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01x25 - The Presley Slide

Posted: 07/13/22 12:43
by bunniefuu
[both screaming]

[screaming continues]

-What is happening?

-Check your phone.


[girls screaming]


Don't worry, Presley!
Daddy's here to save you!

-No, no. There's nothing wrong, Dad.

We're screaming because
we got amazing news.

-We got a KidDING to be
backup dancers for ZooZoo!

-We get to help pay off the boat we blew up

and get famous.

-That is amazing news!

Now, this ZooZoo, I'm
guessing that's a person?

-She's not a person. She's a celebrity.

-And she does it all.

She sings, she dances...

Okay, she does two things.

-We're gonna dance on her livestream!

-Hey! I could show ZooZoo

that dance move I've been working on,

the Presley Slide.

If ZooZoo does it,
then everyone will do it.

And then I get famous,

and I can blow up as many boats as I want!

-Well, if there's no emergency,

I'm gonna go back upstairs
and find something to stir.

-You do that. We're gonna celebrate

a little bit more. [exhales]

You guys ready?

[all screaming]

-What's up, Lex?

Oh, you didn't know I surf?

Don't worry, there's
room on here for two, brah!

-Who are you talking to?

-Imaginary Lex.

She's a lot easier to
impress than real Lex.

-Well, I need to talk to
you, so stop being weird.

It's your lucky day.

I'm making an instructional
crosswalk video,

and you get to be in it.

-Not interested.

-You owe me.

Your last experiment escaped,

ate my favorite crossing guard vest,

and ran off into the woods!

-Fine. I'll be in your video.

I knew I should have never
combined a deer with a pelican.

-See you at dawn.

And bring bagels.

[upbeat pop music]

♪ ♪

-This is incredible!

-Whoa. A spaceship!

Whoa. Aliens!

Whoa! A table of snacks!

-Okay, easy on the "whoas."

[gasps] Whoa.

It's ZooZoo's manager, Chaz Powers!

-He could totally make
me a famous dancer and--

Forget about him, there's ZooZoo!


ZooZoo, we are so excited to
be your background dancers!


-Oh, you guys are background dancers.

For a second I thought you
were "talk to ZooZoo" dancers.

Oh, wait. We don't have any of those.

Okay, bye!

-I think they like me.

-All right, everybody, listen up!

This performance is very simple.

ZooZoo is a space squirrel
who just landed her spaceship.

Background dancers will be aliens,

and then the squirrel
and the aliens dance-fight.

-We're gonna be a part
of something special.

-Let me introduce to you our choreographer,

C.J.! [cheers]


I'm gonna take you through
the routine step by step.

-Good idea, C.J., but
before we get started,

I wanted to give you all a taste

of something I've been working on.

[vocalizing quietly]

I call that the Presley Slide.

-I like it.

Let me try.

Whoa! [all gasping]


Stop looking at me!

That dance move is stupid!

This whole sh**t is stupid!

You're stupid, you're
stupid, and you're stupid!

And the livestream is cancelled!

I'm outta here!

You're stupid too!

-Oh, no.

My dance move was
supposed to make me famous,

and now it's gonna make me fired!

Here he comes with the bad news.

-We don't want you to be a
background dancer anymore.

-I knew it. I danced too close to the Sun.

-We want you to be ZooZoo.

-[sighs] Just stop yelling at me.

I'll leave.

-No! Listen to their words!

They want you to be ZooZoo!

You're about the same size as ZooZoo.

How would you like to wear
the space squirrel costume

for the livestream?

With the visor down on the helmet,

people will think you're ZooZoo.

What do you say?


-That means yes!

[upbeat pop music]

-Okay! Everyone,

this is the last rehearsal.

Presley, do not worry about
wearing the squirrel helmet.

We'll save it for the livestream.

-Okay, sounds good.

I just have a couple questi--

Oh, oh.

-And action!

