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02x19 - Altoonisburg Al

Posted: 07/13/22 13:51
by bunniefuu
-Snack time!


Hmm, strawberries or blueberries?

-He's about to pick!

-Why choose when I can have both?

-No, you can't do that!

-Horrigan, you have to pick one or the other.

-Just like Altoonisburg Al.

-Who is Altoonisburg Al

and what does he have to do with my snack?

-Altoonisburg Al is a possum who comes out

of his tree on Possum Day.

-Ugh, can someone else besides her talk?

All I hear is blah, blah, blah.

-If Al eats strawberries,
then we get six more weeks

of summer, but if he chooses blueberries,

then summer is officially
over and we go back to school.

-So why don't you want me to choose a bowl?

-It's an experiment.

We want to know which bowl Al's gonna choose

and you're about the same size as a possum.

-Fisher's not gonna like
it when he hears you took

me away from his science.

-Which bowl did he pick?

-Sir, you were in on this?

-It's important. See, they plan when school

starts based on this possum.

-The whole town comes out to the festival

to see which bowl Al's gonna choose.

Plus, you can get Al's pawtograph.

I almost have a complete set.

I just need the back right
paw. It's the toughest one to get.

-And Possum Day is the one time of year

you can get possum juice.

-And that's a good thing?

-Of course!

I even volunteered to work the booth.

I'm gonna drink my weight in possum juice.

-You know who else loves possum juice?

Altoonisburg Al!

-Ah, I forgot you had a stuffed animal Al.

-I'm not a stuffed animal. I'm a puppet.

Happy Possum Day.

[upbeat music]

-Wow, they're really going all
out for Possum Day this year.

-Yup, this looks amazing.

Oh, and by the way, Luke is gonna meet us here.

-Okay, we'll be on our best behavior

and won't make any kissy noises behind your back.

-I make no promises.

-Oh, man, Al's in that tree.

It's so weird to be around celebrities.

I mean, they're just like us, but not really.

-Calm down.

There is no reason to freak out.

Oh, my gosh, possum juice!

-Hey, Lex.
-Luke? What a surprise.

-We made plans to meet here.

-Let's not fight on Possum Day.

[making kissy noises]

-I can hear you.
-So can I.

-Hey, I told you I can make no promises,

and I held out as long as I could.

-Come on.

-That's where Altoonisburg
Al chooses which bowl to eat.

-He better choose strawberries.

Come on, six more weeks of summer.

-No way, I want him to choose blueberries.

-Wait, but that means
summer's over and we go back

to school six weeks early.

-Her birthday's at the end of summer

and she never gets to celebrate it at school.

-I just want people to sing happy birthday to me

while I pretend I don't want them to.

I've been practicing.

Oh, you guys.

Stop it.

Everyone's looking.

-Wow, you are really good at that.

That should not be wasted.

-All right, nobody's here yet

so I'm gonna get Al's pawtograph, no problem.

-Yes problem.

-Jaget, what are you doing here?

-I was deputized by the mayor to protect

this possum with my life.

Word on the street is those dirt bags from

Pittstown are gonna try to kidnap Al.

-Ugh, Pittstown.

More like arm-Pittstown, am I right?

-'Cause they stink.

[upbeat music]

-Are we going to the Possum Day festival or what?

-Yep, as soon as we finish testing out

our new elevating shoes.

We call them Liftiez.


-The Z at the end was my idea.

-Okay, but do we have to do this right now?

-Laura House's birthday is
next week at Coaster World

and unfortunately, we're
still too short for the best rides.

But we'll fix that with Liftiez.


-When I press this button, the shoes will extend

and Horrigan will become taller.

Are you ready?
-Ready, sir.

Take me to the world of ' ".

-We'll start slow.

In three, two, one.

[button beeps]

[loud thump]

-Horrigan, are you okay?

-I think so, sir.

Sorry for denting the ceiling with my head.

I think I need to lay down.

-Yeah, easy, buddy.


-Can someone please remove the shoes

that tried to k*ll me?

-Are you touching my hand?

-If you're sorry, why are
you still touching her hand?

[button beeps and bed whirs]

-Whoa, did the bed just eat Horrigan?

-I accidentally hit the button
that changes my bed to my desk.

-Your desk is a transformer?

How cool is that?

-I know, right?

-Could you two stop flirting and help me?

-Sorry, Horrigan, we'll get you out.

[button clicks and bed groans]

[button clicking]

Uh, it's not working.

You might be stuck in there a little longer.

-It's okay, sir,

it feels like your house is giving me a hug.

[upbeat music]

-Keep it moving you possum-peeker.

-Stupid Jaget, keeping me
from getting my pawtograph.

-Don't worry, you'll get your chance.

-Madam Mayor!

-Oh, you may rise.

-Thanks for volunteering to run our booth.

Have some possum juice on me.

Make sure to save some
for Al, he loves the stuff.

-Ah, my first taste of the season.

[juice splashes]

-What is this, liquid garbage?

-I was afraid you'd say that.

