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01x20 - Bot Club

Posted: 07/13/22 12:41
by bunniefuu
-That was the worst KidDING
job ever.

-I can't believe someone paid
us to

actually find a needle in a

-Sure, it took five hours,

but the important thing is we

found it and we got all this
free hay.

Check it out, I grew a mustache.

♪ Doo-doo-doo ♪

Mm, yes, quite.

No, not really.
I'm just playing.

-Hey, look, it's my brother.

Let's do the group wave we've
been practicing.


-One sweet potato milkshake,

-The sweet potatoes are very

-Those two are acting weird.

I think something is going on.

Okay, something is definitely
going on.

Follow me.

Hey, Ty.


-Don't 'sup us, Ty.

We saw everything.

-Okay, that sandwich
was only in

the ground for a couple of

Legally, I can still sell it.

-Ew, and no.

We saw Fisher go through your
secret door.

-Don't know what you're
talking about.

-Oh, I think you do, and I'm
not here to play

your games with the exception

of the claw machine and maybe

-Order a sweet potato

-You can't tell us what to

This is America.

-It's code. If you order it,
I can let you in.

-I get it.


-So what can I get you?

-Can I see your list of

-Close enough.

-We are doing this.

-I hope this leads to Narnia.

[upbeat rock music]

♪ ♪

-What is this place?

-I don't know, but it is
so much cooler than Narnia.

♪ ♪

-The winner is Mace in Your

[cheers and applause]

-Hey, the boss wants to see

-Who is that?
-Don Kuko.

-I don't know you. Strangers
are bad for business.

-What exactly is this

-Never ask me about my

Because I'll tell you about it.

It's a secret robot fight club.

-Ooh, impressive.

-Thank you.

Gish, show them out.

-Okay, whoa, whoa, whoa,

-Apologies, Don Kuko.

I should have told you my

and my future wife were coming.

-Future wife? You are lucky
I'm scared of these guys.

-All right, Fisher, I'll let
it slide this time,

but only because you're one of
my best fighters.

-Thank you, Don Kuko.

And here, a gift for you.

-Look at the bow.

It's fancy corn.

-Fisher, what is going on,

and is that corn for

Because it looks
really good?

-Hey, look, I built a robot,
and I've been

fighting against other robots

down here for a couple of weeks.

I haven't lost a match.

-I can't believe this.

-I know.

When did my little brother
become cool?

-Well, since you're here,
you may as well

see me in action.

I'm fighting against a robot
named Train Wreck.

-The robots have fun names?

Okay, I wasn't sure about this,

but now I'm on board.

-So whose robot is "Train

[whistle blows]

-Here she comes.

-What's up, Bot Club?

Who wants to see a train wreck?

[cheers and applause]

[whistle blows]

-You didn't tell me you were
fighting Tasha.

-Who is Tasha?
-She's a girl in school who

thinks she's better than me in

-Tasha has acted like a jerk
to him ever since

he beat her at

the Central Pennsylvania Science

She always calls him.

-Hey, Little Fishey.

-I'm not Little Fishey.

I'm Big Fishey.
I mean, I'm Fisher.

-Cool crown.

-I know. It's made up of

a piece of every robot I

It's going to be hard to choose
which part to take of yours

considering it'll be in a
million pieces.

-Don't think so, Tasha.

I'm taking that crown from you.

-Oh, get the whistle too.
I like making train noises.

[upbeat music]

-Hey, Alan-ators,
I want to introduce you to

the newest member of my backyard

a little garden gnome who looks
just like me.

I put it on here just this

Say hello to Alan Junior.

Alan Junior?
My gnome was right there.

Someone must have stolen him.


-Why are you shouting at the

Did you lose another balloon?

-No. Someone stole my special
garden gnome.

I customized him to look just
like me.

-As a crossing guard,
if a crime has been committed,

no matter how stupid,

I swore an oath to uphold

-Gnome justice?

The important part is




both: Gnome justice!

-Okay, check out my robot.

I call her Tyrannosaurus Lex.

I combined the four things
I love most, robots,

dinosaurs, Lex,
and Lex's old retainer.

-My retainer?

Okay, I want to be grossed out,

but this robot is just too

-Let me show you what T Lex
can do.

It's got a battle axe tail,

crushing jaws, and a winning

-You are going to destroy

Tasha just like you did at the
Science Smackdown.

-You sound pretty confident
about Fisher.

Care top place a friendly

-Easy money. I'd do it if I
were you.

-Robots, prepare for battle.

[cheers and applause]

-Got to go win a robot fight.

-Hey, are we betting or not?

-Oh, we are so down,

at least we would be if we had

which we don't, so I guess we're

-Technically, we do have our
KidDING money.

-Oh, you're right.

Then we are so down.

