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01x05 - Friendiversary

Posted: 07/13/22 12:15
by bunniefuu
[lighthearted music]

-[trilling lips
to note scales]

[breathes deeply,
continues trilling lips]

-Munchy, start the story!
-Yeah, come on!

This is our favorite part of
the holiday we made up!

-This is how I get my
instrument, which is myself,

ready to read out loud.

[clears throat, trilling lips]

both: Munchy!

Let me set the mood.


-Ooh, you got a fireplace app?

-I can feel
the virtual warmth.

-[clears throat]

"'Twas the night before

"and near windows covered
with frost,

Munchy sat reading a book
like a boss."

"Each year we tell the story
so we won't forget

about the special day
when Lex and Presley met."

"Two friends met
on playground snow--"

-Get to the part
where our scarves

get tangled
in the merry-go-round.

-And we become
instant friends.

-Hey, I'm reading here!

-This is Zack Camacho.

Tune in to channel tonight

for your "Zack Camacho
Winter Weather Report."

It's not only accurate,
it's Zack-urate!

-I knew I should have paid
for the ad-free fireplace.

Where was I?

-You were saying
that Friendiversary

celebrates the day
Presley and I met.

-And now we exchange gifts,

and one year my gift was so
thoughtful, it made Lex cry.

-And the next year, my gift
made Presley cry even harder.

And then it became
a competition...

-To see who could make the
other cry more tears of joy.

-And as a trophy,
the winner gets the scarves

that have been tangled together
since the day we met.

-You're telling
all the good parts!

I look forward all year
to reading this

on Friendiversary Eve!

Now I got to skip ahead.

Gifts, cry, cry harder...

There we are.

"The end."

Now, Lex, you won the
Friendiversary scarf last year,

so I will take it and put it in
the Friendiversary scarf case.

It hurts, I know.

[angelic chorus sings]

Now, you will exchange
gifts tomorrow

on the merry-go-round
where it all began.

Then I will award the scarf
to the new winner.

[angelic chorus sings]

I like the "ahh."

-Now, I know that

has become a competition,

but I don't like that one of
you has to leave empty-handed.

So this year the runner-up
will receive...

the Munchy Fun Pack!

Now, I won't tell you
what surprises are inside,

but let's just say...
there's a crazy straw.

-All right, I'm gonna go
wrap the present

that's gonna make you cry.

Can't wait to win the scarf.

-More like you're gonna win
the Munchy Fun Pack.

-Both good prizes!

-I love you.
-Love you, too.

-Gonna destroy you.
-Gonna destroy you, too.

[lighthearted music]


Anyone who happens
to be walking by, I need help!

Especially if your name is Lex,
I need help!

-You okay, son?

Get out of here, Dad.
I'm waiting for Lex.

-What do you mean?

I got my hand wet
and froze it to this grill.

Now I'm waiting
for Lex to rescue me,

and then if life
is anything like the movies,

we'll fall in love.

-Ohh, good plan, son.
There's only one problem.

Lex left minutes ago.

Ugh, no!

I don't know what to do, Dad.

I just can't get
Lex's attention.


I used to have
girl problems, too.

When I met your mother,
a lot of people said

I didn't have a shot
with her...

including your mother.

-What's your point?

-My point is
I'm gonna teach you

how to succeed at love

with the delicate art
of vision boards.

-And what does that
have to do with love?


You glue images of what you
love to a board,

then life makes it happen.

Now, let's get some glitter
and glue sticks

and start boardin'!

[door closes]

I'm still stuck!


[lighthearted music]

♪ ♪

-I got here
as fast as I could.

What's the emergency?

I'm wrapping my present
for Presley,

and I need your finger
to tie this bow.

-You couldn't ask Reggie?

Come on, man,
lend her a paw!

[Reggie whimpers]

-Don't be like that.

Reggie hates Friendiversary

because he's jealous if my
bestie-ness with Presley.


Well, finger time.

Which one do you need?
Pointer, ring, pinky?

I'm going pinky--
small but mighty.

