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04x02 - Tonton! I'm Counting on You!

Posted: 07/11/22 04:43
by bunniefuu
Hey boys, listen up!

Humans aren't such a big deal

Who needs tomorrow anyway,

so don't hide your fists

You're not old enough

to sell your dreams away to uncertainty

Hey boys, you're the only ones

who can pull the trigger in your heart

All the kids said

We're living in this senseless, ridiculous,

awesome world right at this moment,

All the kids said

Don't forget every truth or lie

All the kids said

We're way too young to die

In this empty town lined with empty faces

All the kids took off

into this windless night

Because they want to change something

Ton Ton, I'm Counting on You!

Kurenai Sensei! Asuma Sensei!

W What happened?!

N -Naruto...

There they are!


The Medical Corps...?

There's no time to lose!

As soon as they have received
emergency treatment...

transport them immediately!

What in the world...happened?

Don't concern yourself
with the other prisoners!

We need to focus solely
on Mizuki! Got it?!

- Roger!
- Roger!

Ton Ton, we're close, right?!

There they are!

- Thank you for the meal!
- Thank you for the meal!

It can't be...!

Fuujin... Raijin!

These two are Fuujin and Raijin?

They'll do us in
if we lower our guard!

Elder Brother...

which do you prefer,
pork cutlet or ginger pork?

I want both.

Hey you... Where is Mizuki?!

Seems like I'm popular...

When did he sneak in?
This isn't good!

Damn... Just when I thought things
had quieted down, this happens.

That guy is a tough one to handle.


I wish to report that
we have managed to take

both Kurenai and Asuma
under our protection...

I see... Good work.

Hidden Leaf Hospital

Looks like I underestimated them a little.
My apologies.

No... This is really embarrassing.
I let my guard down.

I didn't think that all the inmates
would break out of prison.

And moreover, the guards
were taken as hostages.

What happened afterwards?

I believe that this last prison
break incident

was not an unexpected occurrence...

While that large number of inmates
was escaping from prison,

he utilized that unguarded moment
to slip away.

That jerk Mizuki...!

- Hey!
- Old Lady Tsunade!

S Stop!

You were talking about Orochimaru,
weren't you?!

That's why you sent
the Sensei there, right?

I don't know, however...

the handwriting resembles the document
confiscated from the facility

where Orochimaru
was conducting human experiments...


This brat...was listening!

Damn, forget it.

Let him go!

Yes ma'am!

In any case,
I've got to find some kind of lead.

Where do you intend to go
by yourself?

That goes without saying.
I'm going to bring Sasuke back!

Gimme a break...

At a time when
we don't have adequate troops...

and at a time when everybody else
is going all out to do their job, you...

All right.

I believe it's certain that Orochimaru
has been involved in this recent incident.


The situation with Orochimaru
and Sasuke has already gone

beyond the point of being dealt with
on an individual level.

This isn't the kind of thing that you,
a Genin, could handle alone.

If you understand me,

go and do the mission
you are already assigned to!

What! Shizune is...?!

Ton Ton! Something has happened
to Shizune, hasn't it?!

I don't have any idea
what you're saying,

but Shizune is in trouble, right?!

Got it!

I know what my job right now is!

I'm gonna rescue Shizune

and make my way to wherever
Orochimaru is, no matter what!

And then I'm gonna slam
Orochimaru and bring Sasuke back!

You are...!

Show me the way, Ton Ton!


Damn! I need to take
urgent measures...

What's the matter?


Well, I picked these guys up
on my way back from my mission.

The village is in quite a restless state.


And... has Naruto done
something yet again?

Even though it's only a tiny clue,

now there's finally something
that links to Orochimaru!

Wait for me, Shizune!

I'm coming to your rescue!

Where is he going in such a hurry?

Fuujin, Raijin...
It's about time to head out!

- All right.
- All right!

M Mizuki...

I'm gonna find him without fail!


Long time no see... Tsubaki.

