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05x06 - The Vampires of Venice

Posted: 05/10/10 08:19
by bunniefuu

Venice 1580. An elegant woman of the nobility sits on her throne like a queen. A young man, also dressed as a noble, stands behind her. A man, GUIDO, and young woman, ISABELLA, are brought in front of her for an audience. The man bows as the woman curtseys.

GUIDO: Signora, your school offers a chance for betterment, escape. My daughter... (nervously removes cap)

Isabella is 17 now, but what prospects are there for the daughter of a boat-builder? There's no future for us. No future but you.

SIGNORA: I am moved by your concern for your daughter. I believe protecting the future of one's own is a sacred duty.

GUIDO: Signora... (takes Isabella's hand) she is my world.

SIGNORA: Then we will take your world.

ISABELLA and GUIDO laugh in relief as they hug each other.

GUIDO: I knew it!

SIGNORA: (stands) Say goodbye to your daughter.

GUIDO: Now, signora?

SIGNORA: Why wait? Time ticks.

SIGNORA nods to the man who escorted them in and he goes to lead GUIDO away

GUIDO: Be brave, my girl. (kisses her hand) Make me proud. (is escorted away)

SIGNORA: Step into the light, my dear. That's it.

ISABELLA walks forward and looks to GUIDO as the door slams behind him. The SIGNORA and the younger man begin to circle ISABELLA.

SIGNORA: What say you, Francesco? Do you like her?

FRANCESCO: Oh, I do, Mother. I do. (opens his mouth to show a row of fangs)

ISABELLA screams


It's RORY'S stag night and he's trying to talk to AMY above the din

RORY: Hey...! It's me! Hello! How are you?


RORY'S call has gone straight to answer-phone.

RORY: The reason for this call is because I haven't told you for seven hours that I love you, which is a scandal, and even if we weren't getting married tomorrow, I'd ask you to marry me anyway.


RORY: Yes, I would, because you are smashing.

Behind RORY, a large cake is being wheeled in and "The Stripper" begins playing. His mates poke him and he turns, still on the phone.

RORY: Oh... Oh. Oh, blimey. I've... I've... I-I-I... I'll see you tomorrow.

ALL: Out! Out! Out!

The DOCTOR pops his head through the top of the cake. The chanting stops but the music continues. RORY shakes his head in disbelief and the DOCTOR looks about bemused.

DOCTOR: (stands and turns) Rory! That's a relief. I thought I'd burst out of the wrong cake. Again. That reminds me, there's a girl outside in a bikini. Could someone let her in, give her a jumper? Lucy. Lovely girl. Now, then. Rory. We need to talk about your fiancee. She tried to kiss me. (everyone gasps) Tell you what, though. You're a lucky man - she's a great kisser. (someone drops his glass and they all stare at the DOCTOR) Funny how you can say something in your head and it SOUNDS fine...

Matt Smith
Karen Gillan

"The Vampires of Venice"
by Toby Whithouse

Tracie Simpson

Jonny Campbell


The DOCTOR is in a harness seat in the space underneath the TARDIS console doing some welding work. AMY is pacing nervously above.

DOCTOR: Oh! The life out there, it dazzles. I mean, it blinds you to the things that are important. I've seen it devour relationships and plans... (RORY looks down nervously and the TARDIS experiences a small expl*si*n) Ohhh! It's meant to do that. (resumes) ..because for one person to have seen all that, to taste the glory and then go back, it WILL tear you apart. So...I'm sending you somewhere. Together.

AMY: Whoa! What, like a date?

DOCTOR: Anywhere you want, any time you want. (walks up the steps to join them at the console) One condition - it has to be amazing. The Moulin Rouge in 1890! The first Olympic Games! Think of it as a wedding present, because, frankly, it's either this or tokens. (takes in RORY'S stunned expression) It's a lot to take in, isn't it? (heads up a set of stairs) Tiny box, huge room inside. What's that about? Let me explain.

RORY: It's another dimension.

DOCTOR: (heads back down stairs) It's basically another dimen... What?

RORY: After Prisoner Zero, I've been reading up on all the latest scientific theories; FTL travel, parallel universes.

DOCTOR: I like the bit when someone says, "It's bigger on the inside!" I always look forward to that.

AMY: So, this date. I'm kind of done with running down corridors. What do you think, Rory?

DOCTOR: How about somewhere... romantic? (sets the TARDIS in motion)


The TARDIS materizlises in the middle of a busy market and no one takes any notice. The DOCTOR is the first to exit.

DOCTOR: (opens arms) Venice! Venezia! La Serenissima! Impossible city. Preposterous city! (RORY and AMY looks about in amazement) Founded by refugees running from Attila the Hun. It was just a collection of little wooden huts in the marsh, but became one of the most powerful cities in the world. Constantly being invaded, constantly flooding... constantly... Just beautiful! Oh, you gotta love Venice. And so many people did. Byron, Napoleon, Casanova. Oooh, that reminds me. (checks watch) 1580. That's all right. Casanova doesn't get born for 145 years. Don't want to run into him. I owe him a chicken.

RORY: You owe Casanova a chicken?

DOCTOR: Long story. We had a bet.

An official dressed in black steps out in front of the DOCTOR.

