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05x18 - Multiple Traps! Countdown to Destruction

Posted: 07/13/22 08:53
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

Multiple Traps!
Countdown to Destruction

This many Paper Bombs...
is a diversion?

Y Yes!

No way...

No. He's a man who
would go that far...

After all, he is Genno
the Trapper!

Remember. Think.
His actions thus far...

His intent hidden in there.

First he steals the blueprints
for key facilities in the village

and pretends to blow himself up
in front of the Anbu Black Ops.

Because of the incident,

an S Level Emergency
Security Alert is given...

The village becomes poorly manned...

and Genno is able to
move around as he pleases...

Then why did he scatter
the blueprints he stole?

With this incident, it becomes evident
that Genno might still be alive

so the guys on watch outside
end up returning

to the village as quickly possible...

Could that have been his objective?

He directed everyone's attention
to the Paper Bombs

and reassembled
the village Shinobi.

If his aim is to
set up something there...

Could it be...?

The Paper Bombs in the village
were a decoy?

You can't see the Paper Bombs
in this room?

What's this?!

What's up with these Paper Bombs?

Do you know the geological conditions

of the Great Stone Faces?

G Geological conditions...?

To be precise, the geological condition
of this plateau

which the Great Stone Faces
are carved into.

The plateau towering behind
the Village Hidden in the Leaves

is made of extremely hard rock.

But this rock has narrow lines
running through it, you see...

It can be easily broken if power
is applied along those lines.

The Great Stone Faces
were created using this...

This time and thirty years ago

aren't the only times I've come
to the Leaf...

I've visited the Leaf several times
and checked things out...

And then I finally determined it...

I determined how to set Paper Bombs
to destroy this plateau!


I'm fairly certain
no one would imagine

the destruction of
the Great Stone Faces...

Especially when

we're in the middle of Paper b*mb
removal operations.

We wouldn't even think
about the Great Stone Faces...

But if that entire plateau were
to slide down and crumble...

The Village Hidden in the Leaves...

would be completely buried
in earth and sand!

The Village Hidden in the Leaves...

It would be destroyed!

Choji, contact the Fifth Hokage

Make sure the guys who return
don't enter the village...

Shikamaru, be happy!

Guy Sensei and the others
have come back!

Hurry, hurry!
Now that Might Guy has returned,

we won't let the enemy do
as he pleases!

Too late, huh...?

What's the matter...?


Naruto has...!

Why? Why destroy
the whole village...?

If you do that,
many innocent people will die.

And all the buildings you built
will be destroyed.

Is that what you want?!

You may think revenge is
your last job or whatever,

but something like
this is absolutely mistaken.

If you're going to go through
with this no matter what...

I'll stop you!

That's impossible.

No way will I let you detonate
the Paper Bombs!

Nope. I won from the moment
you set foot in here.

Even if you defeat me,

the triggering device will activate
the instant you leave this place.

It seems everyone has returned...

I guess I'll be activating
the triggring device...

The Village Hidden in the Leaves
shall meet

the same fate as Heat Devil Village!

I won't let that happen!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

It's over!

It's useless to resist...

It's impossible for you alone
to disarm all of my traps.

No doubt, it might be impossible
for me alone...

but I've got friends!

But didn't you do nothing
but badmouth them at Ichiraku?

Yeah. I get in fights with them a lot
and they tick me off sometimes...

But they're my friends!

They're Shinobi
who will protect the Leaf with me!

No matter what traps you set...

they'll manage somehow,
no matter what!

Then, I'll finish everything before that.

You won't be able to stop them this time!

Fang Over Fang...!

I'd say that was a close shave, huh?

Kiba! Akamaru!
How'd you know I was here?

Thank Hinata!

She thought it was strange that
you'd leave for no reason,

so she frantically searched
for you with her Byakugan.

But the Byakugan shouldn't
be that versatile...

I'm surprised you found us...

Well, we had a pretty good idea
of where you were...

Shikamaru said that the final trap
would be in the Great Stone Faces.

Shikamaru did...?

I see...

This means I shouldn't take
young opponents lightly, huh...?

Right. You misjudged our power...

Th These are... insects?!

That's right...
You're finished now.

Get down, you two!

Old man...

He blew himself up!

No, that's not it!

It's a Substitution...

It seems he switched just before
being covered with the insects...

It's over now...

Wh What's this...?

It's the Shadow Strangle Jutsu...

You anticipated my actions...?

Yup. Checkmate, old man.
Come on right over here...

Choji, restrain him.

Got it...

Oh, sh**t! His shadow...!

Shikamaru... What did he do...?

He had set it so a smoke screen
would activate

if he were touched by an enemy.

Choji, to the right!

Human Boulder!

The Leaf is now finished!

A strike?

Why won't...
the Paper b*mb explode?

Tough luck...

We already disarmed that Paper b*mb.

And we disarmed all
the triggering devices

set inside the Great Stone Faces.

This is as far as you go old man...

That's right...
Prepare yourself!

It's useless to run!

I don't know how incredible of
a Trapper you are.

But my friends' teamwork
is better than you are!

