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05x13 - Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Sensei

Posted: 07/13/22 08:14
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

So it's a case of not being able to fight
with the leader

unless I defeat the underlings?

Well then!

Hot Blooded Confrontation.
Student vs. Sensei

So you think you've blackened the path
to this Might Guy's tomorrow with this?

Youth is breaking through
the walls that close you in...

If you have both passion and effort,
then nothing is impossible!

With our sights trained on tomorrow...!

Is there no tomorrow for us...?

So this wood retains
its incredible strength

because it is reinforced and
connected by Chakra, I see.

Guy Sensei...


Are you all right?!

I'm not Yagura...

Eldest of the three Ryudouin brothers,

Second son of the same, Rokkaku!

Third son, Jako!


Hmm... I think I've heard
of that somewhere...

Don't tell me that you don't remember!

Our father, Agira Ryudouin,
was deeply injured

by the cowardly strategies of you
Hidden Leaf Shinobi.

And unable to execute his missions,
he passed away in despair.

Our father resented you to the very end,

even muttering your name
on his deathbed...

telling us to fight with
Might Guy of Hidden Leaf Village.

From that day forth,

our objective
has been to avenge his death!

Yes! We have been lying in wait for
the time when we could get even with you!

Oh! Do you mean that Agira?!

There's no way I could forget that battle.

Although we were enemies
on our missions, Agira was a fine man...

That will remain in my memory as
a splendid contest, even within

the annals of
the complete eight-volume

"Might Guy's History of Famous Battles."

It was a man to man fight.

Nothing happened that dishonored
my Way of Ninja!

You three must be mistaken.

I won't be angry at you,
so let me out of here!

Fool! I shall wreak vengeance upon
you to settle my father's score...

I'll finish you off!


I noticed you were there some time ago.

My master told me to
make sure you don't overdo it.

You're hiding something, aren't you?!

N -No... Nothing!

Sakura, you're not very good at lying...


Die, Might Guy!
Enemy of our father!

Wait, I tell you!

Hey, you Yagura imposter.
Infiltrating Village Hidden in the Leaves,

what are you scheming?!


Guy is in that building!
The building is controlled by their Chakra!

Why you!

Intense Brow Sensei,
I'm coming to your rescue!

Wh What is this?!

Do you intend to shut us in
with these pieces of wood?

Don't underestimate us!

Stop it, Naruto!

Wooden Dummies for training?

Are these also controlled by those three?

However strong they are,

they couldn't move all of
these Wooden Dummies at once.

It's hard to believe those three would
have that much power.


I see.

They have a simple mechanism,

and their movements are controlled by
the labels stuck to the back of their heads.

So, they're not moved with Puppet Jutsu?

No, they're only designed for
repeated punches and kicks,

so they probably cannot respond
to our movements!

Does this mean their movements
can be halted by removing the labels?

So that's what it's all about!

If that's the case,
then I'll return that blow!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Here goes!

Once I know the weak spot,
you're all mine!

- Gotcha!
- Gotcha!

Hah! This is easy!

These Wooden Dummies are
just one small part of our Jutsu!

Ninja Art:
Wooden Dummy Manipulation Jutsu!

Damn you!

Keep your wits about you!

There's one that moves differently
from the others!


U zu ma ki...

Naruto Barra...!

Stay back!

Some of these Wooden Dummies seem
to be manipulated by the Puppet Jutsu.

Be careful!

- Lee!
- Bushy Brow!

Leaf Hurricane!


How did you know we were here?!

From what Sakura told us,

I felt certain that Guy Sensei
would take this route

if he were headed for
the Land of Mountain Streams.

And where is Guy Sensei?

Inside there.


A Are they running away?

What's happening?!

It's just like a castle!

Leave this to me!

Guy Sensei is my master!
I would risk my life to save him!

But, Bushy Brow,
your leg injury hasn't healed yet.

I'm going in!

It's reckless!

Do you intend to interfere?

Today, I am just
a bit different from usual!

Bushy Brow, we'll cover you.

There is a weak point in
the Chakra at the center of the castle.

If you hit there, then...

But it may be a trap!

Everyone... If it is a trap,
let's try falling into it intentionally.

Over there!

Dynamic Entry!

As we suspected,
it was a trap to lure me in.

Anyway, let's follow it through.

Rokkaku, Jako, leave the rest to me.

All right.

Take revenge on that coward
by a suitable method.

Leave it to me...

Wooden Dummy: Possess:
Transfer: Repossess Jutsu!

A Wooden Dummy here too?

Your teacher is an incredible liar, Lee...

Is that Yagura's voice I hear?

I'll teach you both,
master and student,

that sometimes passion and
effort alone come to naught.

I won't allow you to
speak ill of my teacher.

If you've got something to say,

then why don't you come out here
and say it?