That woman captain was
pretty tenacious, wasn't she?

Thanks to her, I'm starving,
Elder Brother.

I can't stop laughing!

Oh, it stopped.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves...

Haven't seen this vista
for quite a while.

Y Yes...

Elder Brother, this rice is hard!

Idiot! It's one and the same once
it's inside your stomach!

I see... you're awesome, Elder Brother.

What's this?
It's gotten all raggedy.

You need to buy a new one.


What's the matter, Tsubaki?

I noticed some Black Ops
in the mountains earlier.

In a secluded place
in the mountains like this!

I see.

You won't tell me anything, will you?

To you, the Leaf Village looks just
like it did before, doesn't it, Mizuki?


Alot of people died while
you were away, Mizuki.

This rice soup is great,
huh, Elder Brother?

Yeah... Very different from the institution.

Are you leaving again?



Please, Mizuki! Please end
your involvement with Orochimaru!

Because of Orochimaru,
many people died!

Because of Orochimaru,
the Leaf Village was in shambles!

Even the Third Hokage was...

Only if you hadn't gotten involved
with Orochimaru, Mizuki,

you and I would now...

Everything will be fine, Tsubaki.

This time, I won't make the mistake

of having that Nine Tailed brat
get in my way.

And then...

That boy fought for the Leaf
when Orochimaru att*cked!

That Nine Tailed brat did...?

That brat did...?!

That's right. He's not some scary kid
like you said he was!

So please stop with
your foolish ideas!

It's already over!
It's all already over! So...

No... It's not over yet!

So that Nine Tailed brat is
acting the hero, huh?

Don't make me laugh!

Half-wits as always, huh!
Those Leaf guys!



I will get my hands on
Orochimaru's ultimate power!

And will teach this village
a lesson!

Orochimaru's ultimate power!

If I do that...
You and I will have everything go our way!




Become the kind and gentle Mizuki
again just like before.

If you really love me...

don't do anything stupid!


All right then...

Well then,
I'll leave the rest in your hands.

Not so quickly!

Here you are! Next for you
is an S rank mission!

She's a real sl*ve driver.

The Iruka Team...

has completed rounding up
the inmates.

Huh?! Kakashi Sensei!
I beg your pardon!

Don't worry about it.
Good work.

It looks like neither of us are going
to get a chance to rest, Iruka Sensei.

The Art of Summoning!

Hey, youngster...

Well, Iruka Sensei,
I'll leave the rest to you.

Huh? Huh?

Iruka, you have a mission.
Time is of the essence.

Y Yes, ma'am?

Let's hurry.
We've taken more time than anticipated.


How about it, Ton Ton?

Here he comes!

W Wait, Naruto!

Iruka Sensei?!

Ton Ton?!

So this is what I smelled...

Thanks for your hard work, Ton Ton.

I'll look out for these two
from here onward,

so you go back to the village.

Brother Mizuki...
Shouldn't we be hurrying?

T To Orochimaru's?

That Nine Tailed brat...

Don't you dare touch, Iruka Sensei!

Otherwise, I'll k*ll you!

- In that case, I'll go for it!
- In that case, I'll go for it!

I may have done
a little too much!

Don't tell me that...

that failure of a Nine-Tailed brat is...

Elder Brother...
Do Nine-Tails taste good?

Yeah... I'm sure they're good.

Iruka Sensei, you didn't come here
just to drag me home?

Well, you're not the kind of guy
who would go back calmly

if I simply said
"Come back," are you!

You are right, Iruka Sensei!
You really know me, don't you!

Don't get carried away like that!

If you let your guard down
you'll get your fingers burned!

Huh? Did you find something?

Yeah... It's a bad inmate's smell!

Now then, what in the world
can I do with these now?

It smells like
we're getting pretty close now.


A Are you all right?

N -Naruto?!

Prisoner's garb is scattered
about here and there.

It looks like somebody's trying
to buy time by deceiving my nose...

Mizuki was just one step away

and we ended up
letting them get away.

