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04x21 - The Cursed Warrior

Posted: 07/12/22 19:33
by bunniefuu
I want to try and gather
the unrestrained winds

I'll run toward the horizon,
alongside the wave crests

I've made my decision,

even if there's a long way to go
on that road.

I'll continue towards the future I've planned

Time rushes us
The heartbeat speeds up

When I woke in the middle of a dream
I kept searching for that same light

Under the shining star lit sky with
countless constellations and shadows

There was something beyond that...
What were you gazing at?

What were you gazing at?

What is it?

Who are you?!

It was you...?
You k*lled him, didn't you?

N-No... I don't know anything...!

The Cursed Warrior...?

The Cursed Warrior

Old man's... snot!

I just can't get myself into
training doing it alone...

I wonder if we won't get a mission
connected to Sasuke or something.

The Land of Birds?
From such a remote land...

That's what's troubling us.

The "Cursed Warrior" apparition has been
disturbing the castle town

and misleading the public, huh?

So they want us to exterminate a ghost?

I declined once saying
we can't go so far

as to accept the extermination
of a ghost, but...

I must have you accept this at any cost.
Please accept!

Is it because the money isn't enough?

We in the Land of Birds are
experiencing financial difficulties.

Even this is the very limit
the budget will allow...

It's not an issue of money.

In other words,
it's the mission details.

Be that as it may,

indeed there isn't even enough to
cover travel expenses with this amount...

Now that things have come
to this pass...

I shall commit harakiri...!

Don't be hasty!


It's the little bit of pocket money
I have saved up.

I'll pay out of my own pocket.
So with this, please...!

And that's why you accepted it?

It's indulgent even for me...

Nonetheless, most of the
Jonin and Chunin are out on missions.

I was thinking of how to handle this...

I guess someone's talking about you.

Everyone's busy with missions,
so they don't have time for such things.

Who's that guy...?

He's been like that since earlier.

Even tasty ramen won't go down the throat
right being watched like that!

Come inside and eat if you're hungry!

No, I'm not hungry...

So? Tasty, huh?


Thanks for your business.

Come back and have Naruto
treat you again...

Again and again like that?
Give me a break.

Thank you for treating me.
In appreciation...

N-No, you don't need to worry about it...

But hey, what's your name?

You're not a familiar face
from this village...

Yes, my name is Chishima and
I have come from the Land of Birds.

I came to the Village Hidden in
the Leaves to commission a mission...

You're flat broke even though
you came as a messenger of your land?

There wasn't enough money
for the commission,

so I even used up
my own pocket money...

Then it must be
a very important mission, huh?

It might even cost an important friend
of mine's very life...

Your friend...?
What the heck do you mean?

Ever since I was little,

I was raised like a brother with Lord Sagi,
the feudal lord of the Land of Birds...

You're friends with a feudal lord?!

I said feudal lord,

but he was only just appointed last year
and actually he's the same age as me.

No kidding?
The he's a totally young feudal lord.

Y Yes... The previous feudal lord,
his father Lord Owashi died from illness

and after that he even lost his twin sister...

Ever since then,

Lord Sagi, who was so cheerful,
has become a totally different person...

He wouldn't show his face
even if I visited...

I'm worried about him as
a friend rather than a feudal lord.

I was thinking something might
have happened to him...

So if there is something
I can do,

I want to do whatever I can,
as a friend...

I couldn' Sasuke.
But this guy's still...

Leave it to me.


Let's save your friend!


Old Lady Tsunade! You're mean!

Listen, you could at least knock
when entering my office.

More importantly! What do you mean
by fleecing bro of his pocket money

and then not accepting the mission?!


People call stuff like that devilish!
You old lady devil!

Try saying that again!

I'm sorry!

I wonder if Naruto... is okay...

He'll be fine.

You've gotten to know a good guy...

He may not look it,
but he's quite dependable.



Who said I wouldn't accept the mission?

Oh, I see. So you were waiting for Neji
to finish his mission and come back.

Half cocked jerk.

Lee is on a mission with Guy.

You and Tenten will form a three man team
with Neji as the leader, got it?

Then did you hear from that kid
about the mission details?

Well actually, not yet...

It's the extermination of a ghost.

A ghost?

It seems that it appears when
you're walking through town at night...

A ghost clad in white armor.

That's what you'II...

I I didn't hear anything about a ghost...

Are you scared of it?

I'm not scared. I couldn't be a Ninja
if I got scared at stuff like that!

But does Ninjutsu work on ghosts?

Who knows...?

Try testing it out yourself.

