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04x42 - The Star's Radiance

Posted: 07/13/22 08:06
by bunniefuu
Rock away your existence,

Shouting that you are here...

A new journey begins now.

As we survived through
the changing seasons,

we gained knowledge and strength,
(just looks like a survival game)

But the forgotten memories,

of the feelings abandoned within
the flows of time,

have also been lost.

When sinking down,
we learned loneliness.

But now we've met each other,
we are no longer alone.

Unveil your feelings,
Those high emotions

Those tears will change your fate.

Pound your heartbeat
against the darkness,

We're sure to meet,
Under the same flag of pain

Wait, Naruto!

I won't wait.

I told you not to be acting
on your own.

Then you're saying to
leave Sumaru be?!

Sumaru just now seemed
quite upset...

He's definitely intending to
get revenge on Akahoshi.

Now that he's been tarred with
the reputation of Rogue Ninja,

he'll have no place to go
throughout his life

if he raises a hand against
the village leader.



I finally...

Here, I finally got to meet you...


The Star's Radiance

Wh What're you doing?

Shh! Don't be acting on
your own anymore.

But, something's strange.

This number of Ninja is
indeed something serious.

It seems they've mobilized all
of the village Ninja.

Anyway, we should see
how things go for a little while.


Sumaru's inside the training room...

Hey, what about Sumaru's mom?

Damn it!


Do w e really have to do away
with him?

He's still a kid.
Wouldn't it be okay to let things slide?

At this moment,
he's a dangerous element.

No good would come
of letting him live.

But Sumaru's been
the most effective Genin in the village.

We have more than
enough materials...

We can just train more...


I won't stand for it anymore!
Leave it to me!

- Forget about it.
- Let go of me!

I'm going to kick
that Akahoshi jerk's butt.

This is a Star Village issue.

Village issues have to be resolved
by those in the village.

Isn't there something
we can do for him?

That's right.

Let's charge on in and
box Akahoshi's ears...

What're you saying?

That'd be the same as Naruto!

Are you saying we must
remain idle spectators

even when things have gone this far?!

That's right!

As long as there's no commission from
the villagerto kick Akahoshi's butt,

there's nothing we can do.

Archer unit! Forward!


Until now, I felt resentment towards you,
Mother, for leaving me behind.

But... I understand clearly now.

I understand why you
had to do that.

Akahoshi... I will never forgive him!


Wh What a pitiful mother and son, eh?!

What're you talking about...?

I buried them both together...
There is no greater happiness.

Incredible Chakra!


This jerk's an enemy...
He suddenly att*cked.

You're Leaf Shinobi, right?

I can tell even if you give me
the runaround...

The people from other lands
are all after the star.

If you have that power,

you can stand above all of
the Hidden Villages.

Is your awesome Chakra also
the power of the star?

If they had that star,

would everyone have
the same Chakra as you?

No! The more tremendous the pow er,

the more hard work is required
to control it!

I'll work hard, work hard, work hard!

I'll become the Hoshikage!

Yeah! I look forward to working
with you at that time!

I'm also going to become
the Hokage someday, believe it!

You're a strange guy.


That red star sure is pretty...


It watches over me all the time...

Are you still gonna say
I should bear it after all this?



Listen, everyone.

If you continue the star training,
you'll all die.

Sumaru's mother is the one
who took away the star.

She did that in order to
protect everyone's lives!

Lord Akahoshi?

Is it true that we'll die?

Are you going to believe
such nonsense?!

Being unable to withstand
the star training

is because the heart that loves
the village is weak!

Those who really love the village
can become true Shinobi

and can also surpass the Hidden Villages
of the Five Great Nations!

Hokuto or Lord Akahoshi...
Who's telling the truth?


In that condition...!
It's reckless!

Wait, everyone!

There's... There's something
I want everyone to see.


What's that?

What's going on?

Is that the effect of the training?

How awful.

Lord Akahoshi... I take pride in
the Hidden Star Village.

Even though it was painful,

I endured it and continued
the star training...

Even so, w ere my feelings for
the village still not enough?


I don't think there could be lies
in that child's words... and body.

Yes. So that's why
the Third Hoshikage prohibited

the star training for a long while.

We adults got carried away with
our feelings for the village

and may have made the wrong choice...

You loser!

Do you intend to mislead everyone
and crush the villaget?!

What're you doing, Akahoshi?!

They aren't traitors.

They're children of our village!

Protect Hokuto and Mizura.

Are you going to betray the village?!

I can't go along with your way
of doing things, Lord Akahoshi!

Me, too.

Me, too!

Me, too.

Me, too.

Death to those who betray the village!

Execute them all!

Are you insane, Akahoshi?

If we lost all the children,
there'd be no future for the village!

H Hey...
You're taking things too far, Akahoshi.

Take everyone's feelings into
consideration and yield for now.

Shut up!
What're you doing talking nice now?

We've long since dirtied our hands.

S Stop! What're you going to say?

Akahoshi, what do you mean?

There's a star in this village that
no other villages possess.

I just thought we didn't need
a foolish village leader

who wouldn't allow the star to be used.


