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02x13 - Flex to the Future

Posted: 07/13/22 13:48
by bunniefuu
-Hurry, the red carpet is starting

for "Flex to the Future."

-I can't believe there's a
real Hollywood movie premiere

happening in Altoonisburg, and we can't go.

-And I can't believe people
like chocolate covered raisins.

I was wrong. These are good!

-This movie has got everything,

time travel, k*ller fight scenes,

and the biggest action star in the world,

Bruno Bicep.

How are we not there?

-The invite list was super exclusive.

Nobody could get tickets.

-I got tickets to the premiere!

-Are you serious?

-No way, how?

-I got them for working on a movie with my hero.

Check this out.

[dramatic music]

-Hot dogs, get your hot dogs.

-You're in the movie? How?

-And follow-up question,

why are you selling hot dogs in an alley?

-Quiet or you'll miss the best part,

which is all of it.

Hey, Mister. Do you want a hot dog?

-Normally, I'd say yes and get all the fixings,

but I'm here to meet my partner.

-Oh, my gosh, Meryl Squeak is in this?

She's the best guinea
pig actor of our generation!

-Uh-oh, my muscles are tingling.

That means the punching's about to start.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪


♪ ♪

-Oh, my...

♪ ♪

-Stay with me, hot dog man.

In five years, you serve a hot dog

that saves the world.

-I don't think I'm gonna make it.


♪ ♪


-Oh, my, are you crying?

-I'm gonna flex us back in time

to make sure this never happens.



-How was my big brother
in a movie with Bruno Bicep,

and I didn't know about it?

What else don't I know about you?


Are you actually my little brother?

-Why didn't you tell us?

-I had to sign a nondisclosure agreement.

That's Hollywood speak
for, "Keep your mouth shut."

-You're so lucky you get to go to the premiere.

-And you're lucky you know me

because I have tickets for all of us.

-No way!

Wait, we're gonna be your guests?

-No, gross.

I want to impress Bruno Bicep,

so I'm bringing you as my entourage.

-What exactly does an entourage do?

We follow behind him and say things like,

"Jaget is amazing."

He makes me do it when our grandparents visit.

-I've always wanted to walk the red carpet.

It'll get me ready for my
future job, being famous.

-Oh, my gosh, I want to
meet Meryl Squeak so bad!

-So get ready.

We're already missing the pre-pre-pre red carpet.

-Sounds good, I just have to check on my snake.


You just became the second
most interesting person

in this room.

Show me.

-These red carpet photos
will live on the internet forever.

We need to wear the perfect outfits.

-Oh, I have the perfect outfit.

-Me too.

Let's change and get back here.

-Well, I have an outfit too,
but I guess no one cares.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-This is Jake the snake.

He's our class pet that I'm
watching for the weekend.

-I had a snake just like him when I was a kid,

except he had four legs.

-That's a lizard.
-You're a lizard.

-I'm worried he's sick
because he hasn't been eating.

-I know what'll make you feel better,

watching my performance in "Flex to the Future."

-I'm just gonna go change for the premiere.

-Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm talking to the snake.

Here you go, you lucky snake.

♪ ♪

-I know you're in here
somewhere, chicken nugget.


-Yes, Presley?
-Tell me when Lex gets here!

We want to see our outfits for
the premiere at the same time.

-Yes, I love a fashion reveal!

-It's Lex!

And reveal!

Both: You're wearing the same outfit?

Why would you do that? Stop copying me.

Stop copying me!

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

-Okay, obviously this is a hilarious mix-up.

You both chose the same outfit

for Bruno Bicep's movie premiere

and are a little upset.

Let's all take a deep breath
and say something nice

about the other person.

-You look amazing

in my outfit!

-And my outfit really brings out your eyes.

-I love your earrings,

which is why I picked them first.

-Those shoes are perfect

for you to walk upstairs to change!

-Well, sounds like I made things worse.

Good luck!

-This is just like in fifth grade

when we decided to show up to picture day

wearing the same romper.

-I remember.

All of the kids and some of the meaner teachers

made fun of us.

-And for the rest of the year,

they called us the Romper Twins.

-That's not happening again, okay?

This is my one chance to be on a red carpet.

So you need to change.

-But I want to stand out
when I meet Meryl Squeak.

So you need to change.

-Fine, let's handle this like adults

and decide who wears it by playing a game.

-Fine, loser has to change.
-Rock, Paper, Scissors?

-You're on.

Both: Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t!

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t!
Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t!

Rock, paper, scissors, sh**t!

-We keep choosing the same thing.

-Aww, we really are best friends.

Now stop picking what I pick!

-Okay, this isn't working.
Let's try something else.

I forgot we're both horrible at hula hooping.

-Hey, the Romper Twins are back.