-[normal voice] I am so gonna
win that scarf this year.

[phone chimes]

-It's Presley.
She needs me to come over.

It's an emergency.
-Oh, wait.

Before you go,
let me tell you what I got her.

You're not gonna believe this.
-No, no, no, no!

You know I don't like
Friendiversary gift spoilers.

-It's really good,
you're gonna love it.

La, la, la, la, la, la,

la, la, la, la, la, la,
la, la, la, la, la, la.

Uh, uh...

A cockroach!

Got to get to Presley's.
So many Munch-mergencies!

Or should I call them


A single falling snowflake.

That's good luck.

[lighthearted music]

I'm here!
What's going on?

-I'm training myself
so I don't cry

when I see Lex's present.

And I just chopped
all these onions,

and I didn't shed
a single tear.

-So what's the emergency?

-I have all
these chopped onions.

Want some?


I want them all!

Hey, can I get a sip
of that water, too?

-No. That's my Friendiversary
gift for Lex.

-Ugh, I didn't want
Friendiversary spoilers!

But now that I know, I got to
say, it's the perfect gift.

Lex loves water!

-Actually, that's not water.
They're friendship tears.


-See, I've been crying
a little every day

thinking about
what a great friend she is.

-You filled that whole jar
with your tears?

-Sure did.

These tears are from when I got
a bad haircut

and Lex got a matching one
to cheer me up.

These tears are from when she
showed up with a pizza

just because.

And these tears are from when
she gave me the last slice

of the "just because" pizza.

I'm so winning
the scarf this year.

-The scarf.
I forgot it at Lex's house!

This is an E-Munch-ency!

-I thought about this a lot,
and it's Munch-mergency.

-You're right.
That's better.

Now go!

[wind howling]

Ugh! I liked it better when it
was just one of you,

little snowflake!

[door closes]

There might be a problem
with Friendiversary.


[upbeat music]

[cell phone ringing]

-This is Presley,
future Friendiversary winner.

-I'm not so sure about that.

There's a flash blizzard so we
can't do our gift exchange.

-It's worse
than a Munch-mergency.

It's a Munch-tastrophe!

-Come on, we are not going
to let a little snow

stop Friendiversary.


That'll do it.

-♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds
when we're side by side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go wrong,
then friends are on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you, got me,
we got this ♪

♪ ♪

-Hello to all of you fans
of weather,

and/or me,
Zack Camacho.

I'm reporting live
from the biggest flash blizzard

in Altoonisburg history.

Residents are strongly advised
not to go outside.

I'm outside.

Oh, oh!

[wind howling]

Tell my story!

-This stupid blizzard
just ate Zack Camacho!

And worse, it's ruining all
of our Friendiversary plans.

We can't meet up
to exchange gifts,

and I have your present
all ready to go,

along with a tissue
for you to cry into.

-Well, I have your present
all wrapped

and, like, two tissues
for you to cry into.

-Well, I have your present--
-Yeah, yeah, three tissues.

Hold on, I have
a Munchy sitch happening.

What are you doing?

-It's too dangerous
to go back outside,

so it looks like
we're stuck here.

Luckily, I have
my Munchy Survival Pack.

-Wait, is that different
from the Munchy Fun Pack?

-Yes, one is fun,
and one is for survival.

-How many extension cords
are in there?

- .

I also brought
my inflatable bed.

Wrong inflatable.

Well, now you have a raft.

-Okay, I'm back.

-Lex, I hate to say it,
but I think we'll have to wait

to celebrate until
after the blizzard.

-But it'll be the first time
we don't exchange gifts

on Friendiversary
since we were five!

We even did it
when we both had lice.

-Yeah, you got me that cute
hat I had to burn later.

Ah, but we can't go out
in this blizzard!

-Yeah, better to stay home
and be safe

than go out and be sorry.

Happy Friendiversary.

-Happy Friendiversary.


Like I'm letting a blizzard
ruin my chance

to win Friendiversary.

-Don't mind us,
we're gathering more supplies.

-Can we just make
this vision board already?

