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05x20 - Kurenai's Decision, Squad 8 Left Behind

Posted: 07/13/22 08:55
by bunniefuu
Fly into the wavy and twisted sky,
into your hands

The distance created between us
became too big,

because we were always together

Your honest reply, "See you..."

coming from that brash mouth
makes it sadder.

If you are in an unfamiliar town, crying

Then I want to deliver you a smile,
even if I'm not by your side

Fly into the wavy and twisted sky,
into your hands

I can feel it so close,

Our two hearts

Sure enough, I just can't get
into training by myself.

As for the Pervy Sage...

I wonder what he's doing and where?

And what happened to him
watching my training?! Damn it!

What's she doing?

Wow, are you painting a picture?


There's nothing like rain clouds
in the sky.


The Hokage's house!

Hurry! Get a move on.

Water, water, water!

Right away!

- Water Style!
- Water Style!

- Marine Battle Formation Jutsu!
- Marine Battle Formation Jutsu!

Whoa! You idiots.
Not me, up on the roof!

We're very sorry!

Right, keep it up.

Yes, ma'am!

As I thought, the thing I had feared
has happened...

Kurenai's Decision.
Squad Left Behind

There she is.

Hey! Wait up!

Giving us trouble.

Let's hurry up and take her back.


Hey, wait!

What're you guys doing?!

Anbu Black Ops?!

Naruto Uzumaki,
leave this place immediately.


As for her, what'd she do?

It doesn't concern you.

Listen up. Don't breathe a word
of what you saw here.

Knock it off! Just a minute!

Don't get in our way!

Oh! They vanished...

Damn it! What's going on?!

Oh, important documents are soaked.

This will have to be dried in the sun.

I'll take them outside.



Oh, Kurenai Sensei.

Is the Fifth Hokage in?


So? Is there no change to your sentiment
about pulling out of Squad ?


Think about it carefully.

Kiba, Shino, Hinata...

You're the one who recommended
those guys lacking in experience

for the Chunin Exam.

You don't care about them?

But I must not leave that
problem unresolved.

It's my responsibility, so...

That incident was no fault of yours.

If the Anbu Black Ops are involved,
then is she a considerably bad person?

Or was she involved in some kind
of significant incident?

What did you say?!

Calm down, Kiba.

Kiba, Hinata?

Hey, Shino. Say that again!

Very well. I said it'd be futile.

How dare you say something like that...!

Cut it out!


Calm down. What the hell's wrong?

We in Squad were left high
and dry by Kurenai Sensei.

Huh? What do you mean?

You see, Sensei spoke to us
directly about it.

My duty is completed.

You will probably be provided with
another Jonin in charge eventually.

Just a minute, Kurenai Sensei.


It's written in stone.

Our relationship is just that of
commander and subordinate.

It's just the team formation changing
as circumstances demand.

And that was that.
She didn't even give us a reason.

That was that?
Are you guys going to accept that?

Hell no! That's why I'm saying we should
march into the Hokage's office and

protest why she is removin
Kurenai Sensei from our Squad !

Then this Shino says...

I'm saying it's futile.

It's because this might be something
she herself decided on.

Pig-headed jerk!

Hinata, what do you think?

I also want Kurenai Sensei to stay
as our Jonin in charge...


But what?!

Kurenai Sensei might have some kind
of reason of her own...


So you're the same as Shino, huh?

No... Kiba!

Just stop fighting already.
I'll do something about this.

Naruto, you're not even on this team.

What're you going to do?

Leave it to me.

I won't let Kurenai Sensei quit,
no matter what.

I blurted out that they can leave it to me,
but I don't know.


Kurenai Sensei.

What's she doing?

All right, I should ask her directly.

Umm, Sensei.


I heard from Kiba and the others.


Don't give up being in charge of Squad .

They're really depressed.

That's why you went to
the trouble of coming?

Yeah. It seems they really revere you.

I don't know what you heard
from those kids,

but I can't do that.

I don't deserve to.


Please tell them all for me.
Tell them I'm never coming back.


Damn it. She hardly listened to me at all.

Since it's come to this,
I guess I'll try Grandma Tsunade directly.



What is it?

Kurenai Sensei says she's going
to quit Squad ,

so I'm going to try asking
Grandma Tsunade directly.

I think that'd be useless... Probably.

It'll be okay.

As for me, I know the place where
she keeps her alcohol hidden,

so if I thr*aten to reveal it to Shizune...

What I meant was that she must have
some good reason for quitting.

What? What? By any chance,
do you know something, Sakura?


You know something, right? Tell me.

No, don't know anything.

Come on, tell me!

You're a pest.

Would I ever do something like eavesdrop
on someone's important talk?

What? You eavesdropped?


You idiot. Don't talk so loud!


Yeah. If I remember correctly,
that's what she said.

I am at fault for letting Yakumo
become like that.

No, I'd say instead that she was
fine up until now

because I put her in your custody...

Shizune, how're the
nursing arrangements?