The guy who usually makes
the possum juice retired.

We tried to recreate the recipe

and this is the best we could come up with.

-Guys, try this.

-No, you just said it tastes like liquid garbage.

-Yeah, there's no way we're gonna try it--

-[spitting loudly]

That is disgusting.

-I vow to find the real recipe for possum juice.

I don't care how long it takes.

-Well, the booth opens in minutes

so figure it out by then.

-Out of my way. Pittstown rules!

I'm taking your stupid possum.

-Stop, pedestrian.

[cheers and applause]

Gotcha, you Pittstown dirtbag.

-Look, Jaget left Al's tree unguarded,

this is my chance to get my fourth pawtograph.

Come on!

-Yeah, this feels like a them thing.

-You've got good instincts, bro.

-Now, come on, help me with the possum juice.

-Hey there, Al, I'm Presley.

I have a puppet of you.

I know that sounds weird, but it's not.

-Hey, just tell him to pick blueberry

so I can have my birthday at school.

-I think we both know I'm not gonna do that.

Obviously, I want him to choose
strawberry so summer's longer.

Listen, Al--

Where is Al?

-Look in the tree!

-Uh, he's not in here.


Oh no. Oh, no-no, he must've escaped.

-So did we just...

-Let the most famous possum
in Altoonisburg get away?

-Yes, we did.
-Right, and should we...

-Panic because the whole
town is going to want to k*ll us?

Yes, we should.


-♪ I got you, got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side by side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that, oh ♪

♪ We're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

-Any luck finding the possum?

-First of all, his name is Altoonisburg Al,

have some respect.

And second of all, no.

-What are we gonna do?

Everybody in town is coming to this festival

to see Al and there is no Al.

Shh, here comes Jaget.

-What are you doing by that tree?

-Well, um--well, we saw this tree being

unprotected so we decided
to guard it until you got back.

-We have a new appreciation for your job.

We salute you.

-That means a lot. Now beat it.

I gotta check on Al.

-No, you can't!

Because he is napping before his big show.

You don't want a cranky possum, do you?

-I'll answer that, no, you do not.

-I knew that, I knew that
before you even said it.

Now if I could repeat my previous point...

Beat it.

-I have an idea.

We can set up a trap

using Al's favorite thing in the world as bait.

-Possum juice!


-Oh, glad you guys are here, try this.

-Oh, good, you finally figured out the recipe?

[juice splashing]

-Apparently not.

-Why is it chunky?

-That keeps happening, we're not sure why.

-Come on, we need real possum
juice, this is an emergency.

-What's going on?

-Altoonisburg Al is missing.

-Altoonisburg Al is missing?

-Missing out on this delicious possum juice.

Right, Munchy?

-I was wrong for having you try this.

[upbeat music]

[stick cracks]

-Yeah, this isn't working.

Horrigan, you're stuck real good.

-Well, can I at least get something to drink?

-We have lemonade.

-Homemade or from a mix?

-You're in a wall, does it matter?

-Ugh, fine.

[slurping lemonade]

-Definitely from a mix.

-I have an idea how to get Horrigan out.

-I have an idea too, I can use my Jag-Jitsu moves

to hit the bed so hard that it pops open.

It always works with vending machines.

I haven't paid for candy in months.

-I'm a scientist, I don't just
hit things until they pop open.

We just have a power supply problem.

[wires snap]

If we send a jolt of electricity to the bed,

it will reboot the system and it should open.

-I'm not sure this is a good idea, sir.

-We won't know for sure
until we pump . jigawatts

of electricity in there with you.

[machine buzzing]

-That's a lot of jigawatts!

[electricity zapping]

-Is that supposed to be happening?


Hit the button.

Sorry, Horrigan, it didn't work.

Are you okay?
-Not really.

I'm a little smoky and I
have to go to the bathroom.

-Maybe stop drinking the lemonade then.

-Don't tell me what to do!

[lemonade slurping]

[upbeat music]

-Okay, we don't want people to know

that Al is missing, should we really just

leave the trap right in
the middle of the festival?

-That's why I camouflaged it.

Okay, didn't have any possum juice to use as bait

so we used the next best thing.


-Is that gonna work?

-Of course, all creatures love bacon.

Possums, horses, wildebeests, various lizards--

-He gets it.

-Looks like Altoonisburg Al couldn't resist!

-All right, let's get Al back into his tree.

-You're not a possum.

-I know, I'm Ronald and this is my bacon.

-Oh, great, you have the possum juice.

-Ugh, what is that?

It tastes like sweaty milk.

-That's actually an improvement.

-This is so bad.

-Munchy, we need that possum juice

to lure him into our trap.

-Yeah, so far all we've caught
is a kid who loves bacon.

-This bacon is mine, back off!

-What are we gonna do?

-There's only one choice.

-Come clean and tell everyone
it was your fault Al got away?

-Ew, no!

I'm gonna go home, get my Altoonisburg Al puppet

and use my puppet skills to fool everyone

into thinking it's the real Al.

