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03x06 - I'll Be There

Posted: 07/15/22 07:17
by bunniefuu
Previously on All Rise

I got a call

that I lost my new apartment.

If you still need a place to crash,

the offer is still open.

It's not every day you go up

against your buddy in a m*rder trial.

Let's make a pact.

We keep up our weekly jogs as usual.

You saw Rachel?

Amy met her hotshot

D.C. attorney boyfriend.

We were a thing,

like, a million years ago.

You two were more than a thing.

Lo, do you still

have feelings for Andre?

The stars desert the skies

And rush to nestle in your eyes ♪

It's magic

Without a golden wand

Or mystic charms

Fantastic things begin


Let you play a little bit.

Good morning.

What happened to you?

Our daughter thinks she's Basquiat.


Daddy was your canvas, huh?

How's the kitchen look?

Uh, baby girl has an arm on her

and you should probably

get breakfast out this morning.

You excited about your big day?

Ehh. Just a little bit of computer work.

Robin Taylor. Come on.

I know how much

you've been missing your job

and a possible

interstate conspiracy case.

It sounds exciting.

Yeah. I do love spending

time with our little lady,

but Lord, help me, if I have to read

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

one more time

Maybe we should

think about getting a nanny.

Uh. Lo, it's only a few hours a week.

I think the babysitter can handle that.


I'm gonna get in the shower.

Did you have a bad dream?

What makes you ask that?

Mm, you're sweating.

This writ of habeas corpus

is based on an affidavit

from Damien Owens in which

he states he is responsible

for a m*rder

that took place 20 years ago,

a m*rder for which my client,

Randall Mack,

was wrongfully convicted.

At trial, Mr. Owens

claimed he was an eyewitness

and testified that he saw my client

k*ll the decedent in a bar fight.

My client was found

guilty of first degree m*rder

and has spent

the last 20 years in prison

for a crime he did not commit.

I ask that the writ be granted

and my client released.

Ms. Lopez, wasn't your client

convicted by a jury who found

that the prosecution

had proven their case

beyond a reasonable doubt?

Yes, Your Honor, but Mr. Owens

was the only

eyewitness to the actual crime.

The other witnesses

were only able to testify

to an earlier

disagreement that my client

had with the decedent.

Shouldn't the people be given

the opportunity to cross-examine?

The affidavit is more

than legally sufficient

for this court to grant our request.

- Is the matter submitted?

- Yes, Your Honor.

I ask that the Court

expedite its ruling.

Mr. Owens is ill,

and the doctors can't say

how long he has left.

We will take that under advisement.

Good day, Ms. Lopez.

We should hear back

from the Court of Appeal in a few days.

Then I will ask

the judge who gets assigned

the hearing to expedite it.

And I was assured that Damien Owens

is standing by to testify.

I appreciate everything

you're doing, Ms. Lopez.

Well, gratitude goes to Talisha,

her letter is the reason I'm here.

Well, T's my biggest advocate.

I'm just glad somebody

finally read my letter.

I've been hounding

the Free Counsel Initiative

for years for them

to take my dad's case.

This was clearly

a miscarriage of justice.

All of the other

evidence the prosecution

presented was circumstantial

and inconclusive.

And even Joe Loffton,

who was an accessory

after the fact, he never

said that you were the k*ller.

Never. This came down

to Damien Owens' testimony.

And you

And you not having an alibi.


Dre. I thought

What? I thought you went

back to D.C. with Rachel.

I had some business and a deal to close.

Hey, perhaps we can grab some dinner

while I'm in town, catch up.

Catch up?

I feel there were things

left unsaid between us.

You know, I'm here

on business for another week.

I can call you.

You still have the same number?

Or maybe you can call me.

Um. Damn.

So that is Mr. Mighty Andre Armstrong,

Esquire extraordinaire.

How did you know?

You're sweating, Lo. You okay?

I don't know. I don't know.

