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05x10 - Viva Dojo Challenge! Youth Is All About Passion!

Posted: 07/13/22 08:12
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

Viva Dojo Challenge!
Youth is all about Passion!

It's been a while, hasn't it, Naruto?
Were you alone on a mission this time?

I just went to deliver
Grandma Tsunade's letter...

Is that so? Then you should
report to Lady Tsunade right away.

I know!

I've only been away for a week,

but it seems as though
an awful lot has changed.

That sign wasn't here before, either.

Dojo challenget?

MAKE OUT v*olence

This way?

This is a tight squeeze.

Is that it?

"Passion Dojo."
Who on earth built this?

I've been waiting for you!


You've come here
for a Dojo challenge, right?

Well, then.
Come at me from anywhere you like!

Huh? Bushy Brow?

If you don't make a move,
I'm coming at you!

What? Wait, hold it.

Hey, it's me!
It's only me, Bushy Brow!


Hey, that was close, I tell you!

So the first Dojo challenger
will be you, Naruto!

Well, I couldn't wish for
a better opponent!


I'm going to go at this for real!

W Wait just a minute!

Leaf Hurricane!


So you just came to view the grounds?

Then you should have said so
in the first place.

I never even got a chance to tell you.
You just suddenly att*cked me.

I'm really sorry about that.

Say. Is this Dojo yours, Bushy Brow?

Yes. I have been working on it
for quite some time

and finally completed it days ago.

This flyer was distributed
not only in Hidden Leaf Village,

but in all the nearby
towns and villages as well.

You don't say?

I've been away on a mission
and have only just returned...

Is that so?

But why a Dojo?

It's all for training.

For training?

Well, actually, I've been busy
with missions lately

and have not been able to set aside
as much time for training as I'd like to.

And even on those occasions when
I was able to take time out...

it was difficult to find practice partners,
so I wasn't able to train efficiently.

Just when I was wondering
what I ought to do about it

I saw something in a village
I visited on a mission...

I request a challenge!

Please come this way.


I have traveled near and far
in search of training...

I'd like to have a practice match.

But if I should win,
I'll claim your marquee.

A Dojo challenge, huh?
Very well, I shall have a match with you.

Here I come!

If I were to open my own Dojo,

someone with confidence in his skills
will surely come to challenge me!

So, I opened the Dojo thinking
it would give me good practice,

but nobody has come
to challenge me yet...

Hmmm... Is that so?

Say, since you're here, Naruto,
won't you try out for a Dojo challenge?

If you win,
I'll give you the sign I painted myself.

I have no need for such things.

Don't say that!
Please, by all means!

C Come to think of it,
I forgot to report to Grandma Tsunade!

I'd better go right away!

See you later!


Please be my first!

Damn it. I wasted so much time
thanks to Bushy Brow.

Grandma Tsunade scolded me to bits.

I'd better steer clear of Bushy Brow's Dojo
for the time being.

What's that I hear about Lee's Dojo?

Intense Brow Sensei...?

Naruto, what do you mean by that?

Do you mean to tell me
that he opened a Dojo to train himself

while I was away from the village
on a mission?

Splendid, if I may say so
about my own student!

I, Might Guy, am impressed and moved!

But the all important Dojo challengers
are yet to appear... Not a single one.

Damn those Dojo challengens!

To think that Lee's earnest hopes
have come to naught...

I'll search high and low
and give them a hit they can not forget!

But, if you do that,

you'll just make even less people
want to visit for a challenge.

Ah, that's right...
Whatever shall I do then?!

I've got it. If no one come
to challenge his Dojo, then...

Why don't I myself go to Lee's Dojo,
disguised as a Dojo challenger?

I'll play the part of Lee's first!

A perfect disguise, if I do say so myself.

He wouldn't dream that
this was me, no way.

Here I come, Lee.

Guy Sensei!

I finally found you.

If it isn't Sakura!
What is going on?

Guy, forgive me for bothering you
when you've only just returned, but...

an emergency relief request has come in
from Shikamaru's squad,

which was assigned to
transport unit duty.

We know nothing whatsoever about
the true nature and scale of the enemy.


there is a possibility of this developing
into something major

if we err in our initial encounter.