[dramatic pop music]

♪ ♪

-♪ I am from outer space
and I run this place ♪

♪ I'm about to go invade ♪

♪ You're an alien and I'm radiant ♪

♪ And it's driving you insane ♪

♪ I know I seem disturbed ♪

♪ And just a little bit absurd ♪

♪ But I'ma rule the universe ♪

♪ Planet, been there, done that ♪

♪ Everywhere that I go
people line up and go ♪

♪ But they're wishing that
they were just like me ♪

♪ Like a total eclipse
that's just one of my trips ♪

♪ I'm the queen of the total galaxy ♪

♪ I know it's kinda hard to
know you'll always be so far ♪

♪ And I will always be the... ♪

♪ Star ♪

♪ ♪

♪ Because I'm not from this ♪

♪ Not from this, I'm not from this world ♪

♪ Because I'm not
from this, not from this ♪

♪ Not from this world ♪

♪ ♪


Nice rehearsal, everyone.

-Your slide move was so cool!

Let's keep it in for the livestream.

-As long as you're sure

you can do it with the squirrel helmet on.

-Heck yeah, she can!

-Presley can do anything
with a squirrel helmet on.

-Then get ready, kid. The whole world's

about to see the Presley Slide.


[upbeat pop music]

♪ ♪

That was amazing!

-Yeah, you k*lled it.

-Hey! I saw the livestream.

It's blowing up!

Lex, Munchy, you guys
were awesome as aliens.

-Thank you! In my mind,

the alien was also named Munchy,

which helped me get into character.

-I don't wanna be that guy,

but could you sign my tie?

-Of course!

Ooh, my first fan.



Follow your dreams. Munchy.

-Thanks, man.

Whoa! What are you doin'?

-I was in the livestream too!

I was the space squirrel.

-Uh, no you weren't. That was ZooZoo.

-Uh, actually it wasn't.
I filled in for ZooZoo.

It was me under the helmet.

I even threw in my own dance move!

The Presley Slide.

-Are you talking about the ZooZoo Slide?

-The ZooZoo Slide?

-Don't worry, I am sure
ZooZoo will clear up

who came up with the dance.

-She did. Look.

-A lot of people have been asking me

how I came up with the ZooZoo Slide.

Well, I got it from a talented performer,

who has a huge career ahead of her.


-And that performer is me.

Thanks, me! [laughs]

-What? She's lying!

-Uh, I'm pretty sure celebrities don't lie.

-I created that dance
move to become famous,

and now someone who is
already famous took credit for it.

And now she's gonna be double famous,

and I'm not gonna be any
famous, and you know what?

I am signing that tie, Ty.


-Get back here!

-Give me that tie!

-♪ I got you, got me, we got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're side by side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that, oh ♪

♪ We're taking off, gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go
up in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me, we got this ♪

-♪ That's how Allen stirs his pasta ♪

Hey, guys. How was being backup dancers

for WooWoo?

-It's ZooZoo.

And I did the Presley Slide,

and now ZooZoo is taking credit for it.

-Plus, everyone thinks you're a liar.

Remember that?

When everyone said you were a liar?

-Yes, I do. Thank you.

-I can't believe ZooZoo did that.

I am not going to stand for it.


See, I'm serious.

-I hate seeing you like this, sweetie.

You know what we should do?

-Please say "time heist,"
please say "time heist."

-No. Take her to tiny claims court.

That's where the smallest of
all legal disputes are settled.

-Great idea. We can get justice

using my favorite branch of government...

all: Judicial.

-And luckily, there's
a lawyer in the family.

-Fisher's a lawyer? He
really can do anything.

-No! Me!

When I was singing on
the Norwegian cruise ship,

I had a lot of downtime.

I got really good at shuffleboard

and earned a law degree.

-Let's do it.

We're gonna show that dance stealer

she messed with the wrong space squirrel.

-Munchy and I can help prepare the case.

-Yes! I've watched every episode

of that Australian show, "Kangaroo Court."

Whoever is found guilty
gets punched by a kangaroo.

-Okay, let's get to work!

We've got a case to win.

And send me a link to that show.

It sounds fantastic.

[upbeat pop music]

-Oh good, you're already here, Science Kid.

-I've been here since dawn with bagels.

Like you said.

-Yeah, I had to go to the airport

to pick up my friend, Hans.

I flew him in from Norway
to be our cameraman.


