03x14 - Good-bye Old Friend...! I'll Always Believe in You!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x14 - Good-bye Old Friend...! I'll Always Believe in You!

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

Shikamaru always believed in me...

More than myself or Neji or
any of us here... He is stronger!

Let's go, fatso!

Don't YOU say that!

Partial Expansion Jutsu...


Partial Expansion Jutsu...


Partial Expansion Jutsu...


Don't mess with me! Scum!

Eat this!


Super Expansion Jutsu!

Good bye Old Friend!
I'll Always Believe in You!

I did it... Shikamaru...


I can't believe I had to get to
the second state

for an opponent like this one...

Slamming Palm

What... What is that appearance?!

Now that it's come to this, it's over.

In the second state, I can put out ten times
more power than I have thus far.

I'm invincible.

It's too painful to move...

Who knew that the side effects
of the Curry Pill would be this intense.

This is what happens...

to a powerless scum for butting in!

Playing Ninja better suits you!

Raise your hand if you're playing Ninja.


Rock, paper... scissors!


One, two, three...


99... 100!

Hey! I said, split!


Found you!

Give up quietly, the two of you!

We finally caught'em!

I'm sick of this!
The team with Choji always loses!


I need a lot of Chakra
for this "second state."

I'll take whatever Chakra
you have left!

Well then, I'll take them now.

There's not much left...

You're empty!

I haven't had nearly enough to eat...

I said I haven't had enough to eat!


What, just one last piece, huh...

When I said I haven't had
enough to eat...

Just as I thought, you're the scum
used as a sacrificial pawn.

Die... you pitiful fatso, the odd man out.

I won't let you play Ninja with us!


Because if we let you play,
we'll lose.

You're slow.

Yeah, but... then the number
of people won't be even.

Japanese chess is fun
because the number of pieces are even.

A piece that is useless is
the same as not having that piece!

Yeah, that's right!

We're the ones with fewer people
and we're not complaining.

Hurry up, let's do it!

If it's okay with you, then it's fine...

Okay, it's settled!

We can win it!


Where are we gonna hide this time?

And um, the whole Akimichi Clan
is fat and slow...

That's what everyone says.


But Choji, you're a kindhearted guy...
more than everyone else.

One day, you'll surely make friends
who'll see that quality of yours.

And then you should cherish
those friends

and be the kind of friends
who believe in each other...

Can I really make... friends like that...
someone like me?

Rest in peace...

you're not the only one
I'm going to get.

After I k*ll you,

I'm going to get the cruel, sleazy,
mean guys who used you as a sacrifice!

Because he... promised...

You better catch up with us... Choji.


He's definitely going to defeat
the opponent and come after us!


That's right... he can do it.

Okay! While I'm here...

Me too...

All right, everyone,

we get Sasuke back
before Choji catches up!


All right! Here we come!

He's late... that Jirobo...

He's greedy and eats so much...

He's probably squeezing out Chakra
even from the marrow of their bones.

I wish he had switched
with me already...

Here, I'll give it back!

Well, then...

If I linger,
I won't be able to catch up.

It's about time to put an end to this.

The Chili Pepper Pill is left...

But... if I take that...
I'll die, without a doubt...

Don't you dare die, Choji...

We've been doing things together
since that day...

Oh! You...

You... were there just now...

What about playing Ninja?

It was a drag,
so I pulled myself out from it.


By the way, that's my special seat.

Your special seat?

I like to lie on my back and
look at the clouds on a nice day like this.

You've come to look at clouds?

Mind if I sit there?

Oh... sure!

This is a good place.
You can see the clouds well.


Why don't you...


Watch the clouds with me
and lounge around?


You know! I-I brought snacks.
Want some?

Oh, that'd be great!


Eating potato chips
while watching clouds... this is the best.


My name is Shikamaru...
from the Nara Clan.

You... What's your name?

It's Choji! Choji Akimichi
of the Akimichi Clan!

Choji, huh...
I think I'll get along with you.

Me, too!

We'll always do things together
from now on, too.


Shikamaru... Sorry... I can't go...

It's over...

But, this guy...

I have to beat him...
even if it means death.

No matter what you do now,
it's too late!

Crushing Palm!

Wh-What's that...?


Boulder Blow!

It's no good!

I'm 100 times stronger than before!

They say that food
can be a reason

for people to hold a horrible grudge
against somebody.

The blow just now...
was for eating the last bite of my snack...

No way!

This guy has so much Chakra that
his body has changed physically!

And this is...

for making fun of me by calling me
a sacrificial pawn and fat!

But what I can't forgive you for
more than anything else...

You sure do suffer when
you have a stupid leader. You underlings!

Well... I'll k*ll you losers

before you suffer working
under a glum shadow lover like him!

You should blame your stupid leader
for choosing you!

You insulted my best friend!

More than mocking me
by calling me fat,

and poaching the last bite
of a four star meal...

I can't forgive you for that!

All of my Chakra... to my left hand!

Uh, uh oh!

This blow... is heavier than my life!

W-Wait! Don't be hasty!

I... I won.

Me... I won!


But Choji...

you're a kindhearted guy,
more than everyone else...

One day, you'll surely make friends
who'll see that part of you...

And then you should cherish
those friends

and be the kind of friends
who believe in each other.

"Hurry up and get over here."
It's Naruto.

"Everyone's waiting."


Ino Shika Cho!

Even if it is just potato chips,

I won't let anybody else have
the last piece, no matter who you are.

Choji and I have worked as a team
for many years,

so coordinating with him
is easiest for me.


I've made... a lot of friends...

What happened?


Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Take this!

Fang Over Fang!


That damn spider bastard!

Me, Naruto, Kiba and Neji.
Our careful planning is not working!

If we dawdle Sasuke will be gone!

Hey, what should we do?!

If we want to continue our pursuit,
there's only one way to do it!

Next time: "Your Opponent is Me!"
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