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03x06 - The Lazarus Experiment

Posted: 05/07/07 13:25
by bunniefuu
Martha and the Doctor are at the console, the Doctor handling the controls as they're in transit.

THE DOCTOR: There we go... perfect landing, which isn't easy in such a tight spot.

MARTHA: You should be used to tight spots by now. Where are we?

THE DOCTOR: The end of the line.

Martha rushes towards the doors.

THE DOCTOR: No place like it.

Martha looks at him, questioning if she should open the doors. He nods and she goes outside only to be disappointed in the destination.

MARTHA: Home. You took me home?

THE DOCTOR: In fact, the morning after we left, so you've only been gone about 12 hours. No time at all, really.

The Doctor begins looking about at her photos.

MARTHA: But all the stuff we've done: Shakespeare, New New York, old New York?

THE DOCTOR: Yep, all in one night, relatively speaking. Everything should be just as it was... Books, Cds, (picks up underwear drying on a rack) laundry.

Martha snags the offending lingerie from his fingertips.

THE DOCTOR: So, back were you were, as promised.

MARTHA: This is it?

THE DOCTOR (inhales deeply): Yeah, I should probably... um...

Martha's phone rings and the answering machine picks up.

ANSWERING MACHINE: Hi! I'm out! Leave a message!

MARTHA: I'm sorry.

The machine beeps before Francine's message.

FRANCINE: Martha, are you there? Pick it up, will you?

MARTHA: It's Mum. It'll wait.

FRANCINE: All right then, pretend that you're out if you like. I was only calling to say that your sister's on TV. On the news of all things. Just thought you might be interested.

Martha picks up the remote control and turns on the TV. We hear the voice of Prof. Lazarus before we see him.

LAZARUS: The details are top secret...

MARTHA: How could Tish end up on the news?

On the TV screen we see Prof Lazarus, who looks to be in his late 70s, holding a press conference. Tish is standing behind him.

LAZARUS: Tonight, I will demonstrate a device...

FRANCINE: She's got a new job. PR for some research lab.

LAZARUS : ...with the push of a single button, I will change what it means to be human.

Martha switches off the TV.

MARTHA: Sorry. You were saying we should...?

THE DOCTOR: Yes, yes, we should. One trip is what we said.

MARTHA: Yeah. I suppose things just kind of... escalated.

THE DOCTOR: Mmm. Seems to happen to me a lot.

MARTHA: Thank you. For everything.

THE DOCTOR: It was my pleasure.

The Doctor enters the TARDIS leaving Martha standing beside it looking near to tears. She takes a deep breath and backs away as the TARDIS dematerialises. When it's gone, she looks almost lost. She hears the TARDIS again and turns to see it rematerialise. The Doctor opens the door and pops his head out.

THE DOCTOR: No, I'm sorry. Did he say he was going to change what it means to be human?


In Lazarus's office that night, he is looking out on London. Lady Thaw, a woman of a similar age, her grey hair in a fashionable bun, is standing at his side.

LADY THAW: Are you sure it's safe?

LAZARUS: There were some issues. They've been resolved. I'm confident I'm in no serious danger.

LADY THAW: That's comforting, Richard, but it wasn't just you I was worried about.

LAZARUS: Your concern is touching.

LADY THAW: The people in that room will represent billions of pounds' worth of potential investment. Mr Saxon wants to be sure they like what they see.

LAZARUS: Don't worry. Our friend will get his money's worth.

Tish enters the office with a file in her hand.

TISH: You wanted to see the guest list for tonight, Professor?

LAZARUS: Yes. Thank you, Leticia.

Tish sets the file on his desk. Lazarus put his hand on hers, preventing her from leaving.

LAZARUS: That's an interesting perfume. What's it called?

TISH: Soap.

Tish pulls her hand away and leaves the office. The Doctor and Martha are walking down the street. The Doctor is fussing with the cuffs of his dress shirt.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, black tie. Whenever I wear this, something bad always happens.

MARTHA: It's not the outfit, that's just you. Anyway, I think it suits you. In a James Bond kind of way.

THE DOCTOR (derisively): James Bond? (Approvingly). Really?

Martha chuckles as they approach the impressive entrance to Lazarus Laboratories. Inside the main reception room, guests are mingling. Dominating the room is a large white round cabinet surrounded by four pillars with a slight curve at the top. The Doctor takes some hors-d'oeuvres from a passing tray.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, look, they've got nibbles! I love nibbles!

The Doctor tosses one whole into his mouth. Tish joins them, smiling.

TISH: Hello.


The two sisters hug.

TISH: You look great. So, what do you think? Impressive, isn't it?

MARTHA (nods): Very.

TISH: And two nights out in a row for you, that's dangerously close to a social life.

MARTHA: If I keep this up, I'll end up in all the gossip columns.

TISH: You might, actually. Keep an eye out for photographers. And Mum, she's coming too, even dragging Leo along with her.

MARTHA (incredulous): Leo in black tie? That I must see.

Tish glances at the Doctor.

MARTHA: This is, uh, the Doctor.

