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02x08 - A Mouth Noise Christmas

Posted: 07/13/22 11:57
by bunniefuu
[festive music]

[♪ ♪]

Reindeer Lex, we earned
these milkshakes.

You're right,
Reindeer Presley.

Working at the mall
at Santa's Village

was my favorite KidDING ever.

Yeah, I don't know
what I liked more,

kids throwing up on me
or trying to feed me carrots.

And the VIP section is ready.

When did the Mooery
get a VIP section, Ty?

One of my customers
just became a billionaire.

And when someone's wealthy,

you have to treat them

- Wait, who's the billionaire?
- Him.

Well, if you can't make
my private plane

a convertible,
I don't want it!

- Stump, you're a billionaire?
- That's right.

I created
my own cryptocurrency

called Stumpcoin.

I'm not exactly sure how
it works, but now I'm loaded.

What can I get you,
Mr. Stump?

I'll take your most
expensive milkshake.

But that's not all.

I also want a holiday concert

played right here
at the Mooery.

And I want my favorite band,
Mouth Noise, to play.

I still have my tattoo.

It still says Mouth Nose.

Never correct a billionaire.

The thing is,
Mouth Noise hasn't played

since our last concert here.

Which was also
our only concert.

Well, I'm not gonna take no
for an answer.

And after you guys play,
I'll give a big donation

to that charity
that gives robots to kids.

Oh, Bots for Tots.

They do good work.

You know what?
Let's do this.

Yes! Mouth Noise is back!

[cheers and applause]

Come on, let's go find
Munchy, Fisher, and Jaget

and get the band back together.

- Where should we start?
- Well, Munchy's outside.

So it'd be weird to pass him
and not ask him first.

Let's go.

[upbeat music]


stop your mouth noise.

We're reuniting Mouth Noise!

Yes! Let's do this!

Let me just finish the arms
for my snowman.

If he comes to life,
I want to make sure we can high-five.


[♪ ♪]

Fisher, we're getting
Mouth Noise back together.

Sorry. I'm way too busy.

- [sighs]
- Aw!

Too busy joining the band

to finish this science project!

Let's rock and roll!

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

[♪ ♪]

So everybody's in except me.

- That's right.
- Sounds like you need me

to play the drums
or there's no band.

I'm in.

- Yes!
- Yes!

Mouth Noise is back.

Under these 42 conditions.

One, a crosswalk
in my dressing room.

Two, a hammerhead shark...

I'm gonna stop you
right there.

Yeah. We can just use
a drum machine.

It'll play
and won't have demands.

- Great. Let's go.
- Wait. I'm in.

If I can have this tree.

- No.
- This pillow?

- Still no.
- This pencil?

- Fine.
- That's what I thought.

- Yeah, Mouth Noise is back!
- Yeah!

[cheers and applause]

[♪ ♪]

♪ And that's how Alan
makes holiday cookies ♪

Tedward, thanks
for coming over.

Are you ready to pick names
for Secret Santa?

I am.
But where's everyone else?

You said we were having
a family Secret Santa.

I know! And we're bros!

I already picked,
but I'm not saying who I got.

I got you.

You're not supposed
to tell me!

Hey, Fisher. Whoa!
Holy moly.

Do you know
what's on your T-shirt?

Yeah, it's an old video game
based on an even older movie.

"E.P. The Excited Penguin."

When I was your age,
I wanted that game

more than anything.

Wrote a letter to Santa
every day,

ended up with socks.

Socks! Really, Santa?!

I was the exact same way.

About the game.

I love getting socks.

Yeah, that game
is kind of a legend now.

It was so bad, they only sold,
like, eight copies.

Yeah. I know.

But I never got the chance
to know how bad it was!

Yeah, the company ended up
trashing the rest of the games

just to get rid of them.

I wish there was a way

we could find out
where those games were trashed.

Yes, if only
there was a place

with all the information
on the planet

right in the palm of your hand.

[sighs] Can you imagine?

I think he's talking
about the Internet.

Is that right, son?

- Are you talking about the Internet?
- Yes.

