And so?

I'm not the principal's wife.

I'll get the covers from the dining room.

Do you know what I dreamt?

- Not now, I don't have time.
- I dreamt of Lili.


How was she?

In heaven, with the angels.

Beautiful angels with lots of feathers on their backs.

And little pink clouds.
It was as pretty as a postcard.

- And Lili?
- She was well.

I asked her: "Are you not cold?"

In my dream, she'd just got back from the river.

I checked if her dress was wet and she said,

"I didn't stay in the water long, just a night."

She was laughing.

"Are you happy to see your gran?", I asked.

Then, I couldn't see her anymore.

It was dark.

It started raining.

I woke up all wet.

Don't cry, mom.

We'll find Lili again. Soon, I hope.

God will call back when he's ready.
He knows what he wants.

He knew it
when he let a 14-year-old drown.

Don't talk about it, Germaine.
It pains you.

When I saw Louis in the hall,
holding the little one in his arms

I thought she'd fallen
on her roller skates.

I thought,
"she'll have learned her lesson."

I know, Germaine.

Then I saw all that black water

running from her hair, from her shoes...

On my parquet floor.

Not in the dining room,
it's laundry day today.

Your lunch has been ready
for a quarter of an hour.

Gran! Tell Louis about your dream.

- Is my coffee good?
- Cold.

It's your fault. You take so long.

- I didn't say it was your fault.
- It's written all over your face.

You have a way of looking at folk
like they'd done things.

- What things?
- Precisely.

With you, one never knows.

Did Germaine tell you about my dream?

I saw Lili. It's a huge favor from God.

As real as I see you. Do you hear?

I'm not deaf.

There were clouds. If you see what I mean?

Very well.

There were also angels.

As one might say... Angels.

And also music, too.

Why are you looking at me,
as if it were bad thing?

Don't you care if she's in heaven?

You could wait until you're outside
to smoke. I care about my drapes.

What time will you be back?

Here, your briefcase.

Put your scarf on.

There's no need for you to catch the flu.

Tuck the ends in.

You don't want to look like a whatever.

- Did gran tell you about her dream?
- Dreams annoy me. Especially that one.

Louis, at times I wonder
whether you loved your daughter.

You'll make me late.

You never speak of her.

You didn't keep any of her things.
Not a single toy, no clothing.

You never come with me to the cemetery.


Come on, get out.
This time you're 20 minutes late.

- I'm never late.
- Well...

You said... It was lies, then!

I didn't want to ruin your fun.

The superintendent is an idiot.
A man of your age and worth...

Yes, worthy of the Legion of Honor.
For a matter like this, nothing at all.

Inspectors are there to inspect.

My school is going well!
Three top prizes in the Concours Général,

five accepted at Pipeau
and boarders who wash their feet.

Those are results.

- At my age one needs calm.
- Of course.

I'm not going to start a fight
with management about Janvier.

I like him a lot.

He's been with me for ten years.

Could you not have told him
to take it easy? Here's the file.

Ah yes, the letters from the parents.

You have to realize.

What kind of person is he?

A man like everyone else.

An unfortunate man, a ridiculous marriage

everyday worries, provincial life.

And a child that drowned.

He was accused of preaching anarchy.

Listen, come with me to Janvier's class.

You'll see, he's an intelligent man.

That's what worries me.

Pascal, Austerlitz?

- It's 1805.
- It's 1805.

Thanks, Catel.

- Charles, Jena?
- It's 1806.

Surelle, Friedland?

It's 1807.

Very good, 1807, very good.

- Waterloo?
- It's 1815.


One thousand eight hundred five. And...

Bleak plain.

Boys, I'm delighted with the precision
and breadth of your knowledge.


Sit down, boys.

Mr. Janvier,
please proceed with the lesson.

Mr. Inspector, who was just passing by,
would be delighted to attend.

Take a seat, Inspector.

We were just revising
the First French Empire.


What can you tell me
about the second coalition?

Try to do me justice.

There are six reasons

which led the Allies
to unite against France.

Four main ones and two secondary ones.

- First...
- That's pointless, sit down.

I don't doubt your students' memories,

but I came for an impromptu visit
to learn something myself.

Oh, excellent.

Gentlemen, those who are interested
listen to me,

and the rest
can go back to reading crime novels

or writing love letters.

Today, I'm the one sitting the exam.

we must take stock of the Napoleonic saga.

What a prestigious legend, what glory!

Bleak plain.

It continues to inspire
bad writers and great actors

and candidates of mental alienation.

A few trinkets to remember.

The creation of the Legion of Honor.

It encourages citizens
to be more heroic and virtuous.

The creation of a nobility of the Empire.

It wasn't recognized by those
who believe in titles of nobility,

nor those who don't believe in them.

The principal endeavor, the civil code.

Imagined and written to protect
the strong against the weak,

men against women.

Mr. Janvier.

If your convictions don't let you praise
the social work of Napoleon,

you could talk of the development
of arts and literature.

I was getting to that, Inspector.

As under all dictatorships,
the arts shone under Napoleon

with a shine specific
to polished chains and handcuffs.

Literature represents police relations,

music is military

and paintings
are dedicated to battlefields.

Mr. Janvier, I'm sure your students
will understand your humor.

What about Napoleon's conquests?

I was about to forget them, Inspector.

Gentlemen, look at this map of France

from before Napoleon.

And this one after the Congress of Vienna.

Nothing has changed.
It's exactly the same.

There had been 15 years of w*r
during that time.

Homes destroyed, blood and tears.

And France recorded 1.5 million dead.

I fear, Mr. Janvier,
that you are veering from the textbook.

The textbook? My students know it all.


One thousand seven hundred ninety-seven.

- And 18 Brumaire?
- One thousand seven hundred ninety-nine.

- Austerlitz?
- One thousand eight hundred five.

- Jena?
- One thousand eight hundred six.

- Friedland?
- One thousand eight hundred seven.

- Berezina?
- One thousand eight hundred twelve.