Both: Don't call us that.

Stop copying me!

-Hey, great tuxedo.
-Thank you.

But this isn't a tuxedo.

You see, I don't want to wait in line for snacks

at the premiere, so I made this,

the Snaxedo, the tuxedo for snacks.

-Munchy, are you a genius?

-I'll let historians decide.

Turkey leg?

-Keep it warm for me.

-Will do, because I have a thermal-lined pocket,

and this one is gravy.

Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna take everything

from the snack hole and put it in this jacket.

-That's impossible.

-My Snaxedo makes the impossible possible.

[cell phone rings]

-Oh, hey, Ty.
-What's up, guys?

Just wanted to let you know I
might be late for the premiere.

-Oh, you're going too?
-Yeah, yeah, Jaget asked me.

Apparently, you have to have at least five people

or the entourage doesn't count.

-Well, glad you're coming,
but why are you running late?

-Well, the Mooery has a policy to not close

until the last customer leaves,

and there's still one customer here.

-Well, that shouldn't take long.

-The customer is Gerald.


Gerald, the slowest moving man in town?

-Oh, no, I dropped my billfold.

-This might take a while.

-There's no way Jaget is gonna leave

without his full entourage.

Gerald is gonna make us late.

-I can go help Ty move him along.

-I thought you were busy
emptying the snack hole.

-Done, Snaxedo, the tuxedo for snacks.

-Okay, we've got to figure
out who's gonna wear this.

-Let's have a foot race around the block.

Finish line is Fisher's room.

-That's a terrible idea.

Three, two, one, go!

♪ ♪

-We gotta get a move on.

The pre-pre-pre red carpet is over,

and the pre-pre red carpet has started.

We're gonna run out of pre's.

-Bruno, a lot of Hollywood stars traveled

to Altoonisburg for your premiere.

-Speaking of stars, here's
the biggest one here tonight.

You know, it was Meryl Squeak

who first convinced me to get into acting.

-Oh, man, we gotta get down there!

Everybody, hurry up!

Now that's the timely response
I expect from my entourage.

-Which one of us got here first?

-You both got here at the same time, late.

-Presley, why are you dressed like Lex?

-Lex is dressed like me.
-Mm, she wears it better.

-Thank you.

-Pipe down, we gotta get to the red carpet.

They're already interviewing Meryl Squeak.


Where's my phone? It was right there in the cage.

-You put your phone in the snake's cage?

-That's right.

-Your phone that was showing a guinea pig

to my hungry snake?


-Your phone that has the
tickets to the premier on it?

-Yes, now stop asking me questions,

and let's get to my movie premiere.

-Well, we can't because
the snake ate your phone.

-That's ridiculous.

[cell phone ringing]

That proves nothing.

-Oh, boy, I love a good milkshake.

-All right, Ty, I'm here to help.

-What are you wearing?

-I don't have time to explain it,

but it's a tuxedo I designed

to smuggle snacks into the premiere.

I guess I did have time.

-Well, we can't leave yet.

Gerald's been drinking the same milkshake

for the last minutes.

-Oh, no, brain freeze.

-Okay, we gotta get him out of here,

so we can get to the premiere.

-Well, I do have this -foot straw

that you could secretly
use to drink his milkshake.

-You get me.

-Oh, dear, my laces are untied.

-I drink your milkshake.

♪ ♪

-Okay, I just looked it up,
and the snake is gonna be fine.

We just have to wait up to hours

for the phone to appear naturally.

-You mean get pooped out?
-I do.

-Okay, but how are we
going to get into the premiere

without the tickets on your phone?

-I don't know, but we're going,

and I am wearing this outfit.

-No, I am wearing this outfit.

-It's not gonna matter
unless we can get the tickets

out of that snake.

Guys, where's the snake?

-The snake is gone.
-Well, find it!

-Oh, no!

-You guys are the worst entourage ever!

♪ ♪

[upbeat music]

-I can't find the snake anywhere.

-Keep looking.

-He must've gotten out of this room.

We have to search the house.

-Okay, maybe we should split up into teams,

so we can cover more ground.

-Yes, first one to find the
snake gets to wear the dress.

-You're on. I pick Fisher.

-Dang it!

-I promise I'll be your devoted teammate,

pledging my undying love to you.

-I already regret this.

-She chose poorly.

All you have to do is call my phone,

and we'll follow the ringtone right to the snake.

-Yeah, yeah, I'll just call you.

-What are you waiting for?


You don't have my number, do you?

-I cannot believe this.

We've been neighbors for years.
-Oh, yeah?

What's my name?

-You don't think I know your name?

-What is it?


-Just dial your number.

-You got it, Parsley.

♪ ♪

-There, all tied.

-Oh, looks like you're all finished.