THE DOCTOR (shakes her hand): Hello.

TISH: Is he with you?


TISH: But he's not on the list. How did he get in?

MARTHA: He's my plus one.

THE DOCTOR: So, this Lazarus bloke, he's your boss?

TISH: Professor Lazarus, yes. I'm part of his executive staff.

MARTHA: She's in the PR department.

TISH: I'm head of the PR department, actually.

MARTHA: You're joking.

TISH: I put this whole thing together.

THE DOCTOR: So do you know what the professor's going to be doing tonight? That looks like it might be a sonic microfield manipulator.

TISH: He's a science geek. I should've known. Gotta get back to work now. I'll catch up with you later.

Tish leaves to mingle.

THE DOCTOR: Science geek? What does that mean?

MARTHA: That your obsessively enthusiastic about it.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, nice.

Francine enters with Leo from the other side of the room.

FRANCINE: Your father's caused me enough heartache already with his menopause and his trophy girlfriend.

LEO: Yeah, Mum, I know. It's just something he said last night.

Francine sees Martha.


Martha turns and looks at her mother as if she hasn't seen her in years.


She gives her mother a big hug.

FRANCINE: Oh. All right, what's the occasion?

MARTHA: What do you mean? I'm just pleased to see you, that's all.

FRANCINE: You saw me last night.

MARTHA: I know. I just... miss you. You're looking good, Leo.

LEO: Yeah. If anyone asks me to fetch 'em a drink, I'll swing for him.

Francine notices the Doctor standing a bit behind Martha.

FRANCINE: You disappeared last night.

MARTHA: I... just went home.

FRANCINE: On your own?

MARTHA: This is a friend of mine, the Doctor.

FRANCINE: Doctor what?

MARTHA: No, it's just the Doctor. We've been doing some work together.

Leo shakes the Doctor's hand.

THE DOCTOR: Yeah, all right. (Shakes Francine's hand). Lovely to meet you, Mrs Jones. Heard a lot about you.

FRANCINE: Have you? What have you heard, then?

THE DOCTOR: Oh, you know, that you're Martha's mother and... um... No, actually, that's... that's about it. We haven't had much time to chat, you know, been busy.

FRANCINE: Busy? Doing what, exactly?

THE DOCTOR: Oh... you know... stuff.

Their conversation is cut short, as there is a tapping on glass, a signal that an announcement is about to be made.

LAZARUS: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Professor Richard Lazarus and tonight I'm going to perform a miracle. It is, I believe, the most important advance since Rutherford split the atom, the biggest leap since Armstrong stood on the moon. Tonight, you will watch and wonder. Tomorrow, you'll awake to a world which will be changed forever.

Lazarus enters the cabinet. Two female technicians start the machinery from a bank of instruments behind the cabinet. There is a high-pitched whir and a bright blue light as the four pillars begin to spin individually. Creating an energy field. They ten begin to rotate around the cabinet, going faster and faster. A warning klaxon goes off.

THE DOCTOR: Something's wrong. It's overloading.

The technicians tried to stop it, but some of the panels explode, sending off sparks. The Doctor jumps over the low desk and aims his sonic screwdriver at the controls.

LADY THAW: Somebody stop him! Get him away from those controls!

THE DOCTOR: If this thing goes off, it'll take the whole building with it. Is that what you want?

The Doctor pulls one of the main wires that connect to the cabinet and it slowly stops spinning. Martha runs to the door and the Doctor runs to join her.

THE DOCTOR: Get it open!

They open the door and watch as, through the smoke, Lazarus emerges looking 40 years younger. Photographers snap away as Martha and the Doctor look on amazed. Lazarus touches his face, realizing it worked. He steps completely out and stands before his machine.

LAZARUS: Ladies and gentlemen, I am Richard Lazarus. I am 76 years old and I am reborn!

Lazarus holds his arms up in triumph as everyone claps.

LADY THAW: He did it. He actually did it.

People are taking the opportunity to have their photograph taken with Lazarus. Martha watches as the Doctor studies the machine.

MARTHA: It can't be the same guy. It's impossible. It must be a trick.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, it's not a trick. I wish it were.

MARTHA: What just happened, then?

THE DOCTOR: He just changed what it means to be human.

Lady Thaw walks over to where Lazarus is speaking with some guests.

LADY THAW: Excuse me. That was the most astonishing thing I've ever seen. Look at you!

LAZARUS: This is only the beginning. We're not just making history; we're shaping the future, too.

LADY THAW: Think of the money we'll make. People will sell their souls to be transformed like that. And I'll be first in line.

Lazarus cracks his neck as if experiencing pain and gasps. A waiter comes by with a tray of hors-d'oeuvres and Lazarus takes the whole thing, shovelling one after another into his mouth. Lady Thaw watches, aghast.

LADY THAW: Richard!

LAZARUS: I'm famished.

The Doctor and Martha walk up behind them.

THE DOCTOR: Energy deficit. Always happens with this kind of process.

LAZARUS: You speak as if you see this every day, Mr...

