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01x09 - Chemistry Hustle

Posted: 07/13/22 12:17
by bunniefuu

I think we did it.

-Yep, these kitchen
accessories are now in order

of what would make
the best back scratcher.


-Come here, spaghetti spoon.

Ah, there's a reason
why you're number one.

-Are you guys procrastinating?

Why would you say that?

-'Cause you should be studying
for our chemistry test,

but you're scratching your
backs with kitchen utensils.

And how are you
not using tongs?

They scratch and pinch.

-We are not just
scratching our backs.

We also made up a handshake.

both: Boop, boop, boop, boop.
Beow, chh-chh.

-Guys, that's procrastinating.

And while I love
that handshake,

you guys should be studying.

Let's review our notes.

-We didn't take any notes.

How could this happen?

-It's not our fault.

Mr. Prusko is the most
boring teacher ever.

-If you guys don't study,
you're going to fail this test.

-If I fail this test,
it'll bring down my average.

And in a world
without high grades,

I don't even know who I am.

-I am not gonna
let that happen.

You've been helping me
with school

since you taught me
how to use a glue stick.

-You were using the wrong end.

-Now it's my turn to help you.

We still have a few days
before the test.

We'll work together
to focus in class,

study, and take notes.

-Okay, let's do it.

-All right, chapter seven--

both: Boop, boop, boop, boop.
Beow, chh-chh.


-Isn't this procrastinating

-It is, but we started,

so we can't stop
until we finish.

-There is no finish
to this, is there?


[upbeat music]

-Princess Lex,
I have tamed the dragon.

[high voice]
Oh, thank you, Sir Fisher!

Now go invent movies
so we can go on a proper date!

-Hey, Fisher.

Playing with your toys again?


Okay, I was.

What's up, Dad?


there's something
I want you to have.

I've come to terms
with the fact

that I'm never gonna fit
into my leather jacket again,

so I want you to have it.

-What do I do with this?

-You wear it.

It's just like the one
from "The Terminator."

-The what-inator?

-"The Terminator"!

You, the movie?

What are they teaching you
in that school?

-Dad, this isn't my style.

-Trust me, that baby works.

Fish, when I was your age,

I didn't have the best luck
with girls.

But I got that jacket
when "The Terminator" came out

because the cool guy
in the movie wore one.

[altered voice]
And he talked like this.

-I'm still not following.

-Well, when I put
the jacket on,

things started to turn
around for me.

[altered voice]
I even got a girlfriend.

-A girlfriend?

[altered voice]
It's worth a shot.


♪ ♪

-Okay, you guys got this.

All you need to do
is take notes,

pay attention,
and let the majesty

of science watch over you.


Okay, let's do this.

-I am focused on focusing.

-Okay, class,
let's get started.

[BTS' "Mic Drop"]

Now, today we're gonna
be talking about

my favorite subject,

Combustion is commonly

[lullaby playing]


-In oxygen gas.

♪ ♪

Feel free to "come-bustin'"
in with any questions.


-I'm awake, Mom!

-Mr. Prusko?

-Look, everyone.

It's Principal Tedward.

-No one's paying attention
in this class.

-I'm paying attention, Dad.

Oh, and by the way, Mr. Prusko,
I have a question.

Is combustion the reason
metals rust?


Great question,
engaged student.

Yes, rusting is due
to combustion.

Now, take my favorite metal,

-You mean our favorite
metal, Mr. Prusko.

[both laughing]

-One student paying attention
isn't enough.

You need a whole classroom
full of students like Munchy,

or you're going to be
reassigned to the cafeteria.

And having a favorite metal
is weird.

-I have an idea.

Mr. Prusko?
I have a question.


Munchy's the only one who has
ever asked a question in here.

-What would it be worth to you

if Lex and I got everyone
in the class

as excited as Munchy?

-Oh, I'd give all
the noble gasses

on the Periodic Table for that.


-If we got everyone
to pay attention,

would you give us B-pluses?

-Wait a second,
we want A's.

-There's something
above a B-plus?

-You girls
got yourselves a deal.

Considering the odds
of that happening

are lower than the atomic
weight of hydrogen.


Atomic weight of hydrogen!

This guy!

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds
when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go off
and friends are on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me,
we got this ♪

♪ ♪

-Hmm, what snack do you think

would make the best
back scratcher?

But obviously the beef jerky.

But focus!

How are we gonna get
the entire class

to listen to the most boring
science teacher in the world?

-Well, I think it starts
with knowing

that education
is the foundation--

I can bring music.

-Yes, and a smoke machine.

Fisher has a T-shirt launcher.

We can use it
to sh**t T-shirts.

-Or burritos!

Yes, I'll text him!

-What does that stuff
have to do with chemistry?

That's the point.

-I hear you, Munchy.

Part of me thinks
we should just

study for a good grade.

-That part of you
disgusts me.

And think of all the kids
that will learn something

when we make Mr. Prusko's
class exciting.