Could it be that you are the ones who
k*lled the Third Hoshikage?!

Indeed, there were suspicious rumors
concerning the Third Hoshikage's death.

Akahoshi, prepare yourself
and answer!

You'll pay depending on your answer.

The three of us assassinated
the Third Hoshikage!

It was the quickest way
to save the village.

Say what?!

You guys are the traitors!

-Right! Right!

No, don't get the wrong idea.

We just helped a little.

Idiot. That'll be an acknowledgement!


We will not acknowledge you
as leader of the village.

Justice is not with you anymore.

It is the children who possess the hearts
that truly care about the village.

Everyone! Let us rise together
with those children

for the sake of the village.

- Yeah!
- Yeah!

We're sorry, children.

We were completely taken in
by Akahoshi's fast talk.

As of now, we'll fight with you!

Give it up, Akahoshi.

We've lost!

Shut up! I haven't lost.


Hokuto... Live for me...


Akahoshi, we won't let you do as
you please anymore!

I won't let you do something
like go against me!

Have you gone mad?!

Akahoshi, you've lost!

Give in to justice with good grace!

I won't lose!

The star is now... in my hands!

The star?!

I will now become
the Fourth Hoshikage!

Power... I'm starting to brim
with power.

I do not need any training.

I could have become one with
the star if I'd done this from the start...

What... What's this?

What's that?!


Massive Chakra from the star has
poured into his Chakra Network

and is causing it to go out of control.


I can't take it anymore!
Neji! Hey, Neji!

Don't... Naruto...

No matter what you say,
I'll kick that Akahoshi jerk's butt!

You jerk. I won't be responsible.

Right. Just say that I butt in on my own.

L-Lord Akahoshi.


Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Damn it!

You jerk.

Damn you...


- why are you so red?
- Sumaru's mom...

- Because...
- That's her voice.

I had a sad dream last night

My eyes are red, from the tears I shed

Swollen as I cried...

Natsuhiboshi, why've you lost your way?

- I'm searching for a child...
- Sumaru...

who has gone afar

He can't be found, though I search all day

- My sad dreams come once more...
- The Ninja Art. Kujaku...

to be controlled even after death.
At that time, Natsuhi did...

Damn you, Natsuhi!

You protect Sumaru even after you die?!

Natsuhiboshi, why are you red?

Because I had a sad dream last night

- My eyes are red...
- Sumaru's mom...

- from the tears I shed
- Are you saying you'll lend me support?!

- Swollen as I cried
- All right. Got it!

Natsuhiboshi, why've you lost your way?

I'm searching for a child
who has gone afar

- He can't be found...
- Rasengan!

- though I search all day
- Wh What?!

- My sad dreams come once more
- Go!

Despite having been assigned
a mission to protect the star,

to think you'd smash
the all-important star...

You didn't just fail to complete
the mission!

The compensation fee
will be massive.

But Grandma, I had no other choice!

It's my fault as the leader for
not being able to stop him.

I'm responsible as well!

Right. I also...

Well, that'd be a matter
under normal circumstances.

We haven't received complaints
from the Star Village

with regard to the incident of
the star being smashed.

In fact, the culprit of this incident

was the client Akahoshi,
the deputy Hoshikage.

So the mission itself is forgotten!

Come to think of it,
what happened to him?

It seems the three,

the main culprit Akahoshi and
accomplices Yotaka and Shisou,

will be punished severely
by Hidden Star Village!

That's good! Now the Star Village
will be peaceful.

Come in.

Lady Tsunade, all the Genin from
the Star Village bave been examined.


If they all receive proper treatment,
they will return to good health.

Hey, what about Mizura?

Yes. That boy will also be fine.

Yes! So, where's everyone?

They've completed their examinations
and are heading for their quarters.

Hey, Naruto! The lecture isn't...

He never changes.

Hey, guys.

That's great! Get better, Mizura.


I won't lose to you.

Huh, what?!

I'll become Hoshikage before you!

Even without the pow er of the star,

I'll make the Village Hidden in the Stars
into a most powerful Ninja village!

Say what?

No way will I lose!
I'll become Hokage before you!

Shut up. I'll be first.

I'll be first, believe it!

Yesterday's Call Sign,
was all from my cell phone.

In a strange park,
I play the Fuzz Guitar without enthusiasm.

Yellow Moon.

Even now, counting to three,
I open my eyes

Shadow Moon I am still dreaming.

Look at my eyes, look at my eyes,
as we face one another's back

Look at my eyes, when can we meet?

EveryDay EveryNight
With every word I can think of

Right away, my messy feelings as is,

A magical chord change, in a restless city

A daily JAZZ Guitar played
in a soft minor key

Kiba Inuzuka escaped with Akamaru!

Kiba did?!

Then, have a Special Pursuit Corps
stand by in preparation for the worst.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey, just a minute. Then they'll...

We have no choice.

The safety of the residents
must take precedence.

But Akamaru is Kiba's partner.

I'm aware of that.


Shut up, Naruto! I have an obligation
to protect this village.

Next time: "Kiba's Long Day"