-Not so fast, young one.

You must first open your eyes
to the vision

before putting your hands
to the board.

Ooh, I need this!

We've worked up a thirst
gathering supplies!

-Dad, no!
Those are my tears!



-I've told you
a million times

not to drink things
you find lying around!

-Oh, I still taste tears.

Well, I'm off.

-Where are you going?
There's a blizzard out there.

-I'm gonna fight
through the snow

and surprise Lex at her house.

When she sees
that I've risked my life

to give her
my jar full of tears,

she's gonna cry for sure.

I'm gonna shove my friendship
right in her beautiful face!

-What are you thinking?

-Dad's right.
You can't go out there.

-No, I meant, what are you
thinking still standing there?

Your idea's so good,
you got to get to Lex's fast!

The colder you are
when you get there,

the better your plan's
gonna work.

[wind howling]

Push from your legs
and aim with your head!


-It's already going great!

-I'm a pretty good dad,
aren't I?

[lighthearted music]


Happy Friendi--

Wait, where's Lex?



-Okay, son.

Let me see everything
you put on your vision board.

That's not a vision board!

You need at least three collage
elements and a color pop!

-This is a waste of time.

Just because I put a picture
of Lex on a board

doesn't mean the universe

is gonna make her walk
through the door.

[wind howling]


-It worked!

-Wait, where--where's Presley?

[hair dryer whirring loudly,
muffled chatter]

-And that's where Lex is.

-Start over.
I didn't hear anything.

[hair dryer whirring loudly]

Lex decided she was gonna
fight through the snow--

-Without the hair dryer on!

-Lex said she was gonna
fight through the snow

and surprise you at your house.

She said that when you see
that she's risked her life,

you're gonna cry for sure.

-I can't believe
she went to my house.

How dare she do what I did?

-I can't believe she fought
through the snow

just to see me.


-Are you crying?

-Are you crying?

I got to call that thoughtful
little snake.

[cell phone ringing]

Hey, Lex.
I was just about to call you.

So you're at my house?

-Yeah, it's weird here.

Your brother's gluing pictures
of me onto a board.

Why are we riding a horse
on the moon?

-You'll see.

-So you're in my room?

Munchy's in a raft.

So what are we gonna do now?

-If I may interject,
you guys need to stay put.

It's not safe to be out
in this blizzard!

-He's right.
We should stay put.

-Definitely, that's
the responsible thing to do.

-You're coming here
to see me, aren't you?

-Of course I am!

And you're gonna do
the same thing, aren't you?

-You bet
your sweet potato fries I am!

-You two are nuts!

This storm is serious,
and it's getting dark,

and you guys
are just gonna end up

at different houses again.
-He's right.

We should meet
at the playground.


Guys, stop acting
like you're tougher

than Zack Camacho--
you just aren't.

-See you at the park, Lex.
[phones beep]

Give me
the Friendiversary scarf.


But don't forget the Munchy
Fun Pack for the runner-up.

-What are you gonna do
while I'm gone?

-Don't worry.
I've got big plans.

Hey, Reggie.
Want to see something cool?

Look, I'm one of those
inflatable dancing guys

outside a car dealership.

[hair dryer whirring loudly]

[lighthearted music]





-I can't see you,
but I can hear you.

Go toward the merry-go-round!

[wind howling]

Happy Friendiversary.
-Happy Friendiversary.

I was hoping when I hugged you,
you'd feel warmer.

-I'm trying to be warmer.
I really am.

-Let's exchange our gifts
and get inside.


You just have to let go first.

-Oh, am I still hugging you?

I can't feel my arms.

Open mine first.

You're looking
at a year's worth of--

-Friendship tears?

How'd you know?

-Open my gift.

[wind howling]

-Is this a jar full
of your friendship tears?


-And that means
that we both--


-Do you want to--

[both scream]

-Oh, no!
Your tears!

-It's okay.
I'm making more.

-I'll help you!

[both crying]

it was freezing before,

but being wet
is making it worse.

-Let's go.


-I can't get up.

-Me neither.
What's happening?

