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04x14 - The Dark Creeping Clouds

Posted: 07/11/22 05:00
by bunniefuu
I want to try and gather
the unrestrained winds

I'll run toward the horizon,
alongside the wave crests

I've made my decision,

even if there's a long way to go
on that road.

I'll continue towards the future I've planned

Time rushes us
The heartbeat speeds up

When I woke in the middle of a dream
I kept searching for that same light

Under the shining star lit sky with
countless constellations and shadows

There was something beyond that...
What were you gazing at?

What were you gazing at?

The Dark Creeping Clouds


The villagers are welcoming us.

Everyone seems to be safe.

It seems like the Kurosuki Family
ran away in fear.


Here they come!

Naruto! Don't come...

If you value your life,
be quiet.


I heard that you were deeply sorry
for your actions...!

How could I shamelessly
run back to the curry house?!


Did you see that?!

Although Master Raiga is not around,
the Kurosuki Family is eternal!

Hey... what are you looking for?

Isn't it obvious? The brats!

Are you referring to us?


What you crushed were our forms

made by the Shadow Clone Jutsu
and the Transformation Jutsu.

Take formation!

Ninja Art: Black Tornado!


Those were also made by

the Shadow Clone Jutsu
and the Transformation Jutsu!

We saw through everything!

Here I go.

Leaf Hurricane!



palms! palms!




Trigrams Palms!

Here I come!
Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Clone Spinning Axe Kick!

Huh?! Oww...

It's already over...

What?! Not fair!

Man! You could've saved
some for me!

Just when I thought
I'd try the new Jutsu!

Gosh, you never learn, do you!

Karashi, are you prepared?

I was just kidding!

How dare you torment us!

You really think
we'll let this slide as a joke?

I couldn't help it! If I didn't listen,

I would have gotten k*lled
by the Kurosuki family.

In place of the Kurosuki family,

I'll cr*ck your head
with this hammer!

Yeah! Yeah!

I'm sorry...

Please move, Lee!

Please hit me until
you guys are satisfied.

Why you?

It's partly my responsibility

that the once kind-hearted Karashi
went and joined a g*ng.


Because of me,

he got the impression
that power is everything.

Right, that's right!

Though I knew that it's a bad thing,
I just had to...

You be quiet!

Karashi is still inexperienced.

But he has skills to make curry
that can save people's lives.

Please give Karashi the opportunity
to make amends by making curry.

If Karashi goes astray again,
then I will...!

Punish him with my fists!

Everyone, what do you think

about letting L ee and Grandma Sansho
take care of this situation...

After all, he was just
an underling of the Kurosuki family.

It's not like he directly
att*cked us or anything...

Let's have Lee educate him harshly...

In that case...

Thank you very much!

Th Thank you...

And with this, our mission is complete.

No, not yet...


Are you all right?

What's the point of being all right?

I can't live alone.

Don't say that!

Why don't we just
leave this weakling!

Everyone has to live alone!

But don't you need friends
who can help you and stuff...?

I'm talking about some basics!
I hate people who are indecisive!

I was frail
from the time I was born.

That shabby cabin was
the entire world for me.

I have no memory of my parents...

I survived only by
the small amount of food

that the villagers sometimes
brought me...

But even someone like me
had a power that no one else did.

Here you go.

Thank you...

Is your leg okay?
The one you cut with the scythe?

D-Did I tell you that story?!

No... I kind of found out...

How? No one else besides me
came today or yesterday, right?

No, I just saw it from here...


As time went by everyone began
to fear me since I had the power

to know what was happening outside
even from my room.

Did you know?!

I heard that Ranmaru has
the ability to see everything...

Were we being spied on every day?

Get out of the village!

You monster!

And so I had no more visitors...

All I could do was to wait to die.

That's when Raiga saved me...

I see. What a bitter past.

Yes, it is.


Raigan took me out to
the unknown world.

Ranmaru, try opening your eyes...

This is the outside world where
we'll be living from now on... okay?


