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04x23 - Too Late for Help

Posted: 07/12/22 19:34
by bunniefuu
I want to try and gather
the unrestrained winds

I'll run toward the horizon,
alongside the wave crests

I've made my decision,

even if there's a long way to go
on that road.

I'll continue towards the future I've planned

Time rushes us
The heartbeat speeds up

When I woke in the middle of a dream
I kept searching for that same light

Under the shining star lit sky with
countless constellations and shadows

There was something beyond that...
What were you gazing at?

What were you gazing at?

Too Late for Help

You guys did good work.
Komei has confessed.

It seems he plotted
the Cursed Warrior...

to mislead the public and
to take the feudal lord position.

Is that what Komei said?

Yes. It turned out to be
such a trifle.

The Cursed Warrior vanishing

was a soldier disguising himself
as the Warrior

using a strong nitrohydrochloric acid
to melt his own flesh.

It's empty again.

With this, the Cursed Warrior
incident is resolved.

Now the Land of Birds
should return

to the beautiful and
quiet land it used to be.

Just a minute!

But the Cursed Warrior still isn't...!

Don't bother.


Now you are relieved
of your duty.

Have a safe journey back
to your village...


You said the one we saw first

and the one last night
were different, right?

Perhaps there were multiple people
disguised as the Cursed Warrior,

not just one alone.

If there was a person
inside disguised,

then how do you explain
the Warrior flying

As long as our mission has
been ordered complete,

there's no reason to continue
the mission in this land now.

Besides, Komei confessed
to the crime, right?

But, it's suspicious!

I can't go along with it
if I don't get the whole story!

This land has
its own circumstances.

Getting too involved
will cause trouble.


Then I'll just have to do it
my way.

Hold it.

I'm the leader of this team.

So what?!

You look into the movements
of the Cursed Warrior once more.

Tenten and I will reinvestigate
this incident from a different angle.

What? But the mission's over...

You have a point
with what you said.

Everything is moving abong
too swimmingly.

All right! Leave it to me.


Where are you going, Naruto?

Isn't it obvious?
To investigate the Cursed Warrior!


Oh, Chishima.

Um, Naruto just now...

It's nothing, it's nothing.

Did you have business
with us?

Oh, yes.

You have all been so helpful
to me the whole time...

I feel so bad about
that low payment...

Additional money?

We couldn't...

No, it's the specialty of
the Land of Birds,

chicken wing buns filled
with bean jam.

Yakitori Tsurucho


Sure enough,
this area's fishy, believe it.

It's kind of time consuming
searching alone...

Summoning Jutsu!

Ahh, long time no see.
Are you giving me a snack?

Why is it you guys?!

Dad's busy with stuff, so.

No, I can't have Boss Gama
appearing, either...

Well, I guess it can't be helped.

You guys have a better sense
of smell than humans, right?

You're calling us puppies?!

Geez! Toad authority
has sure hit rock bottom!

Gamatatsu, we're leaving!


Hey, Gamatatsu!

A frog that pounces on
a willow leaf?

What're you doing, you idiot?!

Big Brother Gamakichi...

I wonder what... this is?

Whoa, it's dark.
It's night.

Good night.

Good morning.

What's this?

It's a kite painted black.

A kite?

Look up there!

That's a totally huge kite,
believe it.

I wonder if there was
a big kite flying festival or something.

It's rather plain for
a festival kite...

What?! What does that mean?

Oh no!

Hey! Where are you going

I'm back.

I get it... If one were to fly that
in the cover of a dark night...

A Cursed Warrior hanging
onto the black kite

would look like he was flying...

With this, the mystery of
the flying warrior is solved, believe it!


Someone was here
on that night...

What is it?

The Cursed Warrior came out
from here.

It just looks like an old temple
that isn't used much at all.

You're right.

Let's go, Gamatatsu!

But Big Brother Gamakichi,
it's nice and cool here.

What're you talking about?!
In such a hot and humid temple...

Indeed, that's a nice damp wind.

See? Isn't it comfortable?

Draft from down below here?

What's this?

Wow! I wonder if
a giant worm made this.

Or a mole?

All right, let's check it out.

I wonder how we should greet
a mole if we were to meet one.

Like I care!

So Naruto is still investigating
the Cursed Warrior, huh?