OFFICIAL:: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Papers, if you please. Proof of residency, current bill of medical inspection.

DOCTOR: (holds up psychic paper) There you go, fella. (OFFICIAL takes the paper) All to your satisfaction, I think you'll find.

OFFICIAL:: (bows deeply) I am so sorry, Your Holiness. I didn't realise.

DOCTOR: (takes back paper) No worries. You were just doing your job. Sorry, what exactly is your job?

OFFICIAL:: Checking for aliens, visitors from foreign lands what might bring the plague with them.

AMY: Oh, that's nice See where you bring me? (slaps the DOCTOR'S arm) The plague!

OFFICIAL:: Don't worry, Viscountess. (bows as AMY sighs) No, we're under quarantine here, no-one comes in, no-one goes out, and all because of the grace and wisdom of our patron, Signora Rosanna Calvierri. (points to crest on the box he's carrying)

DOCTOR: How interesting. I heard the plague d*ed out years ago.

OFFICIAL:: Not out there. No, Signora Calvierri has seen it with her own eyes. Streets are piled high with bodies, she said.

DOCTOR: Did she, now?

RORY reaches for the psychic paper as the official goes off to question someone else. The DOCTOR and AMY continue on.

RORY: According to this, I am your eunuch!

AMY: Oh, yeah, I'll explain later.


The young women are in two lines, all wearing white gowns of varying designs. An older woman, most likely a teacher, walks to the head of the procession.

WOMAN:: Veils down, girls.

The girls lower their veils. It must be a daily ritual because people in the street stop what they are doing to watch. The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY get a spot across the canal and watch. GUIDO runs up to the procession.

WOMAN:: What do you want?

GUIDO: (begins to lift the girls' veils) Where's my Isabella?

WOMAN:: What are you doing? Get away from there.

GUIDO: (keeps searching) Isabella! Isabella! (finds her but she backs away) It's me!

One of the other girls comes forward and hisses at him, her mouth, two rows of fangs. GUIDO falls to the ground.

WOMAN:: Girls, come along!

The girls continue their procession. A booted foot lands on GUIDO'S chest, keeping him down.

FRANCESCO: She's gone. (leaves with a swirl of cloak)

GUIDO: Isabella! It's me! (two guards lift him from the ground)

AMY: What was that about?

The DOCTOR leaves.

GUIDO: Isabella...

AMY: I hate it when he does that!


GUIDO walks along the passageway. The DOCTOR crosses behind him and leaps onto the bottom step of a stairway.

DOCTOR: Who were those girls?

GUIDO: (stops and looks at DOCTOR) I thought everyone knew about the Calvierri school.

DOCTOR: My first day here. (steps down) Parents do all sorts of things to get their children into good schools. They move house, they change religion. (Whispers) So, why are you trying to get her out?

GUIDO: Something happens in there. Something magical, something evil. My own daughter didn't recognise me. And the girl who pushed me away, her face... like an animal.

DOCTOR: (puts arm around GUIDO'S shoulder) I think it's time I met this Signora Calvierri.


The SIGNORA is kneeling in the center of a courtyard, drinking from a chalice poured by her servant. We hear a door close in the distance.


SIGNORA: (chalice is refilled by servant) Mummy's hydrating, Francesco.

FRANCESCO: (comes down the stairs) And we never interrupt Mummy when she's hydrating. We were accosted again.

(SIGNORA leans back against the well and FRANCESO lies down, head on her lap)
A man made a grab for one of the girls. The longer we wait, the greater the risk of discovery. I mean, we've already converted more than enough. Surely it is time to introduce them to my brothers?

SIGNORA: I shall decide when we have enough. (she strokes his head)

FRANCESCO: If it's more you want, let me take the girls into the city tonight. We could…

SIGNORA: We follow the plan. Let them hammer on our door... beg to be taken.

A bell tolls and FRANCESCO stands abruptly. The SERVANT helps the SIGNORA stand. With a look at FRANCESCO, the SIGNORA and the SERVANT leave.


AMY and RORY are walking through a narrow passage.

RORY: And what have you been doing?

AMY: Well... running. And fighting. I've been scared. More scared than I thought was...

RORY: Did you miss me?

AMY: I... I knew I'd be coming back.

RORY: He was right. It blots out everything else.

AMY: Rory... this is our date. Let's not do this, not now.

There is a fluttering of wings overhead and RORY looks up.

RORY: Ha! We are in Venice and it's 1580!

AMY: (laughs) I know!

They both laugh as they walk off, arm-in-arm. They pass a stairway where Francesco is lounging at the top, unnoticed. A young flower-seller walks by and sees him.

FLOWER SELLER: (holds out small posey) Flowers, signor?

FRANCESCO shakes his head and she moves on. He goes down the steps and walks under the archway where the FLOWER SELLER is resting. She holds out a bunch of flowers again. He takes it in his gloved hand.


AMY poses in front of a doorway and RORY kneels to take her photo with his phone. There is a piercing scream. AMY runs towards the sound.

RORY: What was that?

RORY runs after AMY and they arrive in the passage to see FRANCESCO over the girl. He lifts his head and we see blood on the girl's neck. We then see FRANCESCO'S face and his mouth is open, showing fangs. He walks past them with a hiss, holding his cape in front of his face. RORY goes to the girl.

