03x20 - Roar and Howl! The Ultimate Tag Team

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x20 - Roar and Howl! The Ultimate Tag Team

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away


Roar and Howl!
The Ultimate Tag Team!

Got you!


What's going on?!

I felt a response to my attack,
but it didn't work.

And where did his attack
come from?

Listen, Akamaru.

We're gonna attack from both sides
with Fang Over Fang.

Here we go!

Fang Over Fang

Summoning Jutsu!

This doesn't look so good.

I'll play a melody of death for you.

What's with this guy?


Two on two is perfect,
right, Sakon?

How could the Sound Ninja Four
take so much time?

Did they send such strong people
after them who could hold them up...

or are they playing around too much?

Well, the one that's probably
delaying things is...

either Jirobo who gets hungry a lot,
or Kidomaru who likes to play.

But the one that's
the most dangerous

when he loses his temper
is Sakon.

He's not satisfied until
he kills his opponent,

even though he should
just leave things be.

He thinks he's the strongest of
the four, so he shows off.

I wonder if that's so...

Tayuya has a personality that's
neck and neck with Sakon.

But in any case,
nothing bad will happen

since we sent that kid...


He'll surely clean up anything that is
not good for me.

I will never let you take Sasuke!

There's a lot of trash scattered about.

But after all, trash is trash.

It simply needs to be cleaned up.

Shut up!

Come on.

I'll crush you!

So this is the so called
melody of death.

So she's manipulating them
with the sound of the flute.

Damn! She's getting
further and further away.

What should I do?!
What is it that I should do?!


This is really looking bad!


Oh, so you're the real one!

Multiple Fists Barrage!

One more!

My brother and I get along very well.

Usually, my older brother Ukon
sleeps inside of me,

but when there's a fight
he comes out and helps out.

This is this guy's ability.

Ukon can stick out
his arms and legs, his head,

from anywhere in my body
and att*cks or defends.

Like this you see...

Multiple Legs Barrage!

It's a three legged kick.
Works well, doesn't it?

So next, it's...!

There's no time to waste, Sakon.

We'll finish this quickly!
Get into the second state!

All right, all right...

You're too impatient, bro.

I see, you're saying those horns
aren't just for display, huh?

As soon as that right one came out,

his Chakra increased
by several tenfold.


It seemed hopeless before,
but now it's really bad.

What's your liking, bro?

In pieces.

So now,
perhaps it's time to get serious.

I'll take care of you all at once.

Such confident words!
But those are my lines!

sh**t! These guys are persistent!

But it's starting to
get clearer to me.

But the problem is
from here on out.

Damn! Am I completely out of hands?

What?! You're saying
we're gonna do that?!

No, Akamaru!

It's too dangerous to do it here
without our comrades!

You understand, don't you?

If we use that Jutsu,

both you and I will use up
most of our Chakra

and won't be able to move.

If we miss, we'll die here in vain.


What a pitiful master I am...
that you had to bite me.

I understand, Akamaru.

Just like you said,
we only have that left!

Wolf Fang Over Fang!

Now, Akamaru!


Do it well...Akamaru!

Show them the results of the training!

It's Dynamic Marking!

Playing dirty like that!

All preparations are done!

Inuzuka Style!
Man Beast Transformation Combo!

Two Headed Wolf!

I wondered what it was going
to be and

it turned out to be
a drooling runt of a dog.

What can a dog like this do?

Take this!


Sakon, what're you doing!
To the right!


Wolf Fang Over Fang!

Heh! How's that!

Wolf Fang Over Fang revolution speed
is too fast.

It's such an intense high revolution that
even our visibility becomes zero.

Even without direct contact,
flesh is cut...

A direct hit from the blow
and you're in pieces.

Really... getting carried away...

This is perfect.
We were just thinking of separating soon.

What?! He divided into two people?!

It's true...

Had we fully received the blow as one,
it would've been bad, but...

The real battle begins now.

Damn it...

Yeah... I know Akamaru.

One more shot of
Wolf Fang Over Fang.

The next one is our limit.

We'll take them down with this!

Wolf Fang Over Fang!

It's no use hiding!

I told you we don't chase
with our eyes!

We attack by chasing smells
we've marked with our noses!

- A!
- Un!

- Summoning...
- Summoning...

- Rashomon!
- Rashomon!

That's an impressive power...

To turn Rashomon,

the ultimate shield to protect
Lord Orochimaru into this shape.


- This is the end!
- This is the end!


To protect me, you...

Damn! He did it again!

My eyes...!


This time it's not ordinary piss!

It feels like my eyes are burning
with strong acid!

Where's the other one?!


Who are you looking for?

I'll take care of the rest.
Go wash your eyes in that river.

This is my ability...
specialized in assassination, of course.

You can't beat me by
just having a good nose and nails.

You can't beat my ability!

You know that the Chakra Network
through which Chakra flows

is deeply interwoven with each
internal organ, right?

The Chakra Network is interwoven
in a variety of complicated ways

and is linked to the tissues that
make up each organ.

A Iso to each cell that makes up
the tissues,

as well as even to proteins,
which are the main component of cells...

At the second state,

I can dismantle or reconstruct these cells
or proteins as I wish by using Chakra.

To put it simply,

I can turn my body into tiny pieces,
enter my opponent's body...

return to my original form
and come back out.


I'm sorry... Akamaru...!

We've always done things together...

we were together,
always and everywhere.

Yahoo! Good boy, Akamaru!

Yahoo! We're lucky that the people
who got into our trap had Earth Scroll!

With our luck like this,
we'll reach the goal first.

Akamaru is frightened
all of a sudden.

He can smell the strength of
an oppoenent's Chakra.

I've never seen him this scared...

The people fighting over there must
be something...

The Seventh Round Battle.
Naruto Uzumaki vs. Kiba Inuzuka.

Hey! First of all, don't you bring
a puppy in here!

He'll get in the way of our battle!

Idiot! Akamaru is fighting along with me!

Now then...

Let's go, Akamaru!

Eat this!


Naruto... I'm taking Akamaru back.

Wh-What?! What did you feed him?
His coating has changed to red!

That's why his name is Akamaru.

Let's go, Akamaru!

Beast Mimicry Ninja Art:

Man Beast Clone!

Let's go! All-Four...


An opening!

Take this!
Man Beast Ultimate Taijutsu!

Fang Over Fang


Here, Food Pills.

Akamaru! Human Mimicry Ninja Art!

Fang Over Fang

However, this one time,
I'm sunk...

My cells can swim inside
your body as I wish,

and I can even create parts
that are only you.

In other words,
a little bit of a fusion condition.

A sharing of the flesh is what it'll be.

A sharing?

That's right... and a cruel way
of k*lling that only I can accomplish...

The gradual scraping away
of just your cells.

I see.

If that's the case...!

If I do this, what's gonna happen?

su1c1de?! That's ridiculous!

Die with me...

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

Would you think it was
a bother if I approached you?

Despite my doubts,
I worked up my courage

My clumsy attempts with words

You listened without turning away

No wonder I get carried away by you

But you don't feel anything for me, do you?

I feel so sad


For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

And you smiled

For the first time, I was able to speak

In my own words

For the first time, I spoke to you

What is this guy?
Kekkei Genkai?!

Damn it! I've never heard
or seen this kind of technique!

Despite the fact that
this many are attacking him,

my att*cks don't even faze him!

I don't know if it's
the "Five Dances" or what,

but I'll take care of them all!
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