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05x15 - The ANBU Gives Up? Naruto's Recollection

Posted: 07/13/22 08:15
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

Like I said, I've already told you
everything I know.

You first met Genno at Ichiraku...

What did you talk about then?

I don't remember everything!

That's what we want to know.

If we analyze your conversation,

we might be able to figure out
who hired Genno.

W e already know all
the conversations

that you've had during
the past two weeks.

What we want to know is what
you guys talked about before that.

You tell me that but...
I don't remember...

Then we'll put you
under Regressive Hypnosis.

Huh? Regressive Hypnosis?

Using hypnosis,

we can bring out the memory of
the past from your subconscious...


Just relax...

Back to the Past Jutsu!

Let's start...

Right now you are traveling
through your memories...

A day ago... two days ago...
three days ago...

Keep going back into the past.

And... it's the day you met
the old carpenter.

Where are you?

Inside... the forest...

The Anbu Gives Up?
Naruto's Recollection
I was training on my own...
And it was lunch time so...

I headed for Ichiraku...

And that's where...

You met him not inside
the restaurant, but outside, yes?

Hey, what are you doing?

Huh? Oh yes...

I was just trying to figure out if
I should go into the restaurant or not.

Is it any good?

Old man, you're not from here are you?

Oh... I'm a freelance carpenter.
How did you know?

Because all the Leaf Village people
know that Ichiraku's ramen is the best!

I see...

Here you go!
Thanks for waiting!

Yes! This is quite good!

Isn't it?!

Thank you for this meal!

You're already done?

I am a growing boy!

Even an extra large isn't
enough for me!

I see... Then, why don't I give
you some of mine.

What? Are you sure?



Thanks... old man!

So... we said good bye after
we finished eating the ramen...

And when did you meet him next?

I met him in front of Ichiraku again...


There's nothing here either...

I see...


I see...

It seems like there were
odor neutralizing components

in last night's smoke screen.

He was quite prepared

Then why did he get caught?

Well, that's because our Anbu Black Ops
are really good, right...?

He should have known

that our Anbu Black Ops were excellent
before he infiltrated us...

He should have had
other escape routes ready.

Now that you mention it,
that sounds about right...

But right now,
there's no way to find out.

Dead men tell no tales, I see.

Over here.

What are you doing?

We're connecting the pieces
of the corpse.

Connecting the pieces...

It was in a really awful shape.

From what I hear,
he had Paper Bombs all over his body...

Would you like to wait outside
until we're done?

I I suppose so...

I'll stay here!


You're quite impressive...


And he gave me eggs and
barbeque pork that time...

He's talking about Ramen again.


Oh, I remember that time...!

What happened?

He showed... me a photograph.

A photograph?

A photograph of a guy that
looked about my age.

When I asked him why
he was so nice to me...

I have a grandson.

He's about the same age as you.

So I can't think of you as a stranger.

I look forward to treasure hunting with
my grandson on my days off.

Treasure hunting?


What, you're already done eating?!

Then I'll give you some of mine.

Thanks, old man!

What happened to your hand?

Oh... It's a scar from a long time ago

when I accidentally cut myself
with a saw.


And then he gave me
his ramen again...

Genno has no relatives...

Then his story about
his grandson a lie?

We started marking him the next day.

I think any more inquiries are pointless.

I guess he wouldn't be careless enough

to leak any information even to a Gennin.

An emergency report
from Lady Tsunade!

I see... There was nothing unusual
about any of the buildings.

They were all built
according to their plans...

There were no signs of any traps.

So was it just camouflage for him
to sneak in as a carpenter?

It's too soon to make a judgment on that.

If he was just supposed to
steal the plans,

there was no need for him
to be a carpenter.

By the way,
what were you guys looking up?

We got a list of places where
he used to stop by

from his carpenter buddies,

and we're looking through
all those places,

but so far we haven't found any clues.

Oh, there're a lot of restaurants...

Yeah... Seems like he never
went out besides to go eat.

In the meantime, Hinata,
you go see Ino and Sakura

at the forensics center.

Neji and Choji, you guys go
help Kiba and Shino!


Then, we should get going too...


Lady Tsunade is calling for you!

The Fifth Hokage is?

What?! The Village Hidden
in the Waterfalls?

It seems that they've committed
all their troops into battle position.

They're calling it
a big practice run, however...

Big practice run?

I don't think I need to say more, but...

It's been used many times in the past.
They get all of their troops together

for the purpose of a big practice run
and then invade another country...

Furthermore, there is information that
Genno stayed in

the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls

before coming to
the Village Hidden in the Leaves...

It wouldn't be unusual if there
was some sort of connection.

Most of the Ninja we've deployed

have already been mobilized
to the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls.

Crossing the border will be
taken as a sign of willful invasion.

We will attack anyone that enters.

Shikamaru, I want you to
head over to the border, too!

I don't think that there's
a need for us to go.


What do you mean...?

Hey, Naruto!


You're getting in the way of my business
by standing there!

Oh... Sorry.

Now that I think about it,

I've never seen the old man finish
his ramen...

Could it be that he hated ramen?

But then why did he come to
Ichiraku all the time?

Tell us why.

Ten Gennin and one Chunin...

Our presence or absence won't
make much of a difference

to the overall situation.

What is your point...?

I don't like it...

Old Man Genno's actions...

After the investigation,
I've figured it out...

His everyday activities were
quite impressive...

His abilities as a carpenter
was average,

he was quite plain, never stood out,
and never made any big mistakes

Nobody hated him,
and nobody liked him.