I must not give up here...

Give up, already!

No matter what you set up,
we'll stop it!

I wouldn't be able...
to show my face to my son...

Where'd he...?

Over there!

It seems you haven't disarmed
all of the triggering devices...

I... win!

The village!

Don't be fooled, guys!
This is a Genjutsu!



Huh? Wh-What?

Summoning Jutsu!

He's planning to get on that bird
and escape!

Leave it to me!

Mind Transfer Jutsu!

All right! It's a success...

- Ino...!
- Hey!

Why'd you break the Jutsu?!

What's the matter?

His body... It really hurt...

He's fighting while enduring
a lot of pain in his body!

I won't let you escape!


Sure enough...

I'm no match for a young person
at Taijutsu, huh...?

It's not like that...

You're a quite the practitioner
of Taijutsu...

Now it's finally over!

It's not over yet...


What do you mean...
it's not over yet?

Where's the bird he summoned earlier?

Oh! Over there!

There are Paper Bombs on its feet!


The Mountainside Image of
the Third Hokage is the spot

where I restored a crack...

I used a device different
from the others...

That cracked section is slightly
more fragile than the other areas...

I set an triggering device
that takes advantage of that...

If there an expl*si*n occurs there,

the other Paper Bombs
will explode at once.

Going so far as to set a device
in such a place...

To think we overlooked that...!

That means he summoned
that bird to activate the device?!

At last... my wish will come true...

Here it comes!

I'll use this...

It dodged them!

We can't bring it down with
a long range attack?!

I'll defend the Leaf,
no matter what!

I'll blow him away with the Rasengan
before he slams into this place!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!



Partial Expansion Jutsu!
Both arms!

Naruto, use my hands!

Thanks, Choji!


U -Umm... Shikamaru told me to read
that bird's movements

with my Byakugan
and to give you directions...


I leave the rest to you!

All right, let's go, Hinata!



Not yet... Draw it closer...

It'll be okay.

No matter what,

I'll protect the village the Third Hokage
risked his life to protect!

Naruto... Now!


It vanished?!

Up above!

Damn it. Reach!

You little!

What? Did something happen...?

All right!

Yes! We did it, Hinata!

N -Naruto...

The inside of his body
is in terrible shape...

It's amazing that he lived until today.

Old man...

It's too bad...
I failed to leave my name in history...

But... I had... fun...


What do you mean, old man?!

What do you mean you had fun?!

Old Man Genno!

No, it's not...

"My son proud as a peacock having
beaten me at treasure hunting... "

Treasure hunting... ?

Did you notice?


The Leaf didn't suffer a single casualty
in this incident...

Old Man Genno!
Open your eyes!

Old Man Genno!!

I figured it out, Shikamaru...

It seems the person in this picture
is Genno's real son...


It seems he became
a Shinobi like his father...

but lost his life right after that
when the Leaf invaded Heat Devil Village.

I bet he wanted to avenge his own son...

So he did something like this...

No doubt, at first he may have
infiltrated the village for revenge...

At first...?

Something was kind of bugging me,

so I checked out the triggering device
that was set in the Academy

one more time.

There was a loose connection
in one spot.

It was set up so it wouldn't activate
even if the target were hit...

Wasn't that just Genno's mistake...?

Genno was a first rate Trapper.

It's unlikely he'd make such
a simple mistake...

No doubt about it...

The same goes for the traps in
the Great Stone Faces...

There were some defective bombs
mixed in with the Paper Bombs.

Even if the traps were activated,

there's a strong possibility that

they'd only make a few cracks
in the Great Stone Faces.

Then he had no serious intention
of smashing the Leaf?

Then... for what purpose...?

Treasure hunting...

What do you mean treasure hunting?

It makes more sense
to think of it like that.

In other words, he infiltrated
the village for the sake of revenge,

but he changed his mind
after meeting Naruto

who was a spitting image
of his son...

He probably knew that
he didn't have long to live.

If he was going to do something
before dying,

he wanted it to be
the thing he found most fun...

He probably wanted to re enact
his treasure hunts with his son...

using the traps he set to smash the Leaf.

So that's what it was.

Well, it's just conjecture, though.

So that old man...
wasn't a bad person...

I told you from the start.

Those who like Ichiraku's ramen
can't be bad people!

What? But in actuality,
didn't he hate ramen?

Ichiraku ramen is different!

There's no way you can keep
eating something you hate every day.


Old man...


The enemies who come to the Leaf
won't always be like this.

Someone like Orochimaru
might attack again!

That means we must
always be prepared!


It's a pain, though...

I'll eat in preparation for that!

We'll protect the Leaf Village!

With all of us working together...

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

Thank you all for your support!

We're going to fill the airwaves
with our appreciation...

We've even called on someone
who hasn't been in the show recently

to make a guest appearance!

We're going to look back at
all the Ninja best battles!!

What? I'm not sure I understand,
but that sounds amazing!

Look forward to it! Cha!

By the way, who's our guest?

- It's a secret!
- You're not even going to tell me?!

Next Time: "The Top Ninja Battles!"

There are also fun extras!

Tune in!