- Leipzig?
- One thousand eight hundred thirteen.

- The campaign in northeast France?
- One thousand eight hundred fourteen.

And there! That's the textbook.


I don't want to disturb you.

I would be remiss if I didn't add a detail

to this instructive lesson.

Remember that following Napoleon,

the tricolor flag
was seen around the world.

It's not a sword wielder who said that,

it was a poet.

Once class is over,
you'll come see me in my office.

Sit down.

Boys, I'm not mad at you.

I'm not sure that you've understood me.

In the future, you'll occasionally
remember your school days.

Maybe some of you will think,

"Janvier was a funny one."

That's not quite right.

It will surprise you, but the truth is

that Janvier feels sorry for you.

- He did it to annoy you.
- Well, that's clever.

He's like that.

What will you do?

Talk to him, seriously.
In his interest and yours.

There'll be a complaint
if he starts again. Be very unpleasant,

to avenge me for the nonsense
I was obliged to answer him.

Do you think what you did was nice for me?

The inspector is furious.

Your students don't get you.

Your habit of correcting
ready-made ideas is curious.

They were made to be used.

Stick to the textbook!

- Come in. What is it?
- The book of absences.

Right, leave me alone.

You don't want
to change the world, do you?

Why look at us askance

as if we'd organized it this way?

As if we're okay
with the garbage it's made of.

- I never said anything of the sort.
- I can see it in your eyes.

You blame me for lacking courage.

You think the inspector is an idiot.

Janvier, that's unfair.

Injustice is a bit like history.

Right, let's be practical.

I've had enough
of telling parents you're tired.

- You're going to take two months off.
- With pleasure.

I'll come back in great shape
and say the same.

Charming! And what about me?

I'm in charge, my friend!

I wonder if it wouldn't be best
if you stopped teaching.

- It's not just you thinking so.
- Watch out for your future.

Oh, my future...

My future is at the bottom of a canal.

Let me take care of it.
I'll write the inspector

and tell him that
I talked to you seriously.

- Think about it. See you tomorrow.
- No.

- Don't be an idiot. See you tomorrow.
- No.

Since you care
so much about the textbook, keep it.

Sir, please?

Hello, my little Cécile.

Hello sir.

- What's wrong?
- Can you take the roller skates back?


Mom says they make too much noise
and are too dangerous.

Ah, your mom doesn't want them.
Give them to me then.

Mr. Janvier, you're not angry?

You'll give them to another girl,
one without a mom.

Yes, little Cécile. Go.

- Take some, mom.
- Aren we not waiting for him?

It's your problem
if you're late for school. But at home!

- Are you ill?
- No.

Those are Lili's roller skates!

What are you doing with those?

Will you not sit?

I didn't come home to sit down,
but to ask you a question.

Can you explain to me
why we live together?

But... Because we are married!

We've been married 22 years
and we've hated each other for 21.

Why do we continue this way?

Louis... Are you going mad?

How dare you talk
like that in front of mom?

And on a day when I have so much work!

Yes, there's
a parquet floor day, an ironing day,

a beef stew day... I can't wait any longer.

Oh, so you don't love me anymore!

When I've been up since 6 a.m.
and Lili has been dead for three months.

- You ought to be ashamed.
- Shut up.

She's in heaven, Lili. Gran saw her.

What you don't know, Germaine,
is that before being happy,

she suffered here.

More than me.

Lili didn't fall in the canal by accident.

Mom, Louis is going mad.

Saying such horrible things
should be forbidden.

Be quiet, it wasn't an accident.

She couldn't cope anymore.

Too much cold heartedness,
too much foolishness.

She didn't want to become
someone like us, like you.

She preferred to die
rather than be like us.

That's not true!
You're making this up to hurt me.

She wrote to me, Germaine.

An hour before.

"I was forbidden roller skates.

I understand they are dangerous.

But skates are like everything else.

Dad, don't be too sad.

I've wanted to die for a long time."

And what about me?

Did she not say anything?


Earlier, you were complaining
we kept nothing of hers.

Here are her roller skates.

They look nice on the mantelpiece.

You can polish them on silver days.

Germaine, a child can unite
parents that hate one another.

But drowned, it's impossible.

I won't come back.

Never again.

- Hello sir.
- Oh, hello sir.

- Are you hunting?
- Yes, I'm going hunting.

- What for?
- Butterflies.


Little butterfly! Oh!

Shush! Butterfly.



- You k*lled him.
- It's him!

- It's him!
- It's him!

No! It's him.

Our turn!

Ladies and gentlemen,

you're going to witness one
of the most daring acts

you can possibly imagine.

From a height of 18 meters, Miss Florence

is going to dive in a t*nk

with a surface area
smaller than three square meters.

This act requires

as much bravery as precision
of Miss Florence.

We're particularly happy

to present the dive of death to you

and we kindly request
your absolute silence.

Miss Florence's life depends on it.

Thanks in advance.


- How are you?
- Well.


A bad dive would have been noticed.

- I can count on you for next winter?
- If I'm still alive.

Please excuse me, I don't want a cold.

It's marvelous. It will k*ll her one day

yet she continues.
And she's afraid to catch a cold.

- Is it a full house?
- Yes, it's running smoothly.

How about the new guy?

Amenable in service,
but with a way of looking at you.

- Of looking at you?
- A look as if he's having a laugh.

- Hey there, gently!
- My apologies.


- It's forbidden.
- Yes, yes.


- So, do you like the company?
- My co-workers are very nice.

And the boss?
I'm decent, you'll have to believe me.

You must be the most recent employee.

- You're impressed, aren't you?
- No, sir.

- Teddy! What can I get you?
- Nothing, thanks.

Yes, yes. A fine?

Some mineral water, please.

- A mineral water and a fruit juice.
- Yes, Mr. Joseph.

With long faces and empty stomachs,
the rhythm goes.

- If something isn't right, tell me.
- All is well.

- Ice?
- Yes, please.

You'll see!
You'll see that I'm not a bastard.