A three man team consisting of

two Medical Ninja and
one Anbu Black Ops member

are keeping a hour watch over her
in a mountain cottage near Satomi Hill.

Even so, you can't rest easy?


I want to take responsibility
in my own way.

Speaking of Satomi Hill, this morning...

The conditions are spot on.

What was the girl's name again?


Yakumo. Thanks, Sakura.

Hey, Naruto.
Don't tell anyone I said anything!

Yeah, I know.

If that girl is Yakumo,

then she might know something
about Kurenai Sensei.

Lee, you are not stepping in
deep enough.


Kurenai Yuhi.

I make this request with full confidence

that you are the best practitioner
of Genjutsu in this village.

Could you take charge of that girl?

Who's this girl?

Yakumo Kurama.

You know about
the Kurama Clan, don't you?


At one time, they were a clan excelling
in Genjutsu

and were a power in
the Village Hidden in the Leaves

in the same way as the Uchiha Clan.

But they haven't been blessed
in recent years with talent,

their force has weakened and

they have not been able to
turn out Jonin -class Shinobi.

Yakumo Kurama is the Kurama...

Yes... She's the only daughter
of the Murakumo of the head family.

She has health issues and is
not enrolled in the Academy.

Then you want me to take charge of her

and train her to be
a practitioner of Genjutsu?


There's no doubt Yakumo's latent
Genjutsu powers are excellent.

So much so that those in the clan

put their dreams of rebuilding
the family on her.

Was there some kind of problem?

This is just between us.


Yakumo's parents, Murakumo Kurama
and his wife died, but...

You okay? Don't push yourself too hard.

I'm okay. I'm fine.

I'm just a bit out of breath.

Listen to me, Yakumo.

A Shinobi is not your only path.


You're a girl and you should
have many other ways to live.

I want to become a Ninja!

I heard there's a student named Rock Lee
who can't use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu

striving to be a Ninja just with Taijutsu.

I may not have much physical strength,

but I could become a Ninja if I were to
use that power, right?

A Ninja like you, Kurenai Sensei.

I'm not a teacher like Guy.

Unfortunately, I cannot train you.

All right, that's all for today.

Thank you very much.

Take a bath and get a good rest.

Right. Good-bye.

Lee has improved again, huh?

I heard.
It seems you're quitting Squad .

I have no choice.

Those who develop under me
end up not developing.

It's not like that.

Although they're no match for my team,

the growth of the Genin in
your team is striking.

If that's the case,
it's not because of my help.

It's the results of their own efforts.

Hey, Kurenai.

What do you think it is that we can do?

As you say, Lee growing to that extent
is due to his own efforts.

All I did for him was to believe in him.

We believe in our pupils even
at the cost of our lives.

We just need to believe in them
with all our power,

and embrace them with all our power.

It's not a difficult thing in the least.

Guy, I envy you...

I couldn't even do something that simple.

Hey, Kurenai.

Believe in yourself!

From where and how are Kurenai Sensei

and that girl from
this morning connected?

It would seem to be worth looking into.

That must be
the Satomi Hill mountain cottage.

Satomi Hill Cottage

The east trap?

So it seems.

An intruder?



Good work on your hour guard.
I came to visit Yakumo.

This late at night?

Yakumo is resting inside.

Could you guys step away for a bit?
I want to talk to her alone.

Yes, ma'am.

Don't be long.

I'll be done in ten minutes.


Nothing but creepy paintings.

Please, Sensei!

- What?!
- What?!

Whoa, my heart, my heart!

Huh? There's nothing wrong.

Hey, it's you again?!

To think you'd transform into Kurenai
with a Transformation Jutsu.

Hey, what the heck was that earlier?

Shut up! For your sake,
don't be nosing around needlessly.


You're Yakumo. Right?

I want to ask you something
about Kurenai Sensei!

Damn it.

The Key to the rusted heart's door

Will always be smiling right near by

Even if rains of spears were to fall,
I will run through it

Because I want to find the joy
without a shape

This big dream of mine that
cannot be translated to words,

I will make it come true,
even if it were to deepen my wounds

We stand here today because of
what we believed through,

That is why I will continue running forward,
never looking away

Even if I'm told that
there is no bright future

I'll change it right away,
lighting it with all my feeling

The wind is probably testing our hearts

In my heart, I gently grasped my hands

You are probably searching for
the answer to your tears

Your dream is always waiting near by,
with the answers in its hands

The Key to the rusted heart's door

Will always be smiling right near by

Why am I sleeping in a place like this?

It's because you trespassed
into the cottage

under special security, remember?!

Oh, right.

Geez, really...

Just be grateful you still have your life,
the Anbu Black Ops are on this case.

The Anbu Black Ops?

That's right, I have no time for this!

Hey Naruto, where are you going?

Sorry Sakura, I have to ask
Kurenai Sensei about Yakumo!

Oh, hey wait! Naruto!

Next time: "Yakumo's Sealed Power"