-Hey, Presley. Can you give us
one minute?

What are you thinking?

First of all, betting is

Besides, we can't risk

losing all of our KidDING

How else are we going to pay

Munchy's dad for destroying his

-This is Fisher.

Science is his middle name.

-I thought it was Simon.

-Doesn't matter. I'm telling
you, he's got this.

Have you ever seen him lose
at anything science related?

-I guess not. Okay, I'm in.

-I've been in since I learned
robots could fight.

-So we doing this or what?

-We're doing this. We bet

all the money from our KidDING

business that Fisher will win.

-That's some serious corn.

You're on. Let's shake on it.

both: Oh.
-I believe in my brother,

but I'm not shaking your spit

-I get that a lot.
-You know,

this might be the smartest
thing we've ever done.

-Ladies and gentlemen,

the bot fight is about to begin.

[cheers and applause]

In this corner, Train Wreck.

[bell dinging]

-Whoa, that is a serious

-And in this corner,
Tyrannosaurus Lex.

[cheers and jeers]

-Hey, choo-choo girl,

I think I can,
I think I can, I think I can

see my brother win.

-The bot fight starts
in , , .


[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

-The winner is Train Wreck.

[cheers and applause]

-So many pieces to choose from
to add to my crown.

I'll take this, Little Fishey.

-Lex's retainer. No.

-Sorry for your loss...
of money.

Time to pay up.

-You don't accept

as alternative pay,
do you?

-I like you. You're funny.

[phone chimes]

Pleasure doing business with

-Lex, this is kind of
your fault.

-What? This was your idea.

-I know. But you're supposed
to be better than us.

-You messed up.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds when we're
side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up
in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me,
we got this ♪

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-That was not better than

-Sorry, guys.

I can't believe I lost.

[robot clangs]

-I can't believe we lost all

our KidDING money to Don Kuko.

-Yeah, I hate how everybody
bends over

backwards for Don Kuko, but not

-Hey, Ty. Milkshakes for the

-Yes, Don Kuko. Right away,
Don Kuko.

-Hey guys, let's get out of

We need to find a way to make
our money back.

-Hey, let me know if you got

any more loser brothers you can
send my way.

-Don Kuko, you got lucky.

There's no way my brother could
lose again.

Why don't you put your money
where your mouth is?

-Because money's covered

in germs and that's disgusting.

-Plus, you took all of it.

-Well, how about a different
kind of bet then?

If your brother builds a new
robot that can beat Train Wreck,

I'll give you
all your money back.

-I wasn't finished.

-Well, I apologize.
Please continue.

-If Tasha wins again,

then not only do I keep all your

I get your whole KidDING


-Are you sure? It's kind of
a lot of work.

See, we invented an app that
allows us--

-You're not understanding.

You kids do all the work
while I get

all the money.

What do you say?
-Bad idea.

-Yeah, we already lost once.
We are not just going--

-You're on, Kuko.



-Ugh, I forgot.

That was the spit hand.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

-And action.

-To understand the mind of a

you have to get into the mind of
a criminal.

Unfortunately, that technology

only available to Avengers.

-Okay. So how do we figure out

stole my Alan Junior lawn gnome?

-We'll have to act out the
crime ourselves.

You pretend to be the gnome.

-Yes. So glad no one stole my
gnome hat.

-I'll pretend to be the

Let me get into character.

I'm a criminal. I'm a criminal.
I'm a criminal.

Okay, I'm ready.

-Excuse me.

-What is it?

-Would you like to buy some

I'm trying to raise money for my

-I want cookies.


she left her cookies.

-Stop talking cookies and

Let's start over.
Let me get back into character.

I'm a criminal. I'm a criminal.
I'm a criminal.

I'm a criminal. I'm a criminal.

[upbeat music]

-Hey, what are you doing?

-I'm putting my robot where it
belongs, in the trash.

-No, you can't do that.

We bet our KidDING business
on you winning a rematch.

We won't be able to pay Tedward

-Yeah. Well, that was a huge

I just got my butt kicked.

-Come on. You're the smartest
kid I know,

and you've beaten Tasha before;
you can do it again.

Go ahead. Start tossing out new
robot ideas.

-Okay. I guess we could.



-And the winner is Train Wreck

[whistle tooting]


I trusted you, Fisher.

I thought you were good at


And now I'm powering down

-Guess what, Little Fishey?

You just got flushed.



I don't want to get flushed!

-Neither do I.

-I'm done with robots,

and I'm done with science.

Now I'm just a kid who lives in
a wall.

-What does that mean?

[electronic beep]

Oh, it means that.

[upbeat music]

♪ ♪

I feel really bad for Fisher.

I have never seen
him like this.

-I feel really bad for us.

I've never seen me like this.

