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04x09 - A Battle of Bugs: The Deceivers and the Deceived

Posted: 07/11/22 04:57
by bunniefuu
Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

A Battle of Bugs!
The Deceivers and the Deceived!

What the heck is happening...?

Why does Hinata have
to be kidnapped?!

Why are there guys who know
that we're searching for Bikochu?!

We were being watched all this time.
Ever since we arrived...

You were aware of that?!

You're the only one who didn't know.

Why didn't you tell me?!

Because if we told you,
you'd have raised a big fuss!

And the insects would flee!
All the insects...!

Including the Bikochu!

If they tried to steal the Bikochu
from us through force,

the insects would be in danger
of getting hurt.

So they captured Hinata and
decided to go with a hostage exchange.

That's very smart of them.

Something smells sweet...

It's the smell of honey.

Bee's honey...


Hinata's scent ends here...

In that case...

Those guys waited for a moment when
Hinata was alone

and att*cked her using bees.

I've heard that in the Hidden Stone Village
in the Land of Earth,

there's a clan of insect handlers
who primarily use bees.

The name of that clan is...
the Kamizuru Clan.

Kamizuru? That's a name
that isn't heard very often.

Seems they were once hailed as being
at a level equal to the Aburame Clan...

But they aren't anymore?

This is a story from
the times of my grandfather...

There was a time when the Shinobi
of the Hidden Stone Village

were going to invade the Leaf Village...

The Kamizuru Clan was designated
to spearhead the operation...

The plan was to create
a disruption by releasing

a large swarm of bees into the village
followed by an invading main unit...

However, the Aburame Clan
wised up to that

and prepared to engage the enemy
in the forest to the west!

This battle between insect handlers
which had no precedent in history...

ended in the Aburame's victory...

With this battle as the turning point,

the Aburame Clan rose to
unchallenged status

in the Village Hidden in the Leaves...

On the other hand, the Kamizuru Clan
was subjected to cold treatment

even in their own village.

I've heard that only a few of them
remain now...

So those people came here
to capture Bikochu, huh?

What the heck are those guys
planning to do with the Bikochu?

If my insects come back
we might be able to learn something...

I see... I've been captured...

The Village Hidden in the Leaves is
in a difficult situation right now...

Because of that incident
at the recent Chunin exam?

The Hokage was assassinated,
and I hear they lost many Shinobi too.

Times are about to change dramatically...

This is a chance for us,
the Kamizuru Clan,

to distinguish ourselves.

But to do that...

The founder's Book of Secrets, huh?

A broad range of Forbidden Jutsu
for Insect Handlers

are apparently inscribed therein
among other things...

If we possessed that at the time of
the battle with the Aburame Clan,

we wouldn't have lost...

However, Clan members have continued
to search for it for many years,

but couldn't find it.

Do you really think
we can find it after all this time?

That's why we need the Bikochu...

I brought the keepsakes
of the founder, my grandfather, with me...

When the Bikochu emerges,
it will pursue the scent it recognizes.

And we should be able
to locate the Book of Secrets

that Grandfather hid just
as he was dying.

This strand of his hair
will surely lead us to it.

If we get our hands on
the Book of Secrets

and if we engage in some big action...

I am certain that... the people of
the village will also acknowledge us.

Those people are also desperately
seeking recognition.


Did you find out anything?
How about Hinata's whereabouts?

No... The other insects were probably
also done in by those guys.

Damn! Then our only choice
is to do what they want?

When I went to all that
trouble of finding it...

So you want to desert Hinata?

H-How could anyone possibly do that?!

I won't desert her no matter
what might happen!

Anybody who deserts a comrade is trash!


But then we'd be able to locate Sasuke
if we have this guy here...

Well, I guess we'll have to think of
some other method of finding Sasuke.

Yeah... Right now, the first thing
we need to do is rescue Hinata.

But, do you think Hinata
would be satisfied with that?

The person who originally
thought up this plan was Hinata.

Huh? But...

It's true that I told her about
the existence of Bikochu...


The odds of finding
a Bikochu are extremely low...

We thought that she should aspire
to an important mission

with an assured outcome for the village,
rather than a mission with such low odds.

But Hinata didn't give up.

She argued persistently that
if there was even a small possibility,

one should take on the challenge.

Th That Hinata did...?

She was extremely forceful and
Shino and I had no choice but to agree.

It's the first time Hinata
ever volunteered for a mission.

For that reason too,
I want to make this a success.


But when we don't know
where Hinata is, how are we...?

There is one place where Hinata
will definitely make an appearance.

I see! The place where...

...the exchange with
the Bikochu takes place!

We will definitely have
a chance at that time.

All right!
We will recover Hinata without fail...

and we will also protect
the Bikochu to the very end!

We brought the Bikochu!
Return Hinata!

Place the insect cage
on that rock over there!


Release Hinata!

I must verify it first!

What's... the meaning of this?!

Are you trying to make a mockery
of our Clan? Of insect handlers?!

A goliath beetle...
You gotta be kidding!

Now, Shino!


Parasitic Insects!

Heh! Recovery successful!

All right!



All right, resign yourselves!

Your time's up!

What's this?

This one doesn't smell like Hinata!


Just as I thought...


There they come!

Damn! You jerk! You jerk!

Damn! All these things are honey?!

