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02x02 - Wreck-It Rex

Posted: 07/13/22 12:45
by bunniefuu
- I call this dance move

"Swiping through pics on your phone."

So many selfies.

- Ooh, I've got a dance.

I call this "waving to your neighbor."

Hey, Jerry! Lawn's looking good!

- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- Ooh, great dance, Lex.

- Yeah, I love your "getting
att*cked by bees" move.

Both: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

- Hey, stop it!

I'm not pretending to be att*cked by bees.

- Then why are you interrupting
our making up dances game?

Which I was winning, by the way.

- I didn't know it was a contest.

- That's why you're losing.

- Listen, I accidentally

broke my little brother's
remote control monster truck

and I haven't told him about it yet.

- Okay, which brother are we talking about?

Sam? He's the biter.

- Mm. Or Casey. I like that kid.

Always eating pasta.

- It was Rex.

He loves that remote control truck.

He calls it Truck Norris and built a bed for it

so he can tuck it in at night.

- I'm sure he'll understand. Rex is super sweet.

- Yeah, he sends me a birthday card every year.

He always puts in a coupon for a hug.

- You haven't seen the other side of him.

When he feels wronged, he overreacts.

One time, at the zoo, he got mad

because the lions were asleep.

He tore the gift shop apart.

There were stuffed lion heads everywhere.

- I heard about that on the news.

That was birthday card Rex?

- It was.

Our family is no longer welcome at the zoo.

- May I have everyone's attention?

Fisher has a question for Munchy.

- You forgot the bop-bah-dee-bop, bop, bop!

- Sorry, sir. Bop-bah-dee-bop, bop, bop!

- Something new I'm trying when I enter rooms.

What did you think, Lex?

- I wasn't a fan.

- I feel the same about you.

- Munchy, can you help Horrigan
and me with an experiment?

- I love science! Can I help Fisher?

Please, please, please, please?

- Go have fun.

- Wear sunscreen if you go outside.

- Yes!

- Come on, Lex, let's go tell your brother

that you broke his truck.

You'll see that it's not a big deal.

- Maybe you're right.

The zoo incident was a few years ago.

- Hey, let's make up a dance on the way--

The "Going to Lex's house to apologize

to her brother, Rex, dance."

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Hey, that was my house!

[kids shouting]

- Wow, your brother Casey
really is always eating pasta.

He gave me some fettuccine.

- Yeah, that's a problem.

And speaking of problems,
let me show you Rex's truck.

- Uh, I'm sure it's not as bad as you think.

Whoa, what did you do?!

- Wh--I was on my pogo stick.

And you how I get when I'm in the pogo zone.

I must have bounced on
the truck six or seven times

before I even noticed.

[kids screaming]

- You wanted to talk to me, Lex?

Oh, hey, Presley. What's up, El Pres-idente?

- Hey, Rexaroni!

- So what does my favorite sister want?

If the answer is quality
Rex time, you're in luck.

- Funny story.

You know how I get into the pogo zone?

- Of course-- it's one of the top five

favorite things I love about you.

- Well, I was pogo-ing and accidentally landed

on your remote-control monster truck repeatedly.

I'm really sorry.

- I see.

- Where are you going?

- Nowhere.

And neither are you.

- So why am I holding up this apple?

And why am I not allowed to eat it?

- It's very simple.

I spent months working on this formula

that's gonna change the world.

I applied the formula to this machine,

which is gonna sh**t a beam at that apple

and change its DNA to transform it

into something totally different.

- Like a bigger apple?

- No.

Whatever this beam hits will change

into a completely different organism.

It might become a cricket
or a ladybug or a butter--

- Or a bicycle?

- A bicycle is not an organism.

Why is the volunteer speaking?

- Be nice, Morgan.

We're about to sh**t an -degree laser

a few inches from his head.

-Wait, what?

There's nothing to worry about.

Protective face shields down!

[device humming]

- Um, I'm getting a little nervous.

- Don't worry. I built this machine myself.

It just needs a couple tweaks.

- Why are Rex's eyes on fire?

- I told you, he gets like this.

It's the zoo gift shop all over again.

- I can't believe you destroyed Truck Norris!

I am one of nine kids.

That was my first toy that wasn't a hand me down!

- All right, you're kind of
getting intense here, Rexaroni.

- The time for cute nicknames is over.

Now is the time for justice!

- Relax. We'll just get you another one.

- Okay, but if you can't find one,

then I get to choose something that Lex loves--

And break it.


-It is done.

- It's the only way I'll
feel like I'm getting justice.

And Rex needs justice!

- Fine!

- All right.

Now I've just got to find
the perfect thing to destroy.

Your gymnastics trophy?

Nope, you didn't flinch. Not worth it.

Ooh, how about the hourglass you made?

I think we found a winner!

- But that's full of sand

from the first sand castle Lex and I ever made.

- Yeah, you can't smash that!

I mean, whatever. It's dumb.

- Too late. This is it.

- Okay, hold on.