He's talking
about the Internet.

All right,
this has been weird.

Gotta go to band practice.

You're never gonna
believe this.

Some of those games were buried
in the Altoonisburg Dump.

We live in Altoonisburg!

Should we go
try to find them?

Are you inviting me
on a treasure hunt?

I feel just like
the Excited Penguin!

Normally, I wouldn't do this,

but I'm sort of excited too!

So what song are you guys

gonna play
for the concert tonight?

Luckily, Munchy had a new
mouth noise stuck in his head.

Yeah. At first,
I thought it was a cavity,

but then it turned out
to be something beautiful.

And then, Presley and I
wrote lyrics.

And it goes
a little something like this.

One, two, three, four.

[festive rock music]

[♪ ♪]

Hey, what are you doing?
And why is the mayor here?

Please lower your voice.

Why are you whispering?
And who are you people?


Don't you shush us.

No, we're from
an organization called SHHH.


It stands for
Sensitive Hearing Hurts Here.

Sounds stupid!

We started this group
to fight back

against all the loud noise
in Altoonisburg.

They spent years pushing
legislation through city hall.

These SHHH people
are... persistent.

We've successfully removed
sirens from fire engines.

And now, we're fighting
against loud music.

Well, just because
you don't like loud music

doesn't mean you need
to take it away from everyone.

People making loud noises
isn't fair to us.

And we're the only ones
we really care about.

Now, if you'll excuse us,
there are some baby birds

in a nearby tree
chirping way too loudly.

Mayor Gildersleeve, isn't
there anything you can do?

I'm sorry.
It's the law.

If you play loud music,
the police will shut you down.

So your concert is canceled.
[all sigh]

Oh. And Happy holidays!

She is very lucky
I'm not old enough to vote.

♪ I got, you got me ♪

♪ We got this ♪

♪ I like the odds
when we're side-by-side ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ Oh, we're taking off,
gonna do this right ♪

♪ I like the sound of that ♪

♪ And when things go up
in flames, we're on it ♪

♪ 'Cause I got you,
got me, we got this ♪

These SHHH people
are ruining Christmas.

They banned caroling,
crinkly wrapping paper,

and even people saying "ooooh"

when they see
Christmas lights.

That's why we made the
basement as quiet as possible.

Yeah, we can have
our holiday concert here.

And those people
with sensitive ears

won't even know.

And then, we can play
our Christmas song

and Stump will give robots
to deserving children.

So what you're saying is
we kind of saved Christmas.

We're basically
holiday heroes.

Okay, let's do this.

One, two, three, four.


Well, well, well...

What are you doing here?
We didn't even make any noise.

And besides, we soundproofed
this whole room.

- Yeah.
- Oh, please.

We could hear you ripping
that duct tape a mile away.

So inconsiderate.

I understand
how hard it must be

to have sensitive ears, but
I think if you heard our song,

the joy it brings
to your heart

will outweigh the pain
it brings to your ears.

We're reasonable people,

so we'll have a listen
as long as you play quietly.

- All: Yes!
- Ahh.

We'll try that again.

All: Yes.

Well, Kevin, this is
our first Christmas together

since I adopted you.

Hey, there's something
I want you to know.

Everything the smell reaches
is our kingdom.

And one day,
this will all be yours.

- Hey, Briles.
- Hey.

We're looking for something

that was buried here
years ago.

Oh, you'll have
to be more specific.

It's a very popular dump.

See, we're not officially
part of any town.

So laws don't apply here,
and it means

we get a lot of weird people
dumping weird stuff.

So this isn't part
of Altoonisburg?

Nope. We are
an independent city-state.

Kinda like the Vatican.

Well, we're looking
for a video game

that was buried here.

It's based on the movie
"E.P. The Excited Penguin."

We read about it
on the Internet.

I know the game you seek.

I was just a young dump-man
when those were buried here.

I had hair like Aquaman,

muscles like Aquaman.

So you know
where it's buried?

Oh, follow me.

And the future king
of the dump.

Oh, hey.

You're gonna need these.

Ha, they're buried pretty deep.