No need to apologize.
It's normal to think it at first.

I'm not the one balancing on the trapeze

and I am the one getting paid.

But I'm the one
who pays the taxes and takes risks.

I say, the vet, tomorrow at 2 p.m.


Think about it.

Everyone plays a part and earns
their share. It's fair.

- No?
- You can't get fairer.

I'm talking to you openly because...

- Actually, I don't know.
- Me neither, sir.

Hurry, you're going to miss your entrance.

Come on, hurry!
And put out your cigarette.

- What are you looking for?
- Miss Florence's dressing room.

- At the end of the corridor, to the right.
- Thank you.

I'd told you to call me at home
before three o'clock.

- What did you do?
- I played.

- Did you win?
- Nil.

- Why didn't you call?
- I went to the bistro on the way back.

A game of belote
and then I went home to sleep.

- Come in.
- What is it?

Nothing, flowers.

There's money on the chest of drawers.
Take 50 francs.

From whom?

Wait, let me open the envelope.

Edmond Chardeuil.

- Orchids?
- Why?

It's the type of flowers that say,
"I was bought by a rich man."

It's roses, Antonio.

What do red roses say?

Do you not know what they say?

I've booked a table.
It'll entertain Davis.


The impresario from London.
Be nice to him, it could benefit you.

We're seeing him tomorrow.

Tomorrow? No, this evening.

I confirmed it with you over the phone.

You phoned too late.

Don't do this to me,
I told you three times.

I forgot. I can't this evening.

- Are you dining with someone?
- Chardeuil.

I'd booked the evening before him.

If it were possible I'd say yes.

It's possible. Chardeuil can go packing.

You can pick who to be with,
but it's too often him.

- Are you jealous?
- Chardeuil, again and again Chardeuil.

Where are you going with this?
He'll think he stands a chance.

- You're jealous.
- Enough for Chardeuil.

Call and say you've got
a headache. You're dining with me.

We'll host Davis,
then we'll go back to mine.

Look at me.

All the Chardeuils of the world
can chase me,

but it won't change anything. I love you.

It's you that I like.

I like you too.

I'll call him right away.


Go tell Antonio it's his turn.

- Is Antonio ready?
- Yes, I think so.

Bring the cage closer.

- Can I ask you a favor?
- Yes.

I need to call someone,
but I want to make sure that he's in.

You're worried a woman will pick up.

I'm not worried.
I'd rather... Well, you understand.

Very well.

Call Auteuil 3905. Ask for Mr. Chardeuil.

Who do I say is calling, if they ask?

The Baron of Lormet.

- You don't mind?
- Why would I mind?

You're looking at me
as if it bothered you.

The fact I wish to avoid
his wife is well-intentioned.

- What does it matter to you anyway?
- It doesn't.

Am I not allowed to go out
with who I want?

Tell me if it bothers you!
Say what you think.

- It's Auteuil 39 what number?
- I don't need you anymore, thanks.

To be looked at like that
and be called the lady of the night.

- I didn't say anything.
- If I wanted to get you fired, I could.

Me, yes, me! The tart.

- What's going on?
- He insulted me!

- Have you lost your mind?
- No...


- Antonio!
- Here.


- He called me a whore.
- What?

She said it, not me.

Make him shut up!

How about I smash your face in?
Serves you right.


You hurt me.

- Did I hurt you?
- No, it's nothing. Leave me.

Antonio, you're on.

Yes, I'm coming. We'll resolve this later.

Be careful.

Antonio, your whip!

Thank you. Florence,
wait in the dressing room.

Your shoulder must really hurt.

- I don't know what got into me.
- Now I understand why you're nervous.

If it's a woman...

- I'm what baron?
- De Lormet.

And it's Auteuil 39 how many?

Three thousand nine hundred five.

The children are coming
to wish us goodnight. Will you not wait?

They'll make me late.

- You know how much I like punctuality.
- Those fixations of yours... I know.

Hello. Yes, it's me.

Yes, I'll hold the line.

Hello... Good evening.

Ah... Why?


Yes, so... Yes, I can hear you.

Even if I insist...

Never mind.

- Michel, hurry up!
- The children.

You know they're going out this evening.

Hide your disappointment
from them at least.


I'm coming in then escaping.
Michel is furious.

We have to pick up Monique.
He can't keep still.

- Do I look nice?
- Very pretty.

A man's opinion.


There's a flaw at the waist,
but you can't see it.

With eyes like yours.

- The opinion of a woman.
- Nothing to fix.

- Where is the surprise party?
- At the Dumonceaus'.

We were at Sciences Po together.
The poor guy is already senile.

But his son is a good guy.
Right, Catherine?

- Oh yes.
- Catherine!

Catherine, hurry up.

We're late because of the dress.
I'm kidnapping her as she is.

Goodbye mom, goodbye dad. Let's go!

Have fun!

He's crazy,
completely crazy about Monique!

- They are charming.
- Young, happy.

Did that not cheer you up?

Cheered me up? About what?

Having to stay at home this evening.

Would spending the evening
with you be a punishment?

An accident.

Do you not think I'm being sincere?

A bit tired.

By only caring about your heart,
you are neglecting your liver.

- You are cruel.
- Lucid.

For years I've watched you

grow a fortune
that you didn't know what to do with.

This... This was bound to happen.

Do you suffer from it?

It worries me a little for the children.

I don't see the link.

Love, Edmond, is not your forte.

It can cost a lot.

By mingling with unusual people,
by ridiculing yourself,

and who knows,
by mutually encouraging one another,

it could lead to a fall.

- Please.
- Think of your children

Don't ruin the balance
that I've sacrificed everything for.

- You?
- Yes, my friend.

Do you mean to say you loved someone else?


And you're saying so coldly.

Since no one knew about it,
what does it matter?

It's fairly disagreeable nonetheless.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience,
the only one I've caused you in 20 years.

Nothing gave away a great joy

and terrible sadness.

I had two children, do you understand?