THE DOCTOR: Doctor. And, well, no, not every day, but I have some experience in this kind of transformation.

LAZARUS: That's not possible.

THE DOCTOR: Using hypersonic sound waves to create a state of resonance. That's... that's inspired.

LAZARUS: You understand the theory, then.

THE DOCTOR: Enough to know that you couldn't possibly have allowed for all the variables.

LAZARUS: No experiment is entirely without risk.

THE DOCTOR: That thing nearly exploded. You might as well have stepped into a blender.

LADY THAW: You're not qualified to comment.

THE DOCTOR: If I hadn't stopped it, it would have exploded.

LAZARUS: Then I thank you, Doctor. But that's a simple engineering issue. What happened inside the capsule was exactly what was supposed to happen. No more, no less.

MARTHA: You've no way of knowing that until you've run proper tests.

LAZARUS (laughs): Look at me! You can see what happened. I'm all the proof you need.

LADY THAW: This device will be properly certified before we start to operate commercially.

MARTHA: Commercially?! You are joking. That'll cause chaos.

LAZARUS: Not chaos. Change. A chance for humanity to evolve, to improve.

THE DOCTOR: This isn't about improving. It's about you and your customers living a little longer.

LAZARUS: Not a little longer, Doctor. A lot longer. Perhaps indefinitely.

LADY THAW: Richard, we have things to discuss. Upstairs.

Lady Thaw walks away and Lazarus moves to follow her.

LAZARUS: Goodbye, Doctor. In a few years, you'll look back and laugh at how wrong you were.

Lazarus reaches out and takes Martha's hand, kissing the back of it before leaving.

THE DOCTOR: Ooh, he's out of his depth. No idea of the damage he might have done.

MARTHA: So what do we do now?

THE DOCTOR: Now... well, this building must be full of laboratories. I say we do our own tests.

Martha looks at her hand.

MARTHA: Lucky I've just collected a DNA sample then, isn't it?

THE DOCTOR: Oh, Martha Jones, you're a star.

They head off. Lazarus and Lady Thaw are sipping scotch, looking out the window over London.

LAZARUS: I grew up over there. Tiny flat above a butcher's shop.

LADY THAW: It'll have a blue plaque soon. "Richard Lazarus lived here".

LAZARUS: It's gone. Destroyed in the w*r. The bombing.

LADY THAW: Of course.

LAZARUS: 1940. D'you remember? Night after night. Explosions. g*ns. Firestorm.

LADY THAW: My parents had sent me to the country by then.

LAZARUS: When the sirens went, we'd go to the cathedral there. We used to shelter in the crypt... the living cowering among the dead.

LADY THAW: But look at what you've built here, now. You've laid the foundations for an empire. An empire we can rule together.

Lady Thaw pulls him down for a kiss. Lazarus pulls away from the kiss and exhales sharply.

LADY THAW: Well, what's wrong?

Lazarus wipes his lips with his hand and chuckles. He grabs her chin and forces her to look at her reflection in the window.

LAZARUS: Look at yourself, woman.

Lady Thaw pushes his hand away. Martha and the Doctor are in a lab looking at the results of the DNA test on a computer screen.

THE DOCTOR: Amazing.


THE DOCTOR: Lazarus's DNA.

MARTHA: I can't see anything different.

THE DOCTOR: Look at it!

The image on the screen flickers.

MARTHA: Oh, my God! Did that just change? But it can't have!

THE DOCTOR: But it did.

MARTHA: It's impossible.

THE DOCTOR: And that's two impossible things we've seen tonight. Don't you love it when that happens?

MARTHA: That means Lazarus has changed his own molecular patterns.

THE DOCTOR: Hypersonic sound waves to destabilize the cell structure then a mutagenic program to manipulate the coding in the protein strands. Basically, he hacked into his own genes and instructed them to rejuvenate.

MARTHA: But they're still mutating now.

THE DOCTOR: 'Cause he missed something. Something in his DNA has been activated and won't let him stabilize. Something that's trying to change him.

MARTHA: Change him into what?

THE DOCTOR: I dunno but I think we need to find out.

MARTHA: That woman said they were going upstairs.

THE DOCTOR: Let's go!

They leave the lab. Lady Thaw is pacing behind Lazarus as he looks out the window.

LADY THAW: It's me who made this all possible. This is my triumph, and I will not be denied, not by you, not after everything I've done here!

LAZARUS: You backed me because you saw a profit. Your concern was financial.

LADY THAW: Well! You want the money as much as I do. We had a plan.

Lazarus closes his eyes as his body "cracks" again.

LADY THAW: When the device is ready, I'll be rejuvenated, too. We could be rich and young and together!

LAZARUS: You think I'd water another lifetime on you?

LADY THAW: Did that process make you even more cruel?

LAZARUS: No, my love. That I learnt from you. You have a gift for it.

LADY THAW: Then you know that I'll protect my involvement in the project. I'm sure Mr Saxon will be interested...

Lazarus groans in pain as the cracking of his body becomes more severe.

LADY THAW: What's going on?