Why am I letting this man get to me?

You didn't get closure.

You need closure.

Look at you. Soundin' like Dr. Phil.

- Mm, I'm serious.

- Look, Mark, it's fine.

Andre is only here for a week,

and then he's gone.

And that'll be that.


I thought you knew

that he might be merging

with Audubon and Quinn. And if he does,

he's going to be out here a lot.

- Doesn't mean I have to see him.

- He's dating Rachel.

I don't know about that.

Did you tell her to back off?

No. Maybe. Marky-Mark.

Listen, I appreciate your

concern but I will be fine

- Sure

- I have a great life

- A beautiful baby girl

- Yeah Definitely

A husband who is supportive and loving,

handsome and sexy.

You tryin' to convince me or you?

What you got goin' on?

Ah, so now we're changing subjects?

- Yup, keep up.

- Okay. All right.

Uh, LAPD task force is heating up.

- The smash and grab thing?

- I just talked to the detective.

They made more arrests last night.

More kids?

What the hell is goin' on?

I intend to find out.

I think I found the perfect apartment!

- Yes?

- Yes! It's in Santa Monica,

it's a few blocks from the beach.

And the best part?

No screaming nephews.


Thank you.


Something's on your mind.

Ohhh, no. Come on. Spill it.

I'm worried that going up against Mark

has affected our friendship.

Mm. Have you talked

to Mark since the trial?

We made a pact; no matter

what, we jog every week.

I'm sure he'll call.

Don't worry about it.

- Ladies.

- Good morning.

Amy, I've a huge favor to ask.

I've a client

that needs help with a will.

Now, I'd normally do it myself,

but it needs someone based here in L.A.

Of course, I'd be happy to help.

Great. Pick it up.

Ada Bankok, meet

Amy Quinn and Vanessa Johnson.

- Hi, it's nice to meet you.

- Pleasure to meet you.

Ada's grandmother used to be

one of my biggest clients,

and a dear friend.

It was hard leaving grandmother.

But I went back

every year for her birthday.

This last one, uh

She seemed so good.

I'm so sorry for your loss.

I'll walk you out.

This is no contest so

there shouldn't be any issues.

You got it.

Thank you.

Seriously? We're slammed,

and you're going to take a will reading?

No, you are.

You said you wanted more responsibility.

Well, here's your chance.

One chance is all I need.


Lisa has the new job.


- No.

- No, no, no.

It's fine. It's fine. It's just that

I miss all of you.

We miss you, too.

Mm, that's nice to hear.

Well, not the reason I came by.

I just want to give a heads up.

We may be sending

you a life-changing case.

- I'm listening.

- Randall Mack.

Life in prison.

He claims he was falsely accused

and wrongly convicted

of m*rder 20 years ago.

We just granted an order

to show cause on a habeas petition.

And what was the reason?

Uh, well, the only

eyewitness, Damien Owens,

has recanted his testimony,

now saying that he committed the m*rder.

Wasn't that enough to correct the writ?

His credibility is at issue.

He's saying that he lied under oath

during the trial

against his best friend.

As I recall, Mr. Owens

had difficulty testifying.

And how would you know?

I was just about to tell you that

Thomas was the presiding judge.


Wow, your

Your dad painted all of these?

Well, he's had a lot of time.


Now, that's my dad with Damien and Joe.

They met in first grade

and were friends

all through high school.

Do you know what happened?

Damien was in love with my mom.

And when she married dad,

he took it really hard.

Saw it as this huge betrayal.

Joe tried to mend things,

but it was never the same.


- Jealousy's a powerful motivator.

- Mm.

Okay, but I do have some good news.

Judge Carmichael has agreed to expedite

the evidentiary hearing.

And this time tomorrow,

your dad could be a free man.

That's amazing.

Thank you. Thank you.

Sorry. One second.

- Oh, no problem.

- Hello?

Yes, this is Emily Lopez.