RORY: She'll be OK. Where are you... Amy! Come back!

AMY runs off after FRANCESCO. Her chase comes to an abrupt end at one of the canals. We then see AMY as if someone is watching her from underwater.


GUIDO approaches the guards of the school.

GUIDO: You have my daughter. Isabella!

GUARD: You're not coming in, stop there! We've told you...

While GUIDO has the guards distracted, the DOCTOR sneaks along the side.

GUIDO: You have my daughter. Isabella! I demand you let me see my daughter.

The DOCTOR uses the sonic screwdriver on the canal gate.

GUIDO: Isabella! It's me! It's your father.

GUARD: I'll arrest you...

GUIDO: Isabella!

After the DOCTOR has made it inside, the GUIDO leaves.


The DOCTOR makes his way down some stone steps and into a chamber. On one wall, he spies a mirror.

DOCTOR: Hello, handsome. (straightens tie and checks teeth)

We see the DOCTOR from the mirror's POV and a group of girls dressed in white are standing behind him

GIRLS: Who are you?

The DOCTOR turns to face them then quickly looks back mirror. They are not visible. He keeps looking back and forth.

DOCTOR: How are you doing that? I... am... loving it. You're like Houdini, only five scary girls, only he was shorter. WILL BE shorter. I'm rambling.

GIRLS: I'll ask you again, signor. Who are you?

DOCTOR: Why don't you check THIS out? (holds out wallet that shows an ID with a photo pf his first incarnation)

Library card. (puts it away) Of course, it's with... He's... I need the spare. Pale, creepy girls who don't like sunlight and can't be seen in... (looks into the mirror) Am I thinking what I think I'm thinking? But the city. Why shut down the city? Unless...

GIRLS: Leave now, signor, or we shall call for the steward... if you are lucky.


The GIRLS hiss and bare their fangs as they advance on the DOCTOR. He runs to the doorway.

DOCTOR: Tell me the whole plan. *That one may not work.* Listen, I would love to stay here. This whole thing... I'm thrilled. Oh, this is Christmas! (runs up the stairs as the girls hiss after him)


The DOCTOR and AMY meet up across the canal from the school.

AMY: Doctor!

DOCTOR: I just met some vampires!

AMY: We just saw a vampire!

They both talk at once, voices overlapping.

DOCTOR: And creepy girls and everything.

AMY: Vampires!

They jump up and down together excitedly as RORY joins them.

RORY: We think we just saw a vampire.

DOCTOR: Yeah, yeah, I know. Amy was just telling me.

AMY: Yeah! The Doctor actually went to their house.

RORY: Oh. Right. Well...

DOCTOR: OK, so... (slaps his hands on RORY'S cheeks) first we need to get back in there somehow.

RORY: What?!

AMY: How do we do that?

RORY: Back in where?!

DOCTOR: Come and meet my new friend.


GUIDO has brought out a map of Venice. The DOCTOR and AMY are at the table looking it over with him as RORY sits back among some barrels.

GUIDO: As you saw, there's no clear way in. The House of Calvierri is like a fortress. But there's a tunnel underneath it, with a ladder and shaft that leads up into the house. I tried to get in once myself, but I hit a trapdoor.

AMY: You need someone on the inside.


AMY: You don't even know what I was going to say!

DOCTOR: We pretend you're an applicant for the school to get you inside and tonight you come down and open the trapdoor to let us in.

AMY: Oh. So you know what I was going to say!

RORY: Are you insane?

AMY: We don't have another option.

RORY: He said no, Amy. Listen to him.

GUIDO: There is another option. (points in RORY'S direction) I work at the Arsenale. We build the warships for the navy.

DOCTOR: (sniffs the barrels) Gunpowder.(puts hand on RORY'S shoulder) Most people just nick stationery from where they work.

RORY slides slowly off the barrel and backs away into a dead rabbit hanging by the fireplace.

DOCTOR: Look, I have a thing about g*ns and huge quantities of expl*sive.

GUIDO: What do you suggest, then? We wait until they turn her into an animal? (turns away and pokes fire)

AMY: I'll be there three, four hours tops.

DOCTOR: (gives a small smile at her persistence) No, no, no, no, no, no. It can't keep happening like this. This is how they go. (sits on the bed, head in hands. He then takes a breath and sits back) But I have to know. We go together. Say you're my daughter.

RORY: What?! Don't listen to him!

AMY: Your daughter? You look about nine.

DOCTOR: Brother, then.

AMY: Too weird. Fiancé.

RORY: I'm not having him run around telling people he's your fiancé.

AMY: No. No, you're right.

RORY: Thank you.

AMY: I mean, they've already seen the Doctor. You should do it.


AMY: Yeah! You can be my brother. (rubs his head playfully)

Over on the bed, the DOCTOR smiles at their interaction.

RORY: Why is him being your brother weird, but with me, it's OK?

Actually, I thought you WERE her fiancé.

DOCTOR: Yeah, that's not helping.

RORY: This whole thing is mental! They're VAMPIRES, for God's sake.

DOCTOR: We hope.