- You're lecturing me.
- Think it over.

And think of your liver.

If this young person
would remind you to take your pills,

I'd be less worried.

Are you ready, Miss Florence?

Florence, we're leaving.

What are you waiting for?
Are you dreaming?

- Hurry up, we're in a rush.
- I'm not coming out.

What's going on? Have you got your back up
because of what happened?

- You hurt me.
- I say...

I didn't mean to.

- Does it hurt that much?
- Look, it's all red.

Poor darling.

I can't go out like this.

But yes, come on my dear little Florence.
Forget about it, it's over.

Hurry up, we'll keep Davis waiting.

I can't go out in this dress.

Put another on, but please hurry up.

- I don't have anything here.
- You can't sleep in your dressing room!

Come on, it'll take your mind off it.

- Good evening.
- Good evening.

You'll be cute.

What do I need to do?
My mind is elsewhere.

I'll drop you off at yours.
You can put on your beautiful black dress.

- Then you'll come and join us.
- Yes, Tonio.

You can use
the opportunity to put your jewelry on.

The gold bracelet with the diamonds.

- Why?
- It'll impress Davis.

And I like it when you sparkle.

Everyone looks at you
and I say to myself: she's all mine.



Oh, it's you.

No, I'm not ready.

No, I'm not doing it on purpose.

Please Antonio,
don't get angry. I am so tired.

No, I'm not coming.

I'll explain tomorrow.
Yes, I'm going straight to bed.

Good night.

Come in.

I'm sorry.

You must be surprised
to see me at this time.

Come in.

If I'd have known,
I'd have done my laundry tomorrow.

But since I've started,
I'll have to finish.


It's not very graceful,
but it's very useful.

I don't know why I came.

- Does your shoulder still hurt?
- No.

That's the main thing.

Oh dear, it's not running anymore.
It's always blocked.

Do you not have any caustic soda?

You know about that stuff?

I used to have an even smaller room.

I'd always pull my bed
to the center to avoid the bugs.

In the end I got fed up.

Does it make you laugh?

I know your game and I know who you are.

Antonio's mistress for pleasure.

Chardeuil's mistress for his money.

A woman caught between two men.

There are millions of women like me.

There's only one
who looks death in the face every night.

I was born in this world.
My father trained dogs.

One lump of sugar for three whiplashes.

He raised me like them,
but without the sugar.

He didn't love you?

He would reproach me
for not growing up fast enough.

One day, when he was drunk, he said,

"Later, Lili,
men will like you and I'll be dead."

And then he slapped me.

You're called Lili.

Now it's Florence.

Lili was worth more than her.

Who reproaches you it?

A woman is made for one man only.

Ah yes. Yes.

Can't you choose between the two?

That's what one should do, isn't it?

Miss Florence must be completely crazy

to ask a poor wretch
while he's battling with his sink.

- Do you have a portable stove?
- Yes, on the shelf.

- Where are my matches?
- Wait, I've got a lighter.

But... No!

It's not hard to understand

that between two men,
with all the lies and drama

one doesn't feel comfortable.

Choosing is tempting but... it's dangerous.

- What if that's the price of happiness?
- I have no view on happiness.

I mean being at peace with oneself.

Have you not always lived alone?

No, I left my wife.

I stopped being useful to society
to do a strange job.

I did this and that to end up
running after an imaginary butterfly.

I'm not a monster,
but I'm free and at peace.

It takes lots of courage to do that.

And a little girl
had to pay the price of my release.

She was called Lili too.

She drowned.

On purpose?

Take care that you pay
the price for your own release.

Will that do?

Let's try.

If madam stays the night,
there's a 30 francs supplement.

Yes, understood ma'am.

- Sorry
- Don't worry, I know.

- I'll shorten my visit
- Take good care of your shoulder.

- Good night.
- Good night.


Lavander or cologne this morning?

- I've run the bath, ma'am.
- Thanks.

It'll get cold. Lunch too.

Is ma'am not feeling well?
Does ma'am need anything?

- Yes, silence.
- Understood. Madam isn't in.

What's it about? Madam isn't in.

Think I'm someone else?
Florence asked me to come.

- What's your name?
- Janette Bazin. I don't like waiting.

- Wait.
- If she's here, I'm not waiting.

Those aren't manners!

Hello Janette.

Sorry, I'd forgotten.

- I apologize ma'am...
- Thanks Monique, leave us now.

It's nice here.

- Do you like it?
- What a question!

It's certainly not fake, is it?

I say!
A white telephone, like the stars own.

Oh, the likeness is great.

Art's lovely but beyond me.

I asked you to come to choose a dress.

For me?

- This evening we're going out.
- No!

- With Antonio?
- With Mr. Chardeuil.

Ah, I see! But why?

He's taking someone he does business
with out to party.

He's already invited him round to his.
It's obvious.

Servants in livery,
fine food, distinguished conversation.

Once was fine,
but now he wants to be more vulgar.

Naturally Mr. Chardeuil thought of me.

To keep him company,
I thought of you. I hope you don't mind?

Mind? You must be joking?
All I want is to meet people.

- Where is he taking us?
- To the château of Saules.

It's the chicest.

I'm going to need a dress worthy of it.

Come, let's take a look.

- You've got so many shoes!
- You'll have as many soon.

In the meantime, these need repairing.

Here. This one will suit me very well.
It's exactly my style.

- What are you going to wear?
- Black.

It's what Chardeuil likes best.

It's elegant, serious.

It makes my skin stand out
and the jewelry too.


Pretty hats for the ladies.

- It's not in the best taste.
- Yes, I want pretty hats.

- Choose.
- This one is fun.

- And Florence?
- No thanks, it'd mess my hair.

- Oh yes...
- No, I assure you.

Ok, fine, the pointy one...

It's not my type.

Do you prefer this one, maybe?

Yes, here!

He's funny!

No? Thanks, miss.
Do you know Cagliostro? No.

I'm Cagliostro.

Here, look? What's this?

A gold dollar. See it? There!