If Raiga isn't here,
it's the same as losing my body.

Perhaps Raiga became known

as one of the Seven Ninja Swords
Men of the Mist

because he was able
to borrow your power.

It seems like you two
helped each other to live...


That's not true!

You were being used for
Raiga's evil deeds!

I might have been... used...

But good or bad doesn't matter to me.
I'm just a sense organ...

Then that won't mean
that you're really living!


See, you have to do your best
to live from now on!

Firstly, eat the curry of life
and cheer up!

That's right!
You will get nourishment.

That will hurt the body instead,
wouldn't it?

Naruto, you can't eat it either, right?

Actually, the more I eat it,

the more energized my body feels...

That curry saved my life, you know!

Until the day you're able
to walk alone,

I will become your body!


I have one favor to ask...



As I expected...
I can no longer see life in Raiga.

Can you see, Ranmaru?


Is this okay?


Let's go... Mission is complete.



That is!

One, two, one, two.

Grandma Sansho!

What's all this ruckus?!
Dust will go into the curry.

L-Lee and the others came back!

K-Karashi is with them!

Is it worth the ruckus?

Grandma, aren't you happy?

One, two... One, two...

Your snot will go in!

Grandma Sansho! I'm back!

Karashi is here too!

M Mom, sorry!
Please forgive me!

Please forgive him...

He says he'll devote himself
from now on,

and train to take over
the Curry of Life Shop, so please...

First you gotta eat...


Wow, it looks good!

If you're not going to eat, I will!

I've prepared some for each of you...

Oh my, that's a very pale child.

Yeah, can you prepare
some for him too?

Especially mild...

I prefer mild too...

Oh my...

Mom... thanks for the food!

It's a punishment times curry...

It's spicy, it's spicy...

But it's good! It's good, Mom!

Here, I have some for everybody!

It's okay, it's mild.

By the way, you were part of

the Seven Ninja Swords
Men of the Mist with Raiga, right?

Do you know a guy
named Zabuza?

Zabuza... you say?

Uh then...

How about a guy with this huge sword
wrapped with something like a bandage

and has fish eyes?

Oh... that's Kisame...

Yeah Kisame!

So, do you know what
he's up to right now?

No... I heard that he slipped out
from the Mist Village.

I know his face, but I don't know
anything beyond that.

I see...

Should I ask Grandma to
make you something else?

No, I don't need it...
I don't want to eat anything.

Thank you for your help...

Thank you very much.

Make a good village with everyone!

Um... where is Lee?

His mission still isn't complete.

Please wait, Lee... I'm gonna die!

Okay, let's take a break here!

Let's do push ups.


One, two... One, two...

... all right.

It looks like...
there's going to be a storm.

Even if a real storm comes,

it should be fine if we reinforce it
with these big trees!

Oh my, thanks for doing this.

No, it's our thanks for the curry.

Uh uuh.

But compared to you guys,
my Karashi is...

Tenten? I'm worried about
Karashi and Ranmaru

whom we left behind
at the curry shop.

We're okay,
so could you check on them there?



Is the Boss really still alive?

That Neji person didn't seem
to sense it then...

But I know.



You were everything to me!

I was only waiting to die...

when you told me that
we'll live on together!

To me, being with you, was living...

I won't hold a funeral for you either.

Even if it costs me my life,
I won't let you die!


Did you die, Ranmaru?!


So many things happen
on this endless road, huh?

Although you're strong willed,
your voice wavered on the phone today

What dreams did you chase to get here?

Even I have times when
I just don't understand, baby

When you're sad, I'll be close to you

Even on nights when we're apart,
I'll be close to you

I'll be close to you

What?! Tenten fell off the cliff?!

Then we gotta go save her
right away!

Please calm down! Naruto!

Tenten can't be that clumsy.

Huh? But that's what Karashi said.

Unfortunately, this might be
some kind of trap.

What? Trap?


Well, didn't they get annihilated?

Next Episode: "Raiga's Counterattack"