AMY: So if they're not vampires...?

DOCTOR: Makes you wonder what could be so bad it doesn't actually mind us thinking it's a vampire?


AMY and RORY stand as petitioners in from of Signora Calvierri. RORY is wearing GUIDO'S clothes and AMY is wearing a simple skirt and blouse that once belonged to ISABELLA.

RORY: So, basically, both of our parents are dead from getting the plague. I'm a gondola... driver... so... money's a bit tight... so having my sister go to your school for special people would be brilliant. Cheers.

FRANCESCO shows an interest in AMY and stands in front of her.

FRANCESCO: Have we met?

RORY: I've just got one of those faces.

FRANCESCO: I wasn't talking to you.

RORY: She's got the same face... which is because she's my sister!

SIGNORA: (turns to servant) Carlo, explain yourself. Why have you brought me this imbecile?

CARLO: Signora, they have references from the King of Sweden.

SIGNORA: What?! Let me see. (holds out her hand and RORY walks to throne and hands her the psychic paper) Well, now I can see what got my steward so excited. (hands it back to RORY) What say you, Francesco? Do you like her?

FRANCESCO: (circling AMY) Oh, I do, Mother. I do.

SIGNORA: Then we would be delighted to accept her. Say goodbye to your sister.

RORY and AMY grip each other's hands just before CARLO leads a stuttering RORY away.

AMY: Tell Uncle... Doctor...I'll see you both pretty soon, OK? (at the doorway RORY nods) I'll be fine.

Behind AMY, FRANCESCO bares his teeth and RORY sees as the door closes.

RORY: A- Amy!


CARLO is leading AMY through the school. The girls watch as CARLO leads her upstairs. He takes her to a room she shares with some other girls.

CARLO: There are clothes on the bed. Get changed and wait here.

AMY: (looks about opulent, domed room) Blimey. This is private education, then?

All the other girls leave but one. AMY looks at her.

AMY: Hey. Hello. I'm Amy. What's your name?

ISABELLA: Isabella.

AMY: Listen, we're going to get you out of here, but I need you to tell me what's going on. What is this place? What are they doing?

ISABELLA: They, um... they come at night. They gather around my bed and they take me to a room... with this green light and a chair with... with straps, as if for a surgeon.

AMY: What happens in there?

ISABELLA: I wake up here. And the sunlight burns my skin like candle wax.

A bell tolls and AMY looks around warily.


The DOCTOR and RORY sit back in a gondola as GUIDO, dressed in RORY'S clothes guides them along the canal.

DOCTOR: She'll be fine.

RORY: You can promise me that, can you?


Dressed in a white gown and carrying a lamp, AMY makes her way downstairs to try and find the room ISABELLA mentioned. She hears moans and cries and follows them. As she passes through one of the chambers, she doesn't notice the skeletal hand sticking out from a wooden chest.


The gondola has arrived at its destination.

GUIDO: We're here.

Carrying a lit torch, the DOCTOR opens the creaking gate and RORY follows. GUIDO stays with the gondola.


DOCTOR: Right. OK, I'll go first. If anything happens to me, go back...

RORY: What happened? Between you and Amy? You said she kissed you.

The DOCTOR stops as they are just outside a wooden door.

DOCTOR: NOW?! You want to do this NOW?! (goes up wooden steps towards door)

RORY: I have a right to know. (follows) I'm getting married in 430 years.


AMY goes to the well in the center of the courtyard, sets down the lamp, and releases the bar locking the grate. Done, she picks up the lamp to head back inside and nearly walks into CARLO. She shrieks and drops the lamp.


The DOCTOR and RORY are continuing through a narrow passage, the only light coming from the DOCTOR'S torch

DOCTOR: She was frightened, I was frightened, but we survived, and the relief of it... and so she kissed me.

RORY: And you kissed her back?

DOCTOR: No. I kissed her mouth.

RORY: Funny

DOCTOR: Rory... (stops) Rory, she kissed me because I was there. It would have been you, (taps him on the chest) it SHOULD have been you.

RORY: Yeah.

DOCTOR: Exactly. That's why I brought you here.

A strong gust of wind blows out the torch leaving them in the dark.

DOCTOR: (whispers)Can we go and see the vampires now, please?


AMY gasps as CARLO forces her down the stairs.

CARLO: Control yourself, child!

The SIGNORA, FRANCESCO and some of the girls are waiting in the chamber.

AMY: Get your hands off me.

SIGNORA: Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work on me?

There is a hum of power as the chamber is bathed in a green light. AMY looks about her nervously.


The DOCTOR pushes the grate open and climbs out, using RORY as a ladder.

DOCTOR: Push... (gets out and then reaches in to pull RORY out) Come on. There we are. (whispers) Amy! Where's Amy? I can't see a thing.

RORY: Just as well I brought this, then. (pulls out a small pencil torch)

DOCTOR: (pulls out a long large torch from under his jacket) Ultraviolet. Portable sunlight.

RORY: Yours is bigger than mine.

DOCTOR: Let's not go there.


The SIGNORA circles AMY as CARLO holds her.

SIGNORA: Where are you from? Did you fall through the chasm?

FRANCESCO: Mother this is pointless. Let's just start the process.