Gone. Nothing in my hands.

Who stole my dollar? You did.

No, dear friend, I don't wheel and deal.

- So it's you then.
- I don't have pockets!

Here, in your corset.

I don't see it.

It's there, I can see it!

- Give it back to me or I'll take it.
- No!

- Not like that!
- Careful with the glass

- Let's dance!
- It'll do you good to move.

- Yes, let's go!
- Oh yes!

- I do what anyone wants.
- Do you like waltzes?

- Yes, but I don't dance them well!
- No problem.

I'd asked you to be merry,
but you're not really.

Is that man a friend of yours?

I've got reasons to keep him sweet.
Business is business.

Please, hide it better.

- Did you host him at yours?
- Naturally.

And when he did his little act,

did he find the dollar
in your wife or your daughter's bosom?


- Business is business.
- I say!

- Did I displease you?
- Horribly so.

Do me a favor
and hide it better when I displease you.

I'd understand your bad mood
if your friend had complained.

She's delighted. Look at her dance.

She wants that gold dollar.

It's only natural
that she plays by the rules.

she mustn't complain once the game's over.

A game that humiliates her
with a dollar in the pocket.

- Or in her stocking.
- I didn't dare say it.

Or around the neck, the wrist or fingers.

I didn't want to be disagreeable

but you know that I find
any mention of my family difficult.

You're so delicate.

After playing the game regularly
for months, it's okay to leave the table.

Didn't I do everything
to make the game agreeable?

Your bounty moves me no more.
It costs too much.

Those who know
the value of your jewelry would disagree.

There we are.

You asked me
to wear all this to impress your friend.

Don't you think the necklace
is more visible in the table center?

And these bracelets?
It makes it easier to count the diamonds.

So that people discuss you.

- You're wrong to play with them.
- I'm not playing, I'm returning them.

Let's discuss this at your place.

You won't come back.

- Florence, this isn't serious.
- It's the way it is.

Florence. I hate scandal.
I'm asking you, I beseech...

- Florence!
- You won't forcefully hold me back.

All this jewelry!
You know the price of it.

- What is it?
- It's me, Antonio. Open up.




Gosh, it's amazing.

My little fairy.

I was just thinking about you.

My darling.

- I really needed to see you.
- And I you.

I knew you weren't free
and it made me gloomy.

Here's the proof. Look, I was reading.

I couldn't sleep.

It's like you emerged from a dream.

You are so beautiful tonight.

Give it to me.

Oh, Tonio...

Tonio, hold me tight.

Maybe you won't want to later.

What's wrong with you?

Tonio, I've been lying to you for a while.

- Chardeuil and I...
- Chardeuil what?

I told you he was just a friend...

- I was his mistress.
- It can't be true!

- Let me explain.
- No, thanks.

You didn't need to wake me
to tell me the good news.

- Believe me, it's over.
- What?

I love you.

You know how much I love you.

I gave the other one nothing.

But it was still too much,
it was never going to last.

I swear I suffered
from dividing myself up.

It's over now.

I'm all yours.

- I threw his jewelry in his face.
- The jewelry?

The big ones, the little ones. All!

To prove that I'm sincere and decent.


Obviously, you did the right thing.
I don't mean cheating on me.

Throwing the jewelry was right.

Although in one way...

I didn't want to lie anymore.

When I told you stories,
I could feel you were unhappy.

Obviously, it wasn't fun,
but I reasoned with myself.

You were trying to understand,
you could feel something.

When I made a scene, it was to please you.

I wasn't sure, if you will...

But I had my doubts.

You suspected that Chardeuil and I...

Everything! The jewels, the apartment...

It felt awkward to accept it without
saying anything, but I loved you enough

to know a woman like you
needs things I can't offer her.

- You knew, Antonio.
- You were right, I repeat.

We'll be free. Freedom isn't nothing.

Be careful though.
You didn't love Chardeuil.

But you loved what he gave you.
And you'll always love that.

So, in some ways,
I wonder if you really want my lifestyle.

Should I carry on putting on the act?

Was Chardeuil that troublesome?

We had our ways. Things weren't so bad.

Being sincere and decent is all very well,

but one day you'll have another Chardeuil.

That one might be less accommodating.

Florence, I'm talking to you about this,

precisely because I love you.

I was so proud,
happy and free on my way here.

It's about finding out
if pride and joy brings happiness.

You've adopted habits, my dear.

And me too.

- Did you keep a brooch?
- Yes, I forgot.

It's a big pearl.

Luckily you didn't lose everything.

Deep down, we don't care about Chardeuil.
We don't need to worry for a while.

We can wipe the slate clean
and go back to zero. Kiss me.

- No.
- Why? Are you angry?

You know I love you.

Take that off.

- Take off the rest.
- You only want the brooch. Not me.

Do you want a slap?

I never asked for a penny!

I've never accepted anything from you.

You're saying I just love your jewelry?

It's worse. You don't love me.



You can't go down like that.

I didn't say anything that could hurt you.

Florence! Don't be stupid.

Florence! Come back or you'll regret it!


What's wrong? I was worried.

Come. I need to walk.

Now I know.
I'm sure that Antonio doesn't love me.

And Chardeuil's angry,
as I returned his jewelry.

It's tempting to choose.

- You said I had to choose.
- Now you know what they are worth.

At that price, the truth is dear.

One thinks it's pretty.

When you look at the truth straight on,
you realize how alone you are.

- What's the advantage?
- Be patient.

Girls aren't allowed to be patient,

they age too quickly.

I've lost everything.

That's all that is left of my past.

Maybe it's that piece of jewelry
that's hindering you from being free.

- It's beautiful.
- Sadly, yes.

If you were me, would you give it back?

- I'd throw it in the Seine.
- That's madness.

I don't know why but your story reminds me
that of St. Martin's.

One winter's evening, St. Martin
meets a poor person who was very cold

whereas St. Martin was warm.

Since he was a good saint,
he gave him half his coat,

but only half
because St. Martin wasn't crazy.