-Don't worry,
we have a plan B.

I'll take Fisher's robots place
as Robo Munchy.

-No, guys,
we need a real plan.

If we don't beat Train Wreck
all of

our KidDING money from now

will go to Don Kuko.

-Okay, first of all,
Robo Munchy is a real plan,

which won't work, because I
just ran out of foil.

So we need Fisher.

-Well, Fisher is done with

and if we tried to build a

it would be really bad.

-That's it. Any time there's
something broken,

my brother just has to fix it.

-So what are you saying?

-I'm saying if we build

the world's worst robot
and Fisher sees it,

he won't be able to stop himself

into fixing it into something

-That is a great idea.

-Let's make something

all: Yeah!

[upbeat music]

-That is one terrible robot.

-Really bad.
-It's an embarrassment.

I'm so proud.

-What is that?

-Oh, this?

Well, we still have our bet with
Don Kuko.

-And since you're done with

we had to build the new robot

-I added a fork for poking.

I call it Tyrannosaurs Fork.

-That fork doesn't have the
density to puncture the...

-No. That's science,

and I don't do that anymore.

I'm going back into my wall.

-You know, Fisher's right,

Maybe instead of a fork,

we can use a spatula.

-A spatula?

That's the most ridiculous
thing I've...

that actually gives me an idea.

-An idea on how to beat
Tasha's robot?

-Yeah. Yeah, I think so,

and it's all thanks to your
embarrassing robot.

-So what are you saying?

-I'm saying, Fisher is back,


Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

[upbeat music]

-You showed up.
That means you're

either really brave
or really dumb.

-Can't it be both?

-Oh, little Fishey, that's
your new fight bot?

What is it going to do with that

Make me a pancake breakfast?

-Don't listen to them.

-Yeah. You've got this.

-And no pressure.
All our money

is on the line,
and if you lose,

we'll be working for Don Kuko
for the rest of our lives,

but again, no pressure.

-Ladies and gentlemen,

the bot fight is about to begin.

-Train Wreck,
the undefeated champion,

will be fighting against,

what's the name of your bot,



Train Wreck
will be fighting against Flippy.

-He named his robot Flippy.

-No, guys, you're laughing
like I just told a good joke.

It's more of a laughing at

him to intimidate him laugh.
You know?

both: Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

There you go, nice adjustment.

[upbeat music]

-Okay, let's think.
What kind of sicko would

want a gnome that looks exactly
like you?

-Excuse me.

-I have something that belongs
to you.

-Alan Junior, you're alive.

Daddy missed you. Nice shirt.

-Nice beard.

both: Thank you.

-Wait, if this guy took the

that means he's the thief.

I knew it was you all along.
Who are you?

-I'm Alvin, and I'm not
usually a thief.

I walked by this morning,

and I saw this beautiful little

I have always wanted a gnome
that looked just like me,

but I could never figure out how
to do it.

I wouldn't even know where to
get a hat like that.

-Actually, I have two.
Here, take this.

I'll go inside and get the other

then we can take some pictures.

Help yourself to some cookies.

I got a whole wagon full.

-You're in big trouble, buddy.

When you steal from my neighbor

it's like stealing from me.

-There he is.

That's the man who scared me
and stole my cookies.

-I don't know what you're
talking about.

-Oh, please. I remember
exactly what you look like,

the stupid clothes, the stupid

and that stupid hat.

-No, this is actually a funny

There's another man that looks
just like me.

I took his gnome. Tell her.

-This man is a criminal.

-Get him!

-No. No.
No, no, no, no, no, no.

-I'm back. Hey, where that
handsome man go?

-Let's just say he got

a healthy dose of gnome justice.

-What are you talking about?

-Yep, gnome justice.

[upbeat rock music]

[cheers and applause]

-The bot fight starts in
three, two, one, fight.

[cheers and applause]

-Train Wreck tried to ram him
again like last time,

but Flippy is too fast.

-Fisher, you got this.

[dramatic music]

♪ ♪

-Fisher, look out. She's going

to try to split you in half

-Don't worry. Time for a
pancake breakfast.

♪ ♪

-The winner is, Flippy.


Now we don't have to work for
Don Kuko.

Eat corn, Kuko.

-We'll take our money back

-Unless you want to go triple
or nothing.

-Triple or nothing, you say.


[phone chimes]

Pleasure doing business
with you.

Just kidding, it was awful.

-This belongs to you,

but this isn't over.

See you around, Little Fishey.

-Talk to you later, Trasha.

-That was pretty good.

-Boom. Fisher is back, baby.

-I'm so proud of you,

I knew you could do it.

-Thanks for making that robot

on purpose to snap me out of it.

-Wait, you knew?

-Friendly reminder. I'm a
genius, and a champion.