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05x14 - Crisis! The Hidden Leaf 11 Gather!

Posted: 07/13/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

Wow. There's a lot of new houses
being built around here.

I hear it's been a bit of
a construction boom recently.

Seems like a lot of the construction sites
are short handed

and they're hiring carpenters
from people outside of the country, too.

Even I know that.

Oh, Old Man Genno!

Oh... Naruto.

Who is he?

He's a carpenter from the Land of Sand.

He likes ramen, and we bump
into each other at Ichiraku.

How about we go there after this?


Here you go,
thanks for waiting!

Thank you for this meal!

Thank you.

Ichiraku's ramen is the best, after all!

Isn't it so? Isn't it so?

I'm sorry, but can I have some water...?


Thank you for this meal!

That was fast!

Are you full already?

No... Not really...

Then, I'll give you mine.


Hey, Naruto!

The two of them are always like this.

They act as if they're really
grandfather and grandson.

Oh come on, Sakura,
stop being so harsh.

There're lots of other people
who complain. Like Grandma Tsunade.

And there's Shino, Ino, Kiba,
and Kakashi Sensei...

But I guess you're the harshest, Sakura.

Come on, Naruto!

That's only because
you're always at fault!

Now, now, Sakura calm down.
You hair will turn gray... Ouch!

- Looks like it's time
- Just leave it and eat up already!

- I got to business...
- But I got nothing left!

- Hey, hey.
- Help me, Old Man Genno!

Crisis The Hidden Leaf Gather


What is it? Fog?

Well, I guess it doesn't matter...

Lady Tsunade.

I'm sorry to bother you
during your sleep,

but the man that the Anbu Black Ops
have had marked...

Has made his move?

He is currently on the run.

On the run?

Are you telling me even with
the array of the Anbu Black Ops,

we still can't catch him?

Who is he?

You must know his identity by now.

There was nobody in
the recent Bingo Book

that fit his description,

but when we checked
an older Bingo Book...


Genno the Trapper?

You do know of him?

He should be quite old by now.

I hadn't heard his name in a while,

so I thought that
he had already retired, but...

I never would have thought that
he was infiltrating the Leaf Village.

I guess I can't fight against old age.

No... I guess I should say this is just
what I expect of the Leaf Anbu Black Ops.

We want you to hand over the thing
you took from the master carpenter' house.

You think I would still be holding
onto that thing?

I've had a long life as a Shinobi...

I guess it wouldn't be so bad to
close the curtain at this time.

Though I regret that
I won't be able to see

the end of the Leaf Village
with my own eyes!

Paper Bombs!


Are you saying that someone

is planning a huge attack
against the Leaf Village?!

That would be the only reason
anyone would want those plans

besides carpentry purposes.

Genno's last words suggest that as well.

It's going to take some time
to decipher those plans,

but it's too dangerous to depend on that.

The enemy may
attack us any minute.

Activate the S Level Emergency
Security Alert!

Leave the least amount of
men necessary here,

and all other men are to secure
the border!

Attack anyone who tries to cross
the border!

Don't allow them to attack the village,
no matter what!

Such great weather!


Oh! Sakura!

That sound like a big pain in the ass.

I think you'll be able to do it.
That is why we left you in the village.

At the very least, is there any way
that we can get more people?

Under these circumstances,
we can't turn over more people to you.

They're the greatest line up for you,
aren't they?

The greatest... huh?

Fog? Last night's weather didn't seem
like it was going to be foggy.

How strange...
Was it all a dream?

Doesn't it seem like
we're really low on people?

That's what I was thinking, too.

From the looks of it,

the village must be
under special security alert.

What?! For real?!
I didn't notice it!

You should notice these kinds of things.
You're a Ninja.

But if we're in a state of emergency,

it's a huge deal for the village,
isn't it?

Why haven't they told us anything?

That's why Lady Tsunade is calling us.

Come in.

Lady Tsunade, I brought Naruto.