Judging from reports,
they should be around here.

They're close by.

First, you go reconnoiter
to confirm the situation.

If they seem to need additional relief,
I will make immediate arrangements.

Yes, roger that.

Can that strange getup
have some significance?

I don't know...

What's with that strange fellow?

Well, no matter.
I'll borrow his form

to infiltrate Leaf Village.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves'

I, Nanafushi,
shall investigate every last detail!

Was that guy really
looking for a Dojo challenge?

Yeah. That's what he claimed to be,
so there can be no doubt.

He says he came
because he saw the flyers.

I wonder if he got lost or something...

Intense Brow Sensei, how long
do you intend to keep us waiting?

Naruto, I think, after all, I'd like
to have you be a Dojo challenger...

Oh no.

I'll go look for him!


Let's work up a youthful sweat with me!

Oh, he returned after all.

I knew that get up would be problematic.

What's the problem?


What's with the strange disguise?

Everyone can still tell it's you!

I... I didn't think it was
such a great idea, either.

What's the matter?

Don't tell me these guys
have discovered my true identify!

Intense Brow Sensei!



Quit lollygagging
and get over to Lee's Dojo!


If you don't go, then I'll have to fight him!
Come on!

Be seeing you!

I guess you could say...

That's typical of him...

I'm safe thanks to this guy...

I should attach myself to him for a while
and scope out the situation in the village.

What is this place?

This is Lee's Dojo!

But, really... Couldn't you have
come up with a little better disguise?

Well, never mind!

Lee must be tired of waiting,
so try to do a good acting job!

What is he talking about?

I've brought him with me, Bushy Brow!

I've been waiting for you...!

Well then, please try to take down my Dojo!


Please come this way!

Um... um.

At time like this, you're supposed to say,
"I request a challenge match," right?

I I see...

I I request a challenge match!

Do I hear that familiar call?
You indeed are a Dojo challenger!

Fair enough! If you win,
you can have my marquee!

Could it be that I've been
mistaken for a Dojo challenger?

Oh my god...


He's just a kid...

Well, it can't be helped.
I'll go easy on him...

Okay! Here I come!

- Ready!
- Huh?

He disappeared?


Wh What happened... ?

This little brat...!

Take that! And that!
And this! And that!

He's strong!

What's going on?!

I know you're only acting, but you're still
giving him too much of a break, Sensei.

Oh, I see. He's not fighting back because
it'll ruin his disguise!

Even if I had nine lives,
I'd never survive this fellow...

I think I'd better wave a white flag
and withdraw here.

I I concede...

Then that means... I did it!

I splendidly fought off
my first Dojo challenger!

No, that's not it at all!

What he means by "concede"

is that he concedes
to be a Dojo challenger, right?

In other words,
he's just been warming up,

and now comes
the real challenge, right?

No, that's not it at all!

So that's what you meant, after all...

I thought it was odd that

that an experienced Dojo challenger
would surrender.

It's not odd!
There's nothing odd about it at all!

Well, then, I'll have to really
get down to business now, too!

What?! You mean you haven't even
really gotten started yet?

Hey! Intense Brow Sensei
is a pretty good actor!

He's even taking more hits so that
Bushy Brow won't know it's him.

You were only att*cked by monkeys?

They were after the snacks
that Choji procured

but the important load is safe!

My snacks... by a monkey...

Ino mistook that for
an enemy's attack

and sent out
an emergency relief request.

But, it was so sudden!

Anyway, it's your fault
for procuring so many snacks!

These snacks were available
only for a limited time,

and moreover,
only available in the Land of Tea,

the Super-rare
"Green tea Pork-flavored chips!

For a lover of snacks, it is the ultimate sin
to refrain from buying

a limited offering of snacks
once one has found them!

Like I care about stuff like that!



Shikamaru, things are tough for you,
aren't they?

Right back at you. That getup...
Did something happen?

Huh? What about my getup?


Oh, that's right!
I haven't got time for dallying here!

I've got to get over to Lee's dojo!

Just wait for me, Lee!

You're overdoing
on purposefully getting beaten, Sensei...

Is he finished now?

Whoa, hold it! Time out!

Fight back a little, will you?!

It's impossible, I tell you.