No. Thank you.

What's happened?

Damien Owens developed an infection.

He died an hour ago.

The order from the Court of Appeal

was to take Mr. Owen's testimony.

We obviously cannot do that now.

So there's no reason for

this hearing to move forward.

I still have Mr. Owens' affidavit,

which was made under penalty of perjury.

Your Honor, the affidavit is hearsay

and the rules of evidence apply.

There's no hearsay exception,

and so it is inadmissible.

Your Honor,

Mr. Owens affidavit qualifies

as a dying declaration.

And if the court

finds that it does not meet

the hearsay exception,

then the affidavit

should be admitted into evidence

under the Chambers' case.

Without Mr. Owens

statement being subject

to cross-examination,

there is no way to determine

if the statement is reliable.

Ms. Palmer has a good point.

Ms. Lopez, permission

to speak to your client?

Of course, Your Honor.

Mr. Mack,

I want you to be aware

that this is an informal questioning

- and you're not under oath.

- I understand, Your Honor.

Mr. Mack, were you

or anyone in your family

in contact with

Mr. Owens prior to his death?

Yes, my daughter, Talisha.

Thank you.

Ms. Mack, you are not under oath.

Would you please tell the court

about your contact with Mr. Owens?

I heard Damien was sick.

I went to see him.

Told me stories about

my dad and their friendship.

I simply asked him

to tell what really happened.

And did he tell you?

No. It was only later

I learned about his affidavit.

Your Honor, the Court

of Appeals had the affidavit

and nevertheless

ordered an evidentiary hearing.

They could have granted

a writ based on the affidavit

- if that alone was sufficient.

- Your Honor.

I know that I can

find additional evidence

to prove Mr. Owens

testified falsely at trial.

I just I just need some time.

Ms. Lopez, I need a proposal

from you for how

much time you need, and why.

Ms. Palmer, find

authority for why this court

cannot expand the order.

All parties are ordered back tomorrow.

Randall, I know that Damien

was mad about the marriage,

but was there anything else?

Uh, no.

Look, we were growing apart

long before I married Etta.

'Cause Damien had gotten

into some bad shit.

I didn't want nothin' to do with it.

That's why I only hung out

with him and Joe at the bar.

Define bad.

Damien was hanging

out with some sketchy dudes

and that KC Smith,

that victim, he was one of 'em.

Randall, if you knew

that Damien was into bad stuff,

then why keep going back to the bar?

He was my friend.

For a long time.

It's hard to let that go.

I went over the case file.

I'm curious about

a woman named Julia Barnes.

She was on the witness list,

but she never testified.

Oh, um

She was a coworker.

And my lawyer was trying to get

anybody he could to testify

- as a character witness.

- Then why didn't she

testify to your character?

Mm, I dunno.


Is there uh, is there

anything I can get you?

Some painting supplies.


Going a little crazy

in here with nothing to do.

Oh, yeah. Talisha

showed me your paintings.

They are beautiful.

My favorite memories were at the beach.

- Did you go a lot?

- Never been.

Got all those photos

I found in the magazines,

in the library.

I always wanted to take

Talisha to see the ocean.

Never got the chance.

Maggie Palmer has a point.

If the affidavit alone was enough,

we would have granted the petition

and saved you the trouble.

So now that Mr. Owens has died, do I

allow Ms. Lopez to introduce

any new evidence she can find?

I know how wrongful convictions

keep you up at night.

So that's code for "trust your gut."

Thank you, Lisa.

Any time, Carmichael.

I'll see you on the flip side.


More beautiful flowers from your garden?

No! These were delivered for you.


I'm worried they're from Dre.

Well, there's only one way to find out.

They are not from him.

- Uh, "Diapers to Diplomas?"

- Ha!

"Excited to introduce you to

our wonderful world of nannies!"

Oh! So Robin's going back to work.

Part time. But if I know the man,

he'll be full time by next week.

