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02x18 - Prank You Very Much

Posted: 07/13/22 13:51
by bunniefuu
[upbeat music]


Easy to love, but hard to fly.

Welcome to drone flying school.

Now, these babies can do anything.

That's why I like to call 'em
the worker bees of the sky.

-But aren't worker bees
the worker bees of the sky?

-Who is this again?

-I'm Ronald. I love bacon and drones.

And I don't share either one.

-He's part of the

Big Scientist-Little Scientist program.

I'm the Big Scientist.

-Aw, I remember when
Fisher was a little scientist.


In order to be certified to fly one of my drones,

you must complete this course
and earn your golden wings.


-That's Flight Instructor Fisher.

-Right. Fisher...

I believe you promised us snacks.

-Specifically donuts.

Or as I like to call them, the
worker bees of the snacks.

-Oh, you want donuts?

-Yes. I think that was clear.

-I'll give you donuts and a little demonstration.

[drone whirring]

all: Whoa.
-This is such a--

-Whoa. You're doing that?

-Ready? Ready? Here we go.

-[squeals] [applause]

Yeah, my drones,

they can carry over a hundred times their weight

and you see--

Wait, where are you going?

-To eat our donuts.

-But what about Drone Flying School?

-Yeah, we were never gonna do that.

-Yeah. We saw it more as Free Donut School.

[notification chimes]

-Oh. Hey, we got a KidDING!

-And it's from Jaget?

-But why would your brother hire us to do a job

when we're only doing jobs to pay him back?

-Why does he eat the cone
and throw away the ice cream?

He's Jaget.

-Let's see what he wants.

-I guess that makes me the star student.

-You're the only student.

-Still counts!

♪ ♪

[blender whirring]

-Jaget, what are you doing?

-Oh, I'm sure you'd like to know.

Which is exactly why I'm gonna tell you.

But first, you won't be needing these.

[all yelping]

Why have donuts when
you could be the first people

to try a Jag-Jitsu Power Shake?

-So now there's a stupid made-up drink

to go with your stupid made-up martial arts?


Except replace stupid with awesome.

See, every great martial
arts and/or exercise program

needs an energy drink to go with it.

That's why I opened this
stand. Here, have a sample.

-Tastes like a milkshake.
-It's totally different.

It's a Jag-Jitsu Power Shake.

-Yeah, but what makes it different?

-Me calling it a Jag-Jitsu Power Shake.

-But if you're serving milkshakes here,

won't you be competing
against Ty and the MicroMooery?

-Yes. And I don't wanna
hurt the Milkman's feelings.

That's why I'm hiring you to
bring him a gift of friendship.

-What's in here?

-It's a giant cupcake that
says "no hard feelings,"

'cause nothing says "no hard feelings"

like a giant cupcake that
says "no hard feelings."

-So you just want us to bring this to Ty?

-That's right.

I'd go myself, but as you can see,

I'm busy building a power shake empire.

And if you do this,

it'll count as your dune
buggy payment for the week.

-That seems too easy.

Haven't you ever heard the saying,

"If it sounds too good to be true,

then it's a good deal?

-I haven't heard that,

but it does sound like
something someone would say.

-You're on!

We'll bring the giant cupcake to Ty.

-Good. Now get.

♪ My shakes are the tastiest, the tastiest ♪

♪ The tastiest shakes of all time ♪

♪ ♪

-Ty, we have something for you.

-And I think you're gonna like it.

-Cool. Lemme just finish this first.

-What are you doing?

-Well, someone pranked me
and decided to change the sign

from "MicroMooery" to "MicroPooery."


-I mean that's terrible
and definitely not hilarious.

-Yeah. They did it to a bunch of Mooery signs,

including the one on my hot air balloon.

-Oh no, that sounds awful. And can we see it?

-He thinks messing with me
and driving me out of business

is gonna help his new Jag-Jitsu shake stand.

-Wait, Jaget is the one pranking you?

-Yeah. Now, let's see what you guys brought me!

All: Wait!

-This is from Jaget, isn't it?

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

-We are so sorry.

