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02x03 - The Way You Luke Tonight

Posted: 07/13/22 12:45
by bunniefuu
-Presley must be sicker than we thought.

She's vacuuming.

What's wrong? You never clean.

-She must be delirious from being sick

and thinks she's a janitor.

I'm not sick anymore.

I'm sucking up all the old tissues

I used from when I had a cold.

-Wouldn't it have been easier

to just put them in the trash can?

-And how did one get onto the wall?

-Don't tell me how to be sick.

Anyways, what did I miss in school?

-So much.

Lex got a chicken nugget at lunch

that looked exactly like Abraham Lincoln.

-A Lincoln nugget?

And I missed it?

-And Perry and Tabitha broke up.

They were the perfect couple.

Tabitha's a drama queen and Perry loves drama.

And they were gonna go to the dance.

Love is a sham.

-One more piece of bad news.

Our boat payment to my dad was due yesterday.

-What? If we don't pay him,
he'll make us scrape gum.

-I know, but we couldn't pay him

since we haven't had a KidDING in a while.

-Well, how did Tedward take it?

-Pretty good 'cause we didn't tell him.

-We were waiting for you to get better

so we could tell him together.

-Oh, no!

I think my cold is coming back.

-Oh, come on.
We'll tell Tedward.

He's the principal.

He's used to dealing with kids way worse than us.

-And besides, this is the first payment

we've ever missed.

He's totally gonna understand.

-I totally understand.

You know, it's funny,

I completely forgot the payment
was due until you told me.

Anyway, until I get my money, you're on gum duty.

-[laughs] Duty.

-Not the time, son.

[phone chimes]

-We got a KidDING.
-Oh, great.

We can stop scraping gum and pay Tedward back.

-Who sent this KidDING?

-It's from me, dummies.

-Tabitha. Hey.

Heard you and Perry broke up.

You two were together forever.

That must really sting.

Thank you for reminding me.

That's why I KidDINGed you.

-Oh, you want us to get you back together?

-No, I need a new date to the dance.

-Oh, so you want us to find you a date?

-No, stop guessing.
You're terrible at it.

I already found a date.

I need you to help him ask me
in a big dramatic way

that the whole school will see.

I'm not guessing,

but it sounds like you want us
to design a danceposal.

Okay, that was a guess, but I'm right, aren't I?


I want everyone to see that I've moved on,

especially Perry.

-So who's the lucky guy?

-Oh, that cool kid who always wears sandals.

I wish I had that kind of foot confidence.

-I once saw him wear sandals,

Christmas caroling in three feet of snow.

-Yeah. That's him.

Now, everyone's going to be at the Mooery Friday

for the grand opening of the new patio.

It's the perfect place for his danceposal.

-Okay. Got it.

We'll make sure Luke
asks you out in a big, fun way.

-Good, because that's
the only way you'll get paid.

Now I'll leave you to your gum.

Oh, here's one more for you.

[upbeat music]


No more taking out the trash for me.

It's your job now, drone.

-Science kid.
You can make trash fly?

-Yeah, that's one of the
drones I've been working on.

-I want to be that bag of trash.

-You want to be trash?

-Get the science out of your ear, science kid.

I want you to make me fly.

As you know, I'm basically a superhero.

-Jaget, you don't have any superpowers.

-Not yet,

but I do have a costume and a name.

The Jaguar.


That's my signature roar.

Now I need you to get me to fly like a Jaguar.

-Jaguars don't fly.


Now get me flying.


I'll either have a scientific breakthrough

or you'll end up stuck in a tree.

-I'm in!

-Jaguar up.

-That's way too small to support your weight.

I'll have to come up with a new design.

-The Jaguar knew that.

The Jaguar knows everything.


[upbeat music]

-Whoa, this new patio looks so good.

-Tabitha is right.

This will be a great place for Luke's danceposal.

What do you think, Reggie?

He agrees.
He enjoys natural light.