-I'm gonna explain the dos and the don'ts

of the crosswalk.

You and my Jag-Jitsu student, Gloria,

are gonna demonstrate.

-Yes, sensei.

-Hi, Fisher.

-Hey, Gloria.

-Stop being weird.

Gloria's gonna demonstrate the dos,

and you're gonna demonstrate the don'ts.

-That works out, because
I don't want to be here.

-Don't embarrass me in front of Hans.

[upbeat pop music]

-I am so glad that your dad got your case

into tiny claims court so we can prove

that my best friend is not a liar.

Everything is going according to plan.


-Dad, you don't look like a lawyer.

-Remember, I got my law
degree on a cruise ship.

My focus was maritime law, you know,

water crimes.

-But this isn't a water crime.

-Eh, the human body is % water,

so every crime is a water crime.

Now let's set sail for the courtroom.

[upbeat pop music]

-I'm ready with my verdict.

In the pronunciation
case of "ant" versus "ahnt,"

the court rules for the defendant.

It's "ant."

-Our case is next. Follow me.

-Okay, let's go over our strategy.

We know ZooZoo can't do the Presley Slide,

so we make her demonstrate
it in front of the judge,

and when she can't pull it off, boom,

ZooZoo is found guilty.

-And then, we release
the punching kangaroo.

-I'm feeling really good about this.

We're in trouble.

[upbeat pop music]

-Okay, we're filming.

-Oh, hey! I didn't see you there.

I'm Jaget, creator of Jag-Jitsu

and the world recorder holder

for the most air karate chops in a minute.

Today, I'm gonna go
through the dos and don'ts

of the crosswalk that
just might save your life.

Number one.

Do look both ways when you cross.

Don't look at your phone when you cross.

[glass crashing]

-That was my real phone!

-Hey, you don't have any lines.

Hans, edit that out.

Number two.

Do pay attention to your
crossing guard's instructions.

[whistle blows]

Don't ignore your crossing
guard's instructions.

[whistle blows]
-Beep beep!


-You just got run over
by a bus, Science Kid!

Now get up. We still have more

dos and don'ts.

[upbeat pop music]

-If ZooZoo can't dance,

how are we going to prove
that ZooZoo can't dance?

-We can't let her get away with this!

-Oh, I'm not. Watch this.

I know you're lying
about being hurt, ZooZoo.

-I'm a celebrity. And
celebrities don't lie.

-Stop harassing my client.
She's in enough pain as it is.

-It's true! I haven't been able

to do my ZooZoo Slide
ever since I hurt my ankle,

and/or knee, and/or neck.

-It's the Presley Slide, and you know it.

-We'll let the judge decide.


-All rise.

The honorable Judge Stone presiding.

We'll now hear the
case of the Presley Slide

versus the ZooZoo Slide.


Holy cow, I--

I'm a huge fan!

I didn't recognize you.

-This isn't good.

-Your Honor, sorry for
my client's appearance.

She injured herself by
volunteering too hard

at the local orphanage.

-Just when I thought I
couldn't love ZooZoo more.

[chuckles] Okay!

I think I've heard enough.

I am ready to rule in favor of ZooZoo.

-Your Honor! You haven't heard our case.

-Don't worry, Presley. I'll handle this.

Your Honor, I'm not
some fancy, big-city lawyer.

I got my law degree on a cruise ship.

But there's one thing I do know.

My client created a dance
which the defendant stole.

And we can prove it.

-Wow, Dad. That was good.

-[sighs] I guess we're gonna

have to have a trial.

Okay, Skipper. You're up.

-No, no, no. Dad, she's talking to you.

-I know, but that first speech
was the only one I practiced.

-I have an idea from
watching "Kangaroo Court."

[clears throat]

[in Australian accent] G'day, Your Honor.

My friends and I would
like to request a recess.


But only if you promise

to never do that accent again.

We'll come back tomorrow morning.

-[sighs] Okay.

So we only have one day to
come up with a new strategy.

What are we gonna do?


I'm not some fancy, big-city lawyer.

I got my law degree on a cruise ship.

-Dad, not helping.

-Come on, we have to be
back in court in the morning.