-So, so sorry.

-So, so, so sorry.

-So, so--

-I get it.

-Good, 'cause I completely lost count of the sos.

-We had no idea

the package that Jaget
hired us to deliver was a prank.

-We swear.

We thought we were just delivering

a "no hard feelings" cupcake.

-A "no hard feelings" cupcake?

What even is that?

-Okay, when you repeat it,
it does sound slightly crazy.

-He tricked us.

So in a way, we're the real victims here.

-Yeah, well, you're not
the ones covered in slime.

-We feel awful.

-And we're gonna go give him a piece of our mind.

-No, no, no. Please don't.

Okay? Jaget's too unpredictable.

I once saw him eat the cone
and throw away the ice cream.


-But the best thing to do is just ignore him

and wait for this whole thing to blow over.

-We don't want you to be upset at us.

-I'm not upset.

I'm just--I'm just disappointed.



-Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have slime to wash out of my ears.

-I've never seen Ty this upset.

Or purple.

-I think we really heard his feelings.

-So what do we do?

-Let's have a little chat with Jaget.

-No. But Ty just said to let it blow over.

-Trust me.

Underneath all that slime

is a milkman who needs our help.

Let's go.

-Oh, just a second.

MicroPooery. [laughs]

Okay. Let's go.

[upbeat music]

-Ronald, my tiny friend,

looks like you passed the written exam

and you got bonus points
for that amazing pilot outfit.


-Now, it's time for you to
get some flight experience.

-Double yes!

-Let's get started.

Whoa, whoa.

You're not ready for that just yet.

Before you can fly a drone,

you must know what it's like to be a drone.

-And how do I do that?
-With this.

-Why does it say Moose?
-That's your drone pilot name.

-Moose reporting for duty, sir.

-Now the next step to earning your golden wings

is for you to fly around this obstacle course.

And just so you know, I
already started the timer.


[imitating drone buzzing]

♪ ♪

[cash register rings]

-So you're saying to get completely jacked,

I don't need to worry about diet or exercise?

-That's right.

-And I just need to drink these milkshakes?

-They're not milkshakes.
They're Jag-Jitsu Power Shakes.

And I'm starting to question
whether you're worthy of them.

-I am, I am! I swear.

-Prove it. Get on the Jagcycle.

Make a power shake.

-Hey, wait a second.

Are you just trying to trick me
into doing your work for you?

-If you don't think you can do it.

-I can do it!

I'm gonna show you!

-Um, so sorry.

Jaget, we need a word with you right now.

-Here is a word. Shut up!

Now, get in line like everybody else.

-We're not here for a milkshake.

-Ah! It's actually a Jag-Jitsu Power Shake.

-I can't believe you made
us prank our friend, Ty.


The package we delivered exploded all over him.

-Now, this is important. I need to know.

Did he cry?

-Why are you doing this, bro?

-Everybody knows the best way to launch a product

is to use a prank w*r

to drive your competition out of business.

That's why I'm messing with Pie.

-His name is Ty, not Pie.
-I know.

My next prank is convincing
everybody his name is Pie.

-Okay, look, there's no
reason your business and Ty's

can't peacefully exist together,

so stop messing with our friend.

-I could do that,

or I could keep messing with him.

Let me think which one I like more.

Uh, keep messing.

-We just talked to Ty. He
doesn't want a prank w*r.

-Well, I'll be ready if he does.

I have a state-of-the-art security system

to protect my business.

-Jaget, get this bike's feeling wobbly.

-I made it myself. It'll be fine.

[metal snaps]

No, no! [loud crashing]

-I'm charging you for that shake you spilled.

♪ ♪

-Think, Munchy, think.

Okay, Presley, this pacing
isn't giving me any good ideas

and my feet are k*lling me.

You try.

-[sighs] Think, Presley, think.

I gotta think of a way to
make Jaget stop pranking Pie.

I mean Ty.

Wow, he is really good at pranks.

-That's it!

We could get back at Jaget with a prank.

Fight fire with fire.

We set his blender bike on fire.

