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04x08 - What's the Difference? Don't All Insects Look Alike?

Posted: 07/11/22 04:57
by bunniefuu
Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

It's so quiet, isn't it?

Peace is a wonderful thing, isn't it?

Being able to...
drink sake tranquilly like this...

Please, this isn't the time
to be drinking sake!

Especially at a time when
the village is enjoying peace...

you should hurry up and
finish up your work!

Why is it that work
never seems to cease?

That's because you never bring
a single thing to completion, Lady Tsunade!

There's disquiet among
the Kamizuru Clan?

That's a communiqué from
the ANBU Unit

stationed in the Land of the Earth,
isn't it?

That's a name one rarely hears.

The Kamizuru Clan are the insect handlers
of the Hidden Stone Village.

Long ago, they were so famous
as to be extolled

as equals of the Aburame Clan...

But they've died out and hardly anyone
remembers their name...

I see...

It says there's been some disquiet,
but there can't be many of them left.

It's really nothing to worry about...

What's the difference?
Don't All Insects Look Alike?

Wow... There are so many insects...

This is truly a paradise for insects...

We won't get stung, will we?

Almost none of these insects will
cause bodily harm to humans.

I do have some of the Aburame Clan's
secret recipe insect repellant...

but I would prefer not to use it,
if at all possible.

Because it would also repel
the Bikochu.

Then you shouldn't have
brought it out in the first place.

There's no mistake...

That kid in the lead...

he's a member of the Abarame Clan,
after all.

I never imagined that
we'd bump into them in a place like this.

Is their objective the Bikochu, Jibachi?

Anyone who wants to get their hands
on a Bikochu

has to come to this place
during this particular period.

The restoration of the Kamizuru Clan
rests on the outcome of this mission...

We need to get our hands on
a Bikochu, no matter what!

This is a female bikochu.

Pound its characteristics into your heads.


Got it.

Hey, I've seen this thing before...

Hey, really?!

Where did you see it, Naruto?

That was...

When I inadvertently leave some food out,
they start coming out of nowhere.

A whole deluge of them...

So those were Bikochu...

If it's those things,
they should be easy to catch.



Those are called... cockroaches.

Huh? Cockroaches?

You're comparing apples to oranges.

This thing is completely different!

They look exactly identical to me...

- They're not!
- They're not!

Depending on how one looks of it,
this could be an opportunity.

What do you mean, Suzumebachi?

It's been ten days since we came here...

we haven't been able to get
any leads on the Bikochu.

However, that kid from
the Abarame Clan might...

That makes sense!

You mean they might be able
to catch a Bikochu...

From their appearance,
it seems they're all Genin.

If they're able to catch
a Bikochu...

we'll just take it from them.

All insects look alike.

Insect Summoning Jutsu!

There aren't any... here...

This thing here
is different too, huh...


Don't be a burden to everyone...

This mission
is something that I suggested...

so I will find it without fail!


Just as I thought...

it's difficult to perceive things
as small as insects.


Shino! Kiba!

Hinata... Did you notice too?

So... you did too?

I guess... they think they're hiding...

Unfortunately for them,

we have a whole array of specialists
in detecting enemies.

What should we do, Shino?
You're the leader of this mission.

If we end up in a battle,
there's the danger of involving the insects...

and injuring the Bikochu.

As long as they don't make a move,
we'll just watch them closely.

Got it.

I wonder if... Naruto noticed.

If he had noticed,
he would have raised a big clamor.

I don't want to stir things up.
So don't tell him.


Hey, Shino! Shino!

I found it! I found it!

I'm telling you,
I found a Bikochu!

He found it already?!

That's impossible!

When we spent ten days searching
and couldn't find one...!

Awesome, Naruto...

Are you sure, Naruto?

Let me see it.

See... this is it, right?

It's exactly like the photo, right?

I might be an insect hunting genius.


Does it look the same to you?


That's called a goliath beetle...

Huh?! It's not the same thing

Bikochu aren't active at night.

Which means that...

Let's call it a day then.

Shino... Shino!

I found one!
This time there's no mistake!

It's probably a completely
different insect again.


Yeah! There's no mistake!

Over here! Over here!

If you don't hurry,
it'll fly off somewhere!

Hey, didn't you bring it with you?

I found one that's resting in a tree.

The shape of its feelers is certainly
the same as Bikochu.

And all the characteristics match.

They do, don't they?
There's no mistake it's this thing, right?!

B-But... Naruto...

This thing is different after all, isn't it?

Why is that?

It's not only size! How would you make
this one sniff scents?!

Like this!

This thing is called
a Fake Bikochu.

It has an extremely
violent temperament...

It gets angry if one touches its nose
and sometimes even eats humans...