Even if he were to disappear
all of a sudden,

no one would think twice
about it the next day...

A very low key profile.

It's an undercover technique
that's so impressive

that I'd want to put it
in a Shinobi textbooks.

A brilliant Shinobi like him being marked
by the Anbu Black Ops so easily...

Don't you think that's a bit strange...?

That's true...

And when he was trying to get away...

He was able to get away from
the Anbu Black Ops,

but they caught up to him.

For a trap professional,
it seems like such a lame end.

On top of all that, the plans
have completely disappeared.

It doesn't make any sense to me.


Everything is moving
along according to his plan.

It couldn't be...?

His true identity being discovered,

and dying in front of
the Anbu Black Ops...

What if all of that was his plan?

And if he had predicted that
we would all leave the village

in taking precautions against
the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls...

We could be just dancing on
the palm of his hand.

But if we look at all the information
we have at this point,

we need to be on alert for
the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls.

That's true, but...


I don't think the situation will
change much

just by sending another ten Gennin
and one Chunin...

I'll have the Shikamaru squad
continue to investigate Genno.


Shikamaru! Choji!

Sorry... I didn't mean to make you wait.

My head hurts...

Hey. Why do we have to
look through these books?

I don't want to do it either.
But this is the basis of investigation.

But still... There're so many numbers,
my eyes are hurting.

I'm sorry...
I still can't find it.

I see...


The old recommendation letter
that enabled them

to figure out that Genno's
recommendation letter was a fake.

Why do you have to look for that?

Just a hunch...

Did the people of this house just lose it?
Or did he...

In either case,

he should have wanted to get rid of

the recommendation letter
that he brought...

Why would he just get rid of
the old recommendation letter?

This is where he took his own life...?

It seems that they've already
collected the remains.

It's a job done by the Anbu Black Ops...

They don't leave anything behind.

Everyone, come over here!

Look, the tree is burned on both sides!

The Paper Bombs exploded...

There should be burned marks.

The fact that it's on both sides
is the problem!

I see. If it were just a su1c1de b*mb,

it wouldn't have left marks on both sides.

There would have to be
at least two explosions

to leave this kind of burn marks.

But according to the Anbu Black Ops,

he exploded the Paper Bombs
that were wrapped around his body.

But no one saw him at the moment
of the expl*si*n...

There may be Anbu Black Ops,

but they'd still need to dodge
the expl*si*n.

This one's burned on both sides too...

Same on this tree too.


First, the Paper Bombs that
were placed on

the trees in the surrounding area
were blown up...

Then there was a huge expl*si*n
in the center.

If he had set off the explosions
close to each other,

then it's possible to perceive it
as one expl*si*n!

I see...

But in order to do that,

he would have needed to set up
some sort of trick before hand.

Didn't Genno take his life

after being cornered by
the Anbu Black Ops?

What if they didn't catch up to him,

but rather,
he let them catch up to him?

So you're saying that
he was running away

planning to let them
catch up to him here?!

It's not impossible...

If that is the case...

It's possible that he could
have laid other traps

Could it be that...

the fact he k*lled himself with
the Paper Bombs is also...

It's done.
They said you could come in.

Y Yeah.

It's impossible.

Didn't the Anbu Black Ops make sure
with their own eyes?


There's no point in telling me
to check out the body.

I'm not a Medical Ninja.

What should I check
and how should I do it...?


This man... He snuck in as
a carpenter right?

That's right. Is there something
that bothers you?

His hand... It's too clean.

My family owns a flower shop,

I've been helping out
since I was a kid...

So if I look at a person's hand,
I can tell what kind of job they do...

Carpenter's hands are much more rough.

And there's no way that a trap
professional's hand would be so clean!


May I?


Just as I suspected...

There's no evidence that he's trained
his Chakra Network.

This man has never controlled
a Chakra...


The people from the medical group
were talking over there.

That they have some questions
about this body...

This person is not a Ninja!

Reporting! The spearhead of
the Village Hidden in the Waterfalls

is about to reach the borders!

They're fast...
What about our enforcement army?

They are gathering currently,

but they're not in position
for battle quite yet...

What if they attack even before
we're in position for battle?

In any case...
Who would have thought

that the Village Hidden in
the Waterfalls would...

Nothing will come of that right now.

Once the enemy crosses that river,

we will see that as their intent
to wage w*r on us,

and we will start to attack!



There were no plans for the Academy...

Excuse me!
Could you help me?

Did you call?

We saw that the Academy had
made some payments last month...

Last month?

Oh this. We did some
reparation work for the Academy.

We don't have the plans for that.

No, that's not possible...

That's strange...
Where did I put it?

What's going on?


What's the matter, Naruto?

What's going on?

They should show themselves soon...

Reporting! The Village Hidden
in the Waterfalls spearhead

that was closing in on the borders
has started to retreat!


It seems like it really was
a practice run...

Then where are the stolen plans?!

Th This is...

This is Shikamaru's...

These are the plans?


It's written in a complex code
so that it's not easily deciphered.


Why are the plans that were stolen
by Genno appearing here?

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

Students these days,
sure lack civility.

They usually do things like
eat potato chips, eat barbeque...

- Read comics.
- And eat box lunches.

- Is eating all you talk about?
- All that loafing?

Well, I mean
the self study hours are for...

- You know?
- No, I don't know.

They devote themselves to training
even though their Sensei is not watching.

- Isn't it beautiful?
- Really?

I am moved! I will back up
their training myself!


Next time: "The Missed Target"