There is no need.

I can amply prove it with
the Wooden Dummy that is my incarnation.

I have come to rescue my teacher!

There's no way
I'm going to let myself lose to you!

You make me laugh...

What's this? The Leaf Hurricane...?

Does this mean that the technique
I deployed that time

has been completely imitated
and mastered by Yagura?!

In that case...

Leaf's Severe Hurricane!

Can this really be Yagura?

If he's mastered not
only offensive moves,

but also learned to guard with
such perfection

then he truly must be a genius!

What an incredibly
powerful spinning kick...

The Gensho I faced off with
in the practice hall

did not have this much power.

To my knowledge,

there is only one person who
could let loose this powerful a kick.

They are student and teacher
who respect each other.

Dying in fighting each other must
be a wish come true.

We'll have them crush each other

with Wooden Dummies mimicking
each other's movements.

Even if each were to discover
the true identity of his opponent...

They can't escape from the confrontation

without defeating
the Wooden Dummies before their eyes.

That is the secret of

Wooden Dummy: Possess:
Transfer: Repossess Jutsu!

Looks like my legs
can't last for very long...

If it comes to this,
there's only one move left.

Guy Sensei, it's okay right?

If I use it for your sake,
you'll probably forgive me.

The Lotus?

Could it be that the one who is controlling
this Wooden Dummy is Lee?

Dancing L eaf Shadow!

A combo move from the Lotus Hit Back
to aerial Severe Leaf Hurricanes!

It's magnificent...
Too magnificent!

Only Guy Sensei could use
such artful techniques!

Splendid! If I had not been his opponent,

I'm % certain that he would have
toppled the opponent with that Lotus.

But, at this rate,
I won't be able to b*at this Jutsu...

Wait! There is a way.

That tapping is Morse Code.
"You and I are destroying each other..."

But there's no way for either
of us to end this fight

without defeating the enemy's Jutsu...

So, it was Guy Sensei that
I was fighting all along?

We must both create an att*ck
with speed and power

of a magnitude that cannot be
reproduced by the Wooden Dummies...

"But I cannot show to you
the abyss of death again!

Master Guy, if I do it to protect the person
who is most important to me...

"You will forgive me for using
that move, won't you?"

"To me..."
"To me..."

"To me, there is no one more important
than Guy Sensei, you say?

Lee! What do you mean by
making me cry at a time like this?

Lee! I haven't forgotten the promise
I made to you back then!

"If you die... I shall die with you."

Thank you, Guy Sensei!

Now is the very time when...

one's own Way of Ninja...

- must be followed to the very end!
- Must be followed to the very end!

Third Gate: Gate of Life... Open!

Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain... Open!

Guy Sensei!

We're far from finished!

What's wrong, Elder Brother?

They're fast. They're both too fast...

At this rate,
the Wooden Dummies will... break.

Fifth Gate: Gate of Closing!


I can't see them.
They're faster even than sound!

There you go, Lee!

Bring the Chakra of your passions
to bear upon your opponent!


- The castle is...

If this was revenge,

then why did you not come at me
with the Kung Fu techniques of Ryudoin?

That day, though he was
the only man left,

your father refused to surrender,

but fairly and sportingly confronted me
with Kung Fu.

Out of respect to your father,
I faced him one to one.

When the fight was finished,
your father smiled slightly,

as if satisfied, and said he would like
to fight again...

Whether or not you believe me,
this is all there was to it.

Could it be that
what Father wanted to say

was not that he wanted us
to defeat Master Guy,

but that he wanted to fight again,
fairly and squarely?

Have we had the wrong idea all along?

I learned something important from
your father in that fight.

It is not the people born with
natural gifts who are the lucky ones;

the truly fortunate are they who,
believing in themselves to the very end,

can go on striving and keep the flame
of their passions alive because of it.

Uh huh.
That's a good teacher student relationship.


Say, Sakura! Hurry up and get
Bushy Brow to Grandma's place, will you?

Got it! Get him to the stretcher.

No, don't worry about me.
I'm okay. See to Yagura first.

Speaking of which,
I still haven't asked of Yagura's real name.

Lee, there'll be plenty of tim
for that later.

Administering first aid
should take priority.

Yes! Guy Sensei!

Yup, yup... That is really one
super teacher student relationship.

I wish mine was as good...

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

Yo, Kiba, Neji!

As always, you have
no sense for tension.

-What was that?!
- Be quiet, you guys.

That's right. They are about to
give us important instructions.

- Okay...
- Choji too! Can't you eat a little later?

- I don't mind.
- That's not the point at all!

N -Naruto... Um... I...

Things are heating up in here,
aren't they, Sakura?

You are getting too excited.

Hey. We're all here.

Then, I'll explain the next mission.

Next time:
"Crisis: The Hidden Leaf Gather!