We'll just go online and buy you

another remote-control truck.

- Here's the thing--

And I probably should
have mentioned this earlier--

There's only one place in the world to get it:

Shady Pete's Carnival.

- [gasps]

Shady Pete's Carnival is
the shadiest place in town!

- It has all those games
that are really hard to win.

- They're not hard, they're impossible!

- Not my problem. You have--

Wait, how long does this hourglass last?

-Four hours.
-You have four hours!

- ♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

- Wow. Shady Pete's. So many shady memories.

- It's Rex's truck!

We have to figure out how to win it.

- Kay, but we'd better be on guard.

These carnival games are designed to rip you off.

Uh, I mean their sign says, "Welcome suckers!"

- We just have to hurry.

We only have / hours
until Rex breaks our hourglass.

- This guy's probably going to be super shady.

We'd better be careful.

[bell dings]

- Oh, hello and welcome!

Thanks for choosing Shady Pete's.

How can I help you today?

- Wow, you are not what I expected.

Where's Shady Pete?

- Shady Pete's my dad. I'm just Pete!

I took over, and I've been trying

to make this place less shady.

Except for the shade under
the new trees I planted.

- Well, Pete, we're here to win

that remote control monster truck.

- Ah, Truck Norris! Let's make it happen.

All you need to do is beat the Shady Ladder.

I was gonna rename it, but signs cost a lot.

Now, to win, just climb
the ladder and ring the bell.

But you gotta be careful. It's a little tricky.

But you girls look smart.
I'm sure you can figure it out.

- I'll take one ticket please.

- Great! Tickets are $ .

Aw, hate to charge ya,

but saving up for that new sign.

- And that should do it.
Okay. Let's try this again.

Thanks to my breakthrough scientific formula,

that apple's about to be transformed

into a completely different organism.

What will it be? Only science will tell.

- I'm elated, sir.

- And we're positive this is safe, right?

'Cause I'm really-- - Here we go!

[device humming]

Oh, no.

We used too much power and blew a fuse.

I'll go down to the basement
and reset the breaker.

- I'm coming with you.

My small hands might come in handy.

-What am I supposed to do?
-Keep holding that apple.

You're doing great.

- You're doing fine.

- Man, who knew laser cannons could get so hot?

Let's get some air in here.

Oh, no! Fisher's formula!
I'm coming for you, formula!

- Power's back on.

- Hey, look, a butterfly.

But where did Munchy go?

- That's strange.

His jacket is here, and so
is that apple he was holding.

Oh, no!

My machine must have worked,

but instead of zapping the
apple into something else,

it zapped Munchy into something else!

I turned Munchy into a butterfly!

- I think it's an upgrade, sir.

- Time to win Truck Norris and save our sand.

- Go, Lex!

[Lex yelps] And you've already fallen off.

You were supposed to ring the bell.

- Yes, I know.

I'm not giving up.

[upbeat rock music]

Ow! Ah!


Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!


I fell.
-I saw.

- So sorry.

If it was up to me, I'd
give you the monster truck.

But unfortunately, you have to ring that bell.

- What're we gonna do?

- I'm gonna call my brother.
Maybe he's calmed down.

Hey, Rex. How ya feelin'?

- My rage has grown!

- Well, how about we gave you something

besides that monster truck,

something even better, like--

Uh, Presley's phone?

- We made a deal.

It's gotta be Truck Norris,

or I destroy your hourglass.

The clock is ticking.

Well, I mean, it's not actually ticking,

it's sand and--whatever! You know what I mean!

- Another ticket, please.

You're right. Better make it ten.

[kids screaming]

- What's going on?

- Oh, I'm laying down a tarp so
that sand doesn't go everywhere

when I destroy your hourglass.

I want revenge, but I'm not a monster.

- That's very considerate.

- Wait, what're you doing here?

You still have a little time to get my truck.

- Ah, it's no use. That ladder is impossible.

Just break my hourglass now.

- Okay. I'll make it quick.



- No!

[kids screaming]

- Hey! I'm trying to sledge here!

- We still have time left,
and we're gonna use it.

I have an idea on how to beat the ladder.

- It's too hard.

- When has that ever stopped us?

Remember the first time we went to the beach?

We built a sand castle,

and the waves came and destroyed it.

Did we move back to where
the waves wouldn't reach us?

- Well, I-I wanted to, but
you wouldn't let me do--

- No!

We built it in the same spot.

And the waves came and destroyed

our sand castle again.

And we did that over and over.

And that last sand castle that we built

is still standing there to this day.

- That was years ago. There's no way it's still--

- Exactly.

And the sand in that hourglass
is from the beach that day.

It's a reminder that we should never give up.

- You know what? You're right. And good speech.

- Thank you. I practiced it on the way here.

Now, I have everything set up in the driveway

to turn you into a ladder-climbing machine.

- All right. But uh, don't eat too much.

Because when that sand is gone,

I am serving up a big plate of justice!