-I don't see how it could
be any more exciting,

but I don't want Mr. Prusko
to end up in the cafeteria.

That happened to Mr. Malkoff.

Never smelled the same.


I heard you need
some firepower.


Something's different
about you.

-Oh, this?

Forgot I had it on.

Careful, this thing is small
but powerful.

Like me.

-Thanks for helping us,

That's cool of you.

Dad, it worked!

♪ ♪

-Mr. Prusko?

We came up with some ideas
to spice up your class.


My tum doesn't do well
with spice.

-I've got a problem
with cilantro, myself.

-You have nothing
to worry about.

-Now go teach.

-Good afternoon.

Today, we're gonna talk
about covalent bonds.

-Yeah, covalent bonds
are in the house!

[electric guitar chord]

-What's happening?

-This is your class
getting spicy.

-Speaking of spicy,

did I hear you say something

about a spicy burrito?

-I assure you, I did not.

-It doesn't matter.

It's burrito time.


When you're awake in this
class, you get burritos!

-Yeah, Donk!

[electric guitar chord]

-Good morning to you students
who just woke up!

Can any of you tell me
what part of the atom

forms a covalent bond?

-Correct, Munchy!

-Yeah, Munch-man!

[electric guitar chord]

-For the next correct answer,

I've got nachos.

♪ ♪


-Full exterior shell,

and that, quite excitingly,

with an electronic--

[school bell rings]

All right.
See you tomorrow.

-Hey, Mr. Prusko.

Before we fell asleep,
there were a lot more kids

paying attention than normal.

-I agree with Lex.

That'll be two A's, please.

-Not so fast.

It was working
in the beginning,

but by the end,
I was down to just one Munchy.

-You'll never lose me.
I'm ride or die!

-But when Principal Tedward
checks in,

I need all of my students
to be paying attention.

-Okay, let us have
a quick brainstorm session.

-Good idea.

[both straining]

both: Ah!

-Okay, I got it.

-Are you thinking
what I'm thinking?

-Boy, I sure hope so,

because I really like
what I'm thinking.

both: Makeover!

♪ ♪

-Hey, Spenders.

What can I get you?

-A microphone.
Can we borrow yours?

-Yes, but be careful.

We've been through
a lot together.

Kidding, I've got like
back there.

-Ladies and gentlemen,

we've got someone
we'd like you to meet.

-You may know him
as Mr. Prusko,

but now he goes by...

both: Mr. P!


-Stump, move it!

-As we were saying,

the one, the only...

both: Mr. P!


I don't understand what this
has to do with chemistry.

-We need to make you
more popular.

-When you're popular,
people listen to what you say.

-And when people listen
to what you say,

you give us our A's
like you promised.

-So what do I do?

-Get yourself a milkshake
at the bar

and just vibe.

We'll take care of the rest.


Hello, young person.

[mid-tempo music]

-Super game.

Oh, my gosh,

is that Mr. P,
the cool science teacher?

So cool!

-Who is that rock star
at the counter?

Oh, wait.

It's Mr. P from chemistry!

So cool.

-Boy, all anyone's
talking about

is Mr. P the science teacher,
am I right?

So cool!

-I haven't been in high school
for years,

but I had no idea
teachers had become so cool.

-Hey, Mr. Prusko.

-Actually, it's "Mr. P."

-So cool.

Mr. P, there's been
a lot of talk

in the last two minutes
about how cool you've gotten.

Wanna make a video with us?

Mr. P loves making videos!

In fact,
he just made a new dance

he was gonna post.

-I did?

-Yes, you called it the, um...

-"The Prusko"!

-Yes, "The Prusko."

-I love being early
on a trend.

You have to show us.


Then I'll just...

do "The Prusko."

Right here...

and now.

[music playing]

♪ ♪

-I love it!

-Let's do "The Prusko"!

-Should we?

-I think we have to.

-♪ No, I can't sleep
until I feel your touch ♪

♪ I said, ooh ♪

♪ I'm drowning in the night ♪

♪ Oh, when I'm like this,
you're the one I trust ♪

♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪

-I'm doing "The Prusko"!

♪ ♪

-Okay, let's go back
to making Prusko cool.

-For some of us,
he always was.

[mid-tempo music]

-What's that sound?

♪ ♪


all: Whoa.

-We didn't hire
a DJ, did we?

Mr. Prusko must have.

He's learning to be cool
on his own.

-And look, he even got
our school mascot,

Luna the Tuna.

-She's a big get.

Go Luna!

-What's on your faces?

-Fake mustaches
to look like Mr. P.

We call them "Prusko 'Staches."

-Your boy Donk
saved you a couple.

Go Donk!

-Lex, we did it.

We got everyone
to pay attention.

-Looks like we have
a couple of A's

coming our ways.

-Who's ready
for some chemistry?


You know what I'm talking
about, DJ Helium!


This is DJ Helium.

Y'all can't affect me
because I'm inert!