What happened? They were both cold.

Don't smile.

If St. Martin had given him everything
he'd have been warm.

And St Martin too.


- Now I'm going to cry.
- Come, you need to go home.

You need to sleep. Think no more about it.

Chardeuil has a key, Antonio too,
I'll never be able to rest.

To think that
you don't even have a room to yourself.

Come on, I'll take you.

Have you lived here long?

- Do you not like it?
- I prefer my bedroom.

It's horrible but it feels human.

I wonder how you can breathe here.

Oh, I could go without...

- What's wrong?
- Look.

Ah, very well. Yes, I understand.

He had them brought back to you.

"They were yours, they remain yours."

Edmond Chardeuil, Honorary President...

A very proper gentleman.

You're wrong to mock, it's quite chic.

When you're Honorary President...

Allow me to take a peach,
I prefer fruits to stones.

Do you want me to throw them in the Seine?

Oh, I don't want anything.

Your Honorary President would be capable
to send a diver to retrieve them.

Or he could buy you new ones.

If only you knew the value.

My poor Florence.

Everyone who hears your story
will think like you.

Chardeuil is dreary,
it's not fun being his mistress,

but he's got money. He's a gentleman.

Too bad for you
and those who think like you.

I don't understand you.

A decent woman, with a job, a character.

How did the President win you over?

A ring, a bracelet, a necklace?

Each one was proof of his feelings.

However, it was also something
that cut into you and diminished you.

Finally you couldn't take it,
and gave it all back.

Did he have a kind word to say? No!

The Honorary President only has his money.

Much in the same way he won you over,
he's trying to win you over again.

You don't understand
that it's the worst insult.

You were struggling, you were choking.

And he puts your head underwater again.

Can I take another peach?

Am I not right?

Yes, but what should I do?

That's up to you know what's right.

You need to help me. I can't manage alone.

Breaking up with Chardeuil isn't enough,
I want to disappear. What should I do?

Whatever you feel.

He's damaged me, soiled me.

He was here one night.
I watched him sleep.

And I thought of k*lling him.

That would be stupid.
It has to be much simpler.

Good night. Till tomorrow.

Everything will start over tomorrow.

Count on me.

Call for Mr. Chardeuil.

Call for Mr. Chardeuil on the main line.

Call for Mr. Chardeuil.

Mr. Chardeuil to the main line.

She sent me.

- Florence?
- Yes.

You're as I imagined.

One thing surprises me though.
You suffer and you're not ashamed of it.

To be this rich and powerful
and to suffer for an acrobat...

I salute you.

But between us...

the slight and sadness are well deserved.

You liked her but you let her climb
her ladder every night.

She was up there,
on her platform, all alone.

Terribly alone.

She's young and beautiful.

No one ever shouts,
"Come down, Florence!"

"Everything you desire is on Earth.
I give it all to you."

If I were you, I'd be ashamed.

I am ashamed.

I've told myself a hundred times
what you've just said.

I don't know if it's you talking or me.

- What should I do?
- No idea.

- It's because of Antonio, isn't it?
- You know about him?

It bothered me, of course.

But I wasn't naïve enough to think that

I could fulfil Florence's life by myself.

I put up with another person.

That's why everything happened.

What should I do?

- Give up Florence.
- Impossible.

- Then leave your wife.
- Impossible too.

- If you can't choose...
- I had thought...

Of getting rid of Antonio
by paying his price.

- Your money, always.
- You don't want me to k*ll him!

- I want nothing.
- Why did you come then?

To tell you out loud
what you were thinking.

- You want nothing else?
- Yes.


When your board of directors meets here

how much money are we talking?

A few billion.

You wouldn't give that up as easily
as you would a teacher's pension.


Is that your armchair?


May I?


today we're here
to discuss a special undertaking.

I wonder if all your fortunes
can overcome the obstacles

to make a woman
who doesn't love me fall for me.

Mr. Janvier's sauerkraut!

And another.

Mr. Janvier's sauerkraut.

- Bread, Mr. Janvier?
- No, thanks.

- How's tricks?
- As you say.

- What are you reading?
- The Virtues of Solitude.

- Fine, I understand. See you tomorrow.
- See you tomorrow.

- Good evening, buddy.
- Good evening, Marcel.

So, how are you?

14,000, two balls played. Bravo.

- Pathetic.
- Come on.

- What does it matter?
- I say, what rattled your cage?

You're in a bad mood.

Are you going to annoy us long?

Sit down. It's better for chatting.


Chatting is your business!

Why did you come here? With your nonsense!

With... With this!

Can't you read the paper, like the others?

- Did you not bring your whip?
- My foot will be enough.

Happy days!
Has it taken a weight off your mind?

Not yet.

You're trying to offload your anger on me.

But as it's not aimed at me,
you won't get rid of it.

- You're furious with yourself.
- Idiot!

You didn't behave well with Florence.

You showed her your true face,
you're disgusted with yourself.

You're mad because I'm right.

You're poisoning us all! We no longer
know what we want or who we are.

You, like everyone else,
can't accept to be who you are.

You cheat, you lie to yourself,
you force yourself and you're ill at ease.

- Ill at ease?
- Yes, ill at ease.

You always feel the need
to justify yourself, whereas I...

I don't ask anything of anyone.

It doesn't matter, I'm used to it.

Give me your bad excuses
to explain to me who you are.

Who I am?

- Do you know who I am?
- Oh yes.

Who am I then?

A pimp.

You make me laugh.

A pimp who doesn't know he's a pimp, but...

- That's what you are in the making.
- Yes and you?

Are you a real shit sweeper
or a sweeper in the making?

- I'm no longer part of the race.
- That's too easy.

And it's not true.

Otherwise, you'd leave us alone.

And we were before you arrived.

Everyone had a place.
Florence, Chardeuil and Bibi.

You needed to come and be a hero.
Why did you get involved?

You, the clairvoyant, the fortune teller!

Look no further,
you're like us and love her.