SIGNORA: Hold your tongue, Francesco! I need to know what this girl is doing in a world of savages with psychic paper. (two of the girls bring forward a wooden chair with wrist straps) Who are you with? I scarcely believe your idiot brother sent you. (FRANCESCO sets a hook into an eye socket above the chair) What are you doing in MY school? (one of the girls attaches an IV bag to the hook)

AMY: OK, I'll tell you. I'm from Ofsted.

SIGNORA: (laughs) Put her in the chair.

CARLO pushes her into the chair and the girls fasten the straps as she struggles. FRANCESCO holds her head from behind.

AMY: No! Get your hands off me!

SIGNORA: Oh, make sport of me, will you? Tease me as if I were your dog? Well, this dog has a bite, girl. (turns to show her fangs)

AMY: Doctor!

The SIGNORA leans in and bites her neck.


RORY: If we cancel now, we lose the deposit on the village hall, the salsa band...(sighs)

The DOCTOR opens a chest on the ground to reveal skeletal remains.

RORY: What happened to them?

DOCTOR: They've had all the moisture taken out of them.


The SIGNORA pulls away from AMY and stands, licking her lips. The girls leave. AMY'S eyes are glazed, the trauma having been too much for her. FRANCESCO leans down and runs a finger along her neck by the puncture wounds

FRANCESCO: Mother... where you drink from her, may we share? I'm so thirsty.

SIGNORA: Of course, darling.


RORY: That's what vampires do, right? They drink your blood and replace it with their own.

DOCTOR: Yeah, except they haven't just had their blood taken, but all the water in their bodies.

RORY: Why did they die? Why aren't they like the girls in the school?

DOCTOR: Maybe not everyone survives the process.

RORY walks away in frustration then stops and points at the DOCTOR.

RORY: You know what's dangerous about you? It's not that you make people take risks. It's that you make them want to impress you. You make it so they don't want to let you down. You have no idea how dangerous you make people to themselves when you're around.

GIRLS: (in unison) Who are you?

The girls appear, each from her own archway. The DOCTOR holds the ultraviolet light up to them as they get closer.

DOCTOR: We should run. Run!

The DOCTOR and RORY run from the courtyard followed by the girls.

SIGNORA: This is how it works. First, we drink you until you're dry. Then... we fill you with our blood. It rages through you like a fire, changing you, until one morning you awake and your humanity is a dream... now faded.

FRANCESCO: Or you die. (chuckles as he moves a strand of hair away from her neck) That can happen.

AMY: And if I survive?

SIGNORA: Then there are 10,000 husbands waiting for you in the water.

AMY: Yeah, sorry. I'm kind of engaged. (kicks SIGNORA and FRANCESCO restrains her)

The SIGNORA is stunned. There is a slight electric hum of technology. The SIGNORA flips back part of her clothing to reveal a device clipped to her dress. Her image flickers to show an insectoid creature with a fish head. Her human image returns. They hear running footsteps and voices from above and run upstairs leaving AMY alone. She struggles to escape the chair.


The DOCTOR and RORY run along to corridor and stop when they encounter the SIGNORA, FRANCESCO and CARLO.

DOCTOR: Cab for Amy Pond?


A hand reaches out to undo her straps and AMY gasps in surprise before seeing that it is ISABELLA.

AMY: She bit me!


The girls approach from the other end of the corridor, blocking their escape.

SIGNORA: This rescue plan, not exactly watertight, is it?

DOCTOR: (brandishes the light to hold back the girls) Ha-ha!

AMY, followed by ISABELLA, runs into the corridor from an intersecting hall.

AMY: Rory!

RORY: Amy!

ISABELLA: Quickly, through here!

ISABELLA runs back the way they came followed by AMY, RORY and the DOCTOR. The girls follow.

SIGNORA: Seal the house.


AMY: They're not vampires!

DOCTOR: (uses sonic on the door) What?!

AMY: I saw them, I saw her. They're not vampires. They're aliens!

DOCTOR: (chuckles) Classic!

RORY: That's GOOD news?! What is wrong with you people?!

The DOCTOR hears the aliens as they begin to break through the door and urges RORY forward into a passage.


DOCTOR: Come on, move!

FRANCESCO leads the way with a torch. The DOCTOR once again brandishes the ultraviolet light as a w*apon, causing FRANCESCO to hesitate.

DOCTOR: Keep moving! Come on, guys.

FRANCESCO sends the girls forward.


ISABELLA opens the doorway and ushers the others forward down the stairs to the canal where GUIDO is waiting.

ISABELLA: Quickly. Get out. Quick! (stops in the sunlight and puts up her hands to block her eyes.)

DOCTOR: Oh... (runs to help ISABELLA) Come on, run!

ISABELLA: I can't! (is dragged back inside)

The DOCTOR pounds on the door and spasms once the door is electrified. He falls to the ground. RORY and AMY run to check on him.

AMY: Is he dead?

RORY: No, he's breathing.

AMY looks back at GUIDO who looks down at the ground, knowing he will never sees his daughter again.


ISABELLA stands in front of the SIGNORA, FRANCESCO, and the girls. She is on a plank that extends over the water.