So you must've been left out, too.

Huh? What are you taking about?


Oh, hey Shikamaru.
About last night's weird fog...

Did you see it?

Stop it.
You were just dreaming.

There was no fog.

See. I told you...

That was a smoke screen.

Smoke screen?

I'll explain once
everyone gets here.

- Huh?
- Naruto, Sakura...

The reason why we left you out of

the S-Level Emergency
Security Alert unit

is because we wanted you
to work under Shikamaru

for a special mission.


Well, that's the case.

First, I want you to gather
the people I'm about to name.

Hey, calm down, Naruto!

But it's already past the time
we w ere supposed to gather!

Not quite. To be accurate,
we still have twenty more seconds.

Seems like he's here.

Oh? Everyone's already here?

No matter how you look at it,
you're the last one!

Everyone's here now.
Then let's begin.

I'm sure that
you all have already noticed.

The village is currently under
the S-Level Emergency Security Alert.

It all started when...

The smoke screen last night, right?

You guys noticed it?

Of course.

The bugs were being noisy...

Huh? I didn't notice it.

You're always so out of it!

I didn't notice it either...

Could it be then that
I'm worse than Naruto?

Worse than Naruto... Worse than
Naruto... Worse than Naruto...

So what was that?

It seemed like something involving
the Anbu Black Ops.

So I stayed put...

Yeah, that's correct.
The Anbu Black Ops were involved.

Just as I thought...

It was late last night.

A man that the Anbu Black Ops had
been marking for the past two weeks

had snuck into the home of
Leaf Village's top carpenter boss...

And he stole the plans of our village's
important facilities from the secret safe.


So what's so bad about that?

He just stole the plans
for the facilities, right?

Just stole? You're so...


For example, let's say the plans for
the fort that surrounds the village

fell into enemy hands...

By analyzing those plans in detail,

the enemy could figure out
the most efficient way

to break into the village.

Now let's say that there were
plans for Lady Tsunade's mansion.

If you were to examine those plans,

you could find out how
to get the Lady Tsunade's room.

And if the plans were to get
into the hands of an assassin...

That's really, really bad.

Last night's smoke screen was...

something that suspect spread
as he was running away.

I see...

In the end, Anbu Black Ops cornered him
in the Western Forest...

He k*lled himself before
they could get him to talk.

when he committed su1c1de,

he wasn't in possession
of the plans he had stolen.

If the plans have already fallen
into the hands of the enemy...

it'd be a re-enactment of the nightmare of
the Destruction of Leaf Village.

In order to prevent that from happening

The S-Level Emergency Security Alert
was deployed this morning.

So, what is the mission for those
of us who were left behind?

Find out the location of
the stolen plans and bring them back.

That's our mission.

It's like finding a needle in
a haystack.

We just need to investigate
the path he took

and people he was acquainted with.

It turns out that the guy was famous
for being a top level trap technician.

It's a huge possibility that
he left traps where the plans are.

It's definitely plausible.

I understand.
We'll follow your instructions.

I'll do it.

Then let's start the investigation.

Turns out that the man
had snuck into the village

a few months ago and worked
as a carpenter.

Th This guy...

His name is... Genno

You're kidding me.

There's no way! Old Man Genno loved
the ramen at Ichiraku!

He would never do anything that
would destroy the Hidden Leaf Village!

Listen... There's no way that a guy
who's sneaking in to an enemy village

would show his bad side.

He played the part of a good guy
to let people's guard down.

There is no way that anyone
who loves ramen could be a bad person!

No. That's not true Naruto.

Choji... You tell him.
Put some sense into this guy.

Anyone who loves Ichiraku's ramen
can't be a bad person!


Gosh, I can't depend on anybody...

This is a list of the stolen plans.

I'm so embarrassed
we lost our important plans...

I can't show my face to Lady Tsunade.

Which construction jobs
were Genno involved with?

None of them.

But wasn't he working under you?