-We're really good at
accidentally exploding things.

Imagine what we could do if we tried.

-No, we are not exploding anything.


-But I do love the idea
of messing with this bike.

What else can we do?

-[imitating drone buzzing]

-What are you doing?

-I'm learning how to think like a drone.

[imitating drone buzzing]

-Hey, we could use Fisher's drone.

He said it could lift a hundred times its weight.

I bet we could use it to fly the bike somewhere.

-Outer space?

-Drones can't fly into outer space.

-Well, not with that attitude.
-[imitating drone buzzing]

-If we can't do space,

how about the Altoonisburg Space Needle?

-Yeah. That's a great idea.

Everyone will see it up there
and Jaget will be humiliated.

-And maybe once my brother gets

a taste of his own medicine,
he'll finally stop pranking Ty.

-Yeah, and once we prank
Jaget, Ty will forgive us.

-Of course, once we prank Jaget,

our lives will be completely miserable.

I mean, he'll never let us live it down.

-Yeah, but this is for Ty and
fixing our friendship with him

is worth whatever Jaget can throw at us.

-And believe me, he can throw a lot of things.

Ever been hit in the back
of the head with an onion?

I have.

There were tears that day
from the pain and the onion.

-Good luck with your plan.

I have a snack mission to finish.

Engage grabbers. [imitates servos whirring]

See you in the clouds!

♪ ♪

-Have a good night, Jagcycle.

You don't have to worry

about anyone pulling pranks on you tonight.

You're safe and sound,
thanks to my security system.

[electronic beep]

[floodlights thump]

No, I don't have time to read
you a bedtime story tonight.

I have to practice my air karate chops.

[suspenseful music]

♪ ♪

-The gravy's in the gravy boat, over.

-The gravy is in the gravy boat?

What are you talking about?

-No, I'm the gravy and Jaget's bike is the gra--

You know what? I'm inside the fence.

-Just say that.


-No, no. This is Presley. Who is Roger?

-Oh, just give me that!

Munchy, just get the harness on the bike.

-Right. Send it down.

-How's my drone work, Flight Instructor Fisher?

-Keep flying like this and
you'll earn your wings, Moose.


-Hey, Munchy, how's it looking?

-The harness is on, but it's just a little stuck.

-Who's out there?
-Oh, no!

-Go, go? Munchy said go,
go! Get that bike in the air.

-On it!

-What? No! No! Guys! Guys, wait! [Screams]

-We're airborne. Next stop,
Altoonisburg Space Needle.

[all cheering]

♪ ♪


[drone whirring]


-Listen to how excited he is.

Yeah, Munchy, we're excited too!

Both: Whoo!

-I'm stuck to the bike! You
went before I was ready!

-No you said "go, go."
-I said, "Oh, no!"

-Oh, no.

[wondrous music]

♪ ♪

-Ronald, set him down.



Come here.

Well, the good news is the
bike is on the Space Needle,

but the bad news is I'm stuck up here with it!

-You put Munchy on top of
the Altoonisburg Space Needle?

-Getting the bike up there was my mission.

Sometimes things get messy.

-Give me the controls.

[drone whirring]

-No, let me prove myself!

[all gasp]

-Did you just crash the drone?
-They did. I saw it.

Both: It was him!

-So our only way of getting Munchy down--

-Is smashed to pieces.

-Permission to go back to screaming.

-You are a go for screaming.


[upbeat music]

-Munchy, how are you?

-Remember how you guys helped
me get over my fear of heights?

Well, you've given it back to me!

-Don't worry. We already have
a great plan to get you down.

-Thank you. That's a big relief.

-Oh, good. He bought it.
We have no idea what to do.

-I can still hear you.

-I know.

I did not know.

-Munchy, don't worry.

We're gonna get you down safely.

-Well, how can we get him down if we can't fly?

-What if we fly?

-That was literally

the one thing I said that we couldn't do.

-But we know someone with a hot air balloon. Ty.

-We can't ask him.

He's already super upset with us.

-I know, but he's our only hope.