Thanks for coming. We're gonna close up now.

-Hold on.

For some reason, I'm still hungry.

Let me peruse your menu.

I'll start at the top.


-The Micro Mooery.

-I'm sorry, could you just come back tomorrow?

We have somewhere really important to go.

-Yeah, the premiere of Bruno Bicep's new movie.

-You mean...

"Flex to the Future"?

-Yes, how do you know that?

-Because I have tickets to that premiere.

I need to get out of here...


-P, man!

-P, P.
-Come on.

♪ ♪

-This device can detect animals.

I set it for snakes, and--[device beeping]

It looks like it's outside.

-Follow me. I hear my ringtone.

I have extraordinary ears,

like if a bat had a baby with a dolphin.

-What are you doing here?
-Finding the snake before you.

-Less talking, more snake finding.

Both: Found him!

-Whoa, you guys both grabbed
him at the exact same time.

Both: Dang it, we tied again.

Stop copying me!

Jennifer Lawrence!

-I think I have an idea.

We can scan the tickets through the snake.

We just have to bring him to the premiere.

-Yes, I'll wear the snake down the red carpet

surrounded by my entourage,

and my hero, Bruno Bicep, will be so impressed.

It'll be majestic.

-Sorry we're late.
-Where's Munchy?

-He's waddling over right now.

He loaded up his Snaxedo at the Mooery.


I think we have enough snacks for the premiere.

-Great, now who has a car?

-You didn't have that part figured out?

-We're gonna be late.

-♪ Born to be wild ♪

[upbeat rock music]

♪ Born to be wild ♪

-Heard you needed a ride.

-Okay, wait, we can't leave yet.

Lex and I are still wearing the same outfit.

-Are you guys still hung up on that?

-Yes, Dad, we look like we did on picture day

in fifth grade.

-The Romper Twins.

-Do you know what I remember
about the Romper Twins?

How happy you were.

Both: What?
-Oh, yeah.

Before you left for school and
all the kids made fun of you,

you loved wearing the same thing.

There's no reason you can't be happy

wearing the same thing now.

Both: He's right.

I actually kind of like that
you're copying me now.

-Let's both just wear it. You look great.

-And you look great.
-So let's look great together.

-Now, before I say something to mess this up,

let's ride!

[all cheering]

♪ ♪

-We're coming, Bruno!


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

-Whoa, here comes someone obviously important.

He's got an entourage, one of whom is a snake.

-We're here for the premiere.

Isn't that right, entourage?

-Yes, Jaget.
-That's true, Jaget.

-Jaget is amazing.

-Tickets please.
-They're in the snake.

[scanner dings]
-You're good.


-We did it.

I'm finally on the red
carpet like a famous person.

-Oh, my gosh, there's Meryl Squeak.

Hi, Meryl. I'm Lex.

-This is so cool.

-This is weird for me to
say, Jaget, but thank you.


-Snake tightening around neck.

Embarrassing me on red carpet.

-The snake wants to eat Meryl Squeak!

-Ty, Fisher, help me get this off Jaget.

-Munchy, give the snake something to eat quick!

-Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa, careful!

-Hey, you can't have outside snacks in here.

[gasps] Are you snack sneakers?

-Us? How dare you?

-Snake still on throat.

Munchy, hurry!

-[gasps] Beef jerky to the rescue.

-It took the jerky.
-Snake releasing.

-Go us, we really are red carpet material.

-Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.


-That's it. You're all out of here!

-No, please, please.

-But you have no idea what
we went through to get here.

-Please, sir, Bruno Bicep
is the most amazing person

on the planet.

I just wanted to impress him

with my entourage, earn his respect.

-Look, I'm sorry, but you've all got to go.

Can you please help clean this up?

-There's something else I have to clean up,

these tears.

-Bruno Bicep!
-Oh, my!


Mr. Bicep, why are you dressed like that?

-I'm doing research for my next movie

where I play a janitor.

It's called "Clean Up on Aisle Punch."

-Is there anything he can't do?

-There is something I can't do,

and that's go a second
longer without complimenting

those matching outfits.

-Thank you, Bruno Bicep.

-We don't care what other people think,

but it's nice of you to say.

-Jaget, this is a solid entourage.

And the snake is a great touch.

-You don't know how much
that means to me, Bruno Bicep.

Too bad that guy said we
can't go into your premiere.

-Oh, is that what he said?

My muscles are tingling.

That means the punching's about to start.

-Hey, hey, Mr. Bicep, my mistake.

They can go anywhere you want.

-That's what I thought.

You're all getting into this premiere.

All: Yes!

-But first, who wants to get
some photos on the red carpet?

Both: We do!

Never stop copying me. Jennifer Lawrence!


No, seriously, Jennifer Lawrence!

[upbeat music]