03x22 - Fakeout: Shikamaru's Comeback!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x22 - Fakeout: Shikamaru's Comeback!

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away


Pretty impressive...

You timed it well to scatter
the three to attack.

You must have practiced quite a bit, huh?

Since it is a pretty complicated song...


Not only did you
immediately understand

that I'm manipulating
these guys with my flute

but you understood
how difficult this song is.

You're a pretty impressive punk.

But you can't completely
understand this song.

True... Since art is so foreign to me.

But since she uses that flute
to manipulate,

it means that song must contain
individually specific sound patterns

to control each and every movement
of those guys...

I'm pretty confident when it comes
to just analyzing,

but this time it's not looking good.

The reason is...

I don't understand
musical notes whatsoever.

Fakeout. Shikamaru's Comeback!

I'll specially show you
the Camellia Dance next.

I'll crush you!

You shouldn't say things
you can't even do.

Shut up!


I told you.

This bone is harder than steel.

You should have a taste of it
with your own body.


There's no one that's heard
this song and lived.

Finale, Ninth Passage,
Demon Revolution!

The melody's changed!

Something's gonna come!

What the?!


This is...?

The speed at which he flees
after determining

that these Material Ghosts
are dangerous...

Pretty impressive.


I've used my precious Paper Bombs
and Smoke Bombs all at once

and all I could do was hide.

That white one...

bit off my physical energy.

Seeing that shuriken passed through,

that thing is semi-materialistic
with very little mass.

It's Chakra itself with an appetite.

It's probably Chakra that's shaped
mostly by mental energy.

That's why it seeks stability
and craves for physical energy.

If I continue dealing with
those "Hungry Chakra"

I won't be able to build up my Chakra.

They're pretty dangerous.

She's a Shinobi who can
make special Chakra like me...

It's without a doubt, a Secret Ninjutsu.

Which means I should leave
the white thing alone

and aim for the main body!

The quickest way would be
to stop the sound of the flute, but...

it'd be impossible to get close to
that woman in this situation.

The next thing would be to capture
those three with Shadow Possession Jutsu.

But that's difficult too since they're
attacking me separately at different times.

If I let even one escape
I'd be att*cked and it'd be the end...

There aren't any openings in
either offense or defense this woman...

Heh! She might be
a pretty good Shogi player.

My remaining Ninja tools
are twelve kunai knives,

nine shuriken, twelve meters of wire,
one Flash b*mb and one Paper b*mb...


I feel like I'm playing without
rooks or bishops.

Did I lose them?

I guess that's not possible...


Here. Eat this, Akamaru.

If you don't eat you won't
get your strength back.

All right. Akamaru, let's go!

There's the issue of those guys too...

Dance of the Camellia!

There's no use hiding.

Unless you can predict
these guys' movements

there's nowhere you can run, little rat.

I'll find you and break you
into pieces right away!

Now then...

All right. Everything's ready.
All that remains is to do it.

There'll be nine att*cks.

The outcome will be decided
during the att*cks.



Wishful thinking!

The Jutsu manipulated by
this sound is invincible.

Whatever plans you have
to win against me...is useless!


Scampering around, you little rat!
Where are you?!


So you're over there!


So it's a cheap trick.
You think you can make a fool of me?!



Scurrying around to get away.
What is he thinking?



Oh no!

He's lengthened the shadows
with light and...

Shadow Possession Jutsu!

Shadow Possession Jutsu...
a success!

That's impossible...

How were you able to predict
these guys' movements?!

There's no way you could have heard
the differences in my music patterns!

I wasn't listening to
the sounds at all.

There's something other
than the sounds

that give away your command patterns,
isn't there?

Your fingers!

It can't be!

The movement of the three...

Are you saying you memorized
my finger movements and predicted?

There's no way that's possible!

Your right index finger
and ring finger...

The sound that you make
with those

along with the left middle finger
and pinkie,

that middle crab pincher man
stands ready.

Your right thumb and index finger,

and your left index finger and pinkie,
the club man charges.

While you were dodging my att*cks
and looking for me,

I was observing each and every one
of your finger moves in detail...

analyzing and memorizing them.

It's no use...

They're bound by
Shadow Possession Jutsu.

The most interesting rule
of the Shogi play is that

you can use pieces you obtain
as your own pieces.

From here on out...
it's my turn to attack...

This time I'll hunt you down
using the three pieces.

You're looking pretty composed.

Stand ready with a kunai knife
at least.

My w*apon is just this flute!

I told you that there hasn't been a person

who's heard the sound of
this flute and lived, idiot!

That's some confidence!


Too bad you aren't able to
use the pieces, hey!

Next it's my turn!


Shadow Possession Jutsu,

I told you.

That I'd hunt you down
using the pieces.

I used the three pieces as bait.

In attacking, the first hand
is the trick, a fake.

The basics are to score
with the second hand.


It can't be helped.

Now that it's come to this
I'll need to force out with power.

I didn't think that I'd get to
second state in a place like this...

It ticks me off but...

I'll acknowledge it.

This guy was a pretty impressive scum.

What is...this?

It's true you're somewhat sharp, but...

It won't go as
you've planned from here!


Is she gonna force herself out
of the Shadow Possession Jutsu?

What's with that tremendous Chakra?

The Jutsu's gonna come loose!

I can't be worrying about
saving Chakra anymore.

There's no other way
but to use that Jutsu!

Ninja Art: Shadow Strangle Jutsu!

Is he grabbing my body
with the shadow?

It's just as if I'm being grabbed
by a real hand...

But, no more than this!

Damn! What an incredible strength.

At this distance
I'll lose to that strength!

Take this!

Demon Flute. Chains of Fantasia!

This is bad!

Is this a...Genjutsu?

Where are you aiming?

I can't move my body...

While in second stage,

I manipulate many Genjutsu
with my flute.

Of those, this one is
an appropriate for that little rat.

The reason is...

This Genjutsu stops the movement
of the prey and ties it up!

How's that? How's it feel to
be the one tied up?

So this was your last move huh?
Unfortunately, it's a return checkmate!

Little rat!


This guy...

He broke his own finger
with his own shadow!

Did he release the Genjutsu
with that pain?

On top of that, he kept pretending to
be bound by the Jutsu?!

I told you this already

that the first hand is the trick,
a fake.

The basics are to score
with the second move.

Moreover this second move...
it's a little different from earlier.

With the Shadow Strangle Jutsu,

the closer in distance you are
to the subject the stronger the hold.

Damn. I carelessly got too close...

No, that's not it.

The most careless thing was
the words you said earlier,

"my w*apon is just the flute."

You're looking pretty composed.

Stand ready with a kunai knife at least.

My w*apon is just this flute!

I told you that
there hasn't been a person

who's heard the sound of this flute
and lived, idiot!

No way...

That's right.

The reason I threw the kunai knife
right in front of you and missed...

was to lead you to pick it up
and come closer to me, you see?

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

Would you think it was
a bother if I approached you?

Despite my doubts,
I worked up my courage

My clumsy attempts with words

You listened without turning away

No wonder I get carried away by you

But you don't feel anything for me, do you?

I feel so sad


For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

No way, that's ridiculous!

Am I having a dream or something?!

But it's too intense to be a dream!

That suit with its outstanding
ventilation and supple fit.

On top of that, those eyes,
that hair, those eyebrows!

You! Why are you here...?!

I sense the approach of a storm!
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