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05x16 - The Missed Target

Posted: 07/13/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

The Missed Target

Naruto , Choji, gather all of them !

I know!


Shadow CIone Jutsu!

Pick it up! Pick it up!

Over here!

Over there!

Don't lose any of them !


Pick it up!

Over there!

Go over there!

Hey that's mine!

Partial Expansion Jutsu !


Where did that bird go?

Damn it! We lost it!

Over there!

Just a IittIe more. . .

This is a mission beIieve it or not!

This is something very important. . .

I beg you. . .
PIease Iet go of it!

We have troubIe, Lady Tsunade!

What is it?!

Those papers
scattered throughout the viIIage,

are the pIans that were stoIen
from the carpenter boss.

CurrentIy, Shikamaru and his team
have finished coIIecting aII the pIans,

and rechecking them.

But it seems like they have
collected all of them .

What is the meaning of this?

I have no idea. . .

Lady Tsunade! We have a report

from those who headed to
the Hidden WaterfaII ViIIage!

Was there movement?!

ActuaIIy, it turns out that it was onIy
a Iarge scaIe practice run!

They are saying that they see
no signs of an invasion of Leaf ViIIage.


It seems as though they have
aIready finished their practice run,

and the Hidden WaterfaII ViIIage
is back to normaI.

So Genno and Hidden WaterfaII ViIIage
have nothing to do with each other. . . ?

Disengage the S-Level
Emergency Security Alert!

Order aII forces back to viIIage!


What in the worId
was that man pIotting?!

Lady Tsunade!

What now?!

The body that
the Anbu Black-Ops gathered ...

It's. . .

It's not Genno. . . ?

What does that mean?

But I thought that Old Man Genno was
cornered by the Anbu Black Ops

and bIew himseIf up.

He traded pIaces with a corpse that
he had ready right before the expIosion. . .

That's a huge possibiIity!

We're in the middIe of confirming that!

Their appearances Iook simiIar,
but smaII detaiIs bring up questions!

Most IikeIy. . . it's another man.

Are you teIIing me
he fooIed the Anbu BIack Ops!

That means, Genno is. . .

He's still alive!

Damn! What is that man up to ...?

Over there.
Behind that tree.

It's here!

I see. . . The OId Man Genno used
this hoIe to get away.

He camouflag ed it well.

If it wasn't for the Byakugan,
we wouId have missed it.

Not only that ...

This hoIe is made so that it cIoses
naturaIIy by the weight of the earth.

If we came here another day Iater,

it wouId have been
extremeIy difficuIt to find,

even with the Byakugan.

And to prove that,

you can bareIy see any sign of
an entrance to this hoIe.

Akamaru, can you foIIow his scent?

He's even got getting rid of
his smeII covered. . .

Where couId he have gone?

Our concIusion is that. . .

OId Man Genno is stiII aIive

and there's a possibiIity that
he's hiding in Leaf ViIIage.

He got cornered,
and faked his own su1c1de,

and stoIe the pIans so that he couId. . .

make aII of us turn our eyes outside
of the viIIage.

He couId have aIready known
about the big practice run

in the Hidden WaterfaII ViIIage
and used that to his advantage.

B-But the Anbu Black Ops
started to mark Genno because

they happened to find out that his Ietter
of recommendation was a fake, right?

Was it a coincident. . . ?

Isn't it strange that
a reaI Ietter of recommendation was

at the house of the carpenter boss
he worked for?

Then what is his true goaI?

If we knew the answer to that,
we wouIdn't be struggIing so much. . .


The onIy thing I can say now is. . .

The number of Shinobi in this village
currently is at its lowest ever.

We onIy have a bare minimum
of us here!

And most of their eyes are
Iooking outside of the viIIage.

Even if Genno was waIking around
as he was humming on the streets,

no one wouId suspect anything of him .

Did he set a trap in the villaget ? !

CouId the fact that that
he scattered the pIans around mean that

he's aIready done setting his trap?

No , this is just a diversion to turn our eyes.

We can't Ieave this pIace
without any security,

but we have few peopIe. . .

Then where do we Iook?

The Academy.

The Academy?

Why the Academy out of all
the important facilities in the villaget ?

Out of aII the sites Genno worked on,

onIy the Academy's repair pIan
was stoIen.

It's hard to think that
it was a coincidence

for it to disappear at this timing.

Byakugan !


There's nothing in this room.

Then. . . move ahead to the next room.

Byakugan !

Seems Iike there's nothing in this area

Can't you Iook at
the entire campus at once?

And we have Hinata too, you know?

That wouId be possibIe
if we know what the target was,

but we're Iooking for
something suspicious.

We'II have to take the basic route.

Hey! Wait a minute!

You're in the way!

And there's too many. . . peopIe here.

Like I said !

AII I want is for you guys to come outside
even just for a moment!

Our teacher toId us to study on our own
in the cIassroom for today!

We can't go out of the room!

There are no teachers today!

So nobody wouId know
if you Ieft the cIass!

We used to skip cIass when
Iruka Sensei wasn't Iooking

when we were younger.

Oh! Adelinquent!

- Delinquent !
-Delinquent !

We have to check this area!

Besides, all the teachers have gone
on a mission to protect the village.

Why are you guys stiII here?

They must be useIess.

What did you say?!
We're aIso protecting the viIIage too. . .