- ♪ And that's how Alan makes a new snack ♪

Hey, you two rascals. You're just in time.

Have you ever wondered what would happen

if you combined popcorn with popcorn shrimp?

- Only all my life!

- Dad, I need to talk to you.

I have a problem and I
don't want you to freak out.

- Fisher, you can T-Y-O-M-A.

Tell your old man anything.

- Okay.

I was doing an experiment

and accidently turned Munchy into a butterfly.

- I did not expect you to say that.

- The good news is that this dish rocks!

- I lost the formula, so I can't turn him back.

What should we do?

- Son, son's assistant,
we're gonna get through this.

First off, let's make him some lunch.


Do you want some popcorn popcorn shrimp?

- Okay, we only have this
much sand left in the hourglass,

so we need to hurry.

We've got to sharpen your balance

so you can climb the ladder at Shady Pete's.

- Let's do it.

- First lesson. Always be balanced.

We've got work to do.

[upbeat rock music]

- Why are you throwing grapefruits at me?

- If you have time to ask questions,

then you aren't balancing.

- Ah!


- Yes, Lex. You've got this. I believe in you.

Do not fall over.


♪ ♪

How did you do that?

- I don't know.

- Are you sure about this, Dad?

- It's the right thing to do, son.

[knock at door]

Hi, Tedward.

Thanks for coming so quickly.

- Wait, you said it was about
my son and it was important.

And why are you talking like that?

- No reason.

There's just some life-changing news

I need to tell you about.

Have a seat.

- Well, if it's about your
popcorn popcorn shrimp,

we can smell that outside on the street.

- Tedward, there's no easy way to say this.

My son was goofing around with science,

and one thing led to another,

and turned Munchy into this butterfly.

- I'm sorry?

- No, I'm sorry.

- We want to make this right.

First off, you can keep this container.

Second, butterflies live long, healthy lives.

Third, I didn't know you played tennis.

If you ever want to play
Canadian doubles, we can both--

- Munchy's right there.

- That's right.

Your butterfly son is right here,

and he is beautiful.

You're a beautiful boy!

- Fisher, I got your formula.

It blew out the window, and I've been chasing it.

Hey, look! A butterfly!

- Munchy! You're human!

I've never been so happy that
a machine of mine didn't work!

- I missed your annoying voice.

- So whose kid is this?!

- Oh, hey, Dad.

I thought you were playing tennis.

- I was, uh, and maybe you

should take a little break
from hanging out over here.

Come on.

- We're back.

And just so you know, Lex has mastered

the art of balance, both mentally and physically.

- I was on a log, dodging grapefruits.

- I don't know what that means,

but I'm feeling really good about this.

Need to buy some more tickets?

- I have one left over, and
that's all I'm gonna need.

What I do now...

[dramatic music]

I do for freedom.

- You're doing great, Lex!

- Yeah, she's so much better.

I wasn't expecting that.

[machinery whirring]

- No, what're you doing? You're almost there.

- No, it's not me. It's the ladder!

- Hey, what is in your hand?

- Uh, nothing. Those are my fingers!

- No, your other hand.

- Uh--
- You're holding a remote.

Is that controlling the ladder?

- What! No.

-Give me that.
-What, no--d--

- Make it stop!

Did I stop?

Everything is still spinning.

- This button makes the ladder spin.

- That's ridiculous.

- Stop proving your point!

- Oh, look at the time. It's
: . That's closing time.

- Not so fast.

So every time we tried to climb that ladder,

you pressed this button to make us fall?

- No. Not every time.

When you started, you were terrible,

so you fell off on your own.

- How could you, Pete?

I thought you were trying to
make this place less shady.

- I'm sorry! I can't help it!

My shady dad taught me how
to make games impossible to win.

And his shady dad taught
him. It goes back to the pilgrims.

- Lex, he can't cheat anymore. Ring that bell.

[triumphant music]

♪ ♪

[bell dings] Whoo-hoo!


- I'll take this truck now.

- And we'll also take all of our money back.

- Or you could try to throw a softball

into that milk can, huh?

- That looks so easy. You're on, sucker!

- No! Come on!

- Well, I guess it's smash o'clock.

- Wait! I got you a new Truck Norris!

- You are the best sister ever!

Rex has received justice!

- Aw, thank you, Lex!

- You're welcome.

I-I felt horrible, so I'm glad
I could make it up to you.

- I just can't believe you actually won!

- Hey, you shouldn't
underestimate your big sister.

The only thing I don't
understand is, how did you win?

- Oh! Yeah, I never won.

I saw the guy hitting a
remote to spin the ladder,

so I started tearing his carnival apart

until he gave me the truck.

-So you knew it was rigged?

Next time, be more careful
with other people's things.

[kids screaming]

- What's going on?
[knocking at door]

- I accidentally smashed
Casey's favorite pasta bowl.

He's after me.

- I want justice!

- Casey is actually worse
than Rex when he gets angry.

He is strong from all that pasta.

- What is wrong with your crazy family?