CARLO: (reads proclamation) And so in memory of the children lost to the silence, the traitor is delivered to the arms of those she betrayed. (nods to a soldier who holds his lance behind ISABELLA so she can only move forward)

ISABELLA: Do you expect me to drown? I'm Venetian! I can swim! (the water begins to bubble) We can all swim! (the lancer gives her another push and she falls into the water) Something touched my leg. (the water around her bubbles and FRANCESCO watches avidly) They're all around me! They bite! (she is pulled under)

SIGNORA: (walks forward) Now leave us.

CARLO claps his hands and everyone else turns to depart. The SIGNORA walks to the edge and kneels. The water bubbles at her proximity.

FRANCESCO: (walks to her) Mother! Change your form... or my brothers will think they are being fed twice today.

SIGNORA: (into the water) Not long now. It's not long.

The water bubbles again.


The SIGNORA walks into the room to find the DOCTOR on her throne. He gives her a wolf whistle.

DOCTOR: Long way from Saturnyne, aren't you... Sister of the Water?

SIGNORA: No, let me guess. The owner of the psychic paper. Then I take it you're a refugee, like me?

DOCTOR: I'll make you a deal. An answer for an answer. You're using a perception filter. It doesn't change your features, but manipulates the brainwaves of the person looking at you. But seeing one of you for the first time in, say, a mirror, the brain doesn't know what to fill the gap with, so leaves it blank... hence no reflection.

SIGNORA: Your question?

DOCTOR: Why can we see your big teeth?

SIGNORA: (laughs) Self-preservation over-rides the mirage. The subconscious perceives the thr*at and tries to alert the conscious brain.

DOCTOR: Where's Isabella?

SIGNORA: My turn. Where are you from?

DOCTOR: Gallifrey.

SIGNORA: You should be in a museum. Or in a mausoleum.

DOCTOR: Why are you here?

SIGNORA: We ran from the silence. Why are you here?

DOCTOR: Wedding present. The silence?

SIGNORA: There were cracks. Some were tiny... some were as big as the sky. Through some we saw worlds and people and through others we saw silence... and the end of all things. We fled to an ocean like ours and the cr*ck snapped shut behind us... and Saturnyne was lost.

DOCTOR: So Earth is to become Saturnyne Mark II?

SIGNORA: And you can help me. We can build a new society here, as others have. What do you say?

DOCTOR: Hmm. (stands and walks to face her) (whispers) Where's Isabella?

SIGNORA: Isabella?

DOCTOR: The girl who saved my friend.

SIGNORA: Oh, deserters must be ex*cuted. Any general will tell you that. I need an answer, Doctor. A partnership. Any which way you choose.

DOCTOR: I don't think that's such a good idea, do you? I'm a Time Lord. You're a big fish. Think of the children.

SIGNORA: Carlo! (CARLO approaches) You're right. We're nothing alike. I will bend the heavens to save my race, while YOU philosophise.

DOCTOR: This ends today. I'll tear down the House of Calvierri, stone by stone. (CARLO puts a hand on his chest to get him to move) Take your hands off me, Carlo. (walks to door and stops) And you know why? You didn't know Isabella's name. (door opens) You didn't know Isabella's name. (leaves and the door slams)


CARLO: Open the gates.

One of the guards opens the gate and the DOCTOR strides out.


SIGNORA: Attend! Attend! (FRANCESCO, CARLO, the girls and attendants come into the courtyard.) The storm is coming! (begins down the stairs and her perception filter falters allowing CARLO to see the real creature. Screams in frustration)

FRANCESCO: Mummy... What's wrong with your perception filter?

SIGNORA: That idiot child must have damaged it when she kicked me...(there is another glitch) Now... assemble the girls. I have a job for them.


The DOCTOR is examining the bites on AMY'S neck with the sonic screwdriver.

DOCTOR: You're fine. Open wide. (slips a candy into her mouth. Shouts in frustration as he paces) I need to think. Come on brain, think, think. Think! (sits at table) Think!

AMY: (talks around candy) If they're fish people, it explains why they hate the sun.

DOCTOR: (puts hand over her mouth) Stop talking, brain thinking. Hush.

RORY: It's the school thing I don't understand.

DOCTOR: (puts other hand over RORY'S mouth) Stop talking, brain thinking. Hush.

GUIDO: I say we take the fight to them.

DOCTOR: Ah-ah-ah!

GUIDO: What?

DOCTOR: Ah! (nods at RORY who places his hand over GUIDO'S mouth) Her planet dies, so they flee through a cr*ck in space and time, and end up here, then she closes off the city and, one by one, changes people into creatures like her to start a new gene pool. Got it. Then what? They come from the sea, they can't survive forever on land, so what's she going to do? Unless she's going to do something to the environment to make the city habitable... She said, "I shall bend the heavens to save my race." (moves his hands from their mouths to their heads, forcing them to nod) Bend the heavens... Bend... the heavens... She's going to sink Venice.

GUIDO: She's... she's going to sink Venice?

DOCTOR: And repopulate it with the girls she's transformed.

RORY: You can't repopulate somewhere with just women. You need... blokes.

AMY: She's got blokes.

DOCTOR: Where?