Jeez, why didn't you say at the start

that it was a commission
to exterminate a ghost?!

I didn't tell you?

Not even a word.
But that's just a rumor anyway, right?

I haven't seen it, but...


But it seems my master,
Lord Moso, saw it close up.

F-For real?!

The Land of Birds, huh...?
That's sure far...

Village Hidden in the Leaves

Land of Birds

Umm, is there more...?

You sure eat a lot considering
you're thin.

I'm sorry. I'm often called
a skinny voracious eater.

Hey, by the way, is there really such
a thing as the Cursed Warrior?

There are people who say

it's the disembodied spirit of
the previous feudal lord, Lord Owashi.

The disembodied spirit of
a dead feudal lord...

Rather than ghosts,

tell us a little more about
the Land of Birds.


The capitol of the Land of Birds
stretches across the banks of the lake

where migratory birds rest...

It was a peaceful town with
lots of green

and where water from the lake would
be drawn into the canals...

However, after the sudden death of
the previous feudal lord,

there was much uproar.

His son Lord Sagi and Lord Komei,
the tactician from previously,

were nominated to be
the next feudal lord...

But Lord Komei thought Lord Sagi
was still too young

and was vehemently opposed
to him assuming the feudal lordship.

But in the end, Lord Sagi
took the seat of feudal lord

and the matter was closed
with Moso the high priest

providing tutelage as
a superintendent official...

However, before even half
a year passed,

Lady Toki, his twin sister,
died suddenly...

After that, Lord Sagi
who was so cheerful

turned into a totally different person,
became coldhearted

and he now conducts governmental
matters confined in his mansion...

From about that time,

the Cursed Warrior began appearing
in the castle town...

Those in the castle town say
that Lord Owashi was k*lled by someone...

There are even those who say
that the Cursed Warrior

is the ghost of Lord Owashi
searching for the person

who drove him to death and is attempting
to have his revenge...

That's scary...

There's no such thing as ghosts.


That priest Moso is the one

who gained the most
from Owashi's death, huh...?

Lord Moso is a magnificent person
of virtue with no self interests!

Then the suspicious one is...

The only one left is Komei the tactician!

I bet he assassinated Owashi

in an attempt to become
the feudal lord, but failed!

He has complained whenever
opportunity offered itself,

after Lord Sagi became
the feudal lord as well!

A tactic like tormenting Lord Sagi
by starting the rumor

about the Cursed Warrior might be
a piece of cake for Lord Komei...!

All right! There's no doubt.

It's settled. The true identity of
the Cursed Warrior is Komei!

The true identity of the ghost
is revealed, huh...?

Lord Komei, there was nothing unusual
on the scheduled patrol.

You may step down...

Yes, sire.

Aren't we at our destination yet?!

Just a little further until
Lord Moso's residence.

Where is he?! This way?

Where did he go?!

Th There he is!

Get him! Drag him down!

Cursed Warrior!

He vanished.

Lord Komei! Are you all right?!

I'm fine. Don't panic!

What's that?!

It's flying?!

Clad in white armor,
possesses a halberd,

and wears a mask with
a frightening look...

There's no doubt...
It's the Cursed Warrior!

After him!

Are you going to ride on
my shoulders forever?

Wait here! I'll pin down
the true identity of the ghost!

Huh? R-Right...

Where'd he go?!

Over there!


I can't see him...

What does that mean?!

There's no human presence in here...

At least, a living presence...

Wh Why do you put it that way...?

Shh! Didn't you hear
something just now?

I thought you didn't feel
a human presence!

I told you... living presence.

Wh What do you want?!

Damn it, damn it.

You little!

Chain Weight!

Th -There can't be something like ghosts.
No such things as ghosts!

Stop, Naruto! He's...!

Shadow Clone Jutsu!





Naruto Barrage!

Yes! Now I'll verify the true identity!

This is...

The insides are empty.

That means...

it's a real ghost!

So many things happen
on this endless road, huh?

Although you're strong willed,
your voice wavered on the phone today

What dreams did you chase to get here?

Even I have times when
I just don't understand, baby

When you're sad, I'll be close to you

Even on nights when we're apart,
I'll be close to you

I'll be close to you

So that's Sagi,
the feudal lord of this land, huh?

He's far away,
but he might be quite cool.

Shh, be quiet!

What is it, Neji?

Something's strange.
What's with this blood thirst?

What? Bloodthirsty?
Could it be assassins?

They might be Shinobi.
Is everyone ready?!

- Yeah.
- Yeah.

I'll protect the feudal lord!

Next: "The Tactician's Intent"