-Glad you guys like it.

We're going to officially open
the Moo Garden tomorrow.

And they said it couldn't be done.

Follow your dreams.

-Okay, to plan this danceposal,

we have to find out everything
that Tabitha and Luke like.

I put all of Tabitha's likes
and dislikes on a spreadsheet.

Both: Ooh!

-Let's see what Tabitha likes.

Being the center of attention.

-People saying she's right.

-Gray balloons.

She sounds like a lot of fun.

All: Luke!

-How's it going?

-[sighs] Parents, can't live with 'em.

Give me a milkshake.


Love this guy.

-Hey guys.

Tabitha said you're going to
help me plan my danceposal.

Oh, my gosh. Is that Reggie?

Hey, buddy.

-Wait, you know, Reggie?

-Yeah, I work at the dog groomers.

-You work at Groomer Has It?

I've never seen you there.

-Well, I work in the back.

Between you and me, I'd rather
work around dogs than people.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

-Well, if you're crazy,

then so am I because I feel the same way.

♪ ♪


Let's start planning your danceposal for Tabitha.

She wants a bunch of hoopla.

But I'm just not a hoopla guy.

-Don't worry.
We'll do the hoopla for youpla.

[both laughing]


Luke, you're gonna love it.

And the only way we get paid is if you do it.

So you're doing it.

-We'll make a list of the things that you like,

and we'll compare it to a list of things

that Tabitha likes in a process I love called--

All: Cross-referencing.

-Then we'll put all of that
into your danceposal.

-So, Luke, what do you like?

-Well, newborn animals.

-[gasps] Me too.

-Not on Tabitha's list.
Keep going.

-Uh, marching bands.

-My favorite.

Music should always be moving down the street.

-Tabitha hates music,

especially music that moves.

-Let's keep going.

-Oh, I also like confetti cannons.

They make everything better.

-And Tabitha hates them.

We've been doing this forever

and you guys have nothing in common.

Why are you even taking her to the dance?

-Well, we're friends and I feel bad

she and Perry just broke up.

Plus when we were kids,

she saved me from a deflating bounce house.

I owe her my life.

-Well, you know who you have
a lot in common with?


I mean, you like all the same things.


We do not like
all the same things. Watch.

Who's your favorite Ninja Turtle?

Both: Donatello.

-Corn or flour tortillas?

Both: Flour.

-Favorite Greek column?

Both: Corinthian.

-Can you believe some people like Doric?

-What a bunch of Dorics.


-Well, thanks for coming, Luke.

I think we have enough here to get started.

-Okay. That was fun.

Good to see all of you.

I'm out.

All: Luke!

-Love that guy.

-Why did you tell him to leave?

We still haven't found anything
he has in common with Tabatha.

-That's because he's not a match with Tabitha.

He's a match with you.

-Yeah. I think you like him.


-Oh, hey, Luke's back.


But made you Luke.

Both: Oh!

You're a love bird.

You love bird.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds
when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up
in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you,
got me, we got this ♪

-Admit it.
-Admit it.

-Admit it.
-Admit it.

-Admit it.
-Admit it.

-Admit it.

-Admit it.
-Stop it!

-We'll stop it when you admit it.

-Admit it.
-Admit it.


Okay, I admit that Luke and I
have a few things in common.

-You have everything in common.

The only thing that's different
is that you wear shoes.

Okay, here's the new plan.
We blow off Tabitha,

and you ask Luke to go to the dance with you.

-I can't do that.

-Do it. Do it. Do it.
Do it.

-We're not doing that anymore.

-Look, even if I wanted to go
to the dance with Luke,

I can't.

Tabitha hired us to help Luke
and her go to the dance.

-This is hard for me to say
because I love money,

but who cares about the job?

-Don't you remember?

We were just in the hallway
scraping gum all morning.

The only way out is to do this job.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to make some spreadsheets.

-You can't spreadsheet away your feelings.