Hey, let's waddle just like
the Excited Penguin.

That was a one-time thing.

Oh, who am I kidding?
It was fun.

Okay, let's play quietly

and show them
what we're all about.

- [whispering]
- We are Mouth Noise.

One, two, three, four.

[soft festive rock music]

both: ♪ Oh, you don't want
to miss this ♪

♪ Because all of our wishes
are comin' true ♪

It's too loud.

Both: ♪ And what I like
about Christmas ♪

- ♪ Is what I like about ♪
- Quieter.

Both: ♪ Oh, I hope
you are listenin' ♪

- Quieter.
- Okay.

If we play any quieter,
we won't be playing at all.

Do that.

This is ridiculous!

We're Mouth Noise,
not Mouth Whispers.

We're gonna play,
and we're gonna play loud.

One, two, three, four.

Both: ♪ Oh, you don't want
to miss this ♪

♪ Because all of our wishes
are comin' true ♪

- [radio feedback]
- It's go-time.

Both: ♪ And what I like
about Christmas ♪

♪ Is what I like about ♪

- What's going on?
- Sorry, kids.

You're breaking the law
by being too loud.

arrest those instruments.

- I'm sorry. What did you say?
- No, you can't take them.

- Arrest my instrument?
- My keytar!

How dare you?
It's Christmas.

I bought it
with my own money.

Look, kids,
I love Mouth Noise.

But it's out of my hands.

If you try playing
music again,

they're gonna take you
to kid jail.

That's like adult jail,
but with earlier bedtimes.

But if we don't play
the concert,

innocent tots
won't get their bots.

Yeah, and what are
the holidays without music?

You should have thought
about that

before you played your music
at a normal level.

Good day.

Guys, he said "good day."

But I don't think he meant it.

Presley, you got
to stop ripping the heads

off of cookies.

I'm just so upset,

and I've got to take
my anger out on something.

Unrelated, these
cookie heads are delicious.


What happened to you guys?

And what is that smell?!

That's the smell
of dreams comin' true.

And also rotting fruit.

You see, we went searching
for buried treasure.

And we found it!

Look, it's a video game.
"E.P. The Excited Penguin."


Who's been ripping the heads
off my cookie people?

It was definitely Fisher.

Why do you guys
look so mopey?

It's because of SHHH.

Don't you shush me.

No, SHHH stands for
Sensitive Hearing Hurts Here.

I know them.

They came by the school
and took away my bullhorn.

It's the best part
about being principal.

Well, they made a law
that we can't play loud music

anywhere in Altoonisburg.

- So our concert is off.
- Wait a second.

What if there was a place that
wasn't a part of Altoonisburg

or any other town?

[gasps] Are you talking
about the Internet?

No, don't you remember?

The dump isn't a part
of any town,

so laws don't apply there.

That's what the guy
with the Santa rat said!

So we could play
at the dump

and we won't get in trouble.

And we can play
as loud as we want.

We can hold our concert

and there's nothing the
SHHH people can do about it.

It'll be perfect.

This place is a dump.

Are you sure we can
throw our concert here?

It's so... dumpy.

Well, what did you expect?
It's called "the dump."

And don't you remember?
We've been here before.

You were almost
crushed to death.

Sometimes I just remember
the good parts of things.

Oh, hey, Munch-man!

Hey, Munch-man's friends.

Hey, Briles!
Hey, Kevin!

Look at his little sleigh!

He's living his best rat life
here at the dump.

- Lex, focus!
- Right.

Hey, Briles,
do you think

we could throw a holiday
concert here tonight?

You want to have a party,
in my dump?

I'd be honored!

Oh, wait.
How can we play a concert?

Our instruments were taken.

Well, there's lots
of instruments at the dump.

People get frustrated learning
how to play and throw them out.

That's how
I got my harpsichord.

And we could decorate
this place to make it festive.

You're right.
Let's find

some trash instruments
and throw a concert.

I'll go online
and start posting

to help spread the word.

Everyone's gonna be so excited!

Oh! You hear that, Kevin?

This year,
Christmas is coming to us.