Oh. Sounds like somebody I know.


"To my loving son, Edwin.

I leave the Cape Cod and

Bel Air homes and all furniture.

Now, the Van Gogh, I leave

along with our family ring,

to my granddaughter, Mindy."

Grandmother promised me that ring.

"All my clothes along with my Mercedes,

- "box of"

- Are you sure?

Yes. It means the world to me.

Please do something.

- "My Baby Grand"

- Please!


We object!

Now, these smash

and grabs are well thought out.

They aren't random, many of

them contain the same kids.

What, you think one

of these kids is capable

- of organizing all these hits?

- Possibly.

The ones I've spoken with are smart,

just not cooperating.

They're scared of somethin'.

Or someone.

I've done everything

I can to get these kids to talk.


This kid, he's in juvie

fighting a m*rder charge.

I know his lawyer,

Luke Watkins. I'll talk to him.

- I knew you're up to something.

- Oh, take a breath.

No, you hated my father and now

you're letting it out on me.

Just accept your grandmother

loved Mindy more than you.

- Grandmother promised me

- Excuse me, what is going on?

Excuse me, what is going on?

- She had a change of heart

- What is going on!

The no contest was made quite clear.

Yes, I am aware.

Apparently your associate wasn't.

Ms. Johnson advised

your client to contest the will.

Not only does she forfeit

her entire inheritance,

she must pay back her advancement

her grandmother gave her for college.

Oh, my God, that's $400,000.

I don't have that kind of money.

I will make this right, Ada. I promise.

Andre told us it was a no contest.

I know. But Ada was in my ear.

I didn't think. I just reacted.

Can she really lose everything?

Yes, it's a clause specifically designed

to discourage disgruntled

relatives from complaining.

I'm sorry.

- What do we do now?

- Ugh.

We need to find

the proof for what we contested.

Heard about Damien Owens.

Your job just got a lot easier.

No, now I have

to decide whether to allow

the defense time to track

down additional evidence.

Well, you had one affidavit

from a man who's now dead.

It seems as if you feel

that Damien Owens was telling

the truth without

hearing a shred of evidence.

A man's freedom is at stake.

I think it's worth exploring all angles.

Did you not read the uh,

transcript from the first trial?

I did.

Then you know there's other evidence

- besides Owen's testimony.

- I do.

Then I fail to see the need

for your exploring all angles.

Ms. Rodriguez,

thank you so much for coming

to the HOJ to meet me,

I just need to clarify

a few things about your testimony.

You were the bartender.

And it was you who broke up a fight

- between Randall and the victim?

- Yeah.

Any idea what started the fight?

That was so long ago.

Yeah. You said later that same night,

you saw Randall with the victim again?

Uh, in the parking lot, arguing.

Was Damien there that night?

Yeah, he was there most nights.

Is it possible the man

you saw in the parking lot

was actually Damien Owens?

No, no, it was definitely Randall.

Well, it was dark, right?

- Yeah.

- So how can you be sure?

I don't understand. What's going on?

Damien Owens confessed to the m*rder,

but he died before

he could be cross-examined.

Oh, my God.


But are you saying I was the one

No, I'm not No one's blaming you.

I'm just looking for any new evidence.

Um, Randall was hanging with this woman

that wasn't his wife.

Uh, she was there most nights.

Jill Julie?

Did you talk to her?

Was Julia Barnes at the bar that night?

- Doesn't matter now.

- Yes, it does.

It actually matters a lot.

Who is she?

She's someone that I loved.

Someone I thought loved me.

So you were having an affair?

I wasn't proud of it.

My wife and I were having problems.

And I knew I was wrong, just

Oh, Julia.

I had to.

Then why didn't she testify?

Been asking myself

that same question for 20 years.

She talked to my lawyer.

She told him everything.

Then she changed her mind,

said that if he tried

to make her talk, she'd lie.

Almost k*lled me, when I found out.