LAZARUS (gasps): It must just be... ah!


LADY THAW: What is it?

LAZARUS: I'll be fine in a moment. It's probably just a cramp.

Lazarus smiles reassuringly before gasping and falling to the floor.

LADY THAW: Oh! Richard!

Lazarus begins jerking and convulsing on the floor.

LADY THAW: Is it some sort of seizure? What should I do? I don't understand what's happening.

Lazarus screams and we see bones rip out through the back of his suit. There is growling and Lady Thaw screams. A tail with a stinger similar to a scorpion strikes. Back at the reception, Francine see Tish and calls her over.

FRANCINE: Tish! Have you seen Martha and that Doctor anywhere?

TISH: Not since the demonstration.

FRANCINE: Do you know anything about him? Has she ever mentioned him before?

TISH: Not to me.

FRANCINE: The way she followed him.

TISH: She's a doctor. She was just doing her job.

FRANCINE: She's not a doctor yet. Never will be, if she doesn't stay focused.

LEO: Look, she's found a bloke. So what?

FRANCINE: There's something going on, Leo, I can feel it.

The lift opens and Lazarus steps out wearing a new suit. He twists his neck as if to get it back in place. He finds Tish and puts a hand on her shoulder.

LAZARUS: Leticia Jones. I'd recognize the smell of that soap anywhere.

TISH: Professor.

LAZARUS: I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, you'll have to excuse me while I take care of Leticia here. I've been neglecting her.

Lazarus leads her away. The Doctor and Martha step out of the lift and into Lazarus's office. The Doctor turns on the lights.

MARTHA: This is his office, all right.

THE DOCTOR: So, where is he?

MARTHA: Dunno. Let's try back at the re...ception.

Sticking out from behind the desk, Martha spots a pair of skeletal bones, wearing high heels. They rush over to see the desiccated remains of Lady Thaw.

MARTHA: Is that Lady Thaw?

THE DOCTOR: Used to be. Now it's just a shell. Had all the life energy drained out. Like squeezing the juice out of an orange.

MARTHA: Lazarus.

THE DOCTOR: Could be.

MARTHA: So he's changed already.

THE DOCTOR: Not necessarily. You saw the DNA. It was fluctuating. The process must demand energy. This might not have been enough.

MARTHA: So he might do this again?


They dash back to the lifts. The moment after theirs leaves, the other lift opens and out walks Tish with Lazarus.

LAZARUS: You seem very young to have such a responsible position. Have you much experience?

TISH: Not really. But the interview panel thought I had all the necessary attributes.

LAZARUS: How perceptive of them.

TISH (chuckles): So where are you taking me?

LAZARUS: Up to the roof. It's a lovely evening. I thought I'd show you the view. It's extraordinary.

TISH: Like a lot of things around here, then.

Lazarus motions for Tish to go ahead. He cracks his neck then follows. Martha and the Doctor arrive back at the reception.

MARTHA: I can't see him.

THE DOCTOR: He can't be far. Keep looking.

The Doctor walks on.

LEO: Hey, you all right, Martha? I think Mum wants to talk to you.

MARTHA: Have you see Lazarus anywhere?

LEO: Yeah. He was getting' cosy with Tish a couple of minutes ago.

The Doctor joins them moments before Francine.

MARTHA: With Tish?!

FRANCINE: Ah, Doctor.

THE DOCTOR: Where did they go?

LEO: Upstairs I think, why?

FRANCINE: Doctor...

The Doctor rushes past, spilling Francine's drink.

FRANCINE: I'm speaking to you!

Martha follows the Doctor, stopping a moment to talk to her mother.

MARTHA: Not now, Mum!

Francine goes to one of the tables where she finds a napkin to wipe herself down. A man walks up to her.

MAN: I think you need one of these.

The man hands her a fresh glass of champagne.

FRANCINE: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

MAN: Do you know that man?

FRANCINE: No. He's a friend of my daughter's.

MAN: Perhaps she should choose her friends more carefully.

The man walks off. The Doctor and Martha arrive back at Lazarus's office.

MARTHA: Where are they?

The Doctor takes out the sonic screwdriver.

THE DOCTOR: Fluctuating DNA will give off an energy signature. I might be able to pick it up.

He holds the sonic screwdriver out at arm's length and slowly turns in a circle. Its beeping increases.

THE DOCTOR: Got him.

MARTHA: Where?

The Doctor ends up pointing the sonic screwdriver at the ceiling.

MARTHA: But this is the top floor! The roof!

They run for the stairs. Up on the roof, Tish stands beside Lazarus as they look out over London.

TISH: That clock tower's beautiful all lit up like that.

LAZARUS: It's Southwark Cathedral. One of the oldest churches in London. Been around longer than I have.

TISH: Well, you're looking pretty good for your age.

LAZARUS: Thank you.

TISH: Can I?

Tish reaches a hand out tentatively.

LAZARUS: Of course.

Tish runs the back of her hand along Lazarus's cheek and he turns into the caress.

TISH: Still can't take it in.