- Me?
- Yes, you.

Do you have the guts to check who you are?

The courage to carry out your ideas?

You love her because she's beautiful!
You look at her as if she were paradise.

I feel sorry for her.

Oh, you joker!

There's Paloma,
who does the dangerous jump on her horse.

Do you feel sorry for her?
Do you devour her with your eyes

with her crooked nose and straw-like hair?

And the old worker, Mimi,
who walks around with varicose veins?

Do you worry about her honor?

You love Florence. Where will it get you?

I'm there for pleasure,
and Chardeuil for money.

What are you hoping for?

If I love Florence as a father.

Ah yes...

And you're acting as one.

- Your daughter deserves praise for it.
- Shut up, Antonio.

With her too, you were always right.

She ended up choosing.
She chose the canal.

- Ah, if I had known.
- Yes.

For once,
the fortune teller was oblivious.

Your books, your airs and graces,
it all ended with the death of a kid.

Carry on.

Protect Florence,
stuff her brain, care for her soul.

Florence will die from it.

Good evening.

Good evening, Antonio.

We'd like to close, Mr. Janvier.
If you could move it, please.

Is that you, Edmond?

- Oh, I'm sorry.
- Not to worry, Florence.

- We need to talk.
- Is it necessary?


And it needs to be frank,
to know exactly what we both want.

- Do you know?
- Yes, it's quite simple.

- I want to keep you.
- What a thought.

I wasn't mean, Florence.

I thought only of you and your comforts.
My only fault was to take you seriously.

You've always had strange ideas.

You wanted to learn horse riding,
dance, the trapeze. I'm not making it up.

Are those ideas normal?

I was awaiting the end of the phase.

I should have shut up and let you
find the cost of expensive lingerie.

I made a mistake.

Now, things are changing.
I'm thinking of myself.

I don't care about jewelry.
I love you as you are.

- Too late, Antonio.
- Why?

Is that how you returned them?

Was it a joke to see my reaction?

He sent them back afterwards.

He's holding on tight!

Well thought out, but not very prudent.

One could go very far with that.

No more diving, no cage, just us two.

Happy, laid-back.

- You never wanted my money.
- Where did it lead us to?

To live between two people.

Maybe the madman was right.
You have to go right to the end.

It would be less idiotic
than playing this game.

- You wanted...
- I wanted to scare you.

I don't know.

Florence, there are five years
of happiness for the taking.

- It's too late, Antonio.
- Just a minute, Florence.

I want to keep you without the jewelry.
It's always too late.

- Do you not love me anymore?
- I don't trust you.

I'm not interested by the jewelry anymore.
Sell them and run away.

You're giving them to me?

Leave your wild animals
and go have fun with other women.

- Take them!
- That's not honest.

Does the gesture bother you?
Should I help you?

For all the happiness you gave me.

For the pleasure.

For your hands, your mouth.

- It's disgusting, Florence
- It helps me to say farewell.

Five years of happiness together,
that's ten years alone.

You're young, you're now rich.
Go away, you disgust me.

I'm keeping them
so you don't throw them out of the window.

Thanks, but go away.

I am sorry.

It's me, Florence.

I tried to not see you anymore,
I wanted to obey you

but I wasn't able to.

I won't be able to.

However hard I try.
You see, I tell you everything.

I can't live without you.


You need to forgive me

for not having loved you well enough.

Florence, do you want to be my wife?

Your life has been difficult, dangerous.

I'll give you peace and security.

Everything that you are missing,
everything that you desire.


Your silence pains me.
Reply. Tell me yes.


I offer you everything and you refuse.

It's too late.

I should have understood sooner.

It's not your fault.

You prefer adventure
to what I'm offering you.

A room at the circus hotel!

- I'm not interested in Antonio anymore.
- He's just left!

I met him.

I'm still offering
to marry you, nonetheless.

Have I not fallen low enough?
What else do you want?

I want nothing.

Without you, I'm a lost man.

- Do you want me to plead you?
- I don't want anything.

Only for me to leave, is that it?

Do you have nothing to say?

Will you at least
accept to keep the jewelry?

- I don't have them anymore.
- Pardon?

They were here, Antonio took them.

And he left this as a replacement.
Did he thr*aten you?

No, I gave them to him.

And you say you don't love him?

You think I'm ridiculous,
but I don't deserve it that much.

Where are you going? What'll you do?

What do you want?

To look at you.

To see how one needs
to be in order to appeal to Florence.

- But you're not handsome.
- You're not so pretty either.

You've got a vulgar voice.

- Must you just be young?
- Must you just be rich?

- You do know she doesn't love me.
- And you think she loves me?

If you weren't here, if you disappeared...

There would be another,
maybe a less honest one. I'm leaving.

She will blame me for your departure.
You can neither stay nor leave.

What should I do?

Chardeuil! Don't be an idiot.

I'd like her to see you.

- sh**t, and it'll be court for you.
- Inter alia.

- You've got a family!
- To think she loved a guy like you.

- sh**t and you lose Florence.
- It's already happened.

You moron!

- Let me talk, Florence is yours.
- Explain yourself.

Can I have a drink?


The worst thing about your kind
is your stupidity.

And then?

A real woman like Florence
needs money and romance.

One as much as the other.

In one man only if possible.

In two, if not.

And then?

Men ought to understand that
instead of fighting each other.

If you think she pleases me less than you.

- You were packing your bags.
- I wouldn't have gone far. She's got me.

I don't care about the jewelry.

She doesn't care about them either.
No one cares about them.

She's not a tart, I'm not a pimp.

You handle a g*n
like an artichoke plays the trumpet.

And then?

Can I drink?


Do you want some?


Living together as three wasn't ideal.

But were we that unhappy?

If it were against nature's laws,
there would be deaths every day.

It requires tact.

Allow me to say so, Mr. Chardeuil.

Visiting me with my g*n
and waving it in my face,

shows a lack of etiquette.

Has anyone ever told you you're vile?

Those are words.

