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01x05 - Modernish Stone Age Family

Posted: 07/13/22 09:16
by bunniefuu
♪ Everybody sing ♪

♪ Hey, will you dance with me? ♪

♪ Or will you come and play with me? ♪

♪ And now it's time to stop ♪

Hello, new world!

Boz, I guess again
we hit something.

polar bear heart
Can do massage.

Sorry about that, little man.

Brothers, look!

This place is great!

Seems like
our heroes themselves

of modern civilization
He finds himself in a world he hasn't touched.

Let's hope they don't go extinct.

Wow! Dynamite!

Dinosaurs are cool but

from undeveloped real estate
nothing else.

We don't need to live in a house.

caveman on tv
We can live like family.

You know, catchy
the theme song.

♪ Living in the Jurassic period ♪

♪ A fossil family child
you know that ♪

Of course!

"Fossil Friends"!

I'm back!

I brought pizza, too.

But darling,

pizza million

year will not be invented.

Rex! Bad dinosaur, bad!

My friend!

It is buffering.

The fossil family has it all.

a house, food

and he has most of his teeth.

And probably better
They have Wi-Fi.

everything on tv
Much better than real life.

polar bear, real life
prefers, not the fictitious one.

box us here
for some reason

He must have beamed, right, Box?

The box reads, "Sort and scaly
watch out for animals.

A family to survive
It should stay together,” he says.

Fantastic! Stay together.

- Stay together.
- Boz, wait!

We should put a leash on that kid.

polar bear it
he would gladly do.


Stay together.
Stay together, stay together.

Stay together.
Stay together, stay together.

Where are we?

I guess it's kind of
We are in the rock hole.

Do you mean cave?

I mean this.

A saber-toothed tiger!

Is it a rug?

{\an }My cave is my beautiful cave

Hah, here's to me
reminds of something.

"Fossil Friends"!

Now, this is well-oiled
a family machine.

The polar bear has never been like this before
had never seen a perfect fit.

It's everything I've dreamed of and...

Panda, what did you do?!

Nothing! I just looked!

Well, don't look!

Mom, there are thieves here.

Don't slice us, please!

We're not thieves, baby!

We are law-abiding,
We are lovely citizens.

The polar bear will fight all of you.

That cute fluffy
Look at the lizards.

We are not lizards.

We are warm blooded. I'm Boz.

This is Panda and this is
our little brother.

They call me Flower. because
I smell better than others.

This is my husband Grock.

And the twins, Ugg and Bugg.

We're both evil twins.

This is my mother, Gramby Thorny.

He loved you.

And this little nightmare is Booky.

Hello Booky.

What a cute baby.

But me baby.

To your rock hole like this
I'm sorry we dived in.

To be honest,
We were looking for a house to ourselves.

Yeah I wish it was that perfect

If only we could find a family.

You are the sweetest lost little one
Aren't you a lizzipooler?

family meeting.

Always to feed our family
could use more mouths.

What are you saying? With us
Do you want to live?

Are you really serious?

Finally, in a family drama

my dream to live has come true!

Ha? the TV?

- What is that, some kind of rock?
- What is television?

It's just so far
It's like the greatest invention ever invented.

All kinds of awesome
where you can watch the story

a machine,

"Time Travel
Like "My Stepmother"

or "Horses of Windsor Palace."

I love those horses.

TV sounds amazing.

Can we get one?
Come on, can we have it, please?

what do you think, sweet
my pebble pie bunny?

Hmm, I don't know...

Sounds like a lot of rocks.

Hmm, Gramby is right.

Let's break the piggy bank open!


I can show from my phone.

It is still buffering.

kids a router
or something similar?

I have a brilliant idea!

Let's make a TV .

to live with your family
thanks for letting

with advanced technology
We'll blow your mind.

Ayy you are so sweet

all cute, little,
with your fake words.

All right, everybody relax.

Let's get the show started, folks.

Request! own home
your entertainment system,

buy rocks
the best you can get

complete with surround sound.

Complete with surround sound.

And a cutting-edge
biometric remote control.

Big news, folks.

Finally out of the driving school
I graduate.


laugh it's funny
It means.

Gray! To diving school

You had to go.

Now, the lost city of Atlantis

How will we find it?

Polar grandma for life
He says he is punished.

Five bajillion dollars, on my mind

guess the last number
can you

. What is the / of ?


"In the previous parts of the Judgment...

peeling your husband's banana

the person was you!

Set it up next time,


I can't take my eyes off.

It's like it's pulling me in.


watch... must continue.

They love our TV.

how much do you think
Will they continue to watch?


I have to watch more...

I have to watch my detective show.

banana peeler
They're about to take off the mask.

Grock how to sauce
must see what you did!

It's my turn to choose!

Let me watch the puppet
or I'll scream!

Ok, so the recipe...

Television tore this family apart!

Don't dare to blame this on TV.

The polar bear sees the runaway baby.

Ayy, look, he's waving at us!

pterry's babies
good food tonight!

Flower, Grock, stop fighting!
We have to save Booky!

Useless! They won't listen!

It's up to us to save Booky!

Come on, brothers! He's insane
after the curious bird!

Open wide, my babies,

You're getting a lot of protein today.

Daddy got you some salami!

Hey, you big,
Bird-brained baby kidnapper!

Hey, who are you guys?

Drop Booky!

Well done bro!

Stop, stop, stop.

you come to my house,
You're breaking my curtains

are you making my babies cry?

Quick Panda, pterodactyls
Look what your weakness is!

I can't do it! My phone is still
it's buffering!

Pterodactyl's weakness
is extinction.

Fantastic! Of these
where can we get one?


Playing dirty!

Nice polka dots, dude!


"Fossil Friends"?

Eyy, this is my best
my favorite TV show!


Why is this another
should i wear the panties?

Come here, my babies.

Rex! Bad dinosaur, bad!

You little lizards
You were very brave.

If it wasn't you,

my Booky-poo would be bird food!


Gamby Thorny said!

You feather balls
you are part of the family.

Thanks, but first of all

Booky's abduction
it was our fault.

your family with our television
if we didn't break

none of this would happen.

Technological methods of the polar bear
too advanced for this world.

to pay you back
Is there anything we can do?

That meat eater my phone
to get it back from the dinosaurs

a little help
I may need.

What are you talking about, Panda?

Bears in prehistoric times
I thought you were

but i guess this
It could be New Jersey.

I actually grew up
pretty close to the ground.

where will they go next
I can't wait to see it.

And this time I'm really serious.