Naruto. You're wasting time

Let's crush them !


The Expansion Jutsu!

We're going to teII on you to our teacher!

Yeah, do as you pIease!


Let's practice our Kunai Knives.

Sounds good.

It doesn't seem Iike
there's anything suspicious. . .

Hurry up!


Come on.
I'm begging you to Ieave!


Where did those kids from
the next classroom go?

I don't know. . .

They were going to practice
their Kunai Knives.

That's what they were saying.

Oh, yeah, yeah.
That's right.

They're practicing their Kunai Knives
in a pIace Iike that?

I'II do next.

Ok. Do your best!

Do it !


Oh, so cIose.

They reaIIy are practicing. . .

When we were
students at the Academy,

we used to skip class and come here.

The teacher's couIdn't find us here,
it reaIIy was great!

I read comic books, and took naps. . .

That's right, I ate potato chips.

WeII, that's no good!

You can Iearn something from those kids.

Even if the teachers doesn't see you ,

you shouId stiII commit to your practice!

They're true modeIs of students!

I'm excited! I'm moved!

I'd Iike to take cIass with them!

We wouIdn't want to interrupt.
Let's go.

Yeah. . .

Naruto ...


Did they have that before?

I'm going to get this one!


I had it!

It seems pretty new.

Genno couId have made it. . .

I I'm going to get Neji or Hinata!

You guys get out of the way.

You're getting in the way of our practice.

O Oh I'm sorry!

I'm next!

Byakugan !

It's a Paper b*mb!
It's hidden behind the waII!

What, inside the waII?!

It's compIeteIy hidden inside the waII.

But then how do you
detonate it ...?

Oh, there she is.

Hey ! Hinata !

Naruto .

Naruto ...

Hinata, go out with me!

Wh What are you saying
at a time Iike this?!

Huh ?

I I don't know. . . Go out with you?

You won't?

I I'm not necessariIy saying no. . .

Then I'II just ask Neji then.
See you Iater!


There's a thin thread attached
to the Paper b*mb .

A thread?

It's probabIy a speciaI thread
used to ignite it.

He's probabIy is going to detonate it
from a distance. . .

Where is that thread connected to?!

lt goes around the classroom and. . .

lt goes outside. . .
towards the training hall. . . ?

There's a log standing. . .

This. . . CouId it be?!

Neji! Come with me for a second !

What is it!
We're in the middIe of something. . .

ActuaIIy there's a strange Iog standing
in the training haII over there.

We wanted him to check it.

That's the triggering device!

Huh ?

Try Ioosening up your shouIders
and then throw it.

Shut up.

AII right, I'm up next.

There shouId be a target on the Iog.

Yeah, there is.

The center of the target
is the triggering device!

When a Kunai Knife hits the center. . .

the device will activate...

And the Academy wiII expIode!

So cIose!

If you focus, you'II hit the target.

AII right, I'm going to hit this time.


And target!

Don't let anybody hit the target !

AII right, I hit the target!

You did it!


The tip is cracked.
You aIways have to take care of your tooIs.

Damn , I thought that I hit the target .

This way! Behind there!

AII right. . .
I'm going to hit it for sure!

That's the spirit!

This Iooks good!

This time I'm going to hit it!

Bushy Brow !

Stop it, Lee!


Oh, did I scare you?

I'm sorry. I just dropped my Ninja tooI. . .

Bushy Brow , you did it !

I had the target!

Why did you get in the way?!

Be quiet!
If that had hit the target,

the Academy would have exploded!

What. . . ?

For real?

A triggering device in here. . . huh?

When something hits the center,
the Academy explodes.

So there hasn't been anyone
who's been abIe to hit the center.

We reaIIy were Iucky.

We were Iucky, huh?

So who started to practice
throwing their Kunai-Knife here?

Who? Who was it?

Somebody toId us that we'd be praised

if we got better at Kunai Knife throwing
in secret from the teachers.

" in secret from from the teachers. . . "

Whoever must've used Genjutsu
to make them think that .

It must be Genno.

What happened?

W Well. . . There's more than one thread
coming out of the triggering device.

Is that true Hinata?

Yeah. . .

Byakugan !

There's not just one. . .two. . .no, three?

Where are they connected to?

Outside of the academy. . .

Wait! It's hard to see from here.

U Umm. . . M Me too. . .

Byakugan !

Byakugan !

I found one.

I found one, too

TeII us the Iocation.

No, wait.
The thread spIits again.

Over here too. . .

Th This is. . .

No ...way ...

It can't be. . .

Hey ! What's the matter!

There's Paper Bombs pIanted
aII over the viIIage!

It's not just or . . .

It's countIess numbers of them !


The ViIIage Hidden in the Leaves
is a nest of Paper Bombs!

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

l just can't come out and say,
''Ah, l don't want to go home yet. "


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness l feel
in my undeveloped chest,

l wonder if it's from
that coke l just drank?

- Now, the Academy is safe.
- AII right!

It's too earIy to feeI reIieved.

If he reaIizes the Paper Bombs
are being deactivated,

he might bIow up the viIIage
by a different method.

Then we have to evacuate
everyone quickIy!

- Then he'II know what we're doing!
- That means. . .

Pretend we don't notice anything
and get rid of the Paper Bombs.

Everyone, get to it at once!

- Yeah!
- Yes.

Next time: "The Powerful Helper"