LAZARUS: I'm still adjusting myself. I've been working toward it for two many years, it's hard to believe the moment's finally arrived.

TISH: And is it like you expected?

LAZARUS: I find that nothing's ever exactly like you expect. There's always something to surprise you. "Between the idea and the reality, between the motion and the act...

THE DOCTOR: Falls the shadow".

Lazarus turns to see the Doctor and Martha.

LAZARUS: So the mysterious Doctor knows his Eliot. I'm impressed.

TISH: Martha, what are you doing here?

MARTHA: Tish, get away from him.

TISH: What? Don't tell me what to do.

THE DOCTOR: I wouldn't have thought you had time for poetry, Lazarus, what with you being busy defying the laws of nature and all.

LAZARUS: You're right, Doctor. One lifetime's been too short for me to do everything I'd like. How much more would I get done in two or three or four?

THE DOCTOR: Doesn't work like that. Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It's not the time that mattes; it's the person.

LAZARUS: But if it's the right person, what a gift that would be.

THE DOCTOR: Or what a curse. Look at what you've done to yourself.

LAZARUS: Who are you to judge me?

MARTHA: Over here, Tish.

Tish walks over to Martha.

TISH: You have to spoil everything, don't you? Every time I find someone nice, you have to go and find fault.

Behind Tish, Lazarus is having another att*ck.

MARTHA: Tish, he's a monster!

TISH: I know the age thing's a bit freaky, but it works for Catherine Zeta-Jones.

At the sound of growling, Tish slowly turns her head and we see the monster for the first time. It looks a cross between and human skeleton and a scorpion. It rears up.


The Doctor, Martha and Tish race inside and the Doctor seals the lock with the sonic screwdriver. Martha presses the call button for the lift.

MARTHA (to Tish): Are you okay?

TISH: I was gonna snog him.

Lazarus bangs on the door, alerting the buildings a*t*matic security. Sirens begin to go off and a computerised warning comes over the PA.

PA: Security breach. Security breach. Security beach.

No one at the reception knows what is going on.

MARTHA: What's happening?

TISH: Uh, an intrusion. It triggers a security lockdown. Kills most of the power. Stops the lifts. Seals the exits.

THE DOCTOR: He must be breaking through that door. The stairs, come on!

As they run down the stairs, they hear the door crash open.

MARTHA: He's inside!

THE DOCTOR: Haven't got much time!

Martha, the Doctor and Tish return to the reception.

THE DOCTOR: Tish! Is there another way out of here?

TISH: There's an exit in the corner, but it'll be locked now.

The Doctor tosses the sonic screwdriver to Martha.

THE DOCTOR: Martha, setting 54. Hurry.

Martha rushes off followed by Tish. The Doctor jumps on the platform in front of Lazarus's machine.

THE DOCTOR: Listen to me! Your people are in serious danger! You need to get out of here right now!

WOMAN: Don't be ridiculous. The biggest danger here is choking on an olive.

Glass shatters and Lazarus appears on the landing above before leaping down to the reception floor. Martha and Tish rush to open the door as everyone runs for the exits.

LEO: Mum, get back!

Leo is hit by a table the monster sent flying.


Martha gets the door open.

MARTHA: Over here! This way! Everyone downstairs now! Hurry!

Lazarus closes in on the woman who wouldn't believe the Doctor and she just stands there.

THE DOCTOR: No! Get away from her!

The woman screams and we hear the sound of her being sucked dry before her shell falls to the floor. Francine is with Leo who slowly comes to as Lazarus approaches.

THE DOCTOR: Lazarus! Leave them alone!

Martha comes to help Leo.


MARTHA (to Leo): C'mon, stay with me.

Martha takes Francine and Leo to safety.

THE DOCTOR: What's the point if you can't control it? The mutation's too strong. k*lling those people won't help you. You're a fool, a vain old man who thought he could defy Nature. Only Nature got her own back, didn't she? You're a joke, Lazarus! A footnote in the history of failure!

The Doctor runs away from the reception hall and up through the hallways, Lazarus following. Martha is examining Leo.

TISH: What's the Doctor doing?

MARTHA: He's trying to buy us some time. Let's not waste it. Leo, look at me. Let me see your eyes. (To Francine): He's got concussion. You'll need to help him downstairs.

Martha goes to an ice bucket and puts some ice in a napkin, which she then gives to Francine.

MARTHA: This'll keep the swelling down. Go! I'll be right behind you! Tish, move! We need to get out of here!

The Doctor runs onto a service hall filled with all sorts of pipes. He creeps through quietly.

LAZARUS (hissing): It's no good, Doctor. You can't stop me.

THE DOCTOR: Is that the same arrogance you had when you swore nothing had gone wrong with your device?

LAZARUS: The arrogance is yours. You can't stand in the way of progress.

THE DOCTOR: You call feeding on innocent people progress? You're delusional!

LAZARUS: It is a necessary sacrifice.

THE DOCTOR: That's not your decision to make.

The partygoers are running down the stairs to the main entrance but the doors are locked.

TISH: We can't get out! We're trapped!