AMY: In the canal. She said to me, "There are 10,000 husbands waiting in the water. "

DOCTOR: Only the male offspring survived the journey here. She's got 10,000 children swimming in the canals, waiting for Mum to make them some compatible girlfriends. Ew. I mean, I've been around a bit, but, really, that's... that's... Ew.

There is a loud clattering from the floor above. They all look up at the ceiling.

DOCTOR: The people upstairs are very noisy.

GUIDO: There aren't any people upstairs.

DOCTOR: I knew you were going to say that. Did anyone else know he was going to say that?

Wood creaks as if someone is walking across the floor.

RORY: (looking up) Is it the vampires?

DOCTOR: Like I said, they're not vampires. Fish from space.

There is a loud thump and breaking glass as the converted girls enter the room. There are more outside the window. They stand quickly, startled. The DOCTOR brandishes the ultraviolet light as GUIDO crosses himself.

RORY: Aren't we on the second floor?

The girls at the window break the glass and the DOCTOR uses the light to keep them back. He then uses the sonic screwdriver on them, which shows their true selves.

GUIDO: What's happened to them?

DOCTOR: There's nothing left of them. They've been fully converted. Blimey, fish from space have never been so... buxom. OK... (switches off screwdriver) Move. Come on.

They run downstairs, AMY, RORY, the DOCTOR, then GUIDO.

GUIDO: Give me the lamp. (uses it on the girls)


The door opens and AMY and RORY run out, disturbing the chickens.

DOCTOR: (following) Go, go, go, guys! Keep moving, go, go go!

GUIDO: (stops at the door before closing it, locking the DOCTOR out) Stay away from the door, Doctor.

DOCTOR: (pounds on door) No! Guido! What are you doing?!


GUIDO uses the ultraviolet light on the girls

DOCTOR: (V.O.) I'm not leaving you! What are you doing?!


The DOCTOR uses the screwdriver on the door but it doesn't work.


GUIDO lures the girls after him, leading them to his rooms.

GUIDO: Come on. That's it... Come on.


DOCTOR: Guido!


GUIDO picks up a candle in his free hand and backs up towards the barrels.

GUIDO: Come on. Come on. Come on!


The DOCTOR realizes what GUIDO is planning and turns from the house.


GUIDO: We are Venetians! (puts the flame to one of the barrels)


The DOCTOR runs and is thrown to the ground as the house explodes.


The SIGNORA strides towards her thrown and opens a device that is attached to the throne's armrest.

SIGNORA: Right, to begin, let's fill the sky with fire. (activates device)


Smoke and vapor pour out from the bell tower of the school, blocking out the sky. Lightening streaks across the sky as the storm begins. The SIGNORA stands on a balcony, elated.


The people on the streets begin to worry that it's the end of the world.

MAN: In sight of the Lord, protect and keep us!


The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY look at the damage. They hear the people clamoring in the streets.

DOCTOR: Rosanna's initiating the final phase.

AMY: We need to stop her. Come on!

DOCTOR: No, no. Get back to the TARDIS.

AMY: You can't stop her on your own.

DOCTOR: We don't discuss this! I tell you to do something, Amy, and you do it. Huh?

AMY storms off.

RORY: Thank you. (goes after AMY)

DOCTOR: Yeah... You're welcome. (hears screaming and runs off)


FRANCESCO opens the gates and looks up at the roiling sky. AMY and RORY look out from the opposite side of the canal.

AMY: Oh, my God! What is going on?

FRANCESCO recognizes AMY.

RORY: The sky, it's like it's boiling.

FRANCESCO removes his hat and cape. AMY and RORY continue on. FRANCESCO watches them leave then dives into the canal.


The DOCTOR enters the room, walks directly to the throne and begins to examine it. He opens the back to reveal alien circuitry and he takes out the sonic screwdriver.

SIGNORA: You're too late. Such determination... just to save one city. Hard to believe it's the same man that let an entire race turn to cinders and ash. Now you can watch as my people take their new kingdom.

DOCTOR: The girls have gone, Rosanna.

SIGNORA: You're lying.

DOCTOR: Shouldn't I be dead? Hmm? (she walks away) Rosanna, please, help me. There are 200,000 people in this city.

SIGNORA: So save them. (leaves)

The DOCTOR looks at the throne. He knows he can't stop it from there and runs out of the room.


AMY and RORY make their way through the streets and soon are blocked by a wet FRANCESCO. RORY picks up some candlesticks and holds them up in the form of a cross.

RORY: Amy, run! (FRANCESCO swipes the candlesticks away and moves towards AMY) This way, you freak! Don't! This...this... this way, you big, stupid, great... SpongeBob! The only thing I've seen uglier than you is... your mum! No...

FRANCESCO turns to ccnfront RORY

FRANCESCO: Did you just say something about Mummy?

RORY picks up a broom and brandishes it like a sword. FRANCESCO pulls out a real sword, making RORY question his bravado. FRANCESCO att*cks RORY who blocks with the broom handle.

AMY: Careful! Hit him! This way, bring him this way! Rory!

FRANCESCO slices the broom handle, leaving RORY defenseless. FRANCESCO thrusts his sword through a hanging drape and RORY dodges out of the way. He then wraps FRANCESCO in the drape then backs away.