I don't allow outsiders to work
on any construction

that involves the safety of the village.

That old man only worked
on residential construction.

Which means...

There's little possibility that he
snuck some traps into the construction.

I think it's impossible.

We should check everything,
just in case...

I'm counting on you.

Lady Hinata, please take care of these.

Y Yes!

I'll go too.

Me too.

I've mentioned it earlier,
but there is a possibility

the the plans haven't fallen into
the enemy's hands yet.

It's possible that he could have hidden it
while he was running away.

And it's our mission to find that.


It's the start of a treasure hunt.
I'm depending on you Akamaru.


Ino and Sakura, you guys go
check the old man's body.

There might be some clues.

What?! Us?

I got it.

All right! You just want me to go right?!
I'll go!

Sakura, are you really okay with this?

I have to be. I'm training to become
a Medical Ninja.

I can't be afraid of something like this.

That might be the case for you, but...

Now... master carpenter.

Can you tell us everything you know
about Old Man Genno?

The old man came to Leaf Village
about three months ago...

He came to my place with
a recommendation letter

from a famous master carpenter
from the Land of Sand.

As you may already know,

there's a bit of a construction boom
in Leaf Village.

Every place is in need of more people.

And we needed more hands ourselves,

so we decided to hire him right away.

His carpeting skills...
were all right, just average.

I didn't feel the urge to
hire him permanently,

nor did I feel like I wanted to
fire him right away.

He took his job seriously.

He was perfect to hire
when we were short on people.

But after a while,

I found out that the recommendation letter
he brought was a fake.

This is the recommendation letter
he brought.

And how is this a fake?

There was a guy who brought
a recommendation letter

from the same master carpenter
more than ten years ago.

I just happen to find that
recommendation letter,

so I compared it and I noticed
that the handwriting was different...

And that recommendation letter?

It's over there in that cabinet...

Oh? Where did I put it?
I know I put it here...

It's okay if you don't have it.

I'm sorry.

For us, we really didn't care if
his recommendation letter was a fake

as long as he didn't do anything bad.

I just thought that I should let things
like this be known to Lady Tsunade...

I didn't think that
the old man was

a Shinobi from another country
and that he would steal our plans...

I still can't believe it.

Hey, is it really that
old man's doing?

I can't believe it either.

There're no signs of traps...

All right.

This is where the old man lived, huh?

He always paid the rent on time.

He really was quite proper...

Once in a while he'd come home
after drinking with his carpenter friends,

but he would never cause trouble.

Well, I did predict it,
but there are no clues...

I found it!

What did you find?

A special bonito broth, refreshing udon
and light broth super thin udon!

We're not looking for food!

But usually if somebody
is living by himself,

he'd probably stack up
on a bit more food...

There's only instant cup udon.

Didn't he eat out a lot?
I hear that he went to Ichiraku a lot...

Right, Naruto?

Oh... Yeah.

If he cooked himself, he could have
eaten more and saved money...

Choji, we're not talking about you.

That old man
barely talked about himself...

Just as I expected.

Oh, but he did happily talk about

how he became friends
with one of the kids in the village.

He might have heard something
from the old man.

Oh, I wonder about that.

What you mean you wonder about that?

We won't know until we find the kid
and question him, won't we?

But it seems like there's no need for us
to look for him or question him.

What?! Then, where is this guy!

Idiot, that kid is you, Naruto!

What?! Me?!

Yeah, there's no mistake about that.

You're Naruto Uzumaki?


We want you to
talk with us for a bit.

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

I wonder what kind of interrogation
Naruto is undergoing?

I guess they would use
Regressive Hypnosis or something.

What's Regressive Hypnosis?

It's a Jutsu to draw out
subconscious memories.

Then Naruto might know something
even with his bad memory.

Hmm. I wonder about that.

Well, this Old Man Genno sounds
like he was pretty tricky...

Wait, why are you here anyway?

Next time: "The A nbu Gives Up?
Naruto's Recollection"