If Lee doesn't
find this challenging enough,

I might get stuck being his opponent.


It's been one extreme mission
after another lately,

and I haven't gotten any sleep at all...

What? You don't say...

If I got a little rest,
I think I might recover, but...

While I take a rest,
won't you be his opponent for a while?


I'm begging you!

Wh What is that?

I'm coming, Lee!

G Guy?

I thought he already entered the village
a while ago...

S Sorry to keep you waiting!

You've weathered such an attack
and you're still undamaged...

You're quite a fellow!

The world is vast...

To think that such
an awesome Dojo challenger exists!

It was worth building this Dojo!

There's no way I could win
with only Taijutsu!

If that's the case,
then I'll fight my own way...

Here I come!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

But, of course! He's well acquainted
with Ninjutsu too!

Leaf Hurricane!

The real body is... right above me!

Primary Lotus!

Is this a clone, too?

Got you!

Here I go, one more time!

Another Shadow Clone?


Stop it, Lee.

S Sakura?

- Be nice, now!
- Don't be too hard on me.

- Please!
- Don't be mean!

So many Sakura...
Guy Sensei! I'm moved!

I've never known such happiness
before in my life!

- Cha!
- Cha!


We did it!

I guess I forgot...
that this is a fight with a challenger.

Just as one might expect...
But I won't fall for the same trick again!

Even though they may look like Sakura,
they're really just phony Transformation!

How can you say that, Lee?

Hurry back, Sensei!

For brats,
they fight such a high level fight...

- Leave it to Village Hidden in Leafs...
- How about this?!

I wonder if the rumors that

- they lost its vigor were just lies?
- In that case...

- I guess I need to
- Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Investigate this further...

This disguise is problematic...

I get a feeling
I will be embroiled in trouble again.

Let's go with this.
Well then, shall I be taking my leave?

Hold it right there!

The real thing!

I see that you are Rock Lee,
master of this Dojo.

Oh no.
I guess I'll have to play along with him...

Yes, indeed. I am Rock Lee,
master of this dojo...

I am a Dojo challenger!

Rock Lee, I shall defeat you
and claim your marquee!

Here I come!

You fight a pretty good fight.

You, too...

H Help!

B-Bushy Brow?!

Dynamic Entry!

A Another Dojo challenger?!

Intense Brow Sensei!
What took you so long?!

N -Naruto... what's the meaning of this?

If you can't dodge
even this much of an attack,

you are not worth all the talk!

Your training is inadequate!

N -No... This is... I mean...

It's about Million years too early for you
to be building your own Dojo!

I must straighten that spoiled attitude
of yours with my own fist!

Forgive me Lee...
It's my whip of love!

So, the true identity of the challenger
was you, Guy Sensei!

What? You're Lee?
Then, who was I punching?

Who's that guy?

Good grief...

Come in!
Oh, it's you, Guy...

And you're with Naruto and Lee.

That's perfect.
I was just about to call you all.

Has somethingthappened?

Just now, some intelligence came in...

A Shinobi from the Land of Valleys,
by the name of Nanafushi,

is said to have been seeking
inside information on our village.

He may already have
infiltrated the village.

I want you to go search for this Nanafushi
immediately and capture him...


That man...

You have an idea of where he might be?

- It's this guy!
- It's this man!

I don't really know what's going on...
but our mission is complete!

Well then, we'll be going.

Hey! Don't just leave him here!

Oh! Guy Sensei!

Explain what happened!
Hey! Lee! Hey! Naruto!

On a checkerboard night

when the stardust's are rapidly dancing

I just can't come out and say,
"Ah, I don't want to go home yet."


Spat at that beloved face!!
Mister Cricket

The Trombone gradually going off key

While on the sweaty center stage
does bug me.

But more importantly, the fuzziness I feel
in my undeveloped chest,

I wonder if it's from
that coke I just drank?

In the small hours of the morning
when the trees and grasses are asleep

and the forest is deafly calm...

A signpost standing forlorn
starts telling of the destruction of a clan.

Suddenly with a strike of thunder,
heavy rain begins to fall down.

What could be the true identity
of the Iron Castle that appeared?!

Next Time: " The Mysterious Curse
of the Haunted Castle"