RORY: Ew! You stink of fish. (backs away into next courtyard)

FRANCESCO: (following) Well, I'm hardly going to smell of cheese and biscuits

RORY trips and falls backwards onto the ground, hitting his head. FRANCESCO leaps, changing form in midair, and lands on top of RORY.

AMY: (on stairs) Hey! Mummy's boy. (holds up compact mirror and FRANCESCO explodes in the reflected sunlight)

RORY: (wipes off dust) Ohhh... Oh...

AMY: That was lucky. (RORY stands) Why did you make the sign of the cross, you numpty?

RORY: (walks to AMY on the stairs) Oh, oh, right! I'm being reviewed now, am I?

AMY kisses him passionately.

AMY: Now we go help the Doctor.

RORY: Rightio.


The DOCTOR looks out from the balcony down onto the city below. The bell tolls and he heads inside.


Outside, townsfolk are screaming and running through the rain. CARLO approaches the gate from the inside dragging a bag of precious items he is stealing from the school.

CARLO: Open the gates!

MAN: It's the Almighty! Look at the sky!

AMY and RORY run through the streets and sneak through the gate while CARLO picks up his bag.


The DOCTOR enters from the main door as AMY and RORY enter from the side

DOCTOR: Get out! I need to stabilise the storm. (runs to the throne)

RORY: We're not leaving you.

DOCTOR: Right, (walks back to them) so one minute it's, "You make people a danger to themselves," the next it's, "We're not leaving you!" But if one of you gets squashed or blown up or eaten, who gets...The ground shakes and some of the ceiling falls down. They all fall to the ground.

RORY: What was that?

DOCTOR: (stands) Nothing. Bit of an earthquake.

AMY: An earthquake?

DOCTOR: Manipulate the elements, it can trigger earthquakes. But don't worry about them.


DOCTOR: No. Worry about the tidal waves caused by the earthquake. (faces throne) Right, Rosanna's throne is the control hub but she's locked the program, so tear out every single wire and circuit in the throne. Go crazy. Hit it with a stick, anything. (heads for throne and begin to check wires) We need it to shut down and re-route control to the secondary hub, which I'm guessing will also be the generator.


The storm grows even more.


The DOCTOR works on wires that connect the control in the throne room to the device that created the storm. He runs up closer to the tolling bells, holding his hands over his ears.


AMY and RORY continue to pull all the wires they can, causing sparks.


The DOCTOR holds the clapper on one of the bells.

DOCTOR: Shut up! Shut up. (it stills and he jumps down) That's better!

The DOCTOR tugs on one of the cables but it doesn't budge. He then climbs up onto the rail, gripping the column as the rain pours down. He slips, regains his balance, and begins to climb.


AMY and RORY run to the courtyard and look up. RORY spots the DOCTOR.

RORY: There he is!


The DOCTOR climbs to the top using the cable and reaches the giant sphere at the pinnacle.


RORY: Come on!


The DOCTOR opens the sphere to reveal the device that is creating the storm. He begins to examine it to see how to stop it.


RORY and AMY: Come on! Come on!


The DOCTOR finds a simple toggle switch and flips it. The rains stops, the clouds clear, and birds begin to sing.


AMY and RORY look around before laughing and hugging each other.


The DOCTOR closes the sphere and looks down at the street with a little wave.

RORY: You did it!


The SIGNORA walks the quay to the water's edge. She tries to turn off the perception filter, but the device dies. She pulls off her gloves and strips down to her chemise. The water begins to bubble. She walks along the plank. The DOCTOR finds her.

DOCTOR: Rosanna!

SIGNORA: One city to save an entire species. Was that so much to ask?

DOCTOR: (slowly approaches her) I told you, you can't go back and change time. You mourn but you live. I know, Rosanna, I did it.

SIGNORA: (turns her head) Tell me, Doctor... can your conscience carry the weight of another dead race? Remember us. Dream of us. (falls into the water)

DOCTOR: No... No! (looks down into the water as the bubbling stops. He stands slowly)


The townsfolk are cleaning up after the storm. The DOCTOR, AMY and RORY head back to the TARDIS.

DOCTOR: Now, then, what about you two, eh? Next stop Leadworth Register Office? Maybe I can give you away.

RORY: It's fine. Drop me back where you found me. I'll just say you've...

AMY: Stay…with us. Please. Just for a bit. I want you to stay.

DOCTOR: Fine with me.

RORY: Yeah? Yes, I would like that.

AMY: Nice one. (kisses RORY) I will pop the kettle on. (unlocks TARDIS door) Hey, look at this. Got my spaceship, got my boys. My work here is done. (goes inside closing door behind her)

RORY: (scoffs and looks at the DOCTOR) We are not her boys.

DOCTOR: (claps a hand on RORY'S shoulder) Yeah, we are.

RORY: Yeah, we are.

DOCTOR: (stops in open doorway and pulls RORY out) Rory, listen to that.

RORY: What? All I can hear is... silence. (goes inside)

The DOCTOR stands there looking out, the SIGNORA'S words playing in his head.

SIGNORA: (V.O.) 'There were cracks. Through some we saw silence and the end of all things. '

The DOCTOR closes the TARDIS door.