But I'm so glad you're safe.


My comrades are pursing Mizuki.
Let's hurry!


This smells!

There's a strong smell
of prisoners wafting.

It's Mizuki and the others!
There's no mistake!

All right! We're almost there!

But... if we enter the basin
just like this

it will make it easy for
the enemy to attack from the plateau.

It would be safer to make a detour

and make our way up
to the top of a hill.

What are you talking about?!

We have a really good open view,
so we'll be fine!

Hmm... Those guys are trying to buy time.

If we make a detour, we may not
be able to catch up with them!


How could I have fallen
for such a trap?!

Be careful, Naruto!

This time, it's not a dummy.
A real entity is lurking there!

A rock?!

- Yippee!
- Thank you for the meal!

Naruto! Behind you!


W Why is Shizune...?

Move away, Naruto!
That's a fake!

What a delight to see you
after such a long time...

Iruka... Naruto!

Iruka Sensei, who's that guy?!

It's Mizuki, Naruto.

Mizuki?! But he seems very
different from before!

That's right, I remember that failure who
in his Academy days

couldn't even master
a decent Transformation Jutsu!

Damn! He's pissing me off!

How's that, Iruka?
You hardly recognize me, do you?

It's true that
there's no comparison with before...

Thanks to being confined in
that sordid and boring prison cell

I was able to concentrate
on my ascetic training.

I thank you, Iruka...

When did you realize it was me?

When we rescued you while
you pretended to be Shizune,

you said,
"My colleagues are pursuing Mizuki."

The only time a subordinate leaves the
team leader behind to pursue the enemy

would be when the team leader had
either died or was near death...

But you had incurred only
slight injuries.

A textbook answer.

And also, you didn't say anything

when I suggested making
a detour from our route.

If your subordinates were in pursuit,

it would be a safer strategy to watch
the enemy's movements from a plateau!

Sharp as you are, you used
the prisoner's garb as a decoy

not to gain time,
but to lead us into this trap!

Wow... Your power of analysis
is as good as always.

Makes me remember the old days!

Mizuki... Stop with the stupid act!

You have no idea of
the hardships I've endured!

Fuujin! Raijin! Do it!

- Yippee!
- Yippee!

- Come on!
- Stop it, Naruto!

Your opponent is me!

Get away, Naruto!

I'll be fine, Iruka Sensei!


So you have the leeway
to look away, do you?!

Flee... Naruto!


I'm not gonna lose!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu!


It's the same face here and over too.

, , , , , ...

Elder Brother, I don't have
enough fingers to count them all!

You idiot, Raijin.
Use my hands too!

Wow! You're so smart, Fuujin...

Wh-What the hell are
those guys about?!

Don't get in the way!

I have business with Mizuki!

Elder Brother,
he said we were in the way.

But take a look! Elder Brother!
Mizuki looks busy.

That's true. He looks busy.

And also, if we go back just like this

we won't be able to eat
a sumptuous meal!

That's right.
I forgot about the sumptuous meal!

- Sumptuous meal!
- Sumptuous meal!

I feel a little thrown off balance.

Let's regroup, everybody!


I'm itchy, Elder Brother...

Yeah, itchy...

My punches aren't having
any effect whatsoever...

Crappy news pass us by

And you become speechless

My voice is way too soft

So you don't answer

You're crying Crying alone

What can I do? I'm crying too

"Let my lonely scream ring out
through the night"

I'll thrash this confused era
with my speed Yeah

And I'll thrash this confused night
with my speed Yeah

I'll thrash them with my piercing guitar
and my speed Yeah

This sinking world and its evil bastards,
I'll kick their butt Yeah

Damn! What are these two?!

They're not just big!

They can't be beat with
just technique and Jutsu!

Just when I need to get Mizuki!

In any case,
I can't waste time onwith them!

I have to circumvent them somehow
and beat'em to the punch!

Next episode, "A New Squad!
Two People and a Dog?!""