Hey, Shino! Didn't you say
there weren't any dangerous insects!

Almost none... but not zero.

Kurobachi... Jibachi...

Do you really think they'll be able
to catch a Bikochu?

- That might be difficult...
- That might be difficult...

Unless I control my Chakra
more perfectly

I won't be able to find something
as small as an insect!

To come all this way and
continue training...

That's quite admirable...

The air pressure has changed.

That's a sure sign that
the weather will change.

Yeah, I realize that.

A wind charged with moisture
has started blowing...

This means
there's gonna be rainfall.

When it's such good weather?

But I can see clouds off in the distance...


We need to hurry.

Because it's said that the Bikochu
only lays an egg when it rains

and larva emerges from the egg
the following morning.

In other words,

if it rains today, it'll become
a mature larva tomorrow morning.

In view of the season,
this may well be our last chance.

If this chance slips by,

it will become impossible to search
for Sasuke using a Bikochu...


It'll be fine.
I'll find it without fail!

Don't rain... Don't rain yet!

Damn! Where is it?!

Please come on out
before it rains!


What are we gonna do...

if those guys don't find
a Bikochu, Suzumebachi?

It was the Aburame Clan

who was the catalyst in
the downfall of the Kamizuru Clan...

In order to avenge our clan's
longstanding grudge...

we will finish them off!

Those guys...
They haven't made a move yet.

They must know that we're searching
for the Bikochu.

Which means that they must be waiting
for us to find one.

I see... So their plan is to steal it
from us once we've found one...

What cheapskates...


Not this one either!

Damn! When I told it not to rain!

There's no more time...

Don't be a burden to everyone...

So ultimately...
I contributed nothing.

There's still plenty of time!


I will not go back on my word...
That's my Way of Ninja!

That's right...

This mission is something
I suggested!

When Naruto hasn't given up,
what's up with me giving up?!


This rain may be
very advantageous to you.

What do you mean?

When the surrounding temperature cools,

living creatures become
easier to discern.

Naruto, I won't give up either!


I have to...
I have to concentrate more...

I need to... I need to...
control my Chakra!

I can see them!
So those are insects!

That wrong...

This insect is wrong too.


There it is!

Naruto! On the side of that tree!
There's a Bikochu there!

I caught it!

We did it...!

I did it! I caught it!

There's no mistake.
It's a female Bikochu.

- Yes! I did it!
- Cripes...

Your tenacity amazes me, Naruto!

That's so great, Naruto!

Hinata! It's thanks to you!

Naruto... is... hugging me!

What's the matter, Akamaru?

All right! It's an egg!

It laid an egg, huh...


It will emerge by tomorrow...

So then we should make it
recognize Sasuke's scent, right?!

Sasuke... I'll find you without fail!

It looks like they finally found one...

The time has come, hasn't it?


That Naruto... He suddenly...

pressed his face so close to mine...

So... you were able
to dodgerthat one just now.

That was pretty well done
for a Genin.

They're the ones who've
been trailing us all this time...

However, I wonder if you'll be able
to escape from this attack?

Ninja Art... Honey Jutsu!


No... that's!

It looks like you've noticed, huh.
That's honey.

Honey that adheres like a bonding ag ent!

I used up all my Chakra earlier...

That thing is a real bee.


What do you think, Akamaru?

I see...

I was convinced that those guys
would make some kind of move.

There hasn't been any sign
of them since earlier on...

There's a possibility that
we've overlooked something.

Hey, Naruto!


Where's Hinata?

She said she was gonna
go wash her face.


But it's been quite some time.
I wonder what she's doing?

Could it be that...?!

Huh? What?

- Naruto!
- Wha?!

A letter on a Kunai?


We are holding the Kunoichi
brat hostage.

If you want to get her back,

it'll be in exchange for
the Bikochu.

Come to the top of
the eastern hill later tonight.

Damn! So that was their move!


Crappy news pass us by

And you become speechless

My voice is way too soft

So you don't answer

You're crying Crying alone

What can I do? I'm crying too

"Let my lonely scream ring out
through the night"

I'll thrash this confused era
with my speed Yeah

And I'll thrash this confused night
with my speed Yeah

I'll thrash them with my piercing guitar
and my speed Yeah

This sinking world and its evil bastards,
I'll kick their butt Yeah

Damn! We've run out of options!

It's too soon to give up.

But we don't even know
where Hinata is?!

No, there's one place Hinata
is sure to appear.

I get it! The place where
the exchange will take place!

We have one chance.

Awright! I'll do it!

I'll protect Hinata and
the Faint Scent Beetle without fail!

Next episode: "A Battle of Bugs!"
The Deceivers and the Deceived!