MARTHA: There must be an override switch. Where's the security desk? Tish!

TISH: Right there.

Martha runs to the desk and slides over the top and checks the panel layout before using the sonic screwdriver. The power comes back on, the doors open and everyone escapes. With the power back on, the lights return in the service hall and the Doctor is no longer hidden as he once was.

LAZARUS: Peek-a-boo.

The Doctor looks up to see Lazarus on the ceiling.

THE DOCTOR: Oh, hello.

The Doctor runs from the room.

MARTHA: I've got to go back.

FRANCINE: You can't! You saw what that thing did. It'll k*ll you.

MARTHA: I don't care. I have to go.

FRANCINE: It's that Doctor, isn't it? That's what's happened to you. That's why you've changed.

TISH: He was buying us time, Martha. Time for you to get out, too.

MARTHA: I'm not leaving him.


Martha runs back up the stairs. Tish takes Francine's hand and pulls her outside. The Doctor enters a lab. He fiddles with the battery of a light fixture, leaving wires exposed. He then turns on all the gas jets. He ducks down when he hears Lazarus.

LAZARUS: More hide-and-seek, Doctor? How disappointing. Why don't you come out and face me?

THE DOCTOR: Have you looked in the mirror lately? (Stands). Why would I wanna face that, hmm?

The Doctor runs from the room, slicking a switch as he leaves, causing the room to explode behind him. Martha hears the crash and changes direction, running into him as the reach a corner.

THE DOCTOR: What are you doing here?

MARTHA: I'm returning this. (Holds out sonic screwdriver). I thought you might need it.

THE DOCTOR: How did you...?

MARTHA: I heard the expl*si*n. Guessed it was you.

THE DOCTOR: I blasted Lazarus.

MARTHA: Did you k*ll him?

Lazarus comes crashing down the hall.

THE DOCTOR: More sort of annoyed him, I'd say.
Out on the main steps, Francine is sitting with Leo as Tish stands in front of them.

TISH: She'll be all right. The Doctor and her, they'll look out for each other.

FRANCINE: She turned her back on us, went in there with that thing for him.

LEO: He must be some guy.

TISH: Maybe she loves him.

FRANCINE: She just met him.

The same mysterious man walks over.

MAN: Is you daughter still in there with the Doctor?

FRANCINE (stands): Do you know him?

MAN: He's dangerous. There are things you should know.

FRANCINE: What things?

The mysterious man whispers in Francine's ear. The Doctor and Martha are back in the reception room.

MARTHA: What now? We've just gone 'round in a circle!

Lazarus bursts in and the Doctor heads for the device.

THE DOCTOR: We can't lead him outside. Come on, get in.

They both hide in the device where they are pressed together like sardines.

MARTHA: Are we hiding?

THE DOCTOR: No, he knows we're here. But this is his masterpiece. I'm betting he won't destroy it, not even to get at us.

MARTHA: But we're trapped!

THE DOCTOR: Well, yeah, that's a slight problem.

MARTHA: You mean you don't have a plan?

THE DOCTOR: Yes, the plan was to get inside here!

MARTHA: Then what?

THE DOCTOR: Well... then I'd come up with another plan.

MARTHA: In your own time, then.

Lazarus walks around the outside of the capsule. In the tight quarters, the Doctor has a hard time reaching into his pocket.


THE DOCTOR: Sorry, sorry, sorry. (Pulls out sonic screwdriver). Here we are.

MARTHA: What're you gonna do with that?

THE DOCTOR: Improvise.

The Doctor slides down slowly to the floor and pops open a panel.

MARTHA: I still don't understand where that thing came from. Is it alien?

THE DOCTOR: No, for once it's strictly human in origin.

He uses the sonic screwdriver on the wires attached to the panel.

MARTHA: Human? How can it be human?

THE DOCTOR: Probably from dormant genes in Lazarus's DNA. The energy field in this thing must have reactivated them. And it looks like they're becoming dominant.

MARTHA: So it's a throwback.

THE DOCTOR: Some option that evolution rejected for you millions of years ago, but the potential is still there. Locked away in your genes, forgotten about until Lazarus unlocked it by mistake.

The Doctor continues to work on the wires.

MARTHA: It's like Pandora's box.

THE DOCTOR: Exactly. Nice shoes, by the way.

Lazarus has moved to the controls and presses the red button to start the process. A blue light fills the capsule.

MARTHA: Doctor, what's happening?

THE DOCTOR: Sounds like he's switched the machine on.

MARTHA: That's not good, is it?

THE DOCTOR: Well, I was hoping it was gonna take him a little bit longer to work that out.

The machine begins to spin.

MARTHA: I don't want to hurry you, but...

THE DOCTOR: I know, I know. Nearly done.

MARTHA: What're you doin'?

THE DOCTOR: Trying to set the capsule to reflect energy rather than receive it.

MARTHA: Will that k*ll him?

THE DOCTOR: When he transforms, he's three times his size, cellular triplication, so he's spreading himself thin.

MARTHA: We're gonna end up like him!

THE DOCTOR: Just one more!