I'm talking about things.

Let me tell you what happened.

First, because of the fortune teller.

And because of the dive of death.

It's disgusting that two men
would let a woman do this every night.

To love a girl, Mr. Chardeuil,

is to wish for her happiness.

Even if it unsettles you a little.

Even if it makes you suffer.

Happiness is so very hard.

There's no harm in teaming up.

Did anyone ever tell you you're repulsive?

Pass me that and get Antonio's things
out of his dressing room.

- Now?
- Someone's arriving tomorrow!

- And the key?
- He kept it.

Go via Florence's dressing room.


- Oh sorry. Am I disturbing you?
- I am ready.

I need to move Antonio's things out.

- Do you have the keys for the case?
- Yes.

- You're well?
- As you can see.

I'm going to quit the circus.
It's better if I leave.

- It's better for everyone.
- For everyone?

Well, I hope
my path didn't cross yours in vain.

What do I do with Antonio's things?

He's still in Paris.
Send them to his hotel.

- Did he call?
- I didn't reply.

- And Chardeuil?
- He wrote to me.

- He's coming to fetch me this evening.
- Did you accept?

- No.
- Are you sure?

I've got another rendezvous.

He had quite the whip collection!

Can I ask you a question
about your daughter?

Be my guest.

On the last day,
she was very obedient, wasn't she?

Yes, calmer than usual.

Did she do her homework
with particular care?

Indeed. It was a problem.
Usually, she never managed well.

There was a question about cubic meters
and I found it afterwards.

Her answer was right.

She had tidied her draw
and her sewing box.

Yes, poor child.

She had taken off her shoes
and lined them up under the bed.

How do you know?

Speak your thoughts.

What are you planning on doing? Florence!

Ladies and gentlemen.

You're going to witness
one of the most daring acts

that you can possibly imagine.

Miss Florence, from a height of 18 meters,

is going to dive in a t*nk

with a surface area smaller
than three square meters.

This act requires

as much bravery
as precision of Miss Florence.


What did you want to do?

It's all my fault.

Yes, I wanted, and I wasn't able to.
I am too young.

I am sorry, Lili.

There's no Lili. Florence has understood.

She's got nice legs, that please everyone.

Ones she can defend herself with.

I want to be beautiful,
to have fun, to laugh, to dance.

That's life and I'm alive.

Go away, I'm dressing. I'm in a hurry.

- Hey Marcel.
- Hey.

- Is Florence gone?
- She's getting dressed.

- Can you tell her to meet me at the bar?
- Sure.


Hey Teddy, a fine.

- We're closing.
- Come on, a quick one.

Leave the bottle and keep the change,
I'm waiting.

Fine, I'm going though.

k*ll the light as you go.

- Farewell.
- Farewell.

- Can I come in?
- I was waiting for you.

- Are you not angry with me anymore?
- No.

- You've never been as lovely as now.
- It's so beautiful to be alive.

And I've had a drink tonight.

Close your eyes.

The diamond necklace with the big emerald.

You wanted it.

- Anything I want now, I get?
- Anything.

On one condition.

That we never hurt anyone
that doesn't deserve it.

Are you scared
I'll remind you of your promises?

I'm not crazy, Edmond.
I've come back down to Earth.

Does a man like you marry a woman like me?

I'd prefer this necklace to a ring.

If I see a friend in you,
a woman who understand me,

I swear that, humbly,


Is this a guessing game?



I almost k*lled a man because of you.


That boy is very different to me.

However, I have to admit,
he was very decent. He was...

Composed and intelligent.

He saved me from a catastrophe.

We were all crazy.
We've returned to our senses.

I've just seen him at the bar.
Do you want to go talk to him?

I don't want any more drama.

There will be no more drama, Florence.

I've promised to love you humbly.

Come on.

Are you drinking alone now?

What about your friends?

I'm thirsty too.

Can we make peace Florence?

Can we ever be angry
with one another for long?

You really hurt me.


Mr. Chardeuil was very decent.

He's not my type,
but I appreciated what he did.

A branch, a real one.

If you like each other,
that's the main thing.

Don't be bitter, my little Florence.

After all, nothing will have changed.

Listen, Florence.

I'm sorry, but this idiot
is looking for you all over.

What a nuisance!

- I couldn't agree more.
- I'll get rid of him.


Let him come, it'll be more fun.

Let him tell us his stories.

Let him try to give us advice
so that he understands we don't want it.


I hadn't expected...

Come here.

- If you're thirsty...
- No, thank you. It wouldn't go down.

I was so very frightened.

Ah yes, because of the little one.

Alone at the bar with men at her age.

You've still got time to save her soul!

- I wanted to tell you...
- Your health.

- I wanted...
- Would it be easier if you sang it?

My dear, let this experienced man speak.

If we'd followed his advice,
Florence would have k*lled me.

I'd have k*lled Antonio,
Antonio would have k*lled Florence.

Maybe he's got better advice.

Oh no.

I wanted to ask you for forgiveness
for the nuisance I have caused.

Finally, he's understood!
But it took some time, didn't it.

- Can't you see he's lying?
- When all I want is for you to live...

You're lying!

It seemed like too heavy a burden
to have a second Lili on your conscience.

No, I'm not drowned.

You're relieved.
You approve of everything now. Even them.

Tomorrow, everything will be better.
Trust him.

In the meantime,
do I do as before? They wish it...

But not you! Not my friend!

I just want you to live.

You taught me to judge them and myself.

What do you want now?

Forget everything I said.

I can't!

Shut him up!

When I tried to insult him,
you protected him.

The whip wasn't enough.

He'll be back.

He'll always be there, following me.
I will no longer be able to live.

Yes, yes you will!

You're lying!

He won't let go of me.

Get him out of my way!

You wanted to poison us, you wizard!

Happy people bother you
because of your failed life.

You came to spread the word.

The men were strong, they resisted.

But Florence, who nearly dies nightly,

listened and it drove her mad.

Should she accept?

You k*lled her, both of you.