We talked about a future together.

Then she left me to rot in hell.

Well, I need to convince

Julia to come forward.

- Oh, no, no

- Randall,

if Judge Carmichael

denies Damien's affidavit

Talisha doesn't know.

She'd never forgive me.

There's gotta be another way, Ms. Lopez.

Please. Please. T is all I've got.

What about Joe?

He was with Damien that night.

He knows what the truth is.

We are looking for Joe.

He left L.A. when

he got out of prison, so.

So if we can't find him,

then Julia may be our only hope.

Hello, wife.

- Where are you, husband?

- On a stakeout.

I thought you were doing computer work.

Wait, where is Bailey?

Robin Taylor.

I know you did not take

our daughter on a stakeout.

I didn't have a choice, honey.

The babysitter canceled.

You should have called me.

She's fine, Lo. Ain't you, baby?

I still don't like it.

Ah, I guess it's time

to put Operation Nanny Search

into warp speed.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Thanks for coming by.

- Listen

- Before we start,

I just want to say

Really rough, right?

So rough.

Don't ever want to do it again.

This, Watkins, is why you never should

have left the DA's office.

If you and Amy can

maintain a relationship

after some of the epic

battles that you've had,

I'm sure that we can mend.

Vegas rules, baby.

What happens in the court room


We good?

Oh, hey, before you go.

I actually did call

you over here for a reason.

Anyone look familiar?

Miles Pallo, my client.

He was certified down to juvie

on the robbery case

where the victim died.

Before that robbery,

he was involved in several other

burglaries all attached

to the smash and grab ring.

- Okay, and?

- Maggie is gonna file

additional charges.

She's also pushing to have him

transferred to adult court.

So just talk to him,

see if he'll cooperate

What are you looking for?

I think there's a mastermind

behind the smash and grabs,

I need a name

- You want my client to snitch?

- Well, would you rather

he get transferred straight to

prison when he's out of juvie?

'Cause that's where he's going

if he keeps down this route.

I'll talk to my client.

The Court will not receive into evidence

Damien Owens' affidavit.

On balance, the court

does not believe Mr. Owens

was on the verge of death

at the time of the statement,

and thus it is not a dying declaration

as contemplated in the evidence code.

However, based on that affidavit,

I will provide

the defense with more time

to find evidence

that supports his main point,

that Mr. Mack did not commit the crime.

- Thank you, Your Honor.

- We'll reconvene in two days.

Parties are ordered to appear.

- Hello?

- Daddy?

Sherri said it was okay to come in.

Of course it's okay to come in.

Hello, my sweet baby girl.

We were on our way to the museum.

Thought, why not

pop in and see you first?

Thank you, daddy.

Tough case?



Andre Armstrong is in town.

Do you even remember him?

I remember he was a damn fool.

I think you're thinkin'

of somebody else.

Wasn't that the guy who chose

his career over you?

How do you even remember

that after all this time?

He broke your heart.

A father never

forgets something like that.

So, why is it a problem he's here?

He wants to catch up.


Put the past where it belongs.

I never thought they'd convict him.

But they did.

And you sat on the truth for 20 years.

I couldn't ruin my life.

And what about Randall's life?

Julia, you've allowed an innocent man

to suffer in prison for 20 years.

This is a man you cared about.

A good man.

With a family, a career.

You wouldn't understand.

No, I I don't. So please, tell me.

It's not that easy.

I never told my

husband about the affair.

He wouldn't understand.

I don't I don't care. I don't.

Because this isn't about your husband

and it's not about your marriage.

This is about an innocent man's life.

So stop making

Randall pay for your guilt.

I have to think about it.


Did you know that the will

was amended three months ago?

Specifically the personal property memo?

No. Did you find the original?

Yeah. I called the court records,

and tracked it down. Ada was right.

Her grandmother promised her that ring.

Perhaps, Ada isn't being honest with us.