Sorry, Naruto...
But these damn bees!

There's no end to them!

Do we need to slash them
if they're honey?!

You two don't move from there!


This is the genuine thing!
And furthermore, it contains deadly poison.

It appears that genuine ones
are mixed in...

But they're indistinguishable
from each other!

Back me up for a little!

Wall of Insects Jutsu!

A Awesome...

Amazing power for a Genin...

As might be expected from
the Aburame Clan... I guess.

The Kamizuru Clan...

Huh...? So you were aware
of that fact.

Return Hinata!

Of course, our intention was
to return her...

But only if you calmly hand over
the Bikochu.


It looks like you have
no intention of doing that!

In that case,
what do you plan on doing?

If you're an insect handler,

you wouldn't bring a delicate insect
like the Bikochu

to a dangerous place
like a battleground...

We'll finish you off right here...

and take our time afterwards
to search for the Bikochu!

Wall of Insects Jutsu!

That one doesn't have
any other tricks, huh!

Shino! Paper Bombs!

Take this!

Bee Stingers Jutsu!

Insect Clones...?

Up to your annoying tricks, huh...

Shino! What are we gonna do now?!

Don't you think we should
go back there for a moment?

Those guys
might find the Bikochu!

No... that location will definitely be safe.

More importantly, the first thing
we need to do is search for Hinata!

There's no mistake.

Inside here.

Hinata! Where are you?!

Hey! Be careful!

There's no sign of those guys,
but it might be a trap...

Is she there?!



Are you all right, Hinata?

I'll rescue you in a moment!

Just a little more!

All right... I got it off!


Thank you!


H Hinata... stop that!

What do you think you're doing,
out of the blue like that?!

Who... are you?

What are you talking about, Shino?
That's Hinata.

If you're really Hinata,

you'd get red in the face
and faint if you hugged Naruto.

- Huh?
- Oh!

I see... But Akamaru's nose wouldn't fail...

What? The smell of two people
is mingled?

You're not Hinata?

Naruto... It's me...
I'm Hinata, believe me.

In that case...

show us what you tried to stick
on Naruto's back right now!

A Paper b*mb?

So you were intending
to blow up Naruto!

I thought that would work...

You are...

I see, the one on the hill
was a clone, huh...

Wearing Hinata's clothes...

That's how she was able
to compromise the smell.

Where is the real Hinata?!

I wonder where she could be?

I see...

Suzumebachi lured
the Aburame Clan, huh?

Well, it appears that your comrades...

place more value on the Bikochu
than on you.

There's nobody else coming
to rescue you.

Jibachi, Let's search for
the Bikochu that those guys hid!

There's not much time until sunrise!


Don't even try to escape.

If you make even the smallest movement
out of the ordinary,

those bees will cut the string

Up ahead is the entrance to
a labyrinthine underground water vein...

If you fall in, you'll pass into
the other world in an instant.

We don't wish to k*ll
anyone unnecessarily.

If you want to live,
I suggest you just stay quiet.

How mortifying... I ended up being
a burden to everyone, after all.

You guys are just like summer insects
who fly right into the fire!

If you're lucky, we'll meet again...

That place isn't just an ordinary cave.

Hey! Let go! Shino! Naruto!

There's nothing else to grab on to.

Be patient until I've checked
the surroundings!


A huge number of bee larvae!

Bee larvae, huh?

But what's with their unusual huge size?

If you tell me where you hid the Bikochu,
I'll spare your life.

I refuse!

Searching for the Bikochu is
the mission that we were given!

Then die!

Paper Bombs!

Damn! Let's go, Akamaru!

Fang Over Fang!

That sound is...

I see... They're still continuing to fight
without giving up.

This is not the time to be crying...

There's no way that I can give up.
I suggested this whole thing!


There are bees...
attached to the string.

If I can take them all down at once...
I'll be saved.

But, to take down bees that small...

Impossible! This guy...

I told you before...
I don't know... when to give up.


Yes... I won't give up either!

I need to concentrate and
control my Chakra...

Fang Over Fang!

How many of them are there?!


I I can't muster any strength...
Somehow my body is...

No way!

The larvae in this hive's favorite food
is Chakra!


As long as you're in there,

they'll go through the wall
to suck up the Chakra...

What's the matter...?

So have you decided
to tell me the location?



Five, six...ten...

Eleven, twelve, thirteen...


Summoning Jutsu!

Would you like to be the feed
for the larvae...

or would you like to get out of here
and become the prey of this girl here?

Choose whichever you like!

Crappy news pass us by

And you become speechless

My voice is way too soft

So you don't answer

You're crying Crying alone

What can I do? I'm crying too

"Let my lonely scream ring out
through the night"

I'll thrash this confused era
with my speed Yeah

And I'll thrash this confused night
with my speed Yeah

I'll thrash them with my piercing guitar
and my speed Yeah

This sinking world and its evil bastards,
I'll kick their butt Yeah

What should I do? My body won't move.

I proposed this mission myself
wanting to help Naruto, and yet...

I don't want to end up as
a burden to everyone anymore,

that's what I aimed for, but...

No, calm down.

I need to concentrate my Chakra
and remember that training!

I have no choice but to do it now!
That is the best I can do right now!

Next time: "Blaze Away, Byakugan!
This is My Ninja Way!!"