♪ ♪

-Okay, Jaget. We're all set.

-I've dominated the ground.

Now it's time for the Jaguar to dominate the sky.

-What are you wearing?

-My Jaguar super suit.

Did you see my tail?

-Yeah, yeah, I see it.

-So are we ready to fly?

But I never tested this before,
so we need to start off slow.

-The Jaguar doesn't take things slow.

Fly me to my first supervillain.

-I don't know where a supervillain is.

-Do it, science kid.

[fans whirring]

Jaguar up.


♪ ♪

-Ugh, it's so embarrassing

to be scraping gum in the hallways again.

-That's why I brought this name tag

that says my name is Tony.

So I won't be recognized.

-Come on.
It's not that embarrassing.

-Oh, hey, guys. Scraping gum?

-What? No.

No, I'm just--I'm supervising.

Make sure to scrape properly,
you two troublemakers.

-See you around.

Presley. Tony.

-It worked!

-Excuse me, supervisor.

How long do you plan on gazing down that hallway?

-Shut up.

-Hey, dummies.

Luke's danceposal is tonight.
So tell me the plan.

-The first part of the plan

is for you to stop calling us dummies.

-I hear you. Mot happening.
What else do you got?

-Well, we made a spreadsheet of things

that you and Luke both like.

-But nothing matched.

What I'm hearing is excuses and incompetence,

and I'm not gonna pay for either of those.

Hello, Perry.

-Hey, um...

You know my name is Tabitha.

We broke up two days ago.

-Thought you looked familiar.

Have you met my new girlfriend, Mallory?

We're going to the dance together.

-It's true.

These have been the best two days of my life!

-See you around, Tanya.

-You know it's Tabitha!

Whatever you're planning, triple it.

I got to show up Perry.
I want gray balloons.

I want ribbon dancers.

It's Tabitha's turn to win.

-Okay. Okay.

But first, we need to find
some things that you and Luke

both like to put into the--
-This isn't about Luke.

This is about everyone at school seeing someone

ask me to the dance.
Get it done.

-Did you hear that?

She doesn't even like Luke.

She's just using him to get even with Perry.

-I know, but we really need this job.

So let's get to the Mooery and get to work.

Get to work on scraping more gum.

[upbeat music]

Okay, then keep dancing with your ribbons

for the next seconds.

-When does the music start?

-It doesn't.
Remember, Tabitha hates music.

Okay, now it's time for the big finish.

Everybody line up.

And... hoodies.

"Go to the Tabitha?
Dance with me."

Guys, you're in the wrong order.

We only have one shot at Luke's danceposal.

-I don't want to be rude,

but this danceposal is a little lame-osal.

It's lame.
I'm trying to say it's lame.


-Well, it doesn't matter what we think.

This is what Tabitha wants.

Yeah, it would be better

if it had things that Luke and I like.

I mean, things that Luke likes.

Like a marching band, a confetti cannon.

-A girl named Lex.

-Not helping.

Now, if you'll excuse me,

I have to go find a sad store
that sells gray balloons.

-All right.
I'm gonna go practice.

'Cause if we're gonna do this,

I'm gonna rock this ribbon!

-Well, that was a terrible performance

that thankfully, no one's gonna ever see.

-Explain yourself.

-It's clear that Tabitha
doesn't care about Luke.

She's just using him to get back at Perry.

That's why we're gonna make sure

Lex goes to the dance with Luke.

-But Lex said that she wants to do the job,

so there's nothing we can do.

-There is one thing we can do.

Not listen to her.

Let's get Luke on board

and create a danceposal for him to ask Lex.

-But wait, when Tabitha sees that,

she's gonna be super mad and not pay us.

Then we'll be back
to scraping gum in the hallway.

I still have calluses.

-It'll all be worth it when
we see the look on Lex's face.

-Up, down!
Hit, hit, hit!

And spin. And spin. And spin.


I totally rocked that.