Families do fall out.

And I saw her face. She had no idea.

No. Something happened

three months ago that made her

grandmother change

her mind about that will,

and I'm gonna find out what it was.


Ms. Lopez,

you've requested another continuance.

What is the basis for the motion?

I am having trouble securing

the attendance of a critical witness.

I have sent out a subpoena,

- but I'm worried she won't show.

- Who's the witness?

Julia Barnes. She was with Randall Mack

at the time of the m*rder.

Her testimony can prove his innocence.

Why do you think she won't show?

Because she was on the original

witness list and didn't.

Be assured Ms. Lopez, if

you serve her with a subpoena,

I will issue a body attachment

for her if she fails to appear.

But we both know that

that is not a guarantee

that she will testify.

Are there any other witnesses?

Joe Loffton. He was

an accessory after the fact.

Isn't he also a friend of Mr. Mack's?

Was. Joe now lives in Tampa

and apparently

he is out at sea, fishing,

so it may take us a while to reach him.

Ms. Palmer, are the people ready

for the evidentiary hearing?

We are, Your Honor.

Ms. Lopez, I am

allowing your continuance.

The hearing will

now begin in three days.

Yes. Dr. Sullivan? Yes.

This is Vanessa Johnson

from Audubon and Quinn Law Firm.

Yeah. I need some information

on a patient that you had.

Does Miles know he's facing

a possible prison sentence?

He's more scared of retaliation

than he is prison.

Said we don't know

who we're dealing with.

We could offer him protection.

We could relocate him if need be.

Yeah, just what every teen wants,

to have their life completely uprooted.

I'll let my client know.

Thank you for helping out.

I'm doing this purely for my client.

- Feels good, though, doesn't it?

- I gotta go.

- Run tomorrow?

- See ya at seven.

Hey! Here to see Maggie.

I just finished with Mark.

Oh, which means things are good.

Yeah, all good.

Good. Oh! Look what I've got.

- Oh!

- Tomorrow,

that apartment is gonna be mine.

Good luck.

That's right, Watkins.

- Pretend you don't see me.

- You rang?

It's obvious Judge

Cuddly Do Right is going to keep

granting you continuances

until I grow old.

I don't have

the time or patience for a case

the previous

defense obviously f*cked up.

Voluntary manslaughter time served.

Mr. Mack can walk tomorrow.

They're on their

way up here right now, but

Gonna want to see this.

Are these for real?

Yes. I first noticed them

when Ada showed me a photo.

Thank you for coming.

There are a few issues

I'd like to clear up.

About what? Everything seems in order.

Oh, bear with me, Mr. James.

Could I please see the ring?

Thank you. I'd asked Wendell to send me

a picture of the ring and I notice

a new spring

had been molded to the inside.

This is often done

to resize a ring in order

not to lose any

of its intricate details.

Would you please try this on?

Oh. Too small.

Mother fitted that ring a year ago.

Mindy has picked up weight since.

Well, actually I grabbed these

from Mindy's Twitter page and

It appears over the last three years,

Mindy's changed very little.

Would you please try this on?

Mother simply had

a change of heart. Nothing more.

Perhaps you'd like

to see some other photos

my associate found.

These were taken three months

before Grandmother died,

which happens to coincide

with the changes

made to the will,

that was electronically signed.

How could you hurt grandmother?

Utter nonsense. I would never

You cannot prove any of this.

You're right.

Elder abuse is incredibly

difficult to prove.

Which is why I called

Deputy District Attorney Mark Callan.

Keep the damn ring. Let's go.

I'm really sorry, Ada.

It's okay. I know it wasn't you, Min.

Thank you so much.

I'm going to be

singing your praises to Andre.

Callan, What are you doing here?

Did you just use me?

Don't know what you mean.

What if I don't take it?

If Judge Carmichael rules against us

at the evidentiary hearing, you

go back to prison indefinitely.

- Do we have a chance?