[airhorn blaring]

-Okay, Prusko-holics!

Don't forget to reserve
your seats

for tomorrow's special

I don't want to give
too much away.

We're making this compound,

which you may know but
its street name, sugar.


-Wow, we are so getting A's.

-I knew working hard
at school would pay off.

-Oh, here's a brain buster
for ya.

What do you call a substance

that is suspended
inside another substance?


You've been waving at me
all year.

Go ahead.


I want to say the answer
is aerosol?

-Oh, and I wanna say...

you're wrong!

Munchy thought the answer
was aerosol!

Then again, he thought wearing
that shirt was a good idea.


-I like this shirt.
It has a pocket!

-What just happened?

-Why is Mr. Prusko
messing with Munchy?

-Kelsey, film me
on your phone.

I came up with a new dance.

"The Munchy."

Oh, oh, oh!

I know the answer!

Oh, oh, oh!

I know the answer!

-We created a monster!

-Do we need to take
this dude down?

-Oh, oh, oh!
I know the answer!

It's yes.

♪ ♪

-This is crazy.

Everyone online
is doing "The Prusko"!

Even Wolf Blitzer!

-Who would have thought
making Mr. P cool

would make him a jerk?

I mean, look at poor Munchy.

-Chemistry was all I had.

And now it's evaporated
like water

that's reached
its boiling point.


-Fisher, I am so happy
you're here.

both: Really?

-Yeah, he helped us
with the burrito g*n.

Maybe he can help us again.

Plus, I still
really like his jacket.

-I bet you do.

So what's the problem?

-Our chemistry teacher
made fun of Munchy.

-So now we gotta
take him down.

-We can't take him down.

I wanna see him make sugar
in class tomorrow!


Get it?

Sugar's sweet...

among other things.

-[giggles, gasps]


-I'm as surprised
as anyone.

-We could use his experiment
against him.

If you swap out
one chemical, "boom"!

It'll cause a reaction
that blows sticky foam

right in your teacher's face.

-I love this idea.

-I'll get the chemical
you need.

-You keep chemicals
in the Snack Hole?

-I used to keep
all these in the kitchen,

but my dad
kept trying to drink them.

-Yeah, that was a problem.

-Some of these chemicals
are dangerous.

I'd better take this off.

-Good thinking.

-Here's the chemical you need.


So what other cool stuff
do you have in here?

-Munchy, be careful with that!

-Oh, my!

Oh, no!

My jacket!

-That's too bad.

That jacket looked
really cool on you.

-Don't worry, Lex.

I don't need this jacket
to be cool.


-Don't look at me!

♪ ♪

-Oh, hey, Fish.

Just looking at some old
photos of me

wearing my old leather jacket.

Those were the best days
of my life.

-Dad, something happened
and I'm worried

about how you might react.


you can tell me anything.

What happened?

-I'm so sorry,
it was an accident!

I love the jacket,
it was just like you said.

It made me feel so cool.



It's okay.

The jacket is just a jacket,

but the real jacket
is inside of you.

-Of course!

If you felt cool,

that's because you are cool.

-Thanks, Dad.

That makes me feel better.


♪ ♪

-Are you sure we want
to lose our A's?

-He took away Munchy's smile.

We're doing this even if it
means we get C's.

Or D's.

-There's something below a C?

[upbeat music]

-Make some noise for Mr. P!

-♪ Y'all ready for this? ♪


♪ ♪

-Let's double the barometric
pressure in here

so we can raise the roof!


-♪ Get down with the sound ♪

♪ ♪

-Looks like our plan
worked, Mr. P!

You got a classroom
full of engaged students

just like Munchy!

-Of course they're engaged,
I am a hit.

Everyone loves Mr. P.

Now, get to your seats, nerds.

-Have a great class, Mr. P.

It's showtime, people!

But first... safety.


-Okay, Prusko-holics,

who likes sugar?

-Uh, Donk does!
I'm Donk.

-I'm starting to feel bad
about what's about to happen.

-Me too.

-You might not want to put in
so much of that.

-And you might want to stop
wearing pull-up diapers.

[baby crying sound effect]


-And I no longer feel bad.

Add more!
-Use it all!

-You want more?

You got it!


I'm gonna live forever!


[dramatic music]

And we see the sugar start to--

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

I don't know what happened.

-We happened.

We switched the chemicals
so you went, "boom"!

-Nobody messes with Munchy.

-What is going on in here?

-Mr. Prusko
tried to be cool.

Forget everything I said.

Go back to being boring.

No one ever sued a school
for being boring.

-I can do boring.

I'm good at boring!


You're great at boring,
Mr. Prusko.

-Thanks, Munchy.

And I'm sorry for making
fun of you and your shirt.

I like the pocket.

-Well, we managed
to make science fun.

-And we learned
a valuable lesson.

-To study for tests instead of
trying to find a shortcut?

To always sit in the back.

Hit it, DJ Helium!

[music playing]