The Doctor pulls a wire and the energy field changes, moving out from the capsule, knocking Lazarus away. The Doctor opens the door and steps out, Martha right behind him.

MARTHA: I thought we were gonna go through the blender then.

THE DOCTOR: Really shouldn't take that long just to reverse the polarity. I must be a bit out of practice.

Lazarus is lying in human form, naked, on the floor.

MARTHA: Oh God. He seems so... human again. It's kind of pitiful.

THE DOCTOR: Eliot saw that, too. "This is the way the world ends, not with a bang, but with a whimper."

Medical services come to take the body, carrying it out on a gurney in a bag. Martha and the Doctor watch from the steps. The first to see them is Tish.

TISH: She's here. Oh, she's all right.

Hugs Martha.

THE DOCTOR: Ah, Mrs Jones, we still haven't finished out chat.

Francine slaps him on the face.

FRANCINE: Keep away from my daughter.

MARTHA: Mum, what are you doing?

The Doctor puts his hand on his cheek.

THE DOCTOR: All their mothers, every time.

FRANCINE: He is dangerous! I've been told things.

MARTHA: What are you talking about?

Francine takes Martha by the shoulders.

FRANCINE: Look around you! Nothing but death and destruction!

MARTHA: This isn't his fault. He saved us, all of us!

LEO: It was Tish who invited everyone to this thing in the first place. I'd say technically, it's her fault.

Tish elbows Leo in the side. There's a crash and the Doctor looks at Martha before running off. She goes to follow but Francine holds her back.

FRANCINE: Leave him.

Martha shakes her head and runs after the Doctor.

TISH: Martha?

FRANCINE: Not you, too?

TISH: Sorry.

Tish joins up with the Doctor and Martha as they run down the street where they see the ambulance, the doors open and the medics merely husks.

THE DOCTOR: Lazarus, back from the dead. Should've known, really.

He takes out the sonic screwdriver and searches for Lazarus like he did earlier.

MARTHA: Where's he gone?

THE DOCTOR: That way. The church.

TISH: Cathedral. It's Southwark Cathedral. He told me.

Inside the cathedral, they proceed up the nave, the Doctor in front with the sonic screwdriver held out in front of him.

MARTHA: Do you think he's in here?

THE DOCTOR: Where would you go if you were looking for sanctuary?

The move forward through the empty cathedral to the open space behind the altar and underneath the bell tower. Lazarus is sitting there gasping, a red blanket from the ambulance wrapped about him.

LAZARUS: I came here before. A lifetime ago. I thought I was going to die then. In fact, I was sure of it. I sat there, just a child... the sound of planes and bombs outside.

THE DOCTOR: The Blitz.

LAZARUS: You've read about it.

THE DOCTOR: I was there.

LAZARUS (scoffs): You're too young.

THE DOCTOR: So are you.

Lazarus laughs but it soon turns to gasps of pain as he fights the mutation.

LAZARUS: In the morning, the fires had d*ed, and I was still alive. I swore I'd never face death like that again.

The Doctor walks around Lazarus slowly, looking up at the bell tower. Martha watches, knowing he's planning something.

LAZARUS: So defenceless. I would arm myself, fight back, defeat it.

THE DOCTOR: That's what you were trying to do today.

LAZARUS: That's what I did today.

THE DOCTOR: What about the other people who d*ed?

LAZARUS: They were nothing. I changed the course of history.

THE DOCTOR: Any of them might have done, too. You think history's only made with equations? Facing death is part of being human. You can't change that.

LAZARUS: No, Doctor. Avoiding death. That's being human. It's our strongest impulse, to cling to life with every fibre of being. I'm doing what everyone before me has tried to do. I've simply been more... successful.

Lazarus groans in pain as his body tries to change.

THE DOCTOR: Look at yourself! You're mutating! You've no control over it! You call that a success?

LAZARUS: I call it progress. I'm more now that I was. More than just an ordinary human.

THE DOCTOR: There's no such thing as an ordinary human.

MARTHA (whispers): He's gonna change again at any minute.

THE DOCTOR (whispers): I know. If I can get him up into the bell tower somehow, I've an idea that might work.

MARTHA (whispers): Up there?

The Doctor nods.

LAZARUS: You're so sentimental, Doctor. Maybe you are older than you look.

THE DOCTOR: I'm old enough to know that a longer life isn't always a better one. In the end, you just get tired. Tired of the struggle. Tired of losing everyone that matters to you. Tried of watching everything turn to dust. (Squats beside Lazarus). If you live long enough, Lazarus, the only certainty left is that you end up alone.

LAZARUS: That's a price worth paying.


Lazarus feels the change again.

LAZARUS: I will feed soon.

THE DOCTOR: I'm not gonna let that happen.

LAZARUS: You've not been able to stop me so far.

Martha comes up behind Lazarus.

MARTHA: Leave him, Lazarus! He's old and bitter. Thought you had a taste for fresher meat.

THE DOCTOR: Martha, no.

Lazarus snarls and chases after Martha. Tish runs with her.