If ZooZoo gets away
with stealing that dance,

Presley will never become dance-famous.

We need to come up with a new strategy.

-We came up with new strategies.

-Saying "You can't handle the truth"

is not a strategy.

-Sounds like you can't handle the truth.

-Come on, Science Kid.

Use your science to fix my camera.

-Guys, we're trying to come up with a way

to win Presley's case.

-Well, I can tell you for a fact,

that girl next to Vin Diesel is guilty.

-Yeah, we know she's guilty.
She stole Presley's dance.

-No, she illegally walked

through my crosswalk video today.

I never forget a criminal's face.

-Today? Did she have

crutches and a neck brace?

-No. She was talking on her phone,

not looking both ways.

She broke multiple don'ts.

-Wait a second. Do you have ZooZoo

walking normally on camera?

That would prove
ZooZoo's faking her injury.

-There's no way to know.

Science Kid refuses to fix the camera

that accidentally got smashed.

-Accidentally? You threw it at me

for asking for a bathroom break.

-How long would it take to fix it?

-It might take a while.

[upbeat pop music]

-Dad. We need you to stall the trial

so Fisher has time to fix that camera.

-On it.

Your Honor.

In order to fully understand this case,

you need to fully
understand my client, Presley.

Let's start from the beginning.

She was born on the final
hole of a miniature golf course.

I wanted to go to the hospital,

but my wife was having
the best round of her life.

-Okay, you're wasting everyone's time.

Present evidence or a witness,

or I'm gonna rule in favor of ZooZoo.

-Very well, Your Honor.

If witnesses you want...

witnesses ye shall get!

[dramatic musical sting]

Lex, isn't it true you think

Presley should win this case?

♪ ♪

-That is correct.

-You can't handle the truth!

-He didn't ask you a question yet.

-Are you sure?

-Can you read back the transcript?

-"Judge: Please state your name.

Munchy: You can't handle the truth."

-I stand by my answer.

-So you're telling me, cows are responsible

for milk, cheese, and yogurt?


-In five words, how would
you describe my client?

-Why five words?

-Please answer the question.

You have two words remaining.



-And isn't it true

my client has never missed a payment

for blowing up your boat?

-You blew up a boat?


What I meant to say was

she blew up this man's goat.

♪ ♪

Now I'd like to call to the witness stand

my neighbor's son's pen
pal from Norway, Hans.


-I'm gonna stop you right there.

It's obvious none of these witnesses

are relevant to this case,

so I'm gonna make a ruling.

-No, wait!

Your Honor, my entire life,

all I've wanted is to be noticed

for something that I'm good at.

And I'm not good at a lot of things.

-She's right, Your Honor.

I'm not even thinking,
and I could list, like, .

-But she's an amazing friend,

in spite of her many, many flaws.

-But one thing that I am good at

is dancing.

And I finally got the
chance to show the world

by creating my own dance move.

But then ZooZoo took credit for it.

And that's not fair.

So now I'm just a girl,

standing in front of a judge,

asking her to believe me.

-That was a moving speech,

so I'm going to rule in your favor...

Is what I would say if I wasn't
such a big fan of ZooZoo.

-Order in the court!

Objection! Stop the presses!

-Oh, good. This is the fifth courtroom

he's busted into like that.

-Your Honor, I have one more witness.

Last one, promise.


[dramatic musical sting]

-Your Honor, this video from yesterday

will shed new light on this case.

-Number --

I'm just leaving the courthouse.

I was just pretending to be injured

'cause the dance I'm taking credit for

is too hard for me to pull off.

And the judge seems like an idiot.

-I would also like to submit into evidence

that she broke several crosswalk don'ts.


It's clear that you are a liar

and unnecessarily mean.

Therefore, I rule that
the dance in question

will hereby be known as

the Presley Slide.

-I only went through with this

because you said we were going to win!

-Well, we would have,

if it wasn't for this boat lawyer!

-I'm also a boat doctor.

Your Honor, permission for a victory dance?

-I'll allow it.

-♪ Because I'm not from this ♪

♪ Not from this, I'm not from this world ♪

♪ Because I'm not
from this, not from this ♪

♪ Not from this world ♪