[upbeat music]

[upbeat music]

-Hey, dummy.

Is everything ready?

Perry's here, and I need him to
see how much I don't need him.

I don't need you.

-We rehearsed the performance

and I think you're gonna be very happy.

Because if I'm not happy,

I'm going to be very unhappy.

That means you don't get paid,

which would make me a little happy.

Life is funny.

All: Luke!

-Hey, Lex.
Hey, Tabitha.

-Oh, good, you're here.

And you're wearing that?


Well, I'm gonna go get ready to act surprised.

-Hey, Luke.

-Oh, hey, Lex.

-Are you ready for the danceposal?

-Yeah, I'm actually kind of excited.

-Okay, just remember at the end,

to stand next to Ty.

When he unzips his hoodie, the shirts will say,

"Go to the dance with me,

and you'll be right there.

-On it.

I think this will be
a performance you won't forget.

-And remember, no smiling.
Tabitha hates that.

-Oh, right.

It's too bad because you have a great one.


-I heard that sigh from across the room.

-I know.

Part of me wishes I was going
to the dance with Luke.

Are you smiling?

-No, no, this is a new sad face I'm working on.

-Well, it's not good.

You better get into position.

-You're right. Enjoy the show.

♪ ♪

[drone whirring]

-How was the third test flight?

-It was just like the first two,


All I did was fly up and down.

I didn't get to do my signature
Jaguar power loop,

which in my mind is very impressive.

-This is the testing process.

We got to take things slow.

The Jaguar is ready to pounce.

-My drone, my rules.

-We'll see about that.

Jaguar pounce!

-What? No.

What do you think you're doing?

-I'm being the superhero nobody wants,

but everybody needs.

-That drone is not a toy.

It's really tricky to control.

-I have one word for you.


[dramatic music]

Jaguar up.

♪ ♪


The Jaguar's got this.

♪ ♪

[air horn blares]

-May I have your attention, please?

Hope you're having a good time

in our brand new patio, the Moo Garden!

[cheers and applause]

Now, let me tell you a little something

about following your dreams.

-Get on with it, dummy!

Now, my friend Luke

has planned something special
for someone special.

Three, two, one!

-Throwing down those ribbons
is not on my spreadsheet.

-Time to switch things up.

-Please welcome the Altoonisburg High School

marching band!

[drums booming]

-What is going on?

I hate music, especially when it's moving.

-This is not what we rehearsed.

What are you doing?

-I can't hear you.

[playing jazzy music]

♪ ♪

-Balloons with color?

This isn't what we agreed on.

-I know.

This is actually way better.

♪ ♪


Ty, where are you going?

-Wanna go to the dance with me?



[cheers and applause]

both: Confetti cannon!

-I know you said you wanted to do the job,

but I had a feeling

that this was what you really wanted.

-You were right. Thank you.

-I supported this,

although I've been silently terrified

that you'd be enraged, but you seem happy.

-I am.
You two are the best.

-You dummies, he asked out the wrong person.

This whole thing was supposed
to make Perry jealous.

-Tabitha, this whole thing was
supposed to make me jealous?

I only asked out Mallory to make you jealous.

[all gasp]


The Jaguar is out of control.

But I'm still gonna try
my signature power loop anyway.

[dramatic music]

Get off!


The Jaguar's one weakness.

♪ ♪

Jaguar down!

-So will you go to the dance with me?


Oh, hello.


-Wait, did you plan that as your danceposal?


-Wow, Perry, great thinking.

Hiring a guy to fall from the sky

and deliver a balloon bouquet to Tabitha.

-Yeah, I mean, gray balloons are her favorite.

-That was so dramatic.

Yes. I'll go with you.

Not being with you has been
the worst two days of my life.

-Looks like we're getting paid after all.

Nice work.
-Right back at ya.

-I know it's not the dance yet,

but you wanna get a head start?

-Let's do it. Music.

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat jazzy music]

♪ ♪