I should probably inform Lord Moso.

There was some trouble caused,

but we have at last found
a safe refuge.

After him!

Big Brother, where are we?

Huh?! This place is...

This is the residence of
the feudal lord, isn't it?

Really? Residence of
the feudal lord?

No wonder
it's an impressive building.

It was connected to this place?

What was that sound?

Oh! What a nice view.

Hey! What are you doing

Shh! Keep quiet!
We'll be discovered.

Big Brother Gamakichi!

Uh, oh!

You blockhead!

Uh, umm...
Good work with your duties!

As for me,
I'm not anyone suspicious!

I was asked by
the Superintendent Moso and

I'm investigating the incident...

It'll make sense if
I tell you about it!


Lord Sagi! We have captured
a suspicious man.

What shall we do with him?

What...? Oh!

Oh. Sagi, bro! Hey!
We met at the lake, didn't we?

Explain to them about me!

I know no such person.


He's not worth sending
to the magistrate's office.

Lock him in the dungeon.

Yes, my lord!

Hey, that's harsh! Come on, Sagi!

Hey! Wait a minute!
Come on, hey!

Come on.
This is a misunderstanding!

I was just going after
the Cursed Warrior!

Umm, everything will make sense
if you just ask Mr. Moso.

You okay?


I can't be fighting the soldiers
of my employer's land.

Geez. You had to go and
get caught in that trap!

Well, it's cool. I can get out
of a place like this right away

if I just use both my hands.

Hey, untie this.

Right. Just a second.


Th The Cursed Warrior...?!

Damn it!

If I could just use both hands,
this guy would be...!

Big Brother,
are we going to let things be?

If things go wrong,
we'd be sliced in two.

I wouldn't want that.

Just a little more...

Just a little more...!


What's going on here?

You're the other Cursed Warrior?

But, why?

They say people become disembodied
spirits and avenge themselves...

But that's a lie!

This watch has been handed down
from generation to generation

in the feudal lord family.

It was supposed to be passed
from father to son...

But now along with that death,
the watch has stopped ticking away.

It must have been very sad...

I am shamelessly living on
only for the sake of revenge!

I can go to hell if
I can just complete my revenge!

That's no good!

There is no way you could understand

how someone who has had everything
taken away from them feels!

Like I know about stuff like that!

But I, at least, know that living for
the sake of revenge is wrong!

You're a feudal lord, aren't you?

Is revenge the job
of a feudal lord?

You know that's not it.

The true culprit Komei
has been arrested.

You should just leave
the rest to Moso. Okay?

It is no concern of yours...

I must not let you live

now that you have
learned everything!

As the thief who snuck into
the residence of the feudal lord...

your fate is a death sentence!

No way...!

This is creepy...

This is the tomb of the successive
generations of feudal lords, right?


That's the tomb of the Lord Owashi...


What's this?

What is it, Neji?
What are you seeing?!

There's something poisonous
in Owashi's body.

Was he assassinated...?!

We're surrounded.

An announcement to
the Ninja from the Leaf Village.

A message has just
now been delivered

from the residence of
the feudal lord!

Your comrade has been arrested
for infiltrating...

the residence of the feudal lord...

and his death sentence
has been determined!

Leave the Land of Birds at once!

If you don't, you will be ex*cuted here
for the same crime.

It doesn't matter!
Draw your bows!

Neji, what should we do?

Let's go to the residence
of the feudal lord.

We're going to save Naruto!


Kakashi Sensei!
Naruto's in trouble!

We have to go to the residence
of the feudal lord immediately

and save him...

We can't do that.

Your mission is over.


Don't do anything other
than the mission.

So many things happen
on this endless road, huh?

Although you're strong willed,
your voice wavered on the phone today

What dreams did you chase to get here?

Even I have times when
I just don't understand, baby

When you're sad, I'll be close to you

Even on nights when we're apart,
I'll be close to you

I'll be close to you

Are we really going back
to the village like this?

I told you. Our mission in
the Land of Birds is finished now.

But then, what I'll happen
to Naruto?

We can't interfere with
this land's internal affairs.

No way...

Sorry. The responsibility rests
on me, the leader.

Let it go... Sacrifice is
a part of Shinobi missions.

Next time: "The Death of Naruto"