-I think our friendship tears
froze our pants

to the merry-go-round!

-Are you telling me
we are stuck on our butts

in the middle of a blizzard?

-I think your butt already
knows the answer to that.

[both screaming]

[lighthearted music]

-Okay, we can do this.

-Three, two, one!

[both straining]

-How can we still be stuck?

The snow's letting up!
-It's not the snow.

It's so cold, our tears
froze us to the merry-go-round!

-Okay, new plan.

We wait for spring
to thaw us out.

Bonus, we don't have to finish
the paper due tomorrow.

-That's even worse!
I already finished mine.

-I'm still not getting
a signal.

-The blizzard must have
knocked out the service.

-[sighs] This is the worst
Friendiversary ever.

Even worse than when the lice
came back a second time.

-We need to burn
so many more hats.

-Hey, we have
the Friendiversary scarf!

We can use that
to keep us warm.

-Okay, let's shuffle
over to it.


-You're going
the wrong direction!

We have to work together!
-Okay, okay.

-Why would you
switch directions

after telling me
to switch directions?

-I've never done this before!

Go counterclockwise.

-You know I don't know
what that means.

-You know what?
I'll just lift my legs.

You go whichever direction
you want.


-Okay, here it comes.


-Sorry, I was too focused
on my feet.

We'll get it
the next time around.

Shuffle with me!

-Okay, here it comes again!
Grab it with your foot!


Get it, get it!

-I got it.

Ugh, okay.

[both breathing heavily]


[angelic chorus sings]

-That's better.

-At least our necks
will survive.


Is the Munchy Fun Pack
in there?

-Yeah, I brought it
for the loser.

-Well, open it! Maybe
he thinks a blanket is fun!

Crazy straw.

-Coupon for a free hug.

-Extension cord.

What is with him
and his extension cords?

"Press in case
of Munch-mergency."

This is definitely
a Munch-mergency.

[booms, whistles]

[both gasp]

-What just happened?
-Look up there!

It's a giant upside-down "W"!

-Or an "M."

"M" for "Munchy."



-Was that the--

It was!

It's the Munch Signal!

My friends need me!

[lighthearted music]

♪ ♪

-What are you doing, Fisher?

And what are you wearing?

-It's my horse-riding outfit

because I made a vision board
with Lex and I riding a horse.

But do you see Lex?
Or a horse?

Or Lex on a horse?

Because vision boards
don't work!


I'm not so sure
about that, son.

Let me show you my board.

-Wait, is that the two of us?

-That's right. My vision board
has the two of us

making vision boards together.

And look at us.

-You mean you could wish
for anything in the world

and you'd wish
to spend time with me?


Watch the board.

Watch the board,
watch the board.

[lighthearted music]

♪ ♪


Your turn.


Your turn.


No one's coming.

I can't believe this is
happening on Friendiversary.

-You know what?

Before my lips freeze shut,
I want to say something.

Friendiversary should be a
celebration, not a competition.

-Sounds like loser talk
to me.

-I'm being serious!

You mean the absolute world
to me.

-I feel the same way.

I couldn't ask
for a better friend.

-Are you trying to move your
hand to do a fist bump, too?

Nothing's moving.


-Are you crying?
-No, are you?

It's me.

-How long have you been there?

-Long enough to witness
the greatest moment

in Friendiversary history!

-We spilled
our friendship tears,

and it froze our butts
to the merry-go-round.

-I suspected something
like this might happen...

which is why I came prepared!

-Is that hair dryer plugged
all the way into my room?

-Yep, thanks
to my extension cords!

Also, funny story
about these cords...

[hair dryer whirring loudly,
muffled chatter]

But, yeah,
that's why I settled on .


-Sorry I missed
the gift exchange.

But who won the scarf?

-You did.

-But I didn't get you guys
a gift.

-Yes, you did!

-You got us
the greatest gift of all...

the gift of not freezing
to death.

[soft music]

-"And then they rushed home
to avoid the frostbite.

Happy Friendiversary to all,
and to all a good night."