-Okay. Fisher, we're going
to the Mooery to get Ty's help.

Just stay on the line with Munchy.

-Keep his mind off the fact

that if the fall doesn't k*ll him,

Jaget will when he sees
his blender bike up there.

-I can still hear you.

-I know.

I did not know.

♪ ♪

both: Ty! Ty, Ty, Ty, Ty, Ty, Ty, Ty!

-Ty, Ty!


-Oh good, you're awake.

-What are you guys doing here? Let me guess.

Jaget sent you with a box full of spiders?

-No. Remember how you
asked us to prank Jaget back?

-That's not what I said. I
told you to let it blow over.

-We read between the lines.

Anyways, we did what you asked and it backfired.

-Yeah. Now Munchy is trapped on top

of the Altoonisburg Space
Needle with no way down.

-Guys, this is exactly

what I told you not to mess with Jaget.

-Yeah, I know. And you were totally right.

-And we should have never
trusted him in the first place.

We're sorry.

-Apology accepted.

Can I go back to bed now?

-Actually, we kind of really need your help.

-We wouldn't ask, but Munchy is in trouble

and you're the only one that can save him.

-Of course, I'll help.


Look, even if I'm mad, we're still friends.

What do you guys need?

-Well, nothing big. Just your hot air balloon.

-And also for you to fly it.

Because last time, I couldn't
find the steering wheel.

-All right, I'll go fire up the balloon.

-Oh, and since we're still friends,

you don't by chance

have an extra pair of those cool cow pajamas?

-You can't pull this off.

♪ ♪

-Can't believe you put
Munchy and Jaget's blender bike

on top of the Altoonisburg Space Needle.

How cool are you?

-Hey, when you tell us not to mess with someone,

we go all out.

-Look. Both: Munchy!


Blendy, we're saved!

-Presley, throw the rope ladder over the side.

-On it.

-No, no, no! Wait, wait!
-No! Wait, wait!

-I don't know why you guys ask me to do things.

-Lex, there's another rope ladder.

Tie it to the basket and
then throw it over the side.

-On it.
-Oh, sure.

She gets the full set of instructions.

-Huh! I bet that one was from Lex.

[strains] I can't reach it.

Can you guys get closer?

-It's called a Space Needle for a reason.

If you get any closer, the
antenna will pop the balloon.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

-Come on, Munchy!

-You can do it!
-Come on, man! Come on!

-You got it!
-Come on!

Munchy, you're almost there!
-Come on!

-I got it!
[all cheering]

-Goodbye, old friend.

I'm so glad I didn't have to eat you.

-Take his home time, Ty.


[wondrous music]

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-You know, when I said not to mess with Jaget,

secretly, I was hoping you would.

-I knew it!

That's why I always do the
opposite of what anyone says.

-We were happy to help.

And again, so sorry about the
slime exploding on your face.

-Just the fact that you guys

went through all that trouble just for me

shows that you really are good friends.

-What can we say? We love being your friend,

and we love messing with my brother.

-Good news!

They said the bike accident

won't leave any permanent damage!


-Out of my way!


-I want my Jagcycle back.

-It's on top of the Altoonisburg Space Needle.

Feel free to pick it up.

-I'm serious. I want my bike now.

-You want your bike now, whose bike?

-The spoiled milk is in the fridge.

-Copy that. Hit it, Moose.

-Yes, sir.

[drone whirring]

-Jaget, there is something I want to say to you.

I hope you enjoy your flight.

-What flight?

[winch whirring] What is happening?

-You said you wanted your bike now.

We're taking you to it.

-[screams] Let me down!

You better get me down! I know where you live!

-Whoa, Jaget can fly?

I gotta get some more of those power shakes.

-Nice liftoff. I've got something for you.

-My wings?
-You earned them, Moose.

-I feel the need--the need for speed!

[drone whirring]

-Get back here!

What are you looking at, Jagcycle?

No, I will not read you a bedtime story.

I gotta get back to screaming.


-We're gonna pay for this tomorrow,

so let's just enjoy today.



All: Boop! [all imitate expl*si*n]