-That is absolutely crazy,

but I don't have a better idea

and we're running out of time, so let's do it.

-Okay, when I get back,
I'm gonna need a distraction

to get into the tree without anyone noticing.

-Oh, this idea is getting worse and worse.

-I know, right?

[upbeat music]

-Attention, Altoonisburgers.

Will there be six more weeks of summer

or will school start on Monday?

Altoonisburg Al is about to let us know.

But first, let me tell you a little story

about how I became mayor.

It was...

-We're running out of time.

Where is Presley and her Altoonisburg Al puppet?

-Okay, just relax.

-Everybody is expecting a
possum to come out of that

tree but we let Al escape and we can't find him.

-Okay, maybe don't relax.

-It's Presley.

-And that's when Al appeared
in my dream and said,

"You're gonna be mayor of this town."

I thought, me?

I'm just a simple dental hygienist.

-Okay, Presley said she needed a distraction

so she can sneak inside the tree, any ideas?

-Yes, but you're not gonna like it.


-I'm really sorry.

Pittstown rules, Altoonisburg drools.


-It was him!

-Security, have that young man
with the fabulous hair removed.

-With pleasure.

-Oh, man, not the hair--not the hair!

[loud thud]


-Sorry, but it's for a good cause.

-Happy to help.

-Well, now that the Pittstown
trash has been taken out,

let's get back to it.

If Al chooses strawberries,
it's six more weeks of summer.

[cheers and applause]

But if Al chooses blueberries,

school starts on Monday.



-Come on out, Al!

-All right, this is your moment, buddy.

No, our moment.

[cheers and applause]

-Boy, that sure is the real Altoonisburg Al!

[cheers and applause]

-Let's see what Al chooses.


[cheers and applause]

-They're loving me out there.


[upbeat music]



-Hurry up, Fisher, Possum Day is starting.

-Go without me, I live in a wall now.

-I don't know what to do, I'm out of ideas.

-We tried science, now
it's time to try Jag-Jitsu.


[bed creaks and thuds]

-Oh, hello.

-You did it!

Maybe sometimes hitting stuff is the answer.

-Out of my way!

So much lemonade!

[upbeat music]



-Man, Al is on fire this year.

I'm glad I let him nap.

-Yeah, but maybe Al is really pushing his luck

and should just pick something already!

-I have to pick.

I love summer but Lex really
wants her birthday at school.

Oh, man, blueberries it is.


-There you have it, Altoonisburg Al

chose blueberries.

-Aw, she chose blueberries for me--

And by she, I obviously mean Al.

-Hey, wait a second, he didn't actually eat any.

The blueberries just fell out of his mouth.


Bacon boy is right.


-Yeah, those blueberries
didn't go down his esophagus.

I'd better investigate.

Wait a second!


-This possum is a puppet.

-Who's in the tree?

[shocked murmuring]

-Oh, my gosh,

the curse has been lifted.

I turned from a possum back into a human!

-Uh-uh, that's not how curses work.

You didn't get true love's kiss.

-Explain yourself.

-I can explain.

Um, see, what happened is

we knew that somebody
was going to try and kidnap Al,

someone from Pittstown.


So we put the real Al somewhere safe

and we replaced him with this puppet.

-And here's the man behind the plan, Jaget,

head of possum security.

-Yeah, this was all Jaget's idea.

-He's a hero.


-Hero is a strong word,

but in this case, entirely accurate.

I guess I'm so good I planned all this

without even realizing.

Go me.

-So, where's the real Al?

-I'll tell you where.

Right here, inside all of us.

-No, where is he really?


-He's right here.

[cheers and applause]

-You did it. But how?

-With this, try it.

-Possum juice!

-I told you I'd recreate it

and as soon as I did, Al came running.

-So what was the secret recipe?

-Chocolate milk, ginger
ale, and a pinch of bacon.

Sounds gross, tastes great.

Oh, and also, I got your pawtograph.

-This is the best day ever!

-I'd agree, except for the part where

Jaget threw me in a garbage
can and rolled me down a hill.

-Once again, really sorry.

-All right, people, it's the moment

we've all been waiting for.


Go ahead, Al, make your pick.

Al, where are you going?

[confused chatter]

-I don't think he's gonna be
eating anything for a while.

Al drank a lot of possum juice, like, a lot.

-So what do we do?

-Yeah, do I get my birthday at school?

-Or do we get six more weeks of summer?

-When elected mayor, I knew
there would be tough choices.

This is not one of them.

We're going to split the difference.

I hereby rule three more weeks of summer.

[cheers and applause]

-Hey, you get your birthday at school.

-And you get three more weeks of summer.

-And I get to sing Happy
Birthday to you at school.

-No, don't, I'll be so embarrassed.

-And now that I know the recipe,

I can drink possum juice all year long.

But no more today. I drink a lot of possum juice.

Like, a lot.

-And I'm a hero, plus I got the keys to the city.

-Those are the keys to my car--gimme.

-Still a hero.