- Yes.

We are very close to finding Joe.

And if Julia doesn't show,

then Judge Carmichael

will issue an arrest warrant.

You talked to Julia?

I had to, Randall.

Is she gonna help me?

I don't know.

Twenty years later,

she's still breaking my heart.

I know this is a hard decision.

What would you do?

I've made my decision. Accept the offer.

Ms. Lopez.

- Is that it?

- Yes.

You don't have to take the plea.

- Is it Julia? She here?

- No. Randall

All rise. Court is now in session.

You may be seated.

I was informed the People made an offer.

- Yes, Your Honor

- Uh, Your Honor,

Mr. Mack respectfully rejects

the People's offer.

The defense has located

Joe Loffton, Your Honor.

And has his sworn statement

that it was Damien Owens

who committed the m*rder

my client was convicted of.

Your Honor, we spent

the last week discussing

how a signed document

isn't admissible evidence.

The court can't just admit

a signed piece of paper for the truth.

Except in very limited circumstances.

Thank you. Ms. Lopez,

why did it take Mr. Loffton

twenty years to come forward?

Fear, Your Honor. Damien Owens

threatened Joe's family.

Joe just found out about Damien's death

and he wants to do right by my client.

He says that he's

willing to testify if needed.

Ms. Palmer, how do

the people wish to proceed?

Your Honor.

This new evidence corroborates

Damien Owens' affidavit.

The people are no longer confident

we could prove the case

beyond reasonable doubt.


we are withdrawing our opposition

to the habeas petition and

agree the conviction should be vacated.

If the people are no longer

contesting the writ, then this court

will return this

case to the Court of Appeal

and recommend that the writ be granted.

Mr. Mack.

You are released

on your own recognizance.

Thank you, Your Honor.

Mr. Mack, I would like to apologize

on behalf of the court.

Today is a bittersweet moment.

There is much

to celebrate in that justice

has finally been served. But

there's so much

disappointment and sadness

that it took so long.

This court is adjourned.

Baby, you did it!

You're free daddy.

Is it over?

It's over.

How do I begin?

Randall, you're not

going to be alone in this. Okay?

Talisha and I will be

there every step of the way.

I'm going to set meetings for you,

help you find

a job and a place to live, but

for now

You're going to stay with me,

for as long as you want, daddy.

I will file for compensation

for wrongful conviction.

That is happening.


Until it comes in, this might help.

You don't have to

do that Oh, Daddy!

It's not a lot but

I want you to have it, okay?

It's yours.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

And I know it's been a long road,

you're tired but there's this

one last thing I need us to do.


It is quite satisfying,

when justice is served.

After our earlier conversations,

that is not

the reaction I was expecting.

Well, our system of justice

can only be reinforced

by thoughtful debate.

You and I may not always agree,

but we must be assured that as

long as you wear that robe,

you will always have my respect.

Thank you, Judge Marshall.

Hey, it's the goose.

Goo, goo. Goo, goo.

Then you use the other

hand, boom, boom, boom.

Hey, wife.

Hey, husband.


I think we found our nanny.



Daddy, we have

something that we would like

to discuss with you.

What do you think about you

and mama bein' Bailey's nanny?

I'm touched. But we have to decline.

Don't you need to discuss

this with mama first?

I know exactly what she'll say.

Being a nanny is a job.

We love being grandparents.

It's more fun.

Here, there you go. Go to daddy.

You know what this means?

Hmm. Let the nanny search begin.

None but ourselves can free our mind ♪

Whoa, have no fear for atomic energy ♪

'Cause none of them

can stop the time ♪

How long shall

they k*ll our prophets ♪

While we stand aside and look? ♪

Yes, some say it's just a part of it ♪


We've got to fulfil the book

Won't you help to sing

these songs of freedom? ♪

'Cause all I ever have

Redemption songs

All I ever have

I love you grandpa.

Redemption songs