MARTHA: What are you doing?

TISH: Keeping you out of trouble!

MARTHA: Doctor! The tower!

Martha and Tish run up the narrow spiral staircase that leads to the upper level. Lazarus follows and begins screaming.

TISH: Did you hear that?

MARTHA: He's changed again. We've got to lead him up.

Down below, the Doctor looks for them.

THE DOCTOR: Where are they? Martha?!

Martha peers out of one of the archways in the upper level.

MARTHA: Doctor!

THE DOCTOR: Take him to the top, the very top of the bell tower, d'you hear me?!

Martha is leaning out from a stone passageway.

MARTHA: Up to the top!

TISH: Martha...

Lazarus is making his way along the passage.

MARTHA (to Doctor): Then what?

TISH: Martha, come on!

The two sisters run. The Doctor runs to the large pipe organ and sits on the bench. He then pulls out the sonic screwdriver.

THE DOCTOR: Hypersonic sound waves. Inspired.

He jams the screwdriver into a slot in the organ and begins to pull out all the stops. Martha and Tish arrive at the top of the bell tower, which is a circular walkway with wooden rails.

TISH: There's nowhere to go! We're trapped!

MARTHA: This is where he said to bring him.

TISH: All right, so we're not trapped. We're bait.

MARTHA: He knows what he's doing. We have to trust him.

LAZARUS (hissing): Ladies.

He enters, blocking the only doorway.

MARTHA: Stay behind me. If he takes me, make a run for it. Head down the stairs, you should have enough time.

TISH: But...

MARTHA: Just do it, Tish!

Lazarus att*cks, swinging down his tail. Down at the organ the Doctor hears the commotion and looks up. One of the girls screams.

THE DOCTOR: I hope it's good acoustic in here.

As Lazarus continues his att*ck, the Doctor begins playing the organ. Lazarus knocks away part of the wall. Martha is hit by his tail and falls over, clinging to the edge.

TISH: Martha!

Lazarus leaps across to stand over Martha.

TISH: Hold on! Get away from her!

The Doctor plays more frantically but it's not having the desired effect. He pulls out the sonic screwdriver and resets the volume of the organ.

THE DOCTOR: We need to turn this up to 11.

He resumes playing. Up in the bell tower, Tish holds her head in agony as the sound waves from the organ resonate in the tight space. Lazarus begins to write. Martha tried to hold on. Lazarus topples over the edge and falls to the floor below. The Doctor stops and looks down. Lazarus has returned to human form. As Martha is about to fall, Tish grabs her arm.

TISH: I've got you. Hold on.

THE DOCTOR: Martha?!

Tish pulls Martha back onto the walkway and the both sob in relief.

MARTHA: I'm okay! We're both okay! (To Tish): Thanks.

TISH: It's your Doctor you should be thanking.

MARTHA: Told you he'd think of something.

TISH: He cut it a bit fine there, didn't he?

MARTHA: He always does. It's more fun that way.

TISH: Who is he?

MARTHA: He's... he's the Doctor.

The Doctor kneels by Lazarus's body. As he closes Lazarus's eyes, the body becomes old again. He then runs to the stairs where he hugs Martha.

MARTHA: I didn't know you could play?

THE DOCTOR: Oh, well, you know, if you hang around with Beethoven, you're bound to pick a few things up.

MARTHA: Hmm, especially about playing loud.

The Doctor leans forward like he didn't hear her.


Martha laughs. Martha and the Doctor are standing in front of the TARDIS in Martha's flat.

THE DOCTOR: Something else that just kind of escalated, then.

MARTHA: I can see a pattern developing. You should take more care in the future. And the past, and whatever other time period you find yourself in.

THE DOCTOR: It's good fun, though, isn't it?


THE DOCTOR: So, what d'you say, one more trip?

MARTHA: No. Sorry.

THE DOCTOR: What do you mean? I thought you liked it.

MARTHA: I do, but I can't go on like this. "One more trip." It's not fair.

THE DOCTOR: What're you talking about?

MARTHA: I don't want to be just a passenger anymore. Someone you take along for a treat. If that's how you still see me, well, I'd rather stay here.

THE DOCTOR: Okay, then. If that's what you want.

MARTHA: Right. But we've already said good-bye once today so it's really best if you just go.

Martha walks away from the TARDIS, keeping her back to it. When the Doctor doesn't say anything, she looks over her shoulder.

MARTHA: What is it?

THE DOCTOR: What? I said okay.

MARTHA: Sorry?


The Doctor nods his head at the TARDIS.

MARTHA: Oh, thank you! Thank you!

Martha hugs him and laughs.

THE DOCTOR: Well, you were never really just a passenger, were you?

They enter the TARDIS and, as it dematerialises, Martha's phone rings.

ANSWERING MACHINE: Hi, I'm out! Leave a message!

FRANCINE: Martha, it's your mother. Please, phone me back. I'm begging you. I know who this Doctor really is. I know he's dangerous. You're gonna get yourself k*lled. Please, trust me. This information comes from Harold Saxon himself. You're not safe!