God bless us, everyone.


I can't believe
we're finally getting to play

"E.P. The Excited Penguin."

- This game is so...
- I know.

- I mean, it's really...
- I know!

It's the worst game
I've ever played.

I know!

It's horrible.

That looks nothing
like a penguin.

No wonder
they threw it in the dump.

I'm really having
a good time, though.

Me too.

Thanks for my shirt,
Secret Santa.

Thanks for my shirt,
Secret Santa.

- Merry Christmas.
- Merry Christmas.

Oh, no!

- [cackles]
- Come on!

Great job getting this place
ready for the concert.

Yeah. And speaking
of concert...

Where is everyone?!
It's supposed to start now!

I don't know.
I told people.

And Ty said he was gonna help
spread the word.

Then why is no one here?

You have us
to thank for that.

We told everyone
it's canceled.

All: What? -
He says we should thank him.

But I don't think he means it.

And if you insist
on playing music,

you're going to kid jail.

Not so fast!

As you can see on this map,

this dump is not part
of the city of Altoonisburg.

You have no authority here.

This is my domain.

And my rat son, Kevin.

[Kevin squeaking]

This map checks out.

Beat it, SHHH people!


Wait, I have an idea.

Why don't you stay
and enjoy the concert?

You know
we have sensitive ears.

Everyone, including those
with sensitive ears,

deserves music
for the holidays.

So I invented an accessory
that not only keeps you warm,

it also muffles sound.

Aren't those just earmuffs?

Zip it.
We need the audience.

- How does it feel?
- What? I can barely hear you.

I can barely hear you!

It's perfect!
Am I shouting?!

It feels like I'm shouting,
but it doesn't hurt my ears!

Well, we might as well play,

even if it is for a couple of
people we don't like and a rat.

It's still the holidays,
and we're still Mouth Noise.

[distant chanting]
all: Mouth Noise! Mouth Noise!

Mouth Noise! Mouth Noise!

Mouth Noise! Mouth Noise!
Mouth Noise!

Hey, what's that sound?

It's a Christmas miracle.

All: Mouth Noise!
Mouth Noise!

Mouth Noise! Mouth Noise!
Mouth Noise! Mouth Noise!

Hey, guys. When we heard
they were gonna shut you down,

we all met at the Mooery.

I bought a bus
to take us here.

It's a convertible.

We're not gonna
let those SHHH people

cancel your concert!

Oh, actually, they're okay
with us playing now.

Good, 'cause I'm afraid
of confrontation.

Let's blow the roof
off this dump!


- There is no roof.
- We're outside.

Then we'll blow the roof
off the sky.

We are Mouth Noise!

[cheers and applause]

Oh, oh, I almost forgot.

[wondrous music]

all: Ooh.

Wow, it's
a winter dumpterland.

One, two, three, four!

[rock music]

♪ I like the sound of sleigh
bells ringing in my ear ♪

♪ And presents wrapped
under a tree ♪

♪ I hope you left one
just for me ♪

♪ When there are storms ♪

♪ I know the fire
will keep me warm ♪

♪ With Christmas lights
for all to see ♪

♪ And carols sung in harmony ♪

♪ 'Cause everyone's
in love ♪

♪ This time of year,
it's what we do ♪

♪ Snow fallin' from above ♪

both: ♪ 'Cause Christmas
isn't Christmas without ♪

♪ Oh, you don't want
to miss this ♪

♪ Because all of our wishes
are comin' true ♪

♪ And what I like
about Christmas ♪

♪ Is what I like about ♪

♪ Oh, I hope
you are listenin' ♪

♪ I wanna tell you
I love you ♪

♪ And what I like
about Christmas ♪

♪ Is what I like about ♪

♪ You, you, you ♪

♪ You ♪

♪ And what I like
about Christmas ♪

♪ Is what I like about you ♪

[cheers and applause]

I can't believe it's snowing.

I got some on my tongue.

It's actually just ash
from the garbage incinerator.

Still magical.

Merry Christmas!